em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
Bioethics ecology suggests the birth of a mentality which proposes, among other things: a human certain asceticism in relation to the environment around us, based on moderation; brutal renounce consumerism that is converted into primary need so most of the time is just superfluous. Social and economic developments affecting the existing globalization process in all areas of our existence. Ignorance conditions the quality of our relationship with the people and the environment. Parallel to this, the concept of social justice is not out of the problem of the environment. At present the environmental field has been filled by qualified professionals, resulting in a coprofesionalism, and an openness to the metadiscipline or shares from trades, knowledge and non-formal learning, which should make a concerted effort to be familiar with the delicate aimed at balancing the instability that is the Middle multidisciplinary environment and seem to be witnessing a passive object of global change. It is known as transgenesis process of transferring genes into an organism. Transgenesis is currently used to make transgenic plants and animals. Several methods of transgenesis as using gene guns or the use of virus or bacteria as vectors to transfer genes.
Introduction. Current times are distinguished, among other things, by the instability of the events, facts and ideas that follow one another vertiginously. The circumstances that surround our society are extremely changing, as well as the way of understanding things and assessing recent developments. The material world dominates over human life. Productive tasks take first place. Appearances are unstable and the ephemeral confirms its power in the 21st century’s mentality. We are immersed in the aesthetics of seduction and image. And in human life, the expansion of needs in all walks of life has become part of the structure of human beings’ existence in the current world. The consumerist fever, the euphoria for new things have made the sense of life virtually insubstantial. All this hardly fits into the nature of healthcare professions. In our case, nursing science has scarce support in our society for continuing the research about the meaning of being a nurse that the reality of the profession requires...
The present dissertation explores the concept of masculinity as power, paying special attention to the production and resistance of the rigid narratives of masculinity. Such configuration has prescribed the role of men in society—both at an individual and collective level—placing man at the centre of the patriarchal system and thus conferring upon men superiority over women. Such ideological construction is based on an essentialist view of the world, where biology determines destiny. As Men’s Studies have been advocating since their emergence, the victims of such an inegalitarian system are mainly women, but there are others, such as marginalized groups of men and hegemonic men themselves. Our focus is centered on the so-called crisis of masculinity that North American men went through in the last two decades of the twentieth century, the consequences of which have not yet been completely overcome. While from an essentialist point of view such a crisis is questionable, the political, economic and sociological reality of the Reagan’s Age made visible the downsides and pitfalls of toxic masculinity. In order to face the problems derived from the damaging nature of a construction that constrains men, three broad responses to the problem were taken: pro-feminist, anti-feminist and spiritual. Except for pro-feminists, the main reaction of these groupings consisted of victimizing themselves and of defending their essentialist supremacy—lulled by the fantasy world fostered by the “politics of symbolism” (Dallek, 1999 [1984]) of Reagan’s escapist policies. Opposing this reassuring image of the United States, the Blank Generation addressed the crisis of masculinity from a nihilist perspective. Through the analysis of American Psycho, this dissertation will illustrate the darkest side of the hegemonic model of masculinity...
The thesis here presented, entitled “PAINTED” GARDENS BY ÉMILE ZOLA, MEETING PLACES OF LITERATURE AND ART, aims to analyze the treatment of the theme of garden in La Curée, the second of the twenty novels that make up the cycle of Les Rougon-Macquart, series published between 1871 and 1893. In this story, the author, an ardent republican, bluntly attacks the imperial regime, emphasizing the confusion of high society, the immorality of speculation occurred under the Haussmann's renovation of Paris, the profusion of luxury and pleasure, and, in short, a dynamism geared exclusively to the sense of destruction or perversion. Hence we have devoted an entire chapter to argue the presentation of this novel as a chronicle of Parisian society of the Second Empire. Also, because reading Zola is to recognize the profusion of metaphorical language, the analysis of the poetic discourse has played an important role in the body of this thesis. This analysis focuses on the two major descriptions of the greenhouse of hôtel Saccard, in chapters I and IV, both aiming to present this garden as a disturbing space, favorable to the discovery of unsuspected amorous capabilities, according to the mentality of the nineteenth century, so full of puritan principles, for which the tropical world of greenhouses meant a sexual freedom which did not understand bans or limitations. The sexual corruption that occurs in this greenhouse, is not only indicative of moral laxity in personal relationships, but also works as a symbolic image of decay and breakdown of society as a whole...
It is a widely acknowledged and often unquestioned fact that patriarchy and its modes of behaviour and social organization favour the appearance of trauma on the weakest (and defenceless) members of society: women. In the last decades, trauma seems to have taken the baton of typically female maladies such as 19th c. hysteria or 20th c. madness. Feminists in the 20th c. have long worked to prove the connection between the latter affections (and their reflection in literary texts) and patriarchal oppression or expectations of feminine behaviour and accordance to roles and rules. With Trauma Studies on the rise, the approach to the idea of the untold as related to femininity is manifold: on the one hand, is not trauma, which precludes telling about one’s own experience and keeps it locked not only from the others, but also from ourselves, the ultimate secrecy? On the other hand, when analyzing works that reflect trauma, one is astounded by the high number of them with a female protagonist and an almost all-female cast: in this sense, a ‘feminist’ reading is almost compulsory, in the sense that it is usually the author’s assumption that patriarchal systems of exploitation and expectations favour traumatic events and their outcome (silence and secrets) on the powerless, usually women. Often, traumatic texts combine feminism with other analytical discourses (one of the topics proposed for this panel): Toni Morrison’s study of traumatic responses in The Bluest Eye and Beloved cannot be untangled from her critique of slavery; just as much of Chicana feminism and its representations of rape and abuse (two main agents of trauma) analyze the nexus of patriarchy, new forms of post-colonialism, and the dynamics of power and powerlessness in ethnic contexts. Within this tradition that establishes the secrecies of trauma as an almost exclusively feminine characteristic, one is however faced with texts which have traumatized males as protagonists: curiously enough, most of these characters have suffered trauma through a typically masculine experience: that of war and its aftermath. By analyzing novels dealing with war veterans from Vietnam or the Second World War, the astounding findings are the frequent mixture of masculine or even ‘macho’ values and the denial of any kind of ‘feminine’ characteristics, combined with a very strict set of rules of power and hierarchy that clearly establish who is empowered and who is powerless. It is our argument that this replication of patriarchal modes of domination, which place the lowest ranks of the army in a ‘feminine’ situation, blended with the compulsory ‘macho’ stance soldiers are forced to adopt as army men (as seen, for example, in Philip Caputo’s Indian Country, Larry Heinemann’s Paco’s Story or Ed Dodge’s DAU: A Novel of Vietnam) furthers the onset and seriousness of ulterior trauma. In this sense, we can also analyze this kind of writing from a ‘feminist’ point of view, since the dynamics of über-patriarchal power established at the front at war-time deny any display of elements traditionally viewed as ‘feminine’ (such as grief, guilt or emotions) in soldiers. If trauma is the result of a game of patriarchal empowerment, how can feminist works, not only theoretical, but also fictional, overthrow it? Are ‘feminine’ characteristics necessary to escape trauma, even in male victims? How can feminist readings of trauma enhance our understanding of its dynamics and help produce new modes of interaction that transcend power and gender division as the basis for the organization of society?