em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) comprises the most polymorphic loci in animals. MHC plays an important role during the first steps of the immune response in vertebrates. In humans, MHC molecules (also named human leukocyte antigens, HLA) were initially regarded as class I or class II molecules. Each of them, presents to different T cells subsets. MHC class I molecules, are heterodimers in which the heavy chain (alpha) has three extracellular domains, two of which (alpha 1 and alpha 2) are polymorphic and conform the antigen recognition sites (ARS). The ARS is thought to be subjected to balancing selection for variability, which is the cause of the very high polymorphism of the MHC molecules. Different pathogenic epitopes would be the evolutionary force causing balancing selection. MHC class I genes have been completely sequenced (α1 and α2 protein domains) and thoroughly studied in Gallus gallus (chicken) as well as in mammals. In fact, the MHC locus was first defined in chicken, specifically in the highly consanguineous variety „Leghorn‟. It has been found that, in the case of chickens the MHC genetic region is considerably smaller than it is in mammals (remarkably shorter introns were found in chickens), and is organized quite differently. The noteworthy presence of short introns in chickens; supported the hypothesis that chicken‟s MHC represented a „minimal essential MHC‟. Until now, it has been assumed that chicken (order Galliformes) MHC was similar to all species included in the whole class Aves...


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La última década ha sido testigo de un auge en el número de estudios buscando esclarecer el modo en que los mecanismos fisiológicos facilitan las respuestas fenotípicas y conductuales a las condiciones ambientales bajo entornos naturales. Este reciente interés nació de la necesidad de trasladar las hipótesis y conclusiones generadas en el laboratorio a contextos más realistas, en donde los animales se ven expuestos a la influencia simultánea de múltiples factores y presiones selectivas. En este sentido, tanto los glucocorticoides como los carotenoides han venido recibiendo considerable interés, a razón de sus respectivos papeles como importantes mediadores fisiológicos de la homeostasis y procesos relacionados con la salud de los animales. No obstante, hasta la fecha, gran parte de las publicaciones relacionadas con el estudio de estos dos sistemas fisiológicos en aves silvestres han usado especies modelo de pequeño tamaño y corta vida (principalmente paseriformes), cuya ecología y vulnerabilidad ante los retos medioambientales difiere considerablemente de la de las aves de larga vida. En consecuencia, el objetivo de la presente tesis ha consistido en tratar de reducir esta brecha en el conocimiento mediante la aproximación a distintos aspectos de la ecofisiología de una rapaz salvaje, territorial, y extremadamente longeva (el milano negro, Milvus migrans)...