4 resultados para Pleasure

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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The following dissertation is framed by the psychoanalytic line of thought inaugurated by Sigmund Freud and rethought by Jacques Lacan. The starting point of this work is the notion of repetition, which finds its utmost reason in what Freud called compulsive repetition. The idea of repetition, besides being called by Lacan as one of the foundations of Psychoanalysis, articulates a series of theoretical landmarks which, in turn, constitute Psychoanalysis’ own arguments – whether linked to clinical practice or articulated around metapsychological reflection of the psychoanalytical field. This dissertation is gravitates around four specific theoretical moments: two Freudian ones and two Lacanian ones. The latter taking place during the period called “The return to Freud”, which comprises the period from 1953 to 1964. In this period, the postfreudian developments deviate from Freudian theory, as well as the psychoanalytic method, which is reviewed by poststructuralism. Altogether, the four moments being analyzed are: in Freud, the “repetition linked to the act” in 1914, and the “repetition as such” developed in Beyond the Pleasure Principle in 1920.In Lacan, the theory of “the insistence of the signifier” from 1955 and what he later named as the “failed encounter with the real” in 1964...


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Currently, the concept of symptom is based on the notion of singularity (from a base perspective, underlined by Freud, regarding the persistence of symptomatic residue). This indicates that the demise of the symptom will never be complete, since the demand drive will always persist and will not cease to search for satisfaction.Let us then, insist on this matter, on the existence of an incurable residue in the symptom (which entails a particular relationship between the subject and its own pleasure), resisting sense and interpretation. The following paper has been elaborated following a diachronic trajectory of psychoanalytic theory, which allows establishing pauses, outlining the most important shifts produced in Freudian and Lacanian elaborations, respectively. Starting from Freud‘s productions, as main fulcrum, the Lacanian approach of the symptom will be introduced to link to the proposal of the sinthome proposed by Lacan. Freud will explain symptoms through the theory of trauma; those will find themselves hinged on mnemic traces, which will make the analysis of the patient‘s produced associations a crucial activity, to comprehend the etiology of the symptoms and the development of the cure. The clinical practice of this period may be summarized as ―the unconscious is susceptible to become conscious‖, aiming to the discovery and/or decoding of the symptoms, as long as they carry meaning. All of this at the same time, will be the base of future elaborations...


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The thesis here presented, entitled “PAINTED” GARDENS BY ÉMILE ZOLA, MEETING PLACES OF LITERATURE AND ART, aims to analyze the treatment of the theme of garden in La Curée, the second of the twenty novels that make up the cycle of Les Rougon-Macquart, series published between 1871 and 1893. In this story, the author, an ardent republican, bluntly attacks the imperial regime, emphasizing the confusion of high society, the immorality of speculation occurred under the Haussmann's renovation of Paris, the profusion of luxury and pleasure, and, in short, a dynamism geared exclusively to the sense of destruction or perversion. Hence we have devoted an entire chapter to argue the presentation of this novel as a chronicle of Parisian society of the Second Empire. Also, because reading Zola is to recognize the profusion of metaphorical language, the analysis of the poetic discourse has played an important role in the body of this thesis. This analysis focuses on the two major descriptions of the greenhouse of hôtel Saccard, in chapters I and IV, both aiming to present this garden as a disturbing space, favorable to the discovery of unsuspected amorous capabilities, according to the mentality of the nineteenth century, so full of puritan principles, for which the tropical world of greenhouses meant a sexual freedom which did not understand bans or limitations. The sexual corruption that occurs in this greenhouse, is not only indicative of moral laxity in personal relationships, but also works as a symbolic image of decay and breakdown of society as a whole...


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According to the 'World Health Organisation' (WHO) "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of conditions or diseases." Other experts prefer a broad reference context when talking about health, expressing it in three areas: physical, mental and social. Within this context, in 2002 the WHO defined sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or weakness. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relations, as well as the possibility of obtaining pleasure and safe sexual experiences, free from coercion, discrimination and violence. To achieve good sexual health and guarantee the sexual rights for all people, these rights should be respected, protected and complied with. These sexual rights have been acknowledged by the international community as human rights in declarations, agreements and treaties by different international organisations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organisation (WHO) or the European Union (EU). One of these rights is precisely the right to sex education, which is recognized in Spain in the Ley de Ordenación General del Sistema Educativo (Law of General Regulation for the Educational System), LOGSE that, for the first time, includes sex education in the different education stages and in different areas...