3 resultados para Colonização agraria - Rondonia
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
This thesis studies the rural collective action processes between 1920 and 1965 in Ecuador with a social history and political sociology approach. An approximation is carried out towards the conflicts, mobilizations and protests where indigenous and not indigenous peasants participated. Because of this, they are considered two periods, the first one that last from 1931 to 1947, sealed by the political instability and a constant change of governments; and the second one between 1948 and 1965, in a phase of successive constitutionally governments that ruled between 1948 and 1960. The conflicts and rural mobilizations reached a major visibility since 1958, deeply affecting the public opinion. The importance and magnitude of the rural mobilizations between 1959 and 1963 generated a controversy on their political effects in the agrarian change. Certainly, the rural mobilizations influenced in the outcome that took the political crisis, which concluded in the implantation of a military government in 1963. This government issued an Agrarian Reform Law in 1964, which modified partially the working relations and the land ownership. And, in addition, it defined a new type of military intervention in the policies that combined repression with reforms. The existence of a landowner social segment that backed a reform in the rural highland (sierra) society has been generally identified by Galo Plaza's figure. In his government (1948-1952), transformations were accentuated in the State intervention, mainly orientated towards the economic and political modernization. This was a new moment of coastal agro-exportation development with the leadership of the banana production. There were stimulated measures of promotion of the production and exportation of bananas. So, the road infrastructure was intensively spread and connected the producing zones with the export ports...
Esta tesis forma parte de un proyecto de investigación del Grupo Complutense de Historia Económica Moderna cuyos objetivos esenciales son la reconstrucción del movimiento de la población y la estimación del crecimiento económico en la Castilla de los siglos XVI-XIX. Concretamente, los fines fundamentales de la presente investigación son: primero, estudiar la evolución de la población de la población de la actual provincia de Burgos; y segundo, medir el crecimiento agrario en dicha provincia entre las postrimerías del Quinientos y la primera mitad de la década de 1770. La presente tesis tiene una orientación básicamente cuantitativa: pretende reconstruir variables demográficas y agrarias en periodos prolongados o en determinados cortes temporales. Ahora bien, el propósito último de este esfuerzo de reconstrucción de series y datos demográficos y agrarios radica en la utilización de unas y otras para averiguar o, cuando menos, vislumbrar la naturaleza y la magnitud de los cambios económicos registrados en un territorio de la España interior, el burgalés, durante la Edad Moderna y los albores de la Edad Contemporánea. Los temas básicos de mi tesis en absoluto son novedosos: tuvieron un destacado protagonismo en la historiografía europea y española de las décadas de 1960, 1970 y en la primera mitad de la de 1980...