6 resultados para One-author literary journals

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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This PhD thesis sets out to show, firstly, that Spanish modernist poets are lavish in their sublimation of the figure of the prostitute in their lyrical compositions. It argues that ultimately, they do not do this randomly or arbitrarily, but in response to a series of mechanisms that turn this sublimation into an investigation within the modernist movement. The need for a study such as this one seems indisputable, as not very much work has been done on this topic in Spanish literature, unlike in other literatures (particularly Latin American literature, precisely in the same turn-of-the-century period and in connection with Modernism). What little work has been published on the treatment of the figure of the prostitute in turn-of-the-century Spanish literature refers to narrative prose, notably the realist and naturalist novel, as well as the short story. Also, such work usually lacks a general theoretical framework, as it deals with one novel, one author, or in the case of greater generalisation, a specific type of novel. The study of this figure in literary texts involves studying Modernism itself, as it neatly draws together the panoply of topics so dear to Modernism, namely, the erotic, the marginal, the feminine, the cursed and Culturalism...


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Two-sided asymptotic confidence intervals for an unknown proportion p have been the subject of a great deal of literature. Surprisingly, there are very few papers devoted, like this article, to the case of one tail, despite its great importance in practice and the fact that its behavior is usually different from that of the case with two tails. This paper evaluates 47 methods and concludes that (1) the optimal method is the classic Wilson method with a correction for continuity and (2) a simpler option, almost as good as the first, is the new adjusted Wald method (Wald's classic method applied to the data increased in the values proposed by Borkowf: adding a single imaginary failure or success).


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In this dissertation I will study the phenomenon of the hipérbole sacroprofana in different Castillian writers of the 15th to the 17th centuries, in order to show in what does this fact consists, and how it has to be sorted out. Thus, I will also show how this tendency unfolds and how the use of either one or another resource leads the hipérbole towards different expressive horizons. Although the hipérbole sacroprofana is usually detected by most of scholars, it has never met proper attention, so that it has turned into a jumble in which the most disparate instances of a lady’s praise. Yet, an accurate analysis of this phenomenon reveals that this is not the case, and that this resource has manifold aspects and varying intentions and expressive ways as well. In this dissertation, where some five thousand hipérboles are analysed, I point out the various kinds of instances, and I classify them according to their expression and their literary-intellectual interweaving. Besides I monitor this fact to explain how hipérbole varies with the passage of times. By so doing a deficiency in the history of literary criticism, which mistook and likened all sorts of hipérboles in poetical texts, is eased. So we can see that, in its origins, hipérbole was confined to using sacred terms in profane poems out of their context (which I call hipérbole léxica o de inserción terminológica). This resource was effectual insofar as the use of words religiously connoted carried along devout attitudes towards poems of earthly love so that the lady and the feeling that the author professed became “adulterated” by Christian attitudes...


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Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly has been an unknown writer until recently, even in his home country, France. Nevertheless, his literary work has undergone a growing interest in the last decades. The erudite Jacques Petit was the first who studied his novels in the mid-eighties with a luxury edition of his works in the prestigious French publisher La Pléiade. He opened the way to discover the figure of the Normand author and his extensive and varied literary work. Barbey d'Aurevilly was known as a dandy artisan of his own persona, adopting an aristocratic style and hinting at a mysterious past, though his parentage was provincial bourgeois nobility, and his youth comparatively uneventful. Inspired by the character and ambience of Valognes, he set his works in the society of Normand aristocracy. Although he himself did not use the Normand patois, his example encouraged the revival of vernacular literature in his home region. The author’s family lost his fortune during the French Revolution, reason why he was against it and defended the Monarchy and the Ancien Regime; he became a counter-revolutionary. A counter-revolutionary is someone who opposes to a revolution, particularly the one who acts after a revolution to try to overturn or reverse it totally or in part. The adjective "counter-revolutionary" refers to movements that would restore the state of affairs or the principles that prevail during a prerevolutionary era; his essays, letters and newspaper articles refer to this...


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The present Doctoral Thesis is framed within the study of the poetry of the great Peruvian artist Jorge Eduardo Eielson (April 13, 1924 – March 8, 2006). In general terms, it focuses on the symbols that articulate both his literary productions and his work in the field of visual arts. Throughout this project, I used the principles of the modern semiotics as well the myth criticism theory developed by Gilbert Durand in his work The Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary as the basis. Following the assumption of considering Eielsońs work as an indivisible whole, in contrast to many studies that often attempted to analyse part of his creative work by privileging one medium over the others, I analyzed each symbol in all its forms, looked at its presence and relevance in his entire work and sought the archetypal level of each term. For this task, the works of Joseph Campbell and Mircea Eliade provided valuable guidances. At the beginning of this study I present a short author's biography, in order to help to understand the circumstances under which his poems were composed. (Let us remember that most of his books were published many years after their conception). Throughout this chapter, I have carefully considered the Lima period, his relationship with his first mentor, the anthropologist and writer José María Arguedas who introduced him to the knowledge of the ancient civilizations of Peru, his link with the literary circles of Lima and his first acknowledgments: the National Poetry Award (1944) and the National Drama Award (1948)...


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ithin the wide topic of disguise in literature, we could signal a subcurrent which can be found in a number of literary texts: the idea of madness as a disguise, i.e. the creation or invention of a ‘false self’ as a mask which is presented to the world and which conceals the real self. In The Divided Self (1960), R. D. Laing deals with the “personality, false self, mask, front or persona that (...) [schizophrenic] wear” (73). Using as a basis Laing’s theories on schizophrenia and the creation of a false-self system, we will analyze two works by Samuel Beckett: Murphy and Endgame, where we find the uses of madness as disguise in a series of ways: through the usage of ‘disguised’ language (what we could refer to as schizophrenese) which acts as a mask for real meaning; through odd ‘schizophrenic’ behaviour on the part of the characters (which screens real intentions), and, mainly, through the creation of a ‘false self’ which acts as a disguise and barrier between the inner self and the real world. These two works by Samuel Beckett, where real intentions and meanings are continuously concealed and disguised in a desperate attempt to preserve the inner self, lend themselves to an analysis of madness as disguise, precisely the one we attempt to carry out in our paper.