128 resultados para 090 Manuscripts
History of family and name.
Article about Siegbert Springer in Juristische Schulung, vol. 17, No. 7 and a report about a memorial plaque for Siegbert Springer in Berlin.
Family history
Family history
Photocopy of family history (70p), includes photocopies of original documents.
Privately printed book on Andre Salomon, including documents and correspondence
Booklet prepared by Zeev Eshkolot containing genealogical tables with introduction.
History of the Oppenheimer Family from Oppenheim and Worms; essay is built around 'seven remarkable Oppenheimers' since the year 1400.
M.A. Thesis for the University of Goettingen (1987).
Clippings about Jews in Germany, Kristallnacht and the Holocaust. Also included are 2 full articles: Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg. Todesbilder aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg und der Nachkriegszeit by Bernd Hppauf (offprint 1984); and Blut by Kroly Pap, a short story, told in first person (fact or fiction?) of a Jewish boys encounter with anti-Semitism and his Jewish identity, undated typescript, 14 pages.
Three galley copies of a published work with corrections and edited indices.
Draft of published version which examines the status of Jewish authors and publishers in Nazi Germany; continues with the process of removing Jewish works from Nazi-German society, with special attention to the difficulties with Heinrich Heine and the Schocken Press.
This collection holds papers of members of the Loewenstein family, especially Walter and Karl Loewenstein. Among the papers here are examples of Walter Loewenstein's writing, documentation of life in Rietberg in Westphalia (Germany) during the late 1930s and early 1940s, and correspondence concerning the fate of several family members during this time. Papers relating to Karl Loewenstein focus on his wartime activities. The genealogy of the Brandenstein family is also represented here along with a few papers of other family members. The collection consists of unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, official and restitution documentation, notebooks and notes, genealogical research, and fliers.
Paper presented at the Fourth National Seminar on Jewish genealogy, Evanston, IL, July 22-25, 1984.
Manuscript: "Embattled Selves. Jewish Identity in the Face of Nazi Persecution". Table of contents and partial draft of a book on the impact of experiences in the Nazi era on the Jewish identity of four persons.