em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
The synchronization of oscillatory activity in networks of neural networks is usually implemented through coupling the state variables describing neuronal dynamics. In this study we discuss another but complementary mechanism based on a learning process with memory. A driver network motif, acting as a teacher, exhibits winner-less competition (WLC) dynamics, while a driven motif, a learner, tunes its internal couplings according to the oscillations observed in the teacher. We show that under appropriate training the learner motif can dynamically copy the coupling pattern of the teacher and thus synchronize oscillations with the teacher. Then, we demonstrate that the replication of the WLC dynamics occurs for intermediate memory lengths only. In a unidirectional chain of N motifs coupled through teacher-learner paradigm the time interval required for pattern replication grows linearly with the chain size, hence the learning process does not blow up and at the end we observe phase synchronized oscillations along the chain. We also show that in a learning chain closed into a ring the network motifs come to a consensus, i.e. to a state with the same connectivity pattern corresponding to the mean initial pattern averaged over all network motifs.
To exploit the full potential of radio measurements of cosmic-ray air showers at MHz frequencies, a detector timing synchronization within 1 ns is needed. Large distributed radio detector arrays such as the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) rely on timing via the Global Positioning System (GPS) for the synchronization of individual detector station clocks. Unfortunately, GPS timing is expected to have an accuracy no better than about 5 ns. In practice, in particular in AERA, the GPS clocks exhibit drifts on the order of tens of ns. We developed a technique to correct for the GPS drifts, and an independent method is used to cross-check that indeed we reach a nanosecond-scale timing accuracy by this correction. First, we operate a "beacon transmitter" which emits defined sine waves detected by AERA antennas recorded within the physics data. The relative phasing of these sine waves can be used to correct for GPS clock drifts. In addition to this, we observe radio pulses emitted by commercial airplanes, the position of which we determine in real time from Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcasts intercepted with a software-defined radio. From the known source location and the measured arrival times of the pulses we determine relative timing offsets between radio detector stations. We demonstrate with a combined analysis that the two methods give a consistent timing calibration with an accuracy of 2 ns or better. Consequently, the beacon method alone can be used in the future to continuously determine and correct for GPS clock drifts in each individual event measured by AERA.
We study nonequilibrium processes in an isolated quantum system-the Dicke model-focusing on the role played by the transition from integrability to chaos and the presence of excited-state quantum phase transitions. We show that both diagonal and entanglement entropies are abruptly increased by the onset of chaos. Also, this increase ends in both cases just after the system crosses the critical energy of the excited-state quantum phase transition. The link between entropy production, the development of chaos, and the excited-state quantum phase transition is more clear for the entanglement entropy.
The article addresses the analysis of time images furnished by a qualitative research made in Spain on the relations of working time and family/personal time. The analysis focuses on three widespread time metaphors used in day-to-day speeches by social agents. The first one is the metaphor of time as resource for action. Its value is equally economical, moral and political. Used in different context of action, it may mean something that can be either invested, donated generously to others, appropriated for caring for oneself, or spent without purpose with others. The second metaphor represents time as an external environment to which action must adapt. This metaphor shows many variants that represent time as a dynamic/static, repetitive/innovative, ordered/chaotic environment. In this external environment, the agents must resolve the problems of temporal embeddedness, hierarchy and synchronization of their actions. The third metaphor shows time as a horizon of action intentionality where the agents try to construct the meaning of their action and identity. Within this horizon the construction of a significant narrative connecting past and present experiences with future expectations is possible.
Temperature chaos has often been reported in the literature as a rare-event–driven phenomenon. However, this fact has always been ignored in the data analysis, thus erasing the signal of the chaotic behavior (still rare in the sizes achieved) and leading to an overall picture of a weak and gradual phenomenon. On the contrary, our analysis relies on a largedeviations functional that allows to discuss the size dependences. In addition, we had at our disposal unprecedentedly large configurations equilibrated at low temperatures, thanks to the Janus computer. According to our results, when temperature chaos occurs its effects are strong and can be felt even at short distances.
In recent years, the topic of car-following has experimented an increased importance in traffic engineering and safety research. This has become a very interesting topic because of the development of driverless cars (Google driverless cars, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_driverless_car). Driving models which describe the interaction between adjacent vehicles in the same lane have a big interest in simulation modeling, such as the Quick-Thinking-Driver model. A non-linear version of it can be given using the logistic map, and then chaos appears. We show that an infinite-dimensional version of the linear model presents a chaotic behaviour using the same approach as for studying chaos of death models of cell growth.
El volcán Hecates Tholus (32.18°N, 150.28ºE; cuadrante MC-7), de unos 180 km de diámetro y 5.300 metros de altura, es el único edificio de la provincia volcánica de Elysium, en las Tierras Bajas de Marte, en el que se han descrito rasgos geomorfológicos que podrían estar causados por procesos glaciares. Además, distintos autores relacionan la red radial de canales que surcan las laderas del volcán como causadas por la fusión de un antiguo casquete glaciar en la cima del edificio, siendo éste un ejemplo más de las intensas interacciones magma-agua en esta región del planeta, cercana al antiguo océano marciano y que dieron lugar a fenómenos muy interesantes, como los terrenos caóticos de Galaxias Chaos, a pocos kilómetros del volcán. Una característica muy particular de este edificio volcánico es la presencia de dos depresiones anidadas en la base de la ladera Noroeste, de 20 y 60 km de diámetro. La menor de ellas (Depresión A), situada a mayor altitud, ha sido interpretada por algunos autores como causada por una erupción lateral del volcán hace unos 350 Ma. Sin embargo, la de mayor diámetro y situada a menor altitud (Depresión B), no tiene un origen claro, aunque se han discutido distintas hipótesis. En cualquier caso, es especialmente en el interior de estas depresiones donde se han encontrado los rasgos geomorfológicos que podrían estar causados por actividad glacial, como posibles cordones morrénicos y depósitos de till...