89 resultados para Mentalidad hispanoamericana
Alfonso V of Aragon (1396-1458), who won from his contemporaries the title “the Magnanimous”, became one of the most brilliant fifteenth century monarchs, not only because of being a shrewd politician and king of one of the main kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula, but also due to his cultural activity. Thanks to him the Aragonese territories were extended throughout the Mediterranean up to Naples, where he established a magnificent court that turned into maybe the most remarkable centre of intellectual vitality and development of Humanism. His patronage attracted a considerable number of leading poets of the period, as well as the most important Italian humanists. The presence of so many writers and outstanding scholars, together with the academic environment that the monarch encouraged, promoted an enormous literary production in four languages: Latin, Spanish, Catalan and Italian. Additionally, the valuable library gathered by the king and the Academy founded in order to spread knowledge illustrate part of his intellectual concerns. This way, through his love to literature and generosity to men of letters, Alfonso the Magnanimous boosted the culture of that time. The principal protagonist in the cultural activities of the circle of erudites formed around the sovereign was Antonio Beccadelli, called Panormita (1394-1471). He, one of the most prominent personalities of Italian Humanism, assumed the role of main royal advisor. His work De dictis et factis Alphonsi regis (The sayings and deeds of king Alfonso), which will be studied in our dissertation, became a very popular text about Alfonso’s personality, as a kind of biography based on anecdotes of the Magnanimous’ life by way of exempla to be imitated. The success of these episodes lasted for a long time and they are appreciated even nowadays. The work was valued as specula principum and had great impact in sixteenth century, when De dictis was republished several times and translated from Latin into Spanish. One of these translations, the one by Fortún García de Ercilla, caught our interest since it is in a manuscript signed by Ercilla himself and this version is still unpublished...
The intellectual production of Johannes Gallensis (also known as John of Wales, c. 1210/30 – 1285), regent-master of the Friars Minor at Oxford and later a lecturer and Doctor of Theology at Paris, was oriented towards furnishing Catholic preachers with a variety of compilations of moral philosophy aimed to serve them in their pastoral ministry. One of these compilations is the Communiloquium, a manual of a kind, which displays its author's attempt to provide adequate and specific argumentation for admonishing all sorts and types of devotees. Its most prominent characteristic is a highly accurate use of classical auctoritates and exempla, which turned this work into a kind of anthology of quotations and references, for it offered its readers the possibility of citing sources and texts that they themselves had never actually consulted. The impressive number of manuscript copies of the Communiloquium that reached our times bears witness to its great popularity (some one hundred and sixty dispersed in different European libraries, according to Jenny Swanson’s John of Wales. A Study of the Work and Ideas of a Thirteenth-Century Friar). The Communiloquium must have reached the Iberian soil by means of Franciscan friars and soon spread through courtly circles, as much as in the religious milieu, due to the political taint of its first part, rooted in the organological metaphor and containing extensive reflections on the virtues and the due behaviour of a monarch. In the Crown of Aragon, the Communiloquium used to be read out loud even among the artisans. In Castile, on the other hand, particularly between the XIIIth and the XVth centuries, its main audience happened to be the lettered nobility and those intellectuals who, dedicated to composing glosas and specula principum, required its resources...
El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral supone una nueva propuesta de análisis del ciclo del incesto aún presente en el Romancero, y de forma más precisa, en las versiones cántabras de los romances Delgadina, Silvana, Tamar, Primos Romeros, Cura Traidor y Blancaflor y Filomena. Para el mejor manejo de los cientos de versiones existentes de estos romances, nos hemos centrado en los textos procedentes de Cantabria. Para tal fin, hemos confeccionado el corpus de Cantabria con los romances que se han venido publicando desde los albores del siglo XX hasta la actualidad, incluyendo mi aportación personal al corpus fruto del trabajo de campo realizado entre 1999 y 2003 en los que recopilé 250 versiones de romances, 190 textos de la tradición oral y entrevistado cerca de 192 informantes. Así, los romances Delgadina y Silvana tratan el incesto paterno filial, el romance Tamar versa sobre el incesto entre hermanos, el texto Primos romeros, el incesto entre primos, el romance vulgar Cura Sacrílego nos presenta el asunto del incesto espiritual, y, finalmente, el romance Blancaflor y Filomena trata la prohibición existente entre cuñados. Los romances nos informan sobre los argumentos de evitación del incesto en los que, en algunos casos, media la violencia. De este modo, se expresa la subversión de los roles de parentesco, la prohibición basada en un precepto divino y el infructuoso intercambio frente al argumento de la belleza de la joven. Incluso, se trata el tema de la venganza a través del infanticidio y del banquete ritual. Estos trágicos sucesos colocan a los lectores al lado de la víctima al tiempo que nos interpela y cuestiona sobre la actualidad de estos romances en un tema considerado tabú. Con todo, sigue resultando llamativo el hecho de que estos romances sigan transmitiéndose principalmente por la figura femenina...
The representation of the city has always been present in the literature. A clear example of this is the famous city of Troy. The city in terms of where the actions take place, a novel in this case, despite the efforts of some works of the contemporary narrative to eradicate or reduce to its barest minimum expression, has continued to sit as a strong element of differentiation that gives the characters certain linguistic, historical, social and cultural characteristics. In the Hispanic narrative, according to historical features of the continent, the conquest, independence, and subsequently the constitution of the republics, the representation of the city acquires some unique characteristics, whose dimensions and implications, toward the second half of the twentieth century, transcend the simple notion of 'place' in which occur the facts narrated to acquire a central notion in the works, changing from being a support to become the central structure of the novel, which is able to articulate different situations, confront characters and articulate historically to the entire countries. This paper will talk mainly about the representation of the city in the published narrative between 1950 and 1975. We will try to have a transverse reading over these works through the analysis of the representation of the city that in them we can find, and that basically divided into three broad categories, each with its own specific functions: * The royal city. Corresponds to the cities that we can actually find in the American territory, and whose spaces and descriptions, historical references and territorial, it is possible to identify the reality or in any encyclopedia: streets, historical events, places, characters, etc...
No resulta en absoluto desconocido que en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, precisamente desde 1900 hasta 1939, en España se inicia una época caracterizada por el florecimiento cultural y artístico en la que la mujer se incorpora al ámbito laboral y empieza a adquirir ciertos derechos de los que hasta entonces no gozaba. Tales cambios la llevan a desempeñar un papel eficaz en el ámbito político, cultural y social, superando los impedimentos convencionales que la mantienen al margen de la sociedad, dedicada exclusivamente al entorno familiar y el sagrado deber conyugal y maternal. A partir de 1914, debido a la incorporación femenina al campo laboral, el asociacionismo y las reivindicaciones vinculadas a la emancipación, empieza un momento de gran esplendor y toda la sociedad española experimenta grandes transformaciones. No es de extrañar, pues que la nueva España brinde una oportunidad a la mujer para acceder al ámbito literario, tras estar sometida al rechazo e intolerancia con que el siglo anterior vincula la relación femenina con la pluma, permitiéndole por fin, ejercer la actividad intelectual, aunque con ciertas limitaciones, debido a que la sociedad estaba aún influenciada por los cánones decimonónicos. En este contexto, he de señalar que la participación femenina en el mundo de la literatura fue muy relevante, aunque muchas de las autoras que empezaron su trayectoria en aquel periodo han sido relegadas al olvido. Una de estas escritoras es Sara Álvarez Insúa Escobar a la que elegí como tema de esta tesis doctoral con el fin de poner al descubierto su obra junto a su prolífica labor literaria en una etapa difícil para el reconocimiento profesional de la mujer. Por ello, el principal objetivo de este trabajo tiene como fin contribuir a la recuperación actual de su prestigio literario. Durante la fase de investigación, descubrí que Sara Insúa se encuentra entre las destacadas escritoras de la época de la "Edad de Plata" que dejan su impronta en la literatura escrita por mujeres en aquel momento y también noté que su obra sufre una gran desatención por parte de la crítica. Por ello, como primera fase de elaboración de ese estudio, tuve que recuperar y reconstruir una gran parte de sus datos biográficos...
Culture, history, and biology are inseparable. Cultural manifestations are necessarily immersed in a context, originate in the embodied minds that create them, and are directed to the embodied minds that receive them and recreate them within their contexts (individual and collective). The novel and the film of historical memory in Spain aim to connect their audiences with a problem that has not been solved, as the Civil War, the postwar, and the pact of forgetfulness left a wide sector of the Spanish society voiceless. During the last few years, a series of initiatives coming from the arts, as well as other realms such as the legal, have sought to reexamine the unhealed wound that still haunts Spanish subjects. La voz dormida [The Sleeping Voice] is one of those initiatives. It begins as testimony, develops into a hybrid and intertextual novel, and later becomes a film. It constitutes an inclusive project, one of offering an alternative version to the “official history”, while incorporating the marginal voices of women that had been left out of the memory of the war and the dictatorship. Objective and Results By examining both the literary and the cinematic versions of Chacón’s work I aimed to evidence the connections that exist between the artistic portrayal of the postwar repression (particularly how it affects women) and the current movement of recovery of historical memory in Spain. Specifically, I was interested in showing how both the novel and the film employ a series of narrative strategies that emphasize the body and intentionality, with the purpose of creating in readers and spectators an empathetic response that may lead to prosocial behavior. In order to carry out this interdisciplinary study, which relates fiction, mind, and socio-historical context, I draw on cognitive theories of literature and film, as well as theories from social and developmental psychology, such as the Richard Gerrig’s theory of narrative experience, Keith Oatley’s psychology of fiction, Suzanne Keen’s theory of narrative empathy, and the empathy-altruism hypothesis, derived form the ideas of Jean Decety, among others...
La historia del invencible y clarísimo principe Bencimarte de Lusitania, emperador del gran Cairo y de otros principes de su linaje, is a handwritten Romance of Chivalries found by José Manuel Lucía Megías in the library of the Royal Palace in Madrid. There are two known copies in the forementioned library. The two copies (B1 and B2) dońt have the same content, the depth of the work is found in B1 which is selected for this thesis whereas in B2 we could only find incoherent and unconnected parts due to book binding and covering as some texts had been lost. In the present work is going to be offered a manuscript description, inner and outer features, dating issues, text variations, narrative voices and structure, chronology and worḱs primary and secondary sources, characters, summaries, arguments and what́s new according to the world of chivalry. Our initial aim was to set a conclusive text of Bencimarte de Lusitania as to it has remained unknown for the reader until nowadays. It dealt with the transcription of both manuscripts, reinterprated their contents and compared them with the original texts. On the other hand, we could make a critical edition of the final version which highlighted Bencimarte himself and its possible interpretations. Thus, we could suitably arrange the text in its period as there is no date on it by means of the text itself or any further reference. We will do the same regarding to either the author or the authors. We would study the book itself offering an interpretation and a deep analysis of its elements, both the structural ones and those that belong to Romance of Chivelries themselves (mythical and marvellous adventures, knights and ladies , prodigious characters, the topic of the found manuscript, challenges and so on) as well as what is new and unique in this work of art which means to follow a pattern apart from introducing something new in the Chivelry books...
Esta conferencia es un intento de comprensión de los valores comunes de las tragedias históricas de Cervantes y de Buero. El talante ético de ambos dramaturgos les caracteriza como ejemplares. La conclusión es doble, por un lado, la libertad es el anhelo humano más importante de la vida; por otro, la verdad, la justicia, la igualdad, la solidaridad, el amor y la esperanza son esenciales para ser una persona verdadera. La salvación del hombre está, principalmente, en el arte y en las humanidades.
En la Argentina de las dos últimas décadas del siglo XX, distintos autores apartan su mirada de la realidad social más reciente para reconducirla hacia otros temas más cercanos a la ficción; de tal manera que encuadran sus novelas en siglos anteriores, como la pampa argentina del siglo XIX, o las trasladan a lugares alejados de Argentina, a Extremo Oriente principalmente. El resultado es un extrañamiento tanto de tiempos como de espacios que hace pensar en el exotismo como la característica principal de las novelas de estos años. Para mostrar este propósito, se analiza una selección de novelas que van desde 1981, año en el que César Aira publica Ema, la cautiva, a 2000, año de la publicación de Un episodio en la vida de un pintor viajero del mismo autor. El nombre de César Aira aparece una y otra vez en estas páginas como novelista y como ensayista que reflexiona acerca del tema objeto de estudio de este trabajo: el exotismo. Pero también se incluyen las novelas de otros autores como Juan José Saer, Rodolfo Rabanal, Osvaldo Soriano, Copi o Alberto Laiseca; además de las obras de algunos de los miembros del grupo Shangai, que nace en 1987 como parodia de los grupos literarios y que tuvo continuidad en la revista Babel...
Enrique García Álvarez (Madrid, 1883-1931) belonged to the group of writers who stood out in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth in what was known as “género chico”, label used to oppose this kind of theater to the dramaturgy considered serious. It was composed of brief and comic works whose intention was to generate a fun time for the spectators. Our author was one of the leading representatives and his numerous creations appeared profusely in the posters of the theaters per hour. In the twentieth century, he adapted to the new forms imposed on the scene. Despite his enormous fame at the time, nowadays Enrique García Álvarez remains completely unknown, not only in the eyes of the general public but also to the more knowledgeable circles of our literature. Studies of his dramatic work are almost nonexistent and basically limited to their collaborations with other authors who had more luck as Arniches or Muñoz Seca. The purpose of this thesis is, therefore, to complete a thorough study of the figure and production of Enrique García Álvarez, as well as its impact on the literature. The opening chapter is a reconstruction of the life and work of the author. In the following chapters, we proceeded to the analysis of structural features such as theme, time, space, and characters of his dramatic world. At the end of these pages, we have included a photographic appendix that illustrates some moments of his personal and professional career. We have also developed appendices to classify his librettos chronologically, by collaborator and by genre...
El nombre de Eugenio de Ochoa siempre aparece en los libros sobre la cultura española del siglo XIX, aunque pocas veces con un papel protagonista. Su lugar en la historia de la literatura se halla asociado a otros personajes o a empresas periodísticas de importancia que son recordadas por los nombres de esos otros: El Artista, Federico Madrazo, Pedro Madrazo, Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch, Victor Hugo, Balzac… Y así Ochoa es siempre el co-creador de una revista, el cuñado de, el amigo de, el traductor de, el editor de… Esta posición secundaria ha restado atractivo al estudio de un hombre que desempeñó un papel fundamental en la conexión de la cultura española con Europa, tanto por ser el vehículo por el que llegaron a España muchos autores contemporáneos como por llevar a cabo el recorrido contrario, mostrando al continente el patrimonio cultural nacional. Sin embargo, esa faceta de intermediario, y no la de literato, contemplada desde una perspectiva más centrada en el contexto y menos en el canon literario tradicional, ofrece unas posibilidades de análisis extremadamente interesantes. Además, la gran pluralidad de sus actividades le convirtió en su tiempo en un observador privilegiado de la realidad cultural y política del país. Ahí se halla el objetivo que ha guiado la realización de este trabajo. Por medio del estudio de su figura se ha pretendido llevar a cabo un análisis de la cultura española del siglo XIX, partiendo de un enfoque sociológico de la misma y prestando más atención a las prácticas en el campo literario que al contenido de la creación. Esa es la razón que explica que, metodológicamente, el trabajo se apoye en dos pilares, cada uno de los cuales sirve de soporte a las dos partes centrales del mismo: la reflexión acerca del “hombre de letras” en el reinado de Isabel II y el papel desempeñado por el mediador cultural en el proceso de transferencia de conocimientos e imágenes nacionales en la Europa del siglo XIX. Al comienzo de cada uno de estos bloques se realiza una reflexión más detallada sobre ambas líneas de análisis que, por supuesto, no son las únicas y no agotan el tema...
It has been said so much about "Life is a Dream" that it seems not to be probable to say anything more, but on the other hand there is such a disagreement and plurality concerning the criticism that is related to the work that it looks like there is still so much left to say about it. Being the debate between these two views, our work tries to focus on the consequences that are derived from the analysis of a character who is never appeared on the stage and is barely named along the text. This character is not other but Clorilene. It has been only two times in which her name comes on the scene and that is the reason why the critics have considered appropriated to talk about two different characters. However, there have also been some people who support the idea about these two Clorilene could be the same character, that is the same person. All doubts are left out by contextualizing the subject and taking into account that if Clorilene who is Basiliós sister and the other Clorilene who is Basiliós wife are the same character, then we would be talking that such a coincidence could be incest. So Segismundo would be the son of such incest. On our opinion, there is no need to insist more on the legitimacy of the incestuous reading of "Life is a Dream", so the contributions we count on are enough to be sure about their validity. However, our work takes an enough span to account for the accumulated bibliography about the case, although it is not very numerous, it is useful. The aim of this thesis is not to question the existence of the incest. It would not be a novelty and as we have said before, the incest is there and it works. However, what is still left to do is an exercise of general interpretation about "Life is a Dream" and to analyze to what extend it could be relevant the reason for the incest or if it is not other thing that a word game that the author ventured without much pretension that the "onomastic incest" which Maurice Molho referred to...
Este trabajo propone un análisis de las intervenciones de don Quijote como fuente principal para la interpretación de la obra cervantina y con la Retórica como disciplina que aporta los mecanismos de construcción de las argumentaciones del caballero. En relación con el objetivo perseguido se ha respetado la pauta dictada por la Re-tórica que destacaba la naturaleza persuasiva del discurso cuya finalidad era: convencer al receptor acerca de una postura determinada, por medio de un lenguaje estéticamente trabajado y de una modalidad textual argumentativa. Los discursos de don Quijote han sido comentados teniendo en cuenta el horizonte pragmático de la obra, que señalaba la línea de planteamiento que debía ser seguida por el personaje con la finalidad de dar respuesta tanto a su intención como al contexto de producción y al referente al que se destinaban las disertaciones del protagonista. Este análisis también ha considerado la naturaleza literaria del texto que individualizaba los discursos en función de sus características estéticas particulares. La lectura atenta de la obra ha sido el punto de partida del trabajo, de modo que a partir de su totalidad se han seleccionado, siguiendo el orden de aparición, aquellos razo-namientos del personaje fundamentales por exponer las pautas de su actuación y la inten-ción que perseguía en cada momento del texto. Este método de análisis nos ha permitido descubrir la solidez de los razonamientos de don Quijote, ya que, sin obviar su naturaleza enajenada, todas sus manifestaciones resultan ser absolutamente coherentes con la deci-sión tomada al inicio del texto y con el devenir de su actuación: su deseo de ser caballero. La relación entre el corpus de textos revisados y la totalidad a la que pertenecen ha sido fundamental para justificar los cambios de actuación del personaje que responden al sentido general del texto y a la incidencia que tiene en el sentir del caballero tanto la asunción de las aventuras y su resultado como la presencia y los juicios de los otros per-sonajes que se encuentra en su camino...