2 resultados para Balneario de Segura de Aragón (Teruel)
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
Alfonso V of Aragon (1396-1458), who won from his contemporaries the title “the Magnanimous”, became one of the most brilliant fifteenth century monarchs, not only because of being a shrewd politician and king of one of the main kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula, but also due to his cultural activity. Thanks to him the Aragonese territories were extended throughout the Mediterranean up to Naples, where he established a magnificent court that turned into maybe the most remarkable centre of intellectual vitality and development of Humanism. His patronage attracted a considerable number of leading poets of the period, as well as the most important Italian humanists. The presence of so many writers and outstanding scholars, together with the academic environment that the monarch encouraged, promoted an enormous literary production in four languages: Latin, Spanish, Catalan and Italian. Additionally, the valuable library gathered by the king and the Academy founded in order to spread knowledge illustrate part of his intellectual concerns. This way, through his love to literature and generosity to men of letters, Alfonso the Magnanimous boosted the culture of that time. The principal protagonist in the cultural activities of the circle of erudites formed around the sovereign was Antonio Beccadelli, called Panormita (1394-1471). He, one of the most prominent personalities of Italian Humanism, assumed the role of main royal advisor. His work De dictis et factis Alphonsi regis (The sayings and deeds of king Alfonso), which will be studied in our dissertation, became a very popular text about Alfonso’s personality, as a kind of biography based on anecdotes of the Magnanimous’ life by way of exempla to be imitated. The success of these episodes lasted for a long time and they are appreciated even nowadays. The work was valued as specula principum and had great impact in sixteenth century, when De dictis was republished several times and translated from Latin into Spanish. One of these translations, the one by Fortún García de Ercilla, caught our interest since it is in a manuscript signed by Ercilla himself and this version is still unpublished...
La mayoría de los pacientes que ingresan en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) precisan de la administración de analgésicos y sedantes, para aliviar el dolor, la ansiedad, el estrés y facilitar la aplicación de cuidados y de técnicas de soporte vital, como la ventilación mecánica (VM). La analgesia y la sedación son una práctica habitual en la UCI y constituyen parte integral del tratamiento del paciente crítico. Su aplicación nos permite mantener un óptimo nivel de confort y seguridad en nuestros pacientes. Sin embargo, su uso no está exento de complicaciones, derivadas en su mayoría de su infra o sobre utilización, que pueden prolongar la VM, complicar la evolución y pronóstico del paciente crítico e incrementar el coste sanitario. En esta última década existe una amplia evidencia de que utilizar las mínimas dosis necesarias de analgo-sedación y promover una sedación ligera cooperativa, mediante la implementación de guías, algoritmos o Protocolos de Analgo-Sedación (PAS), tiene importantes beneficios para el paciente como la disminución del tiempo de VM, de las dosis y tiempos de sedación, de la incidencia de neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NAVM) y de trastornos psicológicos (delirio y síndrome de estrés postraumático), de la realización de pruebas de imagen, la estancia y mortalidad en UCI y hospitalaria...