160 resultados para collection
27 illustrations to " Ein Kater namens William" (Photocopies)
Documents, medals, and photos pertaining to Max Strauss' service in the German Army before and during World War I:
Sabbath and Jewish holiday music copied by Fritz Erlanger for Clara Fleischer on occasion of her emigration to America, Tuebingen; 1939
Letter to various officials of the Federal Republic of Germany about Jewish life in Neumarkt; December 1990
The bulk of the collection consists of two bound manuscripts (930 + 110 pages), representing the notes of the law student Bernhard Saenger during the lectures of Prof. Heinrich Dernburg in Halle, Germany on Roman law in Germany and on Roman inheritance law (Pandektenvorlesung).
Charts of the various families related to the Lindley family: Lipschitz, Heimann, Edinger, Hochstaedter, Goldschmidt, Jakobson, Braunschweig.
Various materials pertaining to the recollections of Eugene (Egon) Katz about his life in the 1920s and 1930s in Barntrup in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Ms. Eva Padnick, 1988.
Photocopy of handwritten "Urkunde ueber die Geschichte der juedischen Gemeinde zu Witten und den Bau ihres neuen Tempels" (1885) + typed manuscript of same. Photo of interior of Witten synagogue (1935). Press clippings and other documentations on Jewish life in Witten collected by Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (1988).
Manuscripts and articles by Rabbi Dr. Jacob G. Wiener about Jewish communities in Germany.
List of family members. Original poem: "Abschied vom Friedhof 10. November 1938." Clipping: "Stammhaus der Familie Ostheimer."
Biographical articles; letter; photos (58 items)
Article on charity work by Elinor Guggenheimer; article on Randolph Guggenheimer.
Family tree of descendents of Rabbi Moses Salman Schulhof in Prague, accompanied by an explanatory letter and photocopies of various publications.
Two letters to Rosalie Unger in Oppeln (today Opole, Poland) from Adolf Heilborn and Berta Neustadt (née Fraenkel); and one letter to Max Neustadt from Leopold Rosenbaum (all photocopies). Also included is an explanatory letter from Harvey P, Newton.