3 resultados para Raison

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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En la presente tesis, titulada “La política exterior y de seguridad de la Unión Europea hacia África Subsahariana: Estudio de caso de Sudán (1956-2011) e implicaciones para la política de la UE”, estudiamos la política exterior y de seguridad de la UE hacia el continente africano, centrando nuestro interés en las políticas de desarrollo y de seguridad formuladas e implementadas en el caso sudanés. El trabajo de investigación se apoya sobre un gran corpus de fuentes primarias (150 entrevistas semiestructuradas) y secundarias, siendo de importancia fundamental los datos obtenidos en el trabajo de campo realizado en Sudán durante 2010-2011, así como en Bruselas y otras capitales europeas durante 2011 y 2013. La literatura sobre la política exterior y de seguridad de la UE se ha centrado habitualmente en cuestiones predominantemente orientadas hacia asuntos de impacto, efectividad y coherencia de la UE como actor internacional, y en elucidar la brecha entre las expectativas como actor global y las capacidades limitadas efectivas en el terreno. Sin embargo, esta aproximación no responde a preguntas cruciales sobre los verdaderos factores que impulsan la política exterior y de seguridad europea y que contribuyen a su vez al desarrollo institucional de la UE y al proceso de integración europea. De esta forma, las cuestiones predominantes sobre la política exterior y de seguridad de la UE han tratado la fase a posteriori, es decir, los efectos de la implementación de la política exterior del actor UE y su relación con la política internacional (la dimensión exterior de la UE), alejándose de las motivaciones internas o raison d’être auténtica de tal acción exterior...


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Questa tesi, dal titolo Binomios fraseológicos en el italiano contemporáneo (Binomi fraseologici nella lingua italiana), si propone di far luce su una categoria di unità fraseologiche specifiche –denominate binomi– nella lingua italiana. Si tratta di una struttura sintattica che si può trovare in varie lingue: - inglese: odds and ends, wait and see, - tedesco: kurz und bündig, Lug ung Trug, - francese: sain et sauf, sans rime ni raison, - spagnolo: mondo y lirondo, tirios y troyanos, - italiano: felice e contento, a torto o a ragione. Il fenomeno del binomio è stato oggetto di vari studi nell’ambito della fraseologia inglese e tedesca, tuttavia non ha ricevuto ancora molta attenzione nelle lingue romanze, e neppure in italiano. Questa situazione non fa che riflettere lo stato generale in cui si trova la fraseologia italiana che non è ancora riuscita a emanciparsi e affermarsi come disciplina a sé stante. Il nostro studio ha perciò una doppia finalità: da una parte si propone di offrire la descrizione di un fenomeno poco esplorato sino ad ora nella lingua italiana, dall’altra, supplire alla generale mancanza di studi teorici nel campo della fraseologia italiana. La tesi si compone di due parti: la prima parte, in cui si formulano le basi teoriche, costituisce lo sfondo per la seconda parte, in cui si compie l’analisi analitico-empirica dei binomi italiani...


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The comparative analysis of Polish and Spanish political discourse in the multilingual context of European institutions is challenging not only due to linguistic, cultural, geopolitical and social differences, but also because of a relatively short history of such contacts in the EU framework. Intercultural communication, as a dynamic social practice is a fascinating object of investigation. Bidirectional comparative analysis of Polish and Spanish oral texts allows define the barriers of such communication. It encompasses the discursive act together with its objectives, strategies and consequences, and also its raison d’être. It explains why different strategies reflected through discursive categories were used. Consequently it describes both, conditions and outcomes of identity negotiation. The latter is a political competence perceived and evaluated by the direct interlocutors, the participants of the political debate, and indirectly, by a public opinion of the European Union. That proves it is two-level communication. The negotiation of political identity through discourse, according to the Ting-Toomey theory, can lead to maintaining, loosing, recovering or reinforcing it282. The Identity Negotiation Theory includes the construction and development of personal, relational, role and desired identity and is one of the methodological axes of this investigation. Political identity consists of exhibiting necessary competences to efficiently participate in the legislation process, for example, in order to present amendments, promote a given ideology, participate in controversial discussions and manage conflicts, and, finally, gain the support of public opinion. The analysis of creation, negotiation, maintenance, recovery and promotion of the political identity is performed through the identification and description of discursive categories proposed by Van Dijk283 and adapted to the needs of this study. This is the second methodological axe of the investigation. The following questions arise: which discursive strategies, used by Polish and Spanish politicians, will be communication facilitators and which will be barriers hampering communication? Which strategies show political competencies of the speaker, his or her influence in the legal EU reality through discourse?...