25 resultados para Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal (1881-1938)


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With few exceptions, the bulk of the collection pertains to the work of the Agro-Joint. Records of the Agro-Joint Director General. Agreements of the American Relief Administration (ARA) and the Joint Distribution Committee with the Soviet government, 1922-1923. Agreements between the Agro-Joint and the Soviet government, 1924, 1927, 1928. Agreements of the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements (ASJFS) with the Soviet government, 1929, 1930, 1933, 1938. Materials relating to relief work of the JDC within the framework of the American Relief Administration, 1922, including the appointment of J. Rosen as the JDC representative at the ARA. Statistics, reports, miscellaneous correspondence relating to JDC activities in Russia. Minutes, memos, reports, legal documents, certificate of incorporation, and general correspondence relating to the ASJFS, its formation, fund-raising activities, 1927-1939. Records of the Agro-Joint Main Office, Moscow. Annual and periodi c reports of the Agro-Joint including statistics, financial estimates, financial reports, analyses of expenditures, relating to Agro-Joint work, 1924-1937. General correspondence files: incoming and outgoing letters, reports, and memoranda. Materials relating to land surveys and allocations in the Crimea: statistics, surveys, memos, correspondence, relating to the Salsk district, Chernomor district, Changar peninsula, Azov, Kuban, Odessa district, Samara district, Povolzhe, Krivoy Rog, Kherson, The Far East, Siberia. Materials relating to contacts with KOMZET. Correspondence, minutes of KOMZET meetings, statistical information, reports. By-laws of the OZET (Obshchestvo po Zemleustroystvu Trudyachtchikhsya Evreev - Association For the Settlement of Toiling Jews On Land) and AGRO-KUSTBANK (Evreysky Agrarno-Kustarny Bank - Jewish Agricultural and House Workers Bank). Register of Agro-Joint assets transferred to KOMZET. Records of the Agro-Joint Agricultural Department. Materials


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Contains printed copies of the 1860 constitution and by-laws, copies of proceedings and annual reports, 1859-1877, of the Board of Delegates; report on Jews in Roumania, an 1874 annual report of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, manuscript minute books and minutes of meetings, 1859-1876, resolutions, executive, financial, ritual slaughtering and other special committee reports, newspaper clippings and correspondence with synagogues and organizations in the U.S. who constitute the membership of the Board of Delegates, with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations with whom they later merged, the Union's Board of Delegates of Civil and Religious Rights, and with individuals and organizations in foreign countries including the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the Anglo-Jewish Association, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Committee for the Roumanian Jews (Berlin), the Koenigsberg Committee, and the London Roumanian Committee.


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Contains correspondence, minutes, reports, clippings, manuscripts, research materials, journal articles, photographs and publications; primarily relating to Berger's involvement with Ethiopian Jewry and his efforts to bring about their rescue through the organization he formed, the American Association for Ethiopian Jews. Also contains material from Berger's other interests- his writings, travels through the world and to Israel and Ethiopia, community affiliations, research in Black American Jews, profession as a Jewish social work executive, his commitment to Jewish causes and to Israel. There are also many personal and biographical materials from the numerous long-term friendships and associations he established.


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Contains the papers of the Society founded in 1938 by recent German speaking Jewish immigrants to Boston to assist their initial adjustment to the economic, cultural, spiritual, and social life of the American community and subsequently, to provide mutual assistance to its membership and aid to other immigrants.


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Contains research notes on American history, some of which were used in her book, _On Equal Terms_. Also contains notes on Antisemitism in America, Holocaust denial, and European Jewish heritage and the Holocaust. Materials also include biographical materials consisting of letters, notes, memorabilia, and photographs. There is also a series of publications: published articles, books, and other materials, along with business correspondence dealing with book publishers and editors. Photographs include those taken during her year in Vilna (1938) until her death in 1990. Correspondence covers the years 1961-1990 and contains letters with many historians, professors, and scholars in the field of Jewish affairs. Also contains personal correspondence with colleagues and friends such as Cynthia Ozick and Marie Syrkin.


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This collection consists primarily of correspondence, notes and memoranda relating to his work with the American Zionist Bureau (1939-40) and the Zionist Organization of America (1941). Also includes correspondence as U.S. Army Chaplain (1943) stationed in Daytona Beach, Florida. Among the more important correspondents are Louis D. Brandeis, Stephen S. Wise, Solomon Goldman and Robert Szold.


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Clippings, correspondence, published and unpublished articles on learning disabilities and music therapy; contains testimony on her experience in the internment camp of Gurs, France.


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Curriculum vitae, program for memorial for Herbert Dorn; clippings on Dorn exhibition.


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List of family members. Original poem: "Abschied vom Friedhof 10. November 1938." Clipping: "Stammhaus der Familie Ostheimer."


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Materials pertaining to Julius Seligmann (born 1903 in Werden) and to his parents (?), Sigmund Seligmann (b. 1871) and Minna, née Oppenheimer (b. 1873)