4 resultados para color signals environmental effects

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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La migración es una respuesta a cambios estacionales del clima generando desplazamientos periódicos entre hábitats de cría y de invernada, permitiendo así el uso temporal de los recursos disponibles. La migración implica unos costes energéticos muy elevados, un aumento de la depredación potencial, variaciones ambientales y una disponibilidad de alimento impredecible a lo largo de la ruta migratoria; por lo que es una de las actividades más desafiantes de su ciclo vital. A pesar de ello, los beneficios de la migración compensan sus costes. La migración está programada genéticamente, siendo relativamente constante en su momento, distancia y dirección. Por otro lado, ambiente juega un papel predominante en algunas poblaciones, pudiendo modificar el comportamiento migratorio de una estrategia parcial o facultativa a un modo de vida sedentario. Con el fin de describir el origen y evolución del comportamiento migratorio en aves, se ha propuesto un “modelo de umbral” genético para determinar si un ave es migrante o sedentaria. Dentro de una variable continua (p.ej. la concentración de proteínas u hormonas), este modelo asume que existe una actividad migratoria subyacente implicada en su expresión génica. Este umbral divide cada variable en categorías dicotómicas que definen el fenotipo de un individuo. Los ejemplares sin actividad migratoria muestran valores por debajo de este umbral, siendo clasificados como sedentarios, mientras que los ejemplares migrantes muestran valores por encima del umbral definido. Los cambios de estrategia vital no dependen únicamente de la posición del umbral determinado genéticamente sino también de las variables ambientales, por lo que dichas variaciones deben ser añadidas al modelo. Este modelo de umbral ambiental predice que el carácter migratorio de los individuos situados en los extremos de distribución no se encuentra afectado por los factores ambientales, mientras que aquellos más próximos al umbral pueden más fácilmente cambiar su estrategia migratoria...


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The spectrum of terahertz (THz) emission in gases via ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses is analyzed by means of a semi-analytic model and numerical simulations in 1D, 2D and 3D geometries taking into account propagation effects of both pump and THz fields. We show that produced THz signals interact with free electron trajectories and thus significantly influence further THz generation upon propagation, i.e., make the process inherently nonlocal. This self-action contributes to the observed strong spectral broadening of the generated THz field. We show that diffraction of the generated THz radiation is the limiting factor for the co-propagating low frequency amplitudes and thus for the self-action mechanism in 2D and 3D geometries.


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The interactions between host individual, host population, and environmental factors modulate parasite abundance in a given host population. Since adult exophilic ticks are highly aggregated in red deer (Cervus elaphus) and this ungulate exhibits significant sexual size dimorphism, life history traits and segregation, we hypothesized that tick parasitism on males and hinds would be differentially influenced by each of these factors. To test the hypothesis, ticks from 306 red deer-182 males and 124 females-were collected during 7 years in a red deer population in south-central Spain. By using generalized linear models, with a negative binomial error distribution and a logarithmic link function, we modeled tick abundance on deer with 20 potential predictors. Three models were developed: one for red deer males, another for hinds, and one combining data for males and females and including "sex" as factor. Our rationale was that if tick burdens on males and hinds relate to the explanatory factors in a differential way, it is not possible to precisely and accurately predict the tick burden on one sex using the model fitted on the other sex, or with the model that combines data from both sexes. Our results showed that deer males were the primary target for ticks, the weight of each factor differed between sexes, and each sex specific model was not able to accurately predict burdens on the animals of the other sex. That is, results support for sex-biased differences. The higher weight of host individual and population factors in the model for males show that intrinsic deer factors more strongly explain tick burden than environmental host-seeking tick abundance. In contrast, environmental variables predominated in the models explaining tick burdens in hinds.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of the stimulation and inhibition of the ventral part of the medial prefrontal cortex (infralimbic cortex) on basal and stress-induced plasma levels of corticosterone and on the acquisition of aversive memory in animals maintained in control and environmental enrichment (EE) conditions. Intracortical microinjections of the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin and agonist muscimol were performed in male Wistar rats to stimulate and inhibit, respectively, the activity of the infralimbic cortex. Injections were performed 60 min before foot shock stress and training in the inhibitory avoidance task. Picrotoxin injections into the infralimbic cortex increased basal plasma levels of corticosterone. These increases were higher in EE rats which suggest that EE enhances the control exerted by infralimbic cortex over the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and corticosterone release. Muscimol injections into the infralimbic cortex reduced the stress-induced plasma levels of corticosterone and the retention latency 24 h after training in the inhibitory avoidance performance in control and EE animals, respectively. These results further suggest that the infralimbic cortex is required for the activation of the HPA axis during stress and for the acquisition of contextual aversive memories.