15 resultados para underprivileged backgrounds

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Here we study fermionic zero modes in gauge and gravity backgrounds taking a two-dimensional compact manifold T-2 as extra dimensions. The result is that there exist massless Dirac fermions which have normalizable zero modes under quite general assumptions about these backgrounds on the bulk. Several special cases of gauge background on the torus are discussed and some simple fermionic zero modes axe obtained.


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An FFT-based two-step phase-shifting (TPS) algorithm is described in detail and implemented by use of experimental interferograms. This algorithm has been proposed to solve the TPS problem with random phase shift except pi. By comparison with the visibility-function-based TPS algorithm, it proves that the FFT-based algorithm has obvious advantages in phase extracting. Meanwhile, we present a pi-phase-shift supplement to the TPS algorithm, which combines the two interferograms and demodulates the phase map by locating the extrema of the combined fringes after removing the respective backgrounds. So combining this method and FFT-based one, one could really implement the TPS with random phase shift. Whereafter, we systematically compare the TPS with single-interferogram analysis algorithm and conventional three-step phase-shifting one. The results demonstrate that the FFT-based TPS algorithm has a satisfactory accuracy. At last, based on the polarizing interferometry, a schematic setup of two-channel TPS interferometer with random phase shift is suggested to implement the simultaneous collection of interferograms. (c) 2007 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.


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Microphthalmia is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorder of eye development. The genetic basis of nonsyndromic microphthalmia is not yet fully understood. Previous studies indicated that disease pedigrees from different genetic backgrounds co


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Transferrin polymorphism has been studied in the polyploid Carassius auratus by cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs from its three subspecies C. auratus gibelio, C. auratus auratus, and C. auratus cuvieri. DNA polymorphism of extremely high extent was shown for the transferrin gene by the 248 segregation sites among coding region sequences of its alleles. The deduced amino acid sequences of the transferrin alleles showed variable theoretical physicochemical parameters, which might constitute molecular basis for their electrophoretic heterogeneity. Positive selection was inferred by the replacement/synonymous ratios larger than 1 in partial allelic lineages which was subsequently confirmed by likelihood simulation under neutral or selection models. Furthermore, the correspondent sites to these selected codons were collectively located at two planes in the crystallographic structure of rabbit transferrin, which suggested that the rapid evolution of C. auratus transferrin might correlate to its adaptation to variable environmental elements such as oxygen pressure. The minimal 26 recombination events were detected among coding sequences of C. auratus transferrin, with partial mosaic sequences and breakpoints identified by identity scanning and information site analyses. Phylogenetic analyses revealed multiple antique allelic lineages of transferrin, which was estimated to diverge fifteen to twenty MYA. All these features strongly suggested the role of balancing selection in long persistence of high transferrin polymorphism in C. auratus. Furthermore, owing to its particular evolutionary backgrounds, the silver crucian carp might possess a distinctive balancing selection mechanism.


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In this paper we present a robust face location system based on human vision simulations to automatically locate faces in color static images. Our method is divided into four stages. In the first stage we use a gauss low-pass filter to remove the fine information of images, which is useless in the initial stage of human vision. During the second and the third stages, our technique approximately detects the image regions, which may contain faces. During the fourth stage, the existence of faces in the selected regions is verified. Having combined the advantages of Bottom-Up Feature Based Methods and Appearance-Based Methods, our algorithm performs well in various images, including those with highly complex backgrounds.


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工业革命以来,由于人口的快速增加和人类活动的强烈干扰(主要包括煤炭、石油等石化燃料的燃烧、化肥生产和使用)导致土地利用/覆被变化、大气CO2浓度升高、N沉降等一系列全球环境变化问题。有关陆地生态系统生物地球化学循环,尤其是陆地生态系统C、N循环及其耦合过程方面的研究成为全球变化科学研究领域的重要内容。 干旱/半干旱地区占地球陆地总面积的1/3。与湿润地区相比较,干旱/半干旱地区生态系统稳定性比较差,往往属于生态脆弱区。因此,全球变化对干旱/半干旱地区生态系统影响更加敏感。科尔沁沙地位于我国北方干旱/半干旱地区,是我国典型的农牧交错区和生态脆弱区。科尔沁沙地是世界上人口密度最高的干旱/半干旱地区之一,人类活动对其影响剧烈。然而,有关科尔沁沙地生态系统C、N元素生物地球化学循环过程对土地利用/覆被变化、N沉降等全球变化响应及其反馈机制的研究非常缺乏。因此,本文以科尔沁沙地退化沙质草地、农田、不同年龄樟子松和杨树人工林等生态系统为对象,开展了造林、模拟N沉降和凋落物管理对生态系统C、N元素循环过程影响的研究。 在科尔沁沙地东南缘,以退化沙质草地、樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)人工林(15、24和30年生)、杨树(Poplus xiaozhuanica)人工林(7、11和15年生)为对象,研究草地转变为林地对生态系统C、N储量影响;以退化草地、榆树疏林草地和32年生樟子松人工林为对象,比较草地造林对土壤C、N循环过程及其土壤微生物性状的影响;以农田和5、10、15年生杨树人工林为对象,研究退耕还林对生态系统C、N储量和循环过程影响;以35年生樟子松人工林为对象,模拟研究N沉降和凋落物管理对生态系统C、N循环过程影响。通过上述研究,得到以下主要结果: (1)草地生态系统总C储量为34.38 Mg ha-1,15、24和30年生樟子松人工林生态系统总C储量分别为43.56、60.45和66.59 Mg ha-1,7、11和15年生杨树人工林生态系统总C储量分别为34.54、48.26和78.77 Mg ha-1;与农田相比,退耕5年的杨树人工林生态系统总C库储量下降13%,而10年和15年杨树人工林分别增加了176%和5倍;随着人工林年龄的增加,地上植被生物量C库储量占生态系统总C库储量的比例逐渐增加,并主要分配在树干。草地生态系统总N库储量为2.54 Mg ha-1,15、24和30年生樟子松人工林生态系统总N库储量分别为1.96、2.10和2.19 Mg ha-1,7、11和15年生杨树人工林生态系统总N库储量分别为2.27、1.84和2.60 Mg ha-1;与农田相比,退耕5年的杨树人工林生态系统总N库储量下降32%,而10年和15年杨树人工林分别增加了47%和76%;农田和草地造林后生态系统N储量依然主要分配在土壤中。 (2)草地和农田造林后土壤C、N库储量的变化受多因子的影响,例如林龄、树种种类以及立地条件等。农田和草地造林初期,土壤C、N库储量表现出下降趋势,随着林龄的增加,土壤C、N储量逐渐恢复。草地营造樟子松人工林30年后,0–60 cm深度土壤C、N储量依然显著低于草地;与草地相比,15年生杨树人工林土壤C、N储量差异不显著。在立地条件较好的情况下,10年杨树人工林土壤C、N储量已显著高于农田;然而,在立地条件相对较差的情况下,15年杨树人工林土壤C、N储量仍然与农田相比差异不显著。 (3)土地利用变化能够强烈地改变土壤C、N循环过程。与草地或疏林草地相比,32年生樟子松人工林土壤C、N、P含量显著降低;土壤C、N矿化过程发生显著变化,并且受季节变化的影响;在不同季节,土壤微生物量碳含量、代谢熵(qCO2)、微生物熵(MBC/TOC)以及土壤酶活性等在不同土地利用条件下表现出规律不一致。同样,农田退耕杨树人工林能够显著影响土壤C、N矿化过程,土壤无机氮(铵态氮+硝态氮)含量,土壤微生物量碳含量以及土壤微生物活性。草地造林在一定程度上导致土壤质量下降。而农田造林有利于土壤质量改善,尤其在在立地条件较好情况下。 (4)N添加增加对沙地樟子松人工林地上和地下C、N元素含量影响不大;N添加1年后,仅林下植被C、N含量显著增加,高氮处理(N15)凋落物N含量显著增加。N添加抑制了沙地樟子松人工林凋落物的早期分解和N、P元素释放。5、6、8和9月份土壤无机N含量均随着N输入增加表现出一定程度的增加,然而,7月份N添加导致土壤无机N含量降低。N添加对土壤潜在N矿化速率影响不显著。7和8月份N添加影响土壤C矿化速率,而其它月份影响不显著。低氮处理(N5)有利于增加土壤微生物量碳含量,而高氮处理(N15)在一定程度上降低土壤微生物量碳含量。 (5)凋落物输入变化(凋落物添加和凋落物移出)在一定程度上改变了35年生沙地樟子松人工林生态系统C、N循环过程。凋落物移出(C0)增加了林下植被C含量,降低了树木叶片N含量。凋落物移出抑制了凋落物分解和P元素的释放,而增加了C元素的早期释放速率,对N元素释放过程影响不显著。凋落物输入变化对不同月份土壤无机N含量和土壤N矿化过程影响均不显著。仅在6月份凋落物移出显著抑制了土壤C矿化速率,其它月份差异均不显著。凋落物管理对土壤微生物量碳含量影响不显著。 以上研究结果表明,土地利用变化、N沉降和凋落物输入改变等能够影响半干旱地区沙地生态系统C、N储量和循环过程。尤其是土地利用变化强烈改变沙地生态系统C、N储量、分配格局和循环过程,并且受到多因子的影响。科尔沁沙地樟子松人工林生态系统C、N元素生物地球化学循环存在密切的耦合关系。今后有必要进一步结合3S技术、同位素技术、模型模拟以及分子生物学技术等,从微观-宏观不同尺度上,研究半干旱地区沙地生态系统C、N循环过程对全球变化的响应及其反馈机制。


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This paper focuses on the concept of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) putting the theoretical basis of Chapter 17, Agenda 21 (UN Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED), in relation to the theoretical backgrounds on which the development of coastal area programmes have been founded. Reasoning leads us to think that the general system theory is the proper conceptual basis to stimulate ICM and that, in this theoretical context, integration is to be pursued between (i) the claiming of national maritime jurisdictional belts and the protection of the coastal ecosystem, (ii) the coastal system and its external environment, (iii) the decision making systems acting at all levels (international, regional, national and local). Integration, therefore, should be thought of as a political process.


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A method for the analysis of mussel standard reference material by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry( ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was developed. K, Na, Ca, Mg, P, Al, Fe, Zn, Mn and Sr were determined by ICP-AES and As, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ge, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, U and V by ICP-MS, The interference coefficients at the Mn-55, Se-78, Cu-63, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, As-75, Se-77, V-51, Cr-53 and Cr-52 originating from polyatomic ion of the matrix elements (KO)-K-39-O-16, K-39(2), (ArNa)-Ar-40-Na-23, (CaO)-Ca-43-O-16, (CaO)-Ca-42-O-16, (CaO)-Ca-44-O-16, (PO2)-P-31-O-16, (ArCl)-Ar-40-Cl-35, (ArCl)-Ar-40-Cl-37, (ClO)-Cl-35-O-16, (ClO)-Cl-37-O-16 and (ArC)-Ar-40-C-12 were determined under the selected operation parameters. The major matrix elements, such as K, Na and Ca, result in the suppression of analytes signals. The apparent concentration at the significant biological element which was produced by the different digestion methods, (.) HNO3 + H2O2 (3 + 2), HNO3 + HClO4 (3 + 0.5) and HNO3 + H2SO4 (3 + 0.5),was determined. The sample digested by HNO3 + H2O2 did not give rise to interfere on the analyte, and the backgrounds of Se-77, Ga-69, Zn-67, As-75, V-51, Cr-53 and Cr-52 were increased by HNO3 + HClO4 digestion method, that affected the determination of these elements, especially the monoisotope As and V. Sample digested by HNO3 + H2SO4 increased the backgrounds at Cu-65, Zn-64 and Zn-67. Detection limits of ICP-AES are 0.001 similar to 0.75 mg/L and those of ICP-MS are 0.005 similar to 1.01 mu g/L. The relative standard derivations of ICP-AES and ICP-MS are 2.7% similar to 12.8%, 3.4% similar to 24.8%, respectively.


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A Kalman filter was developed for resolving overlapping lines in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and evaluated experimentally with the determination of La in the presence of Ho, and Cu in the presence of Pr. The whiteness of the innovation sequence for an optimal filter was explored to be the criterion for the correction of the wavelength positioning errors which may occur in spectral scans. Under the conditions of the medium-resolution spectrometer and 1.5 pm step size in scans, the filter effectively resolved the Cu/Pr line pair having a small peak separation of 4.8 pm. For the La/Ho line pair with a peak distance of 9.8 pm, an unbiased estimate for La concentration was still obtained even when the signal-to-background ratio was down to 0.048. Favourable detection limits for real samples were achieved. Unstructured backgrounds were modeled theoretically and all spectral scans therefore did not require the correction for solvent.


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This paper deals with the evaluation of the reliability of the analytical results obtained by Kalman filtering. Two criteria for evaluation were compared: one is based on the autocorrelation analysis of the innovation sequence, the so-called NAC criterion; the other is the innovations number, which actually is the autocorrelation coefficient of the innovation sequence at the initial wavelength. Both criteria allow compensation for the wavelength positioning errors in spectral scans, but there exists a difference in the way they work. The NAC criterion can provide information about the reliability of an individual result, which is very useful for the indication of unmodelled emissions, while the innovations number should be incorporated with the normalization of the innovations or seek the help of the sequence itself for the same purpose. The major limitation of the NAC criterion is that it does not allow the theoretical modelling of continuous backgrounds, which, however, is convenient in practical analysis and can be taken with the innovations number criterion.


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Geochemical and Geophysical anomaly play an important role in mineral exploration,their spatial structure character include singularity and self-similar。The singularity of an anomaly reflects the enrichment characters of the geochemical element ,The anomaly separation by multifractal model is useful in mineral anomaly assessment。In recent years, The continuous multifractal mode of the geochemical fields was studied ,it can be separated into the simple continuous multifractal mode and the high concentration multifractal mode, and the C-A、C-D、 S-A、MSDV、W-A method to decompose the anomaly were presented。Those are succeeded in interpretation of Geochemical and Geophysical anomaly。 This study makes a summarization to these method, we present a multifractal method based on wavelet transform to analyze the multifractal fields 。The singularity and spectrum are calculated through tracing the wavelet maximum modulus in different measure,and then the fields can be decomposed by the characters of the singularity。 It is demonstrated to be useful in interpretation of Au anomaly in Gekou-Shicheng region Rushang Shandong Province 。 Based on the multifractal theory , Using the concentration—area(C—A)method ,We study two geochemical fields in Chifeng area , Inner Mongolia。The results show that the geochemical fields have three different multifractal modes。Based on these ,we discuss the enrichment mode of the geochemical elements and their distributions in space and get the anomaly lower limit ,then the geochemical backgrounds、regional anomalies and local anomalies are distinguished


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Research on children's naive concepts has previously tended to focus on the domains of physics and psychology, but more recently attention has turned to conceptual development in biology as a core domain of knowledge. Because of its familiarity, illness has been a popular topic for researchers in this domain. However, they have only studied the children’s understanding of its causes. Other aspects of illness, such as treatment and prognosis, have received little attention. This research addresses the development of 5- to 9-year-old children’s understanding of the causes of illness and their probabilities via open-ended and forced choice interviews. The results of this research are: 1) Most of the 5- to 7-year-old children used behavioral causes to explain illness, and the 9-year-old children primarily used biological causes to interpret illness. With age, more and more children selected psychological causes to explain illness. 2) Pre-school children did not over-generalize contagions to non-contagious illnesses. They used behavioral and biological causes to explain contagious illnesses. For non-contagious illnesses, they chose only behavioral causes. 3) Most of the children used only one kind of cause to explain illness. 4) Some preschool-aged children viewed outcomes of familiar causes of illness as probabilistic. With age, more and more could make uncertain predictions of illness. 5) The children’s understanding of the causes’ probabilities appeared to be based on naïve biology. 5- to 9-year-old children often made probabilistic predictions by analyzing a single cause of illness. 6) Children coming from higher educational backgrounds outperformed their counterparts coming from lower educational backgrounds with respect to understanding illness. 7) Specific knowledge acquired could generally improved the preschoolers’ understanding of causes of illness and their probabilities.