6 resultados para Audience development,Cultura,Città,Rigenerazione urbana,Eventi culturali,Frida nel Parco

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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Abordamos esta discusión en un primer apartado, valorando desde la perspectiva de democratización de la comunicación la propuesta llamada «educomunicación»; después analizamos la posibilidad que para innovar el conocimiento en ciencias sociales tiene el documental social, específicamente latinoamericano; la coyuntura de crisis de la educación universitaria española y la necesidad de dinamizar las CCSS, para acabar con discusión en torno a la potencialidad del documental social y político para reflexionar sobre la globalización. Presentando, para concluir, una propuesta para trabajar estos aspectos con la Red Eurolatinoamerica de Sensibilización social y Comunicación Ciudadana.


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This article explores the use of mobile phones as portable remediated sound devices for mobile listening — from boom boxes to personal stereos and mp3 players. This mode of engaging the city through music playing and listening reveals a particular urban strategy and acoustic urban politics. It increases the sonic presence of mobile owners and plays a role in territorialisation dynamics, as well as in eliciting territorial controversies in public. These digital practices play a key role in the enactment of the urban mood and ambience, as well as in the modulation of people’s presence — producing forms of what Spanish architect Roberto González calls portable urbanism: an entanglement of the digital, the urban and the online that activates a map of a reality over the fabric of the city, apparently not so present, visible and audible


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La seguridad es central en la agenda estatal por su relación con derechos ciudadanos en un Estado de Derecho. Este trabajo entra al debate sobre seguridad, aporta elementos en políticas públicas de seguridad urbana y da instrumentos metodológicos para su gestión. Además revisa la política de seguridad de Bogotá en 20 años, examina enfoques, identifica lecciones y formula recomendaciones para una política de seguridad urbana. El fin de la guerra fría y la Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional generó una explosión en el concepto de seguridad. Surgen enfoques como Seguridad Humana, Ciudadana o Comunitaria que sitúan a la persona en el eje de las políticas de seguridad. De la seguridad del Estado se pasó a la seguridad de los ciudadanos. Luego – tras los atentados a las Torres Gemelas en 2001 y el 11M de Madrid en 2004- el universo teórico y el ámbito de las políticas resultaron atrapados en la cruzada antiterrorista. A ello no escapa América Latina y Colombia, un país marcado por atávicas condiciones de violencia, predispuesto al miedo y con una sensación de inseguridad producto del conflicto armado, el narcotráfico y un Estado que no garantiza los derechos ciudadanos. Antanas Mockus (1995) en Bogotá marcó un antes y un después. Emergió el concepto de “cultura ciudadana”, se fortalecieron la institucionalidad y los programas de prevención. La seguridad fue un tema público prioritario y se produjo una disminución de delitos de alto impacto, sobre todo el homicidio, por una acertada política de seguridad Distrital y un contexto nacional caracterizado por acuerdos de paz y el sometimiento de capos del narcotráfico...


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Sandinista ideology and its political culture are born in 1927, with the refusal of the Pacto del Espino Negro by Augusto César Sandino, while its disappearance can be placed in 1999, date of the signature of the Liberal-Sandinista pact with which –effectively- the two main protagonist of nicaraguan politics at that time, Daniel Ortega and Arnoldo Alemán, halt the democratization process of Nicaragua, so putting on ice also its political development. Meanwhile, in the lapse of time between these two pacts, the most intense, feverish, dramatic and participated period of political history of the Central American country develops: an anti-imperialist guerrilla warfare ended in a bloodbath; a dynastic dictatorship of predatory authoritarianism for more than 40 years; a popular revolution that throws down the dictatorship; a decade of revolutionary government attacked by a counter-revolutionary war; an electoral defeat that will lead to a season of “pactismo” that will end the Sandinista anomaly and that will give an opening to something that we could consider –not with a certain difficulty- its pretence. The aim of this essay consists in analyzing how it has been possible that a political experience like the Sandinista Front , created not only for gaining power and for revolutionizing politically, socially and economically Nicaragua, but also for changing radically cultural, ethic and moral perspective of the country and its people, arrived being the contrary of what had been posed as the horizon to aspire...


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En esta disertación trata de analizar proyectos creativos de intervención urbana que utilizaron estrategias de comunicación para su planificación, desarrollo de las obras y ejecución con un impacto social y cultural relevante. Para la investigación hicimos la lectura bibliográfica de temas interdisciplinares relacionados con las ciudades, tales como creatividad, ciudadanía, comunicación, cultura, desarrollo, inclusión social y valores. Además, realizamos análisis creativo, narrativo y de contenido de dos estudios de caso sobre los proyectos del Río Manzanares en Madrid y de Porto Maravilha en Río de Janeiro. Los datos obtenidos fueron contrastados con las opiniones de expertos a través de la realización de dos grupos focales y luego fueron analizados con un programa informático de análisis cualitativo. Como resultado, observamos que los proyectos construyen valores prácticos, basados en la cultura y el bienestar además de valores simbólicos, creando una esfera positiva alrededor de sus proposiciones a través de estrategias comunicativas.


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Our approach emphasizes on the importance of the first forms of salt springs exploitation meant to obtain recrystallized salt for the development of prehistoric human communities within the continental inlands of Europe. Although it does not compare with the monumental dimension of World Heritage, the exploitation of some salt springs in Eastern Romania goes back around 8 millennia; they may be the oldest such exploitations in the world, as proven by 14C calibrated data. What differentiates Romanian salt springs from other famous similar areas in Europe is the continuity of exploitation and utilization of natural brine. Actually, these resilient behaviours explain the creation of a whole and complex universe of salt, which also represents a unique point of reference within the intangible World Heritage. It is through this association in variable proportions between tangible (non-monumental) and intangible that these salt springs comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation can be considered elements of World Heritage. Today, important personalities in the fields of archaeology, anthropology and history posit that salt is a major reference for the development of the entire umanity. Obviously, the breakthrough of this idea requires awareness efforts targeting, on one hand, local communities in those areas wand, on the other, national and international scientific and cultural environments concerned with the World Heritage. In this context, a proper motivation is the fact that the last two decades have witnessed an intensification of research on salt, which turned this topic one of the major themes within European archaeology and ethno-archaeology. In terms of local community awareness concerning the importance of salt springs in the economic development of a (micro) area over time, it is worth underlining mostly the specialists’ efforts of presenting this topic in the media. Moreover, the impact of a recent initiative of the two museums in the area (Piatra Neamț and Târgu Neamț)—establishing distinct sections that represent, by using museum-inspired means, both archaeological vestiges and traditional practices of natural brine exploitation and utilization—will prove its extent in time. Certain local authorities and private entrepreneurs have pinpointed that valorising tourist areas comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation in Romania is an imminent issue. The greatest challenge is finding a balance between the civilization improvements (upgraded access roads, upgrading operating areas, etc.) and thep rotection of still-alive traditional practices of salt exploitation and use, within rural areas. Certain local authorities and private entrepreneurs have pinpointed that valorising tourist areas comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation in Romania will become, sooner or later, an imminent issue. The greatest challenge is finding a balance between the civilization improvements (upgraded access roads, upgrading operating areas, etc.) and the protection of still-alive traditional practices of salt exploitation and use, within rural areas.