23 resultados para z-pin bridging law

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We consider adhesive contact between a rigid sphere of radius R and a graded elastic half-space with Young's modulus varying with depth according to a power law E = E-0(z/c(0))(k) (0 < k < 1) while Poisson's ratio v remaining a constant. Closed-form analytical solutions are established for the critical force, the critical radius of contact area and the critical interfacial stress at pull-off. We highlight that the pull-off force has a simple solution of P-cr= -(k+3)pi R Delta gamma/2 where Delta gamma is the work of adhesion and make further discussions with respect to three interesting limits: the classical JKR solution when k = 0, the Gibson solid when k --> 1 and v = 0.5, and the strength limit in which the interfacial stress reaches the theoretical strength of adhesion at pull-off. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Dugdale-Barenblatt model is used to analyze the adhesion of graded elastic materials at the nanoscale with Young's modulus E varying with depth z according to a power law E = E-0(z/c(0))(k) (0 < k < 1) while Poisson's ratio v remains a constant, where E-0 is a referenced Young's modulus, k is the gradient exponent and c(0) is a characteristic length describing the variation rate of Young's modulus. We show that, when the size of a rigid punch becomes smaller than a critical length, the adhesive interface between the punch and the graded material detaches due to rupture with uniform stresses, rather than by crack propagation with stress concentration. The critical length can be reduced to the one for isotropic elastic materials only if the gradient exponent k vanishes.


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Isotope yield distributions in the multifragmentation regime were studied with high-quality isotope identification, focusing on the intermediate mass fragments (IMFs) produced in semiviolent collisions. The yields were analyzed within the framework of a modified Fisher model. Using the ratio of the mass-dependent symmetry energy coefficient relative to the temperature, a(sym)/T, extracted in previous work and that of the pairing term, a(p)/T, extracted from this work, and assuming that both reflect secondary decay processes, the experimentally observed isotope yields were corrected for these effects. For a given I = N - Z value, the corrected yields of isotopes relative to the yield of C-12 show a power law distribution Y (N, Z)/Y(C-12) similar to A(-tau) in the mass range 1 <= A <= 30, and the distributions are almost identical for the different reactions studied. The observed power law distributions change systematically when I of the isotopes changes and the extracted tau value decreases from 3.9 to 1.0 as I increases from -1 to 3. These observations are well reproduced by a simple deexcitation model, with which the power law distribution of the primary isotopes is determined to be tau(prim) = 2.4 +/- 0.2, suggesting that the disassembling system at the time of the fragment formation is indeed at, or very near, the critical point.


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An experiment to study exotic two-proton emission from excited levels of the odd-Z nucleus P-28 was performed at the National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Research-Radioactive Ion Beam Line (HIRFL-RIBLL) facility. The projectile P-28 at the energy of 46.5 MeV/u was bombarding a Au-197 target to populate the excited states via Coulomb excitation. Complete-kinematics measurements were realized by the array of silicon strip detectors and the CsI + PIN telescope. Two-proton events were selected and the relativistic-kinematics reconstruction was carried out. The spectrum of relative momentum and opening angle between two protons was deduced from Monte Carlo simulations. Experimental results show that two-proton emission from P-28 excited states less than 17.0 MeV is mainly two-body sequential emission or three-body simultaneous decay in phase space. The present simulations cannot distinguish these two decay modes. No obvious diproton emission was found.


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X射线谱仪以其多用途、无损、操作简单、快速、价格低廉和运行费用很低等优点,己经成为应用最为广泛的多元素分析仪器。采用液氮冷却的X射线谱仪在荧光分析技术领域得到广泛的应用和普遍认可。液氮制冷的一个主要缺点是必须有一个液氮存储罐作为完整谱仪的一部分。从而,在实际应用中受到液氮价格贵和液氮供应厂少的限制,大大地制约了该种谱仪的进一步推广使用。如果能采用另外的技术得到足够低的温度,在此温度下探测器具有极低的漏电流,也可使X射线谱仪有极低的噪声和相当好的能量分辨率;因此克服上述限制就成为一个有重要意义的课题方向。本文在国内首次实现采用半导体电制冷技术对平面离子注入(Si一PIN)探测器制冷,降低探测器漏电流至10~(-13)以下,配合低噪声脉冲光反馈前放,成功地使得整个x射线谱仪能量分辨率达到262eV(对~(55)Fe的Mn Kα K射线)。虽然电制冷X射线谱仪的分辨率没有采用液氮冷却的好,但是它的性能已足够在包括利用X射线能量分离进行荧光分析等多种应用所需。考虑到元素周期表中钾元素以上的毗邻两元素的Ka特征X射线的能量差在380eV以上;例如,K和Ca的峰线宽分别是243eV和245 eV,由此得到电制冷X射线谱仪己可完成对K, C a和更高Z的元素进行能散荧光分析工作。并且,液氮罐的取消可方便的设计在野外使用的便携式X射线荧光分析设备。 文中全面介绍了X射线谱仪的各个组成部分和其背景知识。并详细描述了探测器系统、电制冷系统和低噪声电子学系统,充分展示了研制X射线谱仪的关键所在。最后给出了电制冷X射线谱仪的测试结果和应用设计。


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An organic-inorganic hybrid solid, (Cu(2,2'-bpy)(2))(2)Mo8O26, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Dark green crystals crystallize in the orthorhombic system, space group Pna21, a = 24.164(5), b = 18.281(4), c = 11.877(2) Angstrom, alpha = 90 degrees, beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 90 degrees, V= 5247(2) Angstrom (3), Z = 4, lambda (MoK alpha) = 0.71073 Angstrom (R(F) = 0.0331 for 5353 reflections). Data were collected on a Siemens P4 four-circle diffractometer at 293 K in the range 1.69 degrees < theta < 25.04 degrees using the omega -scan technique. The structure was solved by the direct method and refined by full-matrix least squares on F-2 using SHELXL-93. The structure of this compound consists of discrete (Cu(2,2'-bpy)(2))(2)Mo8O26 clusters, constructed from beta -octamolybdate subunits ((Mo8O26)(4-)) covalently bonded to two (Cu(2,2'-bpy)(2))(2+) coordination complexes via bridging oxo groups that connect two adjacent molybdenum sites. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The aggregation behaviors of two surfactants with the same hydrophobic tail, sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (NaDEHP), have been investigated by the fluorescence technique and z-potential (ζ) measurements. Five fine peaks of the pyrene molecule fluorescence spectroscopy appear in the surfactant solution, and the micropolarity at which pyrene locates is monitored from the intensity ratio of the first (I1) and the third peak (I3). A wide peak around 475 nm, the emission spectra of the excimer of pyrene molecules, is observed in the NaDEHP solution, while this is not found for the AOT system. The value of I1/I3 decreases in a more limited concentration range for the AOT system than for NaDEHP, indicating that small aggregates can be more easily formed by NaDEHP molecules. The z-potential results for the aggregates formed by the two surfactants show that the interaction between AOT and PVP is stronger than that between NaDEHP and PVP.


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At high temperature rise rate, the mechanical properties of 10 # steel were determined experimentally in a very wide range of temperature and strain rates. A new constitutive relationship was put forward, which can fit with the experimental results and describe various phenomena observed in our experiments. Meanwhile, some interesting characteristics about the temperature rise rate, strain and strain rate hardening and thermal softening are also shown in this paper. Finally, the reliability of the constitutive law and the correctness of the constitutive parameters were verified by comparing the calculation results with the experimental data.


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A new hardening law of the strain gradient theory is proposed in this paper, which retains the essential structure of the incremental version of conventional J(2) deformation theory and obeys thermodynamic restrictions. The key feature of the new proposal is that the term of strain gradient plasticity is represented as an internal variable to increase the tangent modulus. This feature which is in contrast to several proposed theories, allows the problem of incremental equilibrium equations to be stated without higher-order stress, higher-order strain rates or extra boundary conditions. The general idea is presented and compared with the theory given by Fleck and Hutchinson (Adv. in Appl. Mech. (1997) 295). The new hardening law is demonstrated by two experimental tests i.e. thin wire torsion and ultra-thin beam bending tests. The present theoretical results agree well with the experiment results.


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We use dimensional analysis to derive scaling relationships for self-similar indenters indenting solids that exhibit power-law creep. We identify the parameter that represents the indentation strain rate. The scaling relationships are applied to several types of indentation creep experiment with constant displacement rate, constant loading rate or constant ratio of loading rate over load. The predictions compare favourably with experimental observations reported in the literature. Finally, a connection is found between creep and 'indentation-size effect' (i.e. changing hardness with indentation depth or load).


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The longitudinal fluctuating velocity of a turbulent boundary layer was measured in a water channel at a moderate Reynolds number. The extended self-similar scaling law of structure function proposed by Benzi was verified. The longitudinal fluctuating velocity, in the turbulent boundary layer was decomposed into many multi-scale eddy structures by wavelet transform. The extended self-similar scaling law of structure function for each scale eddy velocity was investigated. The conclusions are I) The statistical properties of turbulence could be self-similar not only at high Reynolds number, but also at moderate and low Reynolds number, and they could be characterized by the same set of scaling exponents xi (1)(n) = n/3 and xi (2)(n) = n/3 of the fully developed regime. 2) The range of scales where the extended self-similarity valid is much larger than the inertial range and extends far deep into the dissipation range,vith the same set of scaling exponents. 3) The extended selfsimilarity is applicable not only for homogeneous turbulence, but also for shear turbulence such as turbulent boundary layers.


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We provide an overview of the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis, followed by a review of some of the recent work on applying these concepts to modeling instrumented indentation measurements. Specifically, we examine conical and pyramidal indentation in elastic-plastic solids with power-law work-hardening, in power-law creep solids, and in linear viscoelastic materials. We show that the scaling approach to indentation modeling provides new insights into several basic questions in instrumented indentation, including, what information is contained in the indentation load-displacement curves? How does hardness depend on the mechanical properties and indenter geometry? What are the factors determining piling-up and sinking-in of surface profiles around indents? Can stress-strain relationships be obtained from indentation load-displacement curves? How to measure time dependent mechanical properties from indentation? How to detect or confirm indentation size effects? The scaling approach also helps organize knowledge and provides a framework for bridging micro- and macroscales. We hope that this review will accomplish two purposes: (1) introducing the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis to materials scientists and engineers, and (2) providing a better understanding of instrumented indentation measurements.