109 resultados para Weihenstephan, Ger. Benedictine monastery.
A chapter from Adolph's book, “Die Freiherrin Kaskel in Dresden”, about the Baronesse von Kaskel, née Oppenheim, who was entertaining Saxony’s performing artists in her villa.
Clippings, correspondence, published and unpublished articles on learning disabilities and music therapy; contains testimony on her experience in the internment camp of Gurs, France.
The collection contains more than 60 black and white photographs from the first decades of the 20th century found in the synagogue of Mediaş (Mediasch, Medgyes), Romania. The photographs were found in the process of an on-going clean-up and restoration project and for the most part are unidentified. The photographs are of community members and their relatives and friends; they consist of group family portraits, individual portraits, babies, and children. Some of the photographs originate from Mediaş and other nearby Transylvanian towns, while others were printed by foreign printing shops and were presumably sent to relatives living in Mediaş.
A letter to Mr. Hans Rosenthal in Gross-Breesen (Silesia), refusing to enroll “non-Aryan” students in 'Deutsche Landkraftfuehrerschulen'; Dec. 7, 1937
A letter to friends and relatives from Eva and Wolfgang on occasion of their son’s birth, explaining why they chose for him the Jewish biblical name Elias.
Bd. 1. Bis 7. November 1862. - 2008. - 556 p. -- Bd. 2. 26. November 1862-11. Februar 1909. - 2008. - 560 p. -- Bd. 3. Ab 5. Maerz 1909 [until November 20, 2006]. - 2008. - 560 p.
Letters and postcards from Theresienstadt and Cholm
The collection contains published materials in honor of Erna Proskauer and her career in law. Also included are speeches and correspondence pertaining to her receiving the German medal of honor, Bundesverdienstkreuz, on April 5, 1995.
Three volumes of genealogy and family trees of the Eberstadt family.
Account of the Jewish community in Linnich, its history and its institutions.
List of names, members of the Jewish community Papenburg (Aschendorf) from the earliest time to 1942; manuscript: "Geschichte der Juedischen Gemeinde Papenburg und Ihrer Familien".
List (photocopy) of sixty Schutzjuden, ca. 1672-1798, which forms part of Zwiebelberg's "Buerger und Einwohner der Stadt Simmern."