70 resultados para Anglo-French War, 1755-1763.


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The author describes his escape from Nazi Germany to France together with his mother. He volunteered for the French army (Defense Nationale), but his application was rejected. After the outbreak of the war Schoenfeldt was interned in Antibes and Les Milles. Recollections of life in the internment camps. Lack of basic hygienic conditions. German invasion of France. Escape from the invading German army. Reunion with his mother. Fervent endeavors to leave France for Spain in order to escape another internment. Escape with his 76 year old mother via the Pyrenees. Arrival in Lisbon. Exit visa for America. In 1941 Herbert Schoenfeldt left with his mother for the United States.


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The memoirs were written in 2000 in California and contains some of the author's diary entries during the years of the family's emigration and reminiscences of the author's father. Detailed description of family history going back to the early 19th century. The author's grandfather Moses Stern had a rawproduct business in Gelsenkirchen, Westphalia. His father Max Stern took his graduate exam (Abitur) at the Jacobsohn boarding school in 1904 and was sent to a business school in Brussles, Belgium. Work in the family business M. Stern AG. World War One and rise of the family business with branches throughout Germany and offices in New York, London, Milan and Stockholm. Due to political unrest at the end of the war the business administration moved to Essen. Description of the family background of Beate Herzberg, the author's mother. Courtship of his parents and marriage in 1922. Birth of his sister Annelore in 1923. Martin Stern was born in 1924. Description of the family household and domestic life in a well-to-do family the 1920s. Friday visits to the synagogue and celebration of Jewish holidays. Vacations at the North sea and skiinig in the Alps. Martin attended a Jewish elementary school. Rising National Socialism. After Hitler came to power in 1933 the author's father immediately started preparations for the family's emigration, but was persuaded to stay by his family. Life under National Socialism. Martin attended Gymnasium and was one of only two Jewish students in his class. Antisemitic incidents. Private lessons in piano and Hebrew. Bar Mitzvah in 1937. Recollections of performances of the Kulturbund.


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The book contains an introduction by Paul Weisz and a collection of family letters written during World War II. The letters were written between February 1938 and September 1945. Some were translated into English and complemented by commentary by the editor, Paul Weisz. Paul Weisz' introduction is 10 pages long and serves as a short memoir by itself. He provides a family chronicle, the living circumstances of his family, and his childhood in Vienna. He ends in 1938 when the family was eager to leave Austria. The following years are covered by the various letters he brought together in this book. The authors are cousin Willie, then already in Palestine, his father Samuel, his mother Stephanie, and his sister Ruth. His father and mother fled to Belgium, but were arrested after the beginning of World War II. They were deported to internment camps in France (St. Cyprien). His sister Ruth tried to escape from Austria to Palestine via the Danube. She got stuck in Yugoslavia, and was interned in Sabac internment camp. Paul's mother died in France in 1942, his father was sent to a concentration camp in Poland and murdered. His sister Ruth was murdered in Yugoslavia. Paul was released in Canada, and was enabled to go to college. He later named his children after his family members who did not survive the Nazi terror: Stephanie, Ruth, and Samuel.


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The memoir was written in New York between 1981 and 1983. Recollections of the Nazi take-over in Germany and their growing awareness of the upcoming danger. Closure of the cabaret of Friedrich Hollaender, where Lotte and her husband were working, due to its "subversive" political views. After the burning of the "Reichstag" (parliament) Lotte and Victor emigrated to France. Life of emigres in Paris. Lotte found work as a foreign language secretary. Victor worked with a film editor. Extradition from France due to their expired carte d'identite. Move to Amsterdam. In 1935 they went to friends in Spain, where Victor had a position as a film editor. They lived in Barcelona until outbreak of civil war. Escape to London via Prague. Exit visas for the United States. Arrival in New York in 1937. Victor was invited by Friedrich Hollaender to Hollywood, where Lotte joined him a few months later. Work as butler and cook in a family. Lotte found only a few engagements in theater and film. Divorce from her husband and remarriage with actor Wolfgang Zilzer (Paul Andor).


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Description of war years in France and Spain, including experiences in internment camps, life in hiding, etc.; emigration to USA.


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Childhood in Berlin; cultural life in fin-de-siecle Berlin; voyages and travels; marriage with physician Ernst Gustav Levin; contains newspaper clippings on author's mother, the social worker Hermine Lesser, copies of letter by the author from 1942, poems by Ernst Ludwig Levin


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This collection contains the papers of Ernest W. Michel, Holocaust Survivor Journalist and public speaker,including clippings of newspaper articles written by and about Michel, correspondence between Michel and many important Jewish and political figures and autograph files, which Michel collected. Many of these files concern Michel’s Holocaust experiences, speaking engagements, the World Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, and Michel’s work with the United Jewish Appeal.


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Obverse: In the left part, three rifles with three flags (Israel, French, British), olive branch, inscription. Reverse: General Moshe Dayan, gate of the Jerusalem Old City in the background.


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The memoirs were written in 1982 in Sydney, Australia and include excerpts of letters from various relatives during the years 1938-1941. Early childhood recollections of World War One. The family was living in the 6th district of Vienna. Description of domestic life with maids, laundresses and a French governess. Death of her mother in 1918. Trip with her stepmother Ida Plohn to Prague. Recollections of a stay in the countryside at their maid's family, where Selma and her older sister Martha awaited the birth of their younger sister Trude. Memories of Christmas celebrations. Summer vacations in the mountains. Description of the extended family. Inflation and economic depression in the 1920s. Strict upbringing by her stepmother. Children recreation trip to Grado, Italy in 1925. Selma was accepted at the "Bundeserziehungsanstalt" for gifted students. Only few fellow Jewish students. Religious education with beloved rabbi Diamant. Recovery from tonsilitis in a senatorium in Aflenz, Austria. Celebration of Jewish holidays and visits at the Synagogue on Yom Kippur. Transfer to Realschule. Due to a sudden onset of various illnesses Selma was unable to continue school and had put an end to her father's dream of an university education for her. Difficult to find a position in the depression times of the early 1930s. Only few working options for a Jewish woman. Position as a secretary in a Jewish firm. Outings in the Vienna Woods. Membership in the Zionist group Betar.


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Drama about Hollywood writers, producers and actors, concerning the making and unmaking of the career of a young actress.


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Play about a businessman/politician and his family.


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Annotated typescript of a radio play about Jewish history from 1492 to the 19th century; philosophers - Moses Mendelssohn and others - striving for right, justice, and humanity.


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Annotated typescript of a dramatic sketch about life in Tahiti. According to a note in 1967, the work was written ‘some years ago’, probably in 1952.


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The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, manuscripts and notes that relate primarily to the Schwarzbard trial and its aftermath. Correspondence with organizations: Agudah Ateret Zion, Yidish Natsionaler Arbeter Farband, Yidisher Studentn Fareyn, Jewish Agency, *Der Tog*, *Unzer tsayt*, YIVO Institute, Ligue Internationale Contre L'antisemitisme, *Morgn zhurnal*, Federation de Societes Juives de France, Jewish Veterans Organization. Correspondence with individuals: Joseph Barondess, Alberto Bianchi, Zelig Kalmanovitch, Israel Ostroff, Noah Prylucki, Anna Schwarzbard, William Zukerman. Manuscripts: typescripts of memoirs *In krig mit zikh aleyn* (At War With Myself). Poems about Schwarzbard's assassination of Petlyura. Poems by Anna Schwarzbard. Clippings about Schwarzbard. Personal documents.