4 resultados para Semiconductor doping, Neutron transmutation.
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
We study electron dynamics in a two-band δ-doped semiconductor within the envelope-function approximation. Using a simple parametrization of the confining potential arising from the ionized donors in the δ -doping layer, we are able to find exact solutions of the Dirac-type equation describing the coupling of host bands. As an application we then consider Si δ -doped GaAs. In particular we find that the ground subband energy scales as a power law of the Si concentration per unit area in a wide range of doping levels. In addition, the coupling of host bands leads to a depression of the subband energy due to nonparabolicity effects.
El deseo de lograr la victoria con el menor esfuerzo o la garantía de la derrota segura del rival, es un sentimiento tan antiguo como la historia del deporte, para conseguirlo a lo largo del tiempo los métodos, las formas, las sustancias para alterar el rendimiento físico han evolucionado, aunque la intención se mantiene de forma invariable. En nuestros días el doping está presente en la mayoría de los deportes y las carreras de caballos no son una excepción. Por esta razón con el fin de salvaguardar el bienestar animal, la limpieza del deporte y la protección del juego en los hipódromos españoles se realiza “el control del doping”, se practica a los caballos PSI de carreras, hasta ahora, siguiendo las directrices del “Código de la Sociedad Fomento de la Cría Caballar en España” (SFCCE), de esta forma tratamos de impedir el uso fraudulento de sustancias dopantes o el abuso de las sustancias medicamentosas. El control del doping en los hipódromos españoles empezó en 1960, gracias a un acuerdo entre la SFCCE y la Cátedra de Farmacología y Toxicología de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense, de lo sucedido en estos primeros años incluimos en nuestro trabajo un estudio crítico. En 1983 la SFCCE se modernizó y delegó la responsabilidad de los análisis de orina y sangre a un laboratorio homologado por la International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA). Por esta razón, en nuestro trabajo aportamos los datos correspondientes al control del doping de los caballos de carreras en España desde 1983 y hasta diciembre de 2014...
Background: Lifetimes of nuclear excited states in fission fragments have been studied in the past following isotope separation, thus giving access mainly to the fragments' daughters and only to long-lived isomeric states in the primary fragments. For the first time now, short-lived excited states in the primary fragments, produced in neutron-induced prompt fission of U-235 and Pu-241, were studied within the EXILL&FATIMA campaign at the intense neutron-beam facility of the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble. Purpose: We aim to investigate the quadrupole collective properties of neutron-rich even-even Xe-138,Xe-140,Xe-142 isotopes lying between the double shell closure N = 82 and Z = 50 and a deformed region with octupole collectivity. Method: The gamma rays emitted from the excited fragments were detected with a mixed array consisting of 8 HPGe EXOGAM Clover detectors (EXILL) and 16 LaBr3(Ce) fast scintillators (FATIMA). The detector system has the unique ability to select the interesting fragment making use of the high resolution of the HPGe detectors and determine subnanosecond lifetimes using the fast scintillators. For the analysis the generalized centroid difference method was used. Results: We show that quadrupole collectivity increases smoothly with increasing neutron number above the closed N = 82 neutron shell. Our measurements are complemented by state-of-the-art theory calculations based on shell-model descriptions. Conclusions: The observed smooth increase in quadrupole collectivity is similar to the evolution seen in the measured masses of the xenon isotopic chain and is well reproduced by theory. This behavior is in contrast to higher Z even-even nuclei where abrupt change in deformation occurs around N = 90.
In the context of ƒ (R) gravity theories, we show that the apparent mass of a neutron star as seen from an observer at infinity is numerically calculable but requires careful matching, first at the star’s edge, between interior and exterior solutions, none of them being totally Schwarzschild-like but presenting instead small oscillations of the curvature scalar R; and second at large radii, where the Newtonian potential is used to identify the mass of the neutron star. We find that for the same equation of state, this mass definition is always larger than its general relativistic counterpart. We exemplify this with quadratic R^2 and Hu-Sawicki-like modifications of the standard General Relativity action. Therefore, the finding of two-solar mass neutron stars basically imposes no constraint on stable ƒ (R) theories. However, star radii are in general smaller than in General Relativity, which can give an observational handle on such classes of models at the astrophysical level. Both larger masses and smaller matter radii are due to much of the apparent effective energy residing in the outer metric for scalar-tensor theories. Finally, because the ƒ (R) neutron star masses can be much larger than General Relativity counterparts, the total energy available for radiating gravitational waves could be of order several solar masses, and thus a merger of these stars constitutes an interesting wave source.