7 resultados para distributive lattices

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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We consider exciton optical absorption in quasiperiodic lattices, focusing our attention on the Fibonacci case as a typical example. The absorption spectrum is evaluated by solving numerically the equation of motion of the Frenkel-exciton problem on the lattice, in which on-site energies take on two values according to the Fibonacci sequence. We find that the quasiperiodic order causes the occurrence of well-defined characteristic features in the absorption spectra. We also develop an analytical method that relates satellite lines with the Fourier pattern of the lattice. Our predictions can be used to determine experimentally the long-range quasiperiodic order from optical measurements.


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We investigate some topological properties, in particular formality, of compact Sasakian manifolds. Answering some questions raised by Boyer and Galicki, we prove that all higher (than three) Massey products on any compact Sasakian manifold vanish. Hence, higher Massey products do obstruct Sasakian structures. Using this, we produce a method of constructing simply connected K-contact non-Sasakian manifolds. On the other hand, for every n > 3, we exhibit the first examples of simply connected compact Sasakian manifolds of dimension 2n + 1 that are non-formal. They are non-formal because they have a non-zero triple Massey product. We also prove that arithmetic lattices in some simple Lie groups cannot be the fundamental group of a compact Sasakian manifold.


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We present a massive equilibrium simulation of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass at low temperatures. The Janus special-purpose computer has allowed us to equilibrate, using parallel tempering, L = 32 lattices down to T ≈ 0.64Tc. We demonstrate the relevance of equilibrium finite-size simulations to understand experimental non-equilibrium spin glasses in the thermodynamical limit by establishing a time-length dictionary. We conclude that non-equilibrium experiments performed on a time scale of one hour can be matched with equilibrium results on L ≈ 110 lattices. A detailed investigation of the probability distribution functions of the spin and link overlap, as well as of their correlation functions, shows that Replica Symmetry Breaking is the appropriate theoretical framework for the physically relevant length scales. Besides, we improve over existing methodologies to ensure equilibration in parallel tempering simulations.


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We present a mean field model for spin glasses with a natural notion of distance built in, namely, the Edwards-Anderson model on the diluted D-dimensional unit hypercube in the limit of large D. We show that finite D effects are strongly dependent on the connectivity, being much smaller for a fixed coordination number. We solve the nontrivial problem of generating these lattices. Afterward, we numerically study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the mean field spin glass. Our three main findings are the following: i the dynamics is ruled by an infinite number of time sectors, ii the aging dynamics consists of the growth of coherent domains with a nonvanishing surface-volume ratio, and iii the propagator in Fourier space follows the p4 law. We study as well the finite D effects in the nonequilibrium dynamics, finding that a naive finite size scaling ansatz works surprisingly well.


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We present Tethered Monte Carlo, a simple, general purpose method of computing the effective potential of the order parameter (Helmholtz free energy). This formalism is based on a new statistical ensemble, closely related to the micromagnetic one, but with an extended configuration space (through Creutz-like demons). Canonical averages for arbitrary values of the external magnetic field are computed without additional simulations. The method is put to work in the two-dimensional Ising model, where the existence of exact results enables us to perform high precision checks. A rather peculiar feature of our implementation, which employs a local Metropolis algorithm, is the total absence, within errors, of critical slowing down for magnetic observables. Indeed, high accuracy results are presented for lattices as large as L = 1024.


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We present Tethered Monte Carlo, a simple, general purpose method of computing the effective potential of the order parameter (Helmholtz free energy). This formalism is based on a new statistical ensemble, closely related to the micromagnetic one, but with an extended configuration space (through Creutz-like demons). Canonical averages for arbitrary values of the external magnetic field are computed without additional simulations. The method is put to work in the two-dimensional Ising model, where the existence of exact results enables us to perform high precision checks. A rather peculiar feature of our implementation, which employs a local Metropolis algorithm, is the total absence, within errors, of critical slowing down for magnetic observables. Indeed, high accuracy results are presented for lattices as large as L = 1024.


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The out of equilibrium evolution for an Edwards‐Anderson spin glass is followed for a tenth of a second, a long enough time to let us make safe predictions about the behaviour at experimental scales. This work has been made possible by Janus, an FPGA based special purpose computer. We have thoroughly studied the spin glass correlation functions and the growth of the coherence length for L = 80 lattices in 3D. Our main conclusion is that these spin glasses follow noncoarsening dynamics, at least up to the experimentally relevant time scales.