4 resultados para Antigua Palestina

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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This dissertation is concerned with a period unfortunate for the citizens of former Yugoslavia, but influential for its artists, who used their feeling of responsibility to leave valuable testimonies about their time. The research began in 2007 for the purposes of obtaining an advanced academic degree and was entitled Responsibility of the Artist Facing Social Conflicts: the Case of Yugoslavia (1989–2003). A part of it was presented in 2008, at the Women’s Worlds Congress held at Complutense University in Madrid (in cooperation with my mentor Dolores Fernández Martínez). This dissertation implied a broader scope of research on the topic of Social Responsibility and Artistic Debate Today. Artists in the Face of Armed Conflict in Former Yugoslavia (1989–2008), thus aiming to study the case of Serbian visual artists under Milosevic (1989–2000) and later, during the democratization of the Serbian society. The period in focus ends in 2008, except for the works in the group Monument where it stretches up to 2012.


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Presentamos la memoria del Proyecto de Innovación 2015 "Desarrollo de técnicas y herramientas didácticas aplicadas a la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia de la Grecia Antigua". Desde el grupo de investigación "Eschatia. Delimitación territorial y fronteras: el papel de la religión en los conflictos entre poleis" hemos combinado las posibilidades del Aprendizaje Cooperativo (AC) y el Aprendizaje a Base de Problemas (ABP) para desarrollar nuevas técnicas y herramientas didácticas aplicadas a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia de la Grecia Antigua, con la intención de profundizar la adaptación al EEES de las asignaturas que se relacionan con esta materia.


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Esta investigación se enmarca principalmente en el ámbito de la crítica literaria para estudiar el popularismo en la poesía de la resistencia palestina y el proceso de popularización en el que esta se ha visto inmersa, atendiendo especialmente a la obra del poeta palestino Tawfīq Zayyād (1929-1994), cuya simpatía por lo popular se manifiesta en su obra a través de recursos que trascienden la mera alusión simbólica a elementos del folclore local. Para ello, pretende determinar los principales factores sociales, políticos, culturales y literarios que han favorecido el devenir del folclore local en fuente de inspiración artística y literaria para la inmensa mayoría de los autores palestinos; y analiza las relaciones transtextuales de la poesía de Tawfq Zayyād con composiciones populares y tradicionales palestinas —como las paremias, el cuento, la epopeya y la canción.


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Little is known about Ancient Arabia before the arrival of Islam as it was an area with few inhabited settlements and it was mostly a passageway for traders. In those inhabited settlements we could find some settled Arabs, but the prevailing life style was that of the rest of the population, nomadic Bedouin Arabs who travelled from place to place looking for water and pasture for their cattle, which they lived off. The desert was their natural habitat, a hostile environment full of danger where life was not easy. Camel taming made it possible for them to live that nomadic lifestyle, and the Bedouins became inseparable from their camels and from their horses and cattle. In order to make a living they worked as hunters, transported caravans, and plundered too. In the pre-Islamic era, knowledge was transmitted by oral communication, so very little written information about that time and place remains. One thing that has been handed down are proverbs, which after the 8th Century started to be collected by several writers in various written works. Given the characteristics of those proverbs, which are conserved almost intact from their origins, we can learn much about the lifestyle in Ancient Arabia. What is to be investigated within this thesis is whether through Paremiology it is possible to learn more about this area at this historic moment that precedes the arrival of Islam, and the first years of this religion. To learn about history, we usually rely on historians and palaeontologists, but this work will demonstrate that through Paremiology it is possible to know other aspects of culture, their knowledge, the way of life, thinking, society, etc...