3 resultados para Vieira, Antonio, 1608-1697 Crítica e interpretação
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
La hiptesis de partida de esta tesis es que la teora de las Relaciones Internacionales (RRII) se encuentra ante un problema de carcter filosfico que impide su adecuada fundamentacin. El objeto mismo de la teora de las RRII ha sido foco de numerosas disputas a lo largo y ancho de los debates con que la disciplina ha explicado sus diversos posicionamientos y enfoques. De igual manera, diferentes aproximaciones metodolgicas han ido evolucionando al albur de los avances que la Filosofa de la Ciencia vena incorporando. As, los diversos puntos de vista han tratado de adaptarse a las novedades de carcter epistemolgico que incorporaba la Teora de la Ciencia en forma de nuevos paradigmas y programas de investigacin sin detenerse lo suficiente en revisar los postulados sustanciales sobre los que parti y se desarrollaron las distintas teorizaciones. Con demasiada frecuencia, los conceptos que guiaron los esfuerzos de la revisin de dichos postulados fueron utilizados de forma superficial, tratando con ello ms bien de sustentar las teoras pre-configuradas que de realizar una aproximacin reflexiva a la realidad sobre la que se pretenda teorizar, lo que ha evidenciado una insuficiencia conceptual de la teora de las RRII para hacer frente a la realidad (Ashley 1984; Bohman 2009; Cox y Schechter 2002; Jackson 2008; Lapid 2003; Monteiro y Ruby 2009; Walker 1993)...
La tradicin dramtica aceptada como importante desde Eurpides hasta nuestros das ha sido aquella susceptible de perdurar a travs de la transcripcin grfica, tanto del documento dramtico original, como de todos aquellos documentos grficos relacionados con l. Todos ellos dan fe de los efectos que el hecho teatral -en cualquiera de sus formas- ha tenido en la sociedad en la que vean la luz, as como en las sociedades donde se ha ido reproduciendo a lo largo de la historia. Juan Antonio Hormign concluye sobre est relacin:1 Los procesos productivos teatrales se inscriben indefectiblemente en un marco social. Entre stos y la sociedad en la que se enmarcan existe una relacin de dependencia e influencias mutuas que son siempre expresin ideolgica del papel de la cultura, de un aspecto de la realidad y de la misin y funcionalidad de la cultura en su dinmica.1 Aunque la era de las telecomunicaciones haya solapado en parte al grafismo en todas sus variantes, no cabe duda de que la prensa grfica literaria sigue siendo una referencia bsica a la hora del anlisis cientfico, como de la mera curiosidad que indague en cualquier acontecimiento relacionado con cualquier hecho teatral. Transcripcin grfica de la obra intelectual primero, transcripcin fsica en las diferentes revisiones que se suben a un escenario despus, y transcripcin (o interpretacin) literaria en los medios grficos especializados se vuelven, pues, prenda de cualidad y consideracin pblica. Son el equivalente del mrmol dentro del rea de la escultura"...
Alfonso de Cartagena (1385-1456), possibly the most representative figure of the courtly, political and cultural dimension built around Juan II, was the third son of the famous convert Pablo de Santa Maria, Burgos rabbi and, later on, bishop of that same town. He started his career as governor of Cartagenas cathedral, afterwards he was named dean of Santiago and Segovia, canon of Burgos and, after his fathers death, bishop of Burgos. Alternatively, he played a vital role in Castiles national and international politics, as an ambassador in Portugals court, at Basels council and before Polands and Germanys kings. His work, written both in Latin and Romance, either as an historian, treatise writer, theologist or translator, is quite broad; his literary connections were strong either with Italian humanists or with those who were fond of the language arts from Spain. The first part of this Thesis seeks to provide a wide enough perspective of the author, for which we place the emphasis on the most distinctive aspects of his life. Therefore, we divided the introduction in three sections: a biographical overview, his work and, last, a study on the Memoriale uirtutum itself. Thus, regarding the first aspect, we focus on the course of his life (1.1), where we can highlight his university education, which isnt restricted to his training as a jurist, but we also observe that his mental vitality takes him to develop certain inquisitiveness for Moral Philosophy or Latin, which leads him to study Grammar and Rhetoric; this would allow the influence of studia humanitatis to emerge, although he never got to learn the Greek language, as we can deduce from the epistolary confrontation between him and Leonardo Bruni. We also focus on the significance of his Jewish past, upon the defence of the converts during the massacre experienced in the XVth century (1.2), and on his presence at Basels council (1.3). Despite the fact that his work as a diplomat begins during the missions in Portugal as an emissary of king Juan II, he will get recognition owing to his legation in Basel, not only among the European ecclesiastics, but also among the scholars from Italy; the importance of Basels council in Cartagenas life goes beyond his official work there, either as defending the Castilian interests, or as an active member of the purely conciliar functions, since it also had a huge impact in his intellectual growth. During this time period, Cartagena establishes a friendship with Pizzolpaso, Bishop of Milan, writer, humanist, and friend of Leonardo Bruni. As a result of this type of relationship with men of such high cultural standard, he re-awakens the study of the Classical antiquity among his contemporaries, developing a huge interest in the Greco-Roman masterpieces, which will bring him closely to the highly-regarded Spanish humanists of the XVIth century...