3 resultados para combating terrorism
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
With the re-emergence of insurgency tied to terrorism, governments need to strategically manage their communications. This paper analyzes the effect of the Spanish government’s messaging in the face of the Madrid bombing of March 11, 2004: unlike what happened with the 9/11 bombings in the USA and the 7/07 London attacks, the Spanish media did not support the government’s framing of the events. Taking framing as a strategic action in a discursive form (Pan & Kosicki, 2003), and in the context of the attribution theory of responsibilities, this research uses the “cascading activation” model (Entman, 2003, 2004) to explore how a framing contest was generated in the press. Analysis of the coverage shows that the intended government frame triggered a battle among the different major newspapers, leading editorials to shift their frame over the four days prior to the national elections. This research analyzes strategic contests in framing processes and contributes insight into the interactions among the different sides (government, parties, media, and citizens) to help bring about an understanding of the rebuttal effect of the government’s intended frame. It also helps to develop an understanding of the role of the media and the influence of citizens’ frames on media content.
El terrorismo es un grave problema mundial que cada año afecta a un número muy elevado de personas. Solamente en el año 2014 se produjeron en el mundo 13.463 atentados terroristas que provocaron 32.727 muertos, 34.791 heridos y 9.428 secuestrados (National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism [START], 2015). En España el número de personas fallecidas por atentados terroristas en los últimos 45 años es de 1.220, a las que habría que sumar los miles de heridos y de familiares y allegados de personas fallecidas y heridas. Aunque la mayoría de las víctimas no desarrollarán trastornos mentales a causa de los atentados terroristas y conseguirán recuperarse sin secuelas psicopatológicas significativas, un porcentaje importante sufrirán un trastorno por estrés postraumático (TEPT), depresivo o de ansiedad (García-Vera y Sanz, 2010, 2015). Entre las víctimas directas, la prevalencia del TEPT se ha estimado entre un 10% y un 30% (DiMaggio y Galea, 2006; García-Vera y Sanz, 2015), la del trastorno depresivo mayor entre un 13,3% y un 47,7% y la de los trastornos de ansiedad entre un 6,1% y un 19,8% (García-Vera y Sanz, 2010; Salguero, Fernández-Berrocal, Iruarrizaga, Cano-Vindel, y Galea, 2011). Además, en muchos casos, tales trastornos no parecen remitir con el tiempo y parecen crónicos (García-Vera y Sanz, 2010; Morina, Wicherts, Lobbrecht y Priebe, 2014)...
In my eight years as a professional journalist, I have been a front line observer of the extreme level of violence which occurs everyday in our society. As victims, consumers or perpetrators of violence, this phenomenon is now a part of our existence. As a reporter for the Spanish national newspaper El País I have been witness to the most terrible acts of violence. In Venezuela, with one of the highest rates of criminality in the world, I saw piles of bodies stacked up in mortuaries. In Argentina, I reported on the most brutal crimes including the rape of children by policemen. I believe that my interest in the manifestations and causes of violence was aroused during my time as a journalist. On a personal level, I was deeply affected by the twin poles of attraction/repulsion which the violent images produced in me. The first time I visited New York in 2003, I talked to various people who were selling photos of the victims of the Twin Tower attacks. They had laid out their wares along the wire fence that separated Ground Zero from the main public areas. One particular photograph made an indelible impression on my mind: a ghost like corpse covered in white dust which was streaked with blood. It is an image I will never forget. If I remember well, a complete album of these gruesome images cost about ten dollars. At the same time, I also became interested in islamic terrorism: its complexity and the great impact it has made on Western society. One only has to look at the front page of the press around the world to read about war, terrorism or the constant violation of human rights. The words Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Boko Haram and Islamic State have sadly become parts of our everyday language. The nihilistic philosophy which promisess eternal life in exchange for self-inmolation is a new, highly worrying reality, especially painful when it involves young people who become indoctrinated through the social media. They have become the most loyal supporters of a fanatical and uncompromising version of Islam. The stark reality is that these young recruits to Jihad (holy war) were born in places like London, Paris, Rome or Madrid...