91 resultados para volumetric organic loading

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造纸行业是造成我国水环境有机污染物的重要污染源之一,其水污染的特点是小厂多、草浆多、工艺落后、污染扩散面广、造成废 水排放量大,每年排放的废水量约39亿立方米,占全国工业废水排放量的1/6,其中有机污染物(以BOD5计)160万吨左右,约占全 国工业废水中有机污染物总量的1/4。尤以占全国制浆造纸行业90%以上的碱法草浆造纸厂的蒸煮黑液量大面广,除含有机物外,还 含有木质素、残碱、硫化物、氯化物等污染物,属于PH值高、色度深、难于治理的高浓度有机废水,对水体污染特别严重,各地要 求治理呼声很高,急待研究并尽快找出各种有效的治理途径。对于碱法草浆蒸煮,黑液高浓度废水的治理,有各种方法,根据国内 的研究进展和我们已有试验工作表明,最经济有效,具有实用价值,在生产上可获得成功是厌氧处理法。近10多年来,国外关于高 效厌氧处理技术研究进展迅速,并出现了多种多样的工艺设备,如高效厌氧生物反应器,并在实用化方面取得了很大成绩,建立了 生产性装置,达到了高负荷运行,效果良好。本试验是根据我们已有研究基础,针对我国国情,对小型制浆造纸厂水污染防治除了 开发碱回收及各种综合利用技术外,要特别加强废水(废液)实用技术研究的指导思想,本试验采用改进型的上流式厌氧污泥床反应 器,设计了两种试验方案,通过试验结果如下。1. 试验方案I—碱法草浆黑液酸化和厌氧发酵I号UASB反应器动态模型试验结果表 明:(1). 采用中温35℃±1℃高效厌氧反应器USAB内装有填料(陶粒)和三相分离器,具有保持高浓度生物量和防止污泥流失的特点 ,污泥浓度Vs 可达30%以上,因而具有高效、节能、产能、滞留期短的优点,当进水CODcr在7500-10000mg/l,HRT由7天缩短到3天 ,有机容积负荷在1.22gCODcr/l·d-3.43gCODcr/l·d时,CODcr平均去除率可达55%-45.5%,最高CODcr去除率可达60.2-63.5%, BOD5去除率可达75.9-83.2%,沼气容积产气率可达0.29-0.67l/l·d,每克CODcr转化为沼气产率达0.39-0.48l/gCODcr·d,CH4含量 65.8-75.5%。厌氧发酵出水再用化学法进行后处理脱除难降解的木质素,CODcr总去除率达80%以上。(2). 动态试验结果表明:采 用酸化—厌氧发酵处理黑液工艺合理,技术路线可行。2. 试验方案II—黑液用化学法(Hcl)去除木质素进行厌氧发酵,II号UASB反 应器动态模型试验结果表明:(1). 采用中温35℃±1℃高效厌氧反应器UASB(内有软填料),当进水CODcr7000-13000mg/l左右,HRT 由6天缩短到1天,有机负荷由0.98gCODcr/l·d增加到11gCODcr/l·d时,COD平均去除率均可稳定在70-77%,BOD5去除率为87.3- 93.1%,沼气容积产气率0.21-2.6l/l·d,每克CODcr转化为沼气产率为0.39-0.48l/gCODcr·d,高的可达0.53l/gCODcr·d,转化 率较高,CH4含量63-70%。(2). 试验证明碱法草浆黑液物化预处理—厌氧发酵处理的技术路线也是可行的,工艺合理、效果较好。 在有条件的工厂可采用。3.厌氧发酵阶段几大类群微生物计数表明:(1). 当发酵工艺和运行处于相对稳定状态时,微生物群体的 组成也达到相对的稳定,各类微生物之间保持动态平衡关系。当产乙酸菌的数量为107-108个/ml时,产甲烷菌的数量为105-106 个/ml,当产乙酸菌数量为106-107个/ml时,产甲烷菌的数量为103-105个/ml。(2).稳态运行条件下,黑液预处理为甲烷发酵创造 了有利的生态环境,获得了较好的处理效果和较高的COD转化为沼气的产率0.39-0.48l/g·CODcr·d,反应器中形成较为稳定而数 量较下水污泥中高1-2个数量级的厌氧发酵微生物区系组成。这一结果为黑液厌氧发酵提供了微生物理论依据。Paper industry is one of the important pollution source of water environment in our country. Its character of water pollution is many small factories, much grass pulp, disadvantageous technique, large preading area of pullution. Its effluent makes up 1/6 of whole country's industry wastwater. Its organic pollutant accounts 1/4 of whole country's. Alkaline grass paper pulp effluent with pollutants such as ligoin, remaining alkali sulfide, chloride besides organic material, is a kind of high concentrate organic wastewater which has high PH walug, dark colour and is difficult in treatment. There is urgent require to find ways to treat the wastewater. There are different ways to treat alkaline paper grass pulp effluent. According to the research advances and our experiment work, the most economical and useful way is anaerobic degradation which was advanced quick in last ten years. In the control of waste water of small pulp paper mill, the study of wastewater utilization technology should be emphasized, besides alkaline retrieving and different kinds of comprehensive utilization technology. Our experiment used modified UASB(Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor). Two kinds of plan were disgned. The results are lined below. 1. The first experiment plant-aciding black pulp effluent and methanogenic digestion. The dynamic model experiment results of I-UASB reactor showed: (1)The mesophilic(35℃±1℃)high effect UASB reactor having haydite and threee state seperation in it had the character of keeping high bioimass concentration and preventing losss of sludge. It had advantages of high effect, energe saving, energe prodcing and short HRT(Hydroulic retention time). When the influent COD was 7500-10000mg, HRT was shortened from 7 days to 3days, organic loading rate was 1.22g-3.43COD/l· d, the average COD removal efficiency was 55%-45%. The highest COD efficiency was 60.2-63.5%, BOD removal of 75.9 -83.4% was achieved. Biogass production rate were up to 0.29-0.67l/l·d. Biogass converted efficiency from every gram of COD could reach 0.39-0.48l/gCOD·d. Methane content was 65.0-75.5%. Chemical method was used to deplate lignin in anaerobic digestion effluent. Total COD removal efficiency could be more than 80%. (2)Using aciding annaerobic digestion to treat the black effluent was reseanable in technique and technology. 2. The second experiment plan-anaerobic digestion was used after the chemical method was used to deplate lignin in the black effluent. The result of dynamic experiment of II-UASB reactor showed: (1)High effect mesophilic (35℃±1℃)UASB reactor having soft slaffing in was used. When influent COD was about 7000-13000mg/l, HRT was shortened from 6 days to 1 day and organic loading rate was increased from 0.90 to 11g COD /l·d, average COD removal efficiency remained stable on 70-77%. BOD, removal efficiency was between 87.3-93.1%. Biogass production rate was 0.2-2.6l/l ·d .Biogass converted efficiency from a gram of COD was 0.39-0.481/gCOD·d with the high value of 0.53l/gCOD·d. Methane content was 63-70%. (2)The way that using physical, chemical Pre-treatment-anaerobic digestion to treat alkaline black effluent is feasible and can be used in some factories when the condition exists. 3. Counting of several class of microoganisms in anaerobic digestion stage showed: (1)As the disgestion was in stable motion, the compositon of microorganic colony could get relative stable. Dynamic balance was remaining among different kinds of microorganism such as methanogenic bacteria, Acidogenic bacteria, sulfate reducing bacteria, and heterotrophic bacteria. (2)Under stable motion, the pre-treatment of black effluent produced favourable eco-enviroment for methanegenic digestion. Good treatment effect and high biogass convertent efficiency from COD(0.39-0.48l/g·COD· d)were gotten. Some stable and high quantity(10-100times more than sewage sludge)microorganism colony were formed in the reactor. This result provided theoretical basis for anaerobic digestion of black effluent.


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垃圾卫生填埋是国内外城市垃圾的主要处置方法。垃圾渗滤液是渗入填埋场垃圾的降水混合垃圾降解过程中产生的物质而形成的混合物,是垃圾填埋场向环境排放的主要污染物。渗滤液由于其所含高浓度有机和无机污染物,且其中很多物质有生物毒性或难生物降解,难于治理。特别是到填埋晚期,渗滤液中高浓度的氨氮更是增加了治理的难度。渗滤液场外硝化-原位反硝化是填埋场氮管理的新途径。本文利用从环境中筛选出优势硝化功能菌对渗滤液中的高浓度氨氮进行生物硝化,经硝化后的渗滤液回灌至以垃圾柱模拟的生物反应器填埋场,在填埋场内实现原位反硝化。 上述目标通过以下两部分来实现: 第一部分:渗滤液场外硝化。首先从污水厂的硝化污泥中富集并筛选出硝化功能菌,在模拟氨氮废水中优化。将驯化的硝化功能菌接种于连续式完全混合反应器(CSTR)进行高氨氮渗滤液硝化研究。在200余天的连续运行中,反应器硝化和有机物去除效果良好。在最大氨氮负荷和有机物负荷分别为0.65 g N l-1 d-1 和3.84 g COD l-1 d-1时,氨氮和COD去除率分别高于99%和57%。实验过程中发现,游离氨(FA)和溶解氧(DO)浓度对反应器中亚硝酸盐的积累影响很大。 第二部分:渗滤液原位反硝化。本文利用一个垃圾填充柱模拟生物反应器填埋场,研究了硝化渗滤液回灌对垃圾降解的影响,和回灌的硝化渗滤液中TON(总氧化态氮)对填埋场生物反应器产甲烷作用的影响。最后利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分析了硝化渗滤液回灌对垃圾填埋场菌群结构的影响。结果表明:回灌的TON被完全还原,反硝化为主要反应,最大TON负荷为28.6 mg N kg-1 TS d-1。当垃圾柱TON负荷大于11.4 mg N kg-1 TS d-1时,出现了产甲烷抑制,抑制作用随TON负荷的增加而加强。在此过程中,反硝化逐渐代替产甲烷作用成为填埋场内垃圾降解的主要反应,且更多产生的是清洁的氮气,而非温室气体甲烷。直到实验结束时,回灌硝化渗滤液的垃圾柱的甲烷产量仅相当于对照的2.5%,并且回灌的硝化渗滤液还加速了填埋场垃圾的降解与稳定。通过DGGE进行菌群结构分析发现,由于TON对填埋场的长期作用,反硝化菌增多而产甲烷菌减少。 Landfill still remains the chief method for MSW management around the world. Leachate is a mixture of rainfall permeating through landfill and organic and inorganic matters generated during decomposition of the wastes in the landfills, characterized as highly complicated and refractory wastewater. Ex-situ nitrification and sequential in-situ denitrification represents a novel approach to nitrogen management at landfills. In the present paper, nitrification was carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) inoculated with nitrifying bacteria which were isolated from municipal WWTP of Chengdu city. The nitrified leachate from CSTR was recirculated to a lab-scale municipal solid waste (MSW) column where in-situ denitrification took place. The above object was achived through two parts as following: First, ex-situ nitification of leachate. After acclimated in simulated wastewater for 3 month, nitrifying bacteria isolated from WWTP nitrifying sludge were added to the CSTR for nitrification. The results over 200 days showed that the maximum nitrogen loading rate (NLR) and the maximum organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.65 g N l-1 d-1 and 3.84 g COD l-1 d-1, respectively. The ammonia and COD removal was over 99% and 57%, respectively. Moreover, the effects of free ammonia (FA) and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrification were investigated. Second, in-situ denitrification was studied in a municipal solid waste (MSW) column. Variation of nitrified leachate and its effects on the decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) were studied in a lab-scale MSW column to which nitrified leachate was recirculated. Additionally, DGGE was employed to investigate the microbial community of both MSW columns. The results suggested: complete reduction of total oxidized nitrogen (TON) was obtained with maximum TON load of 28.6 mg N kg-1 TS d-1 and denitrification was the main reaction responsible. Methanogenesis inhibition was observed while TON load was over 11.4 mg N kg-1 TS d-1 and the inhibition was enhanced with the increase of TON load. Denitrification gradually took over methanogenesis to become the main reaction responsible for decomposition of MSW while nitrogen gas, a clean byproduct, was generated instead. Till the end of the experiment, the average weekly methane production in the denitrification column was as low as 2.5% of that of the control, and the rate of decompition and stability of MSW was accelerated by the recirculation of the nitrified leachate.Owing to long term exposure of nitrified leachate to landfill, denitrifying bacteria increased and methanogen decreased.


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A comparative study was conducted to reveal the differentiate effects of eight different filter media including gravel, zeolites, anthracite, shale, vermiculite, ceramic filter media, blast furnace steel slag and round ceramsite. The study mainly related to the eight different filter media's removal performances of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in the vertical flow constructed wetland simulated system, which treating wastewater at hydraulic loading rate of 1000-2500 mm/d. The results indicated that the removal effects were closely related to the physical and chemical properties of medium materials. Anthracite-filled system had the highest removal rate for the total organic carbon (TOC), up to 70%, and the removal rates of other systems ranged from 20% to 30%. As for the five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), anthracite-filled and steel slag-filled systems had the highest removal rates, also up to 70%, as well as other systems all exceeded 50%. At the same time, for the total nitrogen (TN) and NH4(+)-N, the zeolites-filled and ceramic-filled systems had the best performances with the removal rates of more than 70%, the other way round, the removal rates of other systems were only about 20%. The distinguishable effects were also observed in removal performances of total phosphorus (TP) and total dissoluble phosphorus (TDP). The removal rates of TP and TDP in steel slag-filled systems were more than 90%, a much higher value, followed by that of the anthracite-filled system, more than 60%, but those of other systems being the less. Our study provided a potential mechanism to optimize the filter media design for the vertical flow constructed wetlands.


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Phosphatase may accelerate the process of lake eutrophication through improving phosphorus bioavailability. This mechanism was studied in three Chinese eutrophic shallow lakes (Lake Taihu, Lake Longyang,and Lake Lianhua). Phosphatase activity was related to the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and chlorophyll a. Stability of dissolved phosphatase in reverse micelles may be attributed to molecular size, conformation and active residues of the enzyme. At the site with Microcystis bloomed in Lake Taihu, dissolved phosphatase activity was higher and more stable in micelles, SRP concentrations were lower in interstitial water, the contents of different forms of phosphorus and the amounts of aerobic bacteria were lower while respiration efficiency was higher in sediments. Phosphobacteria, both inorganic and organic and other microorganisms were abundant in surface water but rare in sediments. Therefore, internal phosphorus may substantially flux into water column by enzymatic hydrolysis and anaerobic release, together with mobility of bacteria, thereby initiating the bloom. In short, biological mechanism may act in concert with physical and chemical factors to drive the internal phosphorus release and accelerate lake eutrophication.


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Net organic metabolism (that is, the difference between primary production and respiration of organic matter) in the coastal ocean may be a significant term in the oceanic carbon budget. Historical change in the rate of this net metabolism determines the importance of the coastal ocean relative to anthropogenic perturbations of the global carbon cycle. Consideration of long-term rates of river loading of organic carbon, organic burial, chemical reactivity of land-derived organic matter, and rates of community metabolism in the coastal zone leads us to estimate that the coastal zone oxidizes about 7 × 1012 moles C/yr. The open ocean is apparently also a site of net organic oxidation (∼16 × 1012 moles C/yr). Thus organic metabolism in the ocean appears to be a source of CO2 release to the atmosphere rather than being a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. The small area of the coastal ocean accounts for about 30% of the net oceanic oxidation. Oxidation in the coastal zone (especially in bays and estuaries) takes on particular importance, because the input rate is likely to have been altered substantially by human activities on land.


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A new class of organic-inorganic hybrid porous clay heterostructures (HPCHs) have been prepared through the surfactant-directed assembly of organosilica in the galleries of montmorillonite. The reaction involved hydrolysis and condensation of phenyltriethoxysilane and tetraethoxysilane in the presence of intragallery surfactant templates (dodecylame and cetyltrimethylammonium ion). The surfactant templates were removed from the pores by solvent-extraction. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N-2 adsorption, solid-state Si-29 and C-13 NMR, and FTIR. XRD patterns indicated a regular interstratification of the clay layers for HPCHs. Depending on loading of phenyl groups, HPCHs had BET surface areas of 390-771 m(2) g(-1), pore volumes of 0.3-0.59 cm(3) g(-1), and the framework pore sizes in the supermicropore to small mesopore range (1.2-2.6 nm). HPCHs were hydrophobic and acidic.


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An amperometric biosensor for monitoring phenols in the organic phase was constructed by the silica sol-gel immobilization of tyrosinase on a glassy carbon electrode. The organic-inorganic hybrid materials with different sol-gel precursors and polymers were optimized, and the experimental conditions, such as the effect of the solvent, operational potential and enzyme loading were explored for the optimum analytical performance of the enzyme electrode. The biosensor can reach 95% of steady-state current in about 18 s, and the trend in the sensitivity of different phenols is as follows: catechol > phenol >p-cresol. In addition, the apparent Michaelis-Menten constants (K-m(app)) and the stability of the enzyme electrode were discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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A novel functionalized inorganic-organic hybrid material with cation exchange property was prepared by sol-gel method. The H2O2 biosensor was fabricated by simply dipping the horseradish peroxidase-containing functionalized membrane modified electrode into Meldola's blue (MDB) solution. MDB was adsorbed and firmly immobilized within the membrane. The electrochemical behavior of MDB incorporated in the membrane was more reversible compared with that of the solution species and suitable as mediator for the horseradish peroxidase. The response time was less than 25 s. Linear range is up to 0.6 mM (COH. coeff. 0.9998) with detection Limit of 9 x 10(-7) M. High sensitivity of 75 nA mu M cm(-2) was obtained due to high MDB-loading. The biosensor exhibited a good stability. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The capacity factors of a series of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) were measured in soil leaching column chromatography (SLCC) on a soil column, and in reversed-phase liquid chromatography on a C-18 column with different volumetric fractions (phi) of methanol in methanol-water mixtures. A general equation of linear solvation energy relationships, log(XYZ) = XYZ(0) + mV(1)/100 + spi* + bbeta(m) + aalpha(m), was applied to analyze capacity factors (k'), soil organic partition coefficients (K-oc) and octanol-water partition coefficients (P). The analyses exhibited high accuracy. The chief solute factors that control log K-oc, log P, and log k' (on soil and on C-18) are the solute size (V-1/100) and hydrogen-bond basicity (beta(m)). Less important solute factors are the dipolarity/polarizability (pi*) and hydrogen-bond acidity (alpha(m)). Log k' on soil and log K-oc have similar signs in four fitting coefficients (m, s, b and a) and similar ratios (m:s:b:a), while log k' on C-18 and log P have similar signs in coefficients (m, s, b and a) and similar ratios (m:s:b:a). Consequently, log k' values on C-18 have good correlations with log P (r > 0.97), while log k' values on soil have good correlations with log K-oc (r > 0.98). Two K-oc estimation methods were developed, one through solute solvatochromic parameters, and the other through correlations with k' on soil. For HOCs, a linear relationship between logarithmic capacity factor and methanol composition in methanol-water mixtures could also be derived in SLCC. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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alpha-titanium and its alloys with a dual-phase structure (alpha+beta) were deformed dynamically under strain rate of about 10(4) s(-1). The formation and microstructural evolution of the localized shear bands were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results reveal that both the strain and strain rate should be considered simultaneously as the mechanical conditions for shear band formation, and twinning is an important mode of deformation. Both experimental and calculation show that the materials within the bands underwent a superhigh strain rate (9 x 10(5) s(-1)) deformation, which is two magnitudes of that of average strain rate required for shear band formation; the dislocations in the bands can be constricted and developed into cell structures; the phase transformation from alpha to alpha(2) within the bands was observed, and the transformation products (alpha(2)) had a certain crystallographic orientation relationship with their parent; the equiaxed grains with an average size of 10 mu m in diameter observed within the bands are proposed to be the results of recrystallization.


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Micromachined accelerometer is a kind of inertial MEMS devices, which usually operate under intensive impact loading. The reliability of micromachined accelerometers is one of the most important performance indices for their design, manufacture and commer


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The material response and failure mechanism of unidirectional metal matrix composite under impulsive shear loading are investigated in this paper. Both experimental and analytical studies were performed. The shear strength of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite and A356.0 aluminum alloy at high strain rate were measured with a modified split Hopkinson torsional bar technique. The results indicated that the carbon fibers did not improve the shear strength of aluminum matrix if the fiber orientation aligned with the shear loading axis. The microscopic inspection of the fractured surface showed a multi-scale zigzag feature which implied a complicated shear failure mechanism in the composite. In addition to testing, the micromechanical stress field in the composite was analyzed by the generalized Eshelby equivalent method (GEEM). The influence of cracking in matrix on the micromechanical stress field was investigated as well. The results showed that the stress distribution in the composite is quite nonhomogeneous and very high shear stress concentrations are found in some regions in the matrix. The high shear stress concentration in the matrix induces tensile cracking at 45 degrees to the shear direction. This in turn aggravates the stress concentration at the fiber/matrix interface and finally leads to a catastrophic failure in the composite. From the correlation between the analysis and experimental results, the shear failure mechanism of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite can be elucidated qualitatively.


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To accomplish laser-induced thermal loading simulation tests for pistons,the Gaussian beam was modulated into multi-circular beam with specific intensity distribution.A reverse method was proposed to design the intensity distribution for the laser-induced thermal loading based on finite element(FE) analysis.Firstly,the FE model is improved by alternating parameters of boundary conditions and thermal-physical properties of piston material in a reasonable range,therefore it can simulate the experimental resul...


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In this paper the problem of a cylindrical crack located in a functionally graded material (FGM) interlayer between two coaxial elastic dissimilar homogeneous cylinders and subjected to a torsional impact loading is considered. The shear modulus and the mass density of the FGM interlayer are assumed to vary continuously between those of the two coaxial cylinders. This mixed boundary value problem is first reduced to a singular integral equation with a Cauchy type kernel in the Laplace domain by applying Laplace and Fourier integral transforms. The singular integral equation is then solved numerically and the dynamic stress intensity factor (DSIF) is also obtained by a numerical Laplace inversion technique. The DSIF is found to rise rapidly to a peak and then reduce and tend to the static value almost without oscillation. The influences of the crack location, the FGM interlayer thickness and the relative magnitudes of the adjoining material properties are examined. It is found among others that, by increasing the FGM gradient, the DSIF can be greatly reduced.