11 resultados para Acelerador de Fermi
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
We present the first joint analysis of gamma-ray data from the MAGIC Cherenkov telescopes and the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) to search for gamma-ray signals from dark matter annihilation in dwarf satellite galaxies. We combine 158 hours of Segue 1 observations with MAGIC with 6-year observations of 15 dwarf satellite galaxies by the Fermi-LAT. We obtain limits on the annihilation cross-section for dark matter particle masses between 10 GeV and 100 TeV – the widest mass range ever explored by a single gamma-ray analysis. These limits improve on previously published Fermi-LAT and MAGIC results by up to a factor of two at certain masses. Our new inclusive analysis approach is completely generic and can be used to perform a global, sensitivity-optimized dark matter search by combining data from present and future gamma-ray and neutrino detectors.
We present coordinated multiwavelength observations of the bright, nearby BL Lacertae object Mrk 421 taken in 2013 January–March, involving GASP-WEBT, Swift, NuSTAR, Fermi-LAT, MAGIC, VERITAS, and other collaborations and instruments, providing data from radio to very high energy (VHE) γ-ray bands. NuSTAR yielded previously unattainable sensitivity in the 3–79 keV range, revealing that the spectrum softens when the source is dimmer until the X-ray spectral shape saturates into a steep G » 3 power law, with no evidence for an exponential cutoff or additional hard components up "aprox" 80keV. For the first time, we observed both the synchrotron and the inverse-Compton peaks of the spectral energy distribution (SED) simultaneously shifted to frequencies below the typical quiescent state by an order of magnitude. The fractional variability as a function of photon energy shows a double-bump structure that relates to the two bumps of the broadband SED. In each bump, the variability increases with energy, which, in the framework of the synchrotron self-Compton model, implies that the electrons with higher energies are more variable. The measured multi band variability, the significant X-ray-toVHE correlation down to some of the lowest fluxes ever observed in both bands, the lack of correlation between optical/UV and X-ray flux, the low degree of polarization and its significant (random) variations, the short estimated electron cooling time, and the significantly longer variability timescale observed in the NuSTAR light curves point toward in situ electron acceleration and suggest that there are multiple compact regions contributing to the broadband emission of Mrk 421 during low-activity states.
Data from the HEGRA air shower array are used to set an upper limit on the emission of gamma-radiation above 25 (18) TeV from the direction of the radio bright region DR4 within the SNR G78.2 + 2.1 of 2.5 (7.1). 10^-13 cm^-2 sec^-1. The shock front of SNR G78.2 + 2.1 probably recently overtook the molecular cloud Gong 8 which then acts as a target for the cosmic rays produced within the SNR, thus leading to the expectation of enhanced gamma-radiation. Using a model of Drury, Aharonian and Völk which assumes that SNRs are the sources of galactic cosmic rays via first order Fermi acceleration, we calculated a theoretical prediction for the gamma-ray flux from the DR4 region and compared it with our experimental flux limit. Our 'best estimate' value for the predicted flux lies a factor of about 18 above the upper limit for gamma-ray energies above 25 TeV. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.
En 1967, la estudiante de doctorado Jocelyn Bell Burnell, observ o por primera vez la se~nal procedente de un p ulsar. Estos objetos estelares han sido desde entonces intensamente estudiados a todas las longitudes de onda. Debido a su intenso campo magn etico y gravitatorio, los p ulsares se han convertido en uno de los mejores laboratorios para el estudio de la materia en condiciones extremas. Recientemente, la detecci on de emisi on de muy alta energ as (VHE > 100 GeV) del p ulsar del Cangrejo ha obligado a replantearnos nuestras ideas sobre el funcionamiento de estas estrellas, ya que tal emisi on parec a descartada a priori por los modelos te oricos existentes. Estos modelos proponen distintos lugares en las magnetosferas de los p ulsares, y en torno a estas, como origen de la emisi on de muy alta energ a detectada, cada uno con caracter sticas propias en la distribuci on espectrales de energ a y en las curva de luz esperadas. Las observaciones de los p ulsares a muy altas energ as son por lo tanto fundamentales para entender la ubicaci on y los mecanismos de la emisi on y distinguir entre los distintos modelos. Esta tesis trata de la caracterizaci on de la emisi on de muy alta energ a de los p ulsares. Este estudio est a basado en las observaciones de p ulsares con los telescopios MAGIC y Fermi-LAT y en una estimaci on anal tica de la e ciencia de emisi on en rayos X y rayos gamma de los p ulsares en el contexto del modelo del \outer gap" o de \zona externa"...
En el presente trabajo se propone dar solución a uno de los problemas principales surgido en el campo del análisis de imágenes hiperespectrales. En las últimas décadas este campo está siendo muy activo, por lo que es de vital importancia tratar su problema principal: mezcla espectral. Muchos algoritmos han tratado de solucionar este problema, pero que a través de este trabajo se propone una cadena nueva de desmezclado en paralelo, para ser acelerados bajo el paradigma de programación paralela de OpenCl. Este paradigma nos aporta el modelo de programación unificada para acelerar algoritmos en sistemas heterogéneos. Podemos dividir el proceso de desmezclado espectral en tres etapas. La primera tiene la tarea de encontrar el número de píxeles puros, llamaremos endmembers a los píxeles formados por una única firma espectral, utilizaremos el algoritmo conocido como Geometry-based Estimation of number of endmembers, GENE. La segunda etapa se encarga de identificar los píxel endmembers y extraerlos junto con todas sus bandas espectrales, para esta etapa se utilizará el algoritmo conocido por Simplex Growing Algorithm, SGA. En la última etapa se crean los mapas de abundancia para cada uno de los endmembers encontrados, de esta etapa será encargado el algoritmo conocido por, Sum-to-one Constrained Linear Spectral Unmixing, SCLSU. Las plataformas utilizadas en este proyecto han sido tres: CPU, Intel Xeon E5-2695 v3, GPU, NVidia GeForce GTX 980, Acelerador, Intel Xeon Phi 31S1P. La idea de este proyecto se basa en realizar un análisis exhaustivo de los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes plataformas, con el fin de evaluar cuál se ajusta mejor a nuestras necesidades.
Esta tesis es el resultado de una investigación llevada a cabo con alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), en la asignatura de Educación Plástica y Visual durante más de diez años. Según la legislación vigente uno de los objetivos de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria consiste en utilizar el lenguaje plástico para representar emociones y sentimientos, vivencias e ideas, contribuyendo a la comunicación, reflexión crítica y respeto entre las personas. Aunque la Ley lo expresa claramente, no lo desarrolla suficientemente en sus contenidos, con lo cual pretendemos dar respuesta a este objetivo. Por ello hemos elaborado una unidad didáctica específica por cada nivel educativo, dentro del área de Educación Plástica y Visual que ayuden a conseguir que los alumnos desarrollen la capacidad de representar emociones y sentimientos, vivencias e ideas. Teniendo en cuenta que esta propuesta se pondrá en práctica con alumnos adolescentes, será imprescindible conocer las características específicas de la adolescencia, por lo que consideramos importante promover actividades programadas para ellos, en las que se activen y promuevan mecanismos de reflexión y preocupación por los temas específicos de su edad. El lenguaje visual y las actividades propuestas deben ayudar al adolescente a exteriorizar todo lo que tiene en su interior. Utilizaremos la expresión artística como acelerador emocional, para ayudarles a sacar recuerdos y sentimientos que, seguramente, no podrían manifestar fácilmente de otro modo...
We present a study of the Galactic Center region as a possible source of both secondary gamma-ray and neutrino fluxes from annihilating dark matter. We have studied the gamma-ray flux observed by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) from the J1745-290 Galactic Center source. The data are well fitted as annihilating dark matter in combination with an astrophysical background. The analysis was performed by means of simulated gamma spectra produced by Monte Carlo event generators packages. We analyze the differences in the spectra obtained by the various Monte Carlo codes developed so far in particle physics. We show that, within some uncertainty, the HESS data can be fitted as a signal from a heavy dark matter density distribution peaked at the Galactic Center, with a power-law for the background with a spectral index which is compatible with the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) data from the same region. If this kind of dark matter distribution generates the gamma-ray flux observed by HESS, we also expect to observe a neutrino flux. We show prospective results for the observation of secondary neutrinos with the Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch project (ANTARES), Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory (Ice Cube) and the Cubic Kilometer Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT). Prospects solely depend on the device resolution angle when its effective area and the minimum energy threshold are fixed.
Context. 1ES 1011+496 (z = 0.212) was discovered in very high-energy (VHE, E >100 GeV) γ rays with MAGIC in 2007. The absence of simultaneous data at lower energies led to an incomplete characterization of the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). Aims. We study the source properties and the emission mechanisms, probing whether a simple one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario is able to explain the observed broadband spectrum. Methods. We analyzed data in the range from VHE to radio data from 2011 and 2012 collected by MAGIC, Fermi-LAT, Swift, KVA, OVRO, and Metsähovi in addition to optical polarimetry data and radio maps from the Liverpool Telescope and MOJAVE. Results. The VHE spectrum was fit with a simple power law with a photon index of 3.69 ± 0.22 and a flux above 150 GeV of (1.46±0.16)×10^(−11) ph cm^(−2) s^(−1) . The source 1ES 1011+496 was found to be in a generally quiescent state at all observed wavelengths, showing only moderate variability from radio to X-rays. A low degree of polarization of less than 10% was measured in optical, while some bright features polarized up to 60% were observed in the radio jet. A similar trend in the rotation of the electric vector position angle was found in optical and radio. The radio maps indicated a superluminal motion of 1.8 ± 0.4 c, which is the highest speed statistically significant measured so far in a high-frequency-peaked BL Lac. Conclusions. For the first time, the high-energy bump in the broadband SED of 1ES 1011+496 could be fully characterized from 0.1 GeV to 1 TeV, which permitted a more reliable interpretation within the one-zone SSC scenario. The polarimetry data suggest that at least part of the optical emission has its origin in some of the bright radio features, while the low polarization in optical might be due to the contribution of parts of the radio jet with different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the optical emission.
The MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) telescopes observed the BL Lac object H1722+119 (redshift unknown) for six consecutive nights between 2013 May 17 and 22, for a total of 12.5 h. The observations were triggered by high activity in the optical band measured by the KVA (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien) telescope. The source was for the first time detected in the very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) γ-ray band with a statistical significance of 5.9 σ. The integral flux above 150 GeV is estimated to be (2.0 ± 0.5) per cent of the Crab Nebula flux. We used contemporaneous high energy (HE, 100MeV < E < 100 GeV) γ-ray observations from Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope) to estimate the redshift of the source. Within the framework of the current extragalactic background light models, we estimate the redshift to be z = 0.34±0.15. Additionally, we used contemporaneous X-ray to radio data collected by the instruments on board the Swift satellite, the KVA, and the OVRO (Owens Valley Radio Observatory) telescope to study multifrequency characteristics of the source. We found no significant temporal variability of the flux in the HE and VHE bands. The flux in the optical and radio wavebands, on the other hand, did vary with different patterns. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of H1722+119 shows surprising behaviour in the ∼ 3×1014 −1018 Hz frequency range. It can be modelled using an inhomogeneous helical jet synchrotron self-Compton model.
The Geminga pulsar, one of the brighest gamma-ray sources, is a promising candidate for emission of very-high-energy (VHE > 100 GeV) pulsed gamma rays. Also, detection of a large nebula have been claimed by water Cherenkov instruments. We performed deep observations of Geminga with the MAGIC telescopes, yielding 63 hours of good-quality data, and searched for emission from the pulsar and pulsar wind nebula. We did not find any significant detection, and derived 95% confidence level upper limits. The resulting upper limits of 5.3 × 10^(−13) TeV cm^(−2)s^(−1) for the Geminga pulsar and 3.5 × 10^(−12) TeV cm^(−2)s^(−1) for the surrounding nebula at 50 GeV are the most constraining ones obtained so far at VHE. To complement the VHE observations, we also analyzed 5 years of Fermi-LAT data from Geminga, finding that the sub-exponential cut-off is preferred over the exponential cut-off that has been typically used in the literature. We also find that, above 10 GeV, the gamma-ray spectra from Geminga can be described with a power law with index softer than 5. The extrapolation of the power-law Fermi-LAT pulsed spectra to VHE goes well below the MAGIC upper limits, indicating that the detection of pulsed emission from Geminga with the current generation of Cherenkov telescopes is very difficult.
We report the observation of the insulator-to-metal transition in crystalline silicon samples supersaturated with vanadium. Ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting and rapid resolidification produce high quality single-crystalline silicon samples with vanadium concentrations that exceed equilibrium values in more than 5 orders of magnitude. Temperature-dependent analysis of the conductivity and Hall mobility values for temperatures from 10K to 300K indicate that a transition from an insulating to a metallic phase is obtained at a vanadium concentration between 1.1 × 10^(20) and 1.3 × 10^(21) cm^(−3) . Samples in the insulating phase present a variable-range hopping transport mechanism with a Coulomb gap at the Fermi energy level. Electron wave function localization length increases from 61 to 82 nm as the vanadium concentration increases in the films, supporting the theory of impurity band merging from delocalization of levels states. On the metallic phase, electronic transport present a dispersion mechanism related with the Kondo effect, suggesting the presence of local magnetic moments in the vanadium supersaturated silicon material.