4 resultados para Jesuita la Mexico.

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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Mexico is now one of the countries with better policies on transparency and access to public information, according to various indicators and academics. Just fifteen years ago, Mexico was a country that lacked legal instruments thereon, whereby the institutions were deeply opaque and citizens could not exercise this right of access to public information. The development of the right of access to public information, in both law and public policy, a milestone in the history of Mexico. It has been, therefore gestation, as its formulation and implementation. In Mexico there have existed diverse social movements that have promoted democratization and the defense of human rights. In the framework of these movements the fight registers for the right of access to the public information that one presents as a successful model of civic action and government intervention, without for it, not to know the challenges that his deepening has still and take root both in the company and in the political class in general. How was it achieved to construct a new institutional of transparency that was functional? How was it possible that the above mentioned change was achieved? These are questions that interests formulated to the political science and to the public administration for the analysis of the change and improvement of institutions. The study of the political change is relevant since the public policies precisely try to solve a problem, to transform a reality but not always the change is achieved, is not even realized of successful form. In a nascent democratic regime, it turns out important to know what factors can collaborate in the conformation of a public successful sustainable politics in the time. Even more, on having treated itself about a substantive politics that it gives content and viability itself to the democracy in a marked country historically and culturally for the opaqueness and the corruption...


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This research explores the impacts of the most recent U.S. economic crisis on the Mexican immigrant labour market, specifically from the town of Tunkás, Yucatan. Based on Bourdieu.’s theory of Capital production, and the transnational theoretical perspective, this study aims to build a conceptual frame for the migrant’s social capital in modern societies. A key element of this analysis is that a pioneer migrant-woman has initiated the tunkaseño social network in Los Angeles and Orange County, California; and has set the route to migrate to North. Finally this analysis presents how U.S. worksite enforcement policy affects the labour market that tunkaseños encounter in Southern California in the midst of a financial crisis. Tunkás, our Mayan community, native from the Southern Mexican state of Yucatan has experienced a constant migration process to California ever since the Bracero Program started. Mayan migrants have acquired new responsibilities, and a hybrid identity as transnational citizens. Yucatecan migration is defined as a contemporary Mexican migration, mostly undocumented, exacerbated during the nineties, in the midst of the Mexican financial crisis from 1994 to 1997. The present work is part of a broader research that discusses the transformation of Mexican migration patterns of different states of Mexico. This project is based on fieldwork in the communities of origin and destination. As well, on the survey results and life stories obtained during 2005-2006, and 2008-2009 by MMFRP1, where I took part in both editions as a researcher...


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La influencia del arquitecto, cuadraturista y constructor de aparatos efímeros Andrea Pozzo (Trento 1642 – Viena 1709) en las artes españolas a través de la difusión de su tratado Perspectiva Pictorum Architectorum (Roma 1693-1700), es un tema que ha aparecido con cierta frecuencia en la historiografía dedicada a nuestro arte barroco. Esta popularidad no necesariamente ha significado la comprensión del fenómeno, pues en la mayoría de ocasiones, se ha tratado de manera fragmentaria y en base a tópicos. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en explicar las funciones que cumplió el tratado del jesuita Pozzo en la cultura artística en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII español así como su presencia en la educación científico-técnica de la Compañía de Jesús. El presente trabajo analiza cuáles fueron las vías de la influencia pozzesca en nuestro país, cómo y en qué campos se verificó concretamente la adopción de sus modelos, y cuáles fueron las razones del fin de su vigencia en la práctica artística. El periodo que acota nuestra investigación se abre en la última década de la dinastía austriaca en España, cuando se comenzaban a apreciar los síntomas de una dispersa renovación intelectual y cultural; y termina con la implantación del centralismo administrativo en el campo de la educación y el ejercicio artístico, consolidado por la fundación de la Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando en Madrid (1752). Nuestra investigación parte de un examen detallado de la figura de Andrea Pozzo y del estudio pormenorizado de su tratado de perspectiva. Nuestro mayor aporte en este punto es la atención a su perfil político y social para contextualizar su formación, que le caracteriza como producto del ambiente milanés filoespañol. Destacamos así mismo la relación instrumental que mantuvo con la Orden jesuita, de la que formó parte dedicado exclusivamente a labores artísticas, propagandísticas y docentes, como hermano lego; y cómo sus excelentes relaciones con los estamentos Habsburgo consiguieron que, una vez alcanzado el éxito en el ambiente romano, pudiera continuar su ascenso trasladándose a la Corte de Viena, donde obtuvo un gran reconocimiento al servicio del emperador José I y los Liechtenstein...


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Mexico and the European Union signed a new Political and Economic Association Agreement in December 1997 and ultimately a free-trade agreement in March 2000, aiming to establish a new model of relations with a more dynamic trade and investment component. This article analyzes the 1997 agreement as background to the final accord. Economic and political changes in the 1990s modified both parties' participation in the international political economy, helping to overcome some of the structural obstacles to the relationship. The policy toward Latin America adopted by the EU in 1994 was influential. The negotiation process revealed divergences over the scope of the liberalization process and the so-called democracy clause.