126 resultados para third harmonic splitter

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We investigate the emission spectra of the semiconductor quantum well for few-cycle and sub-cycle pulse exciting. We find that Fano interference may induce third harmonic enhancement. Third harmonic enhancement varies with the magnitude and duration of the incident pulse, and may be enhanced by approximately one order of magnitude for the low intensity region of the sub-cycle incident pulse exciting.


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The authors report the measurement of the angularly resolved spectrum of the third harmonic generated in a femtosecond filament in air and its evolution with increasing pump power. Pumped by a focused infrared ultrashort pulse with a carrier wavelength of 1270 nm, a pulse duration of similar to 20 fs, and pulse energy up to 487 mu J, the generated third harmonic is composed of an on-axis emission and a conical ring emission. When the pump power is sufficiently high, angularly resolved spectra with significant X-like feature could be observed, indicating the formation of nonlinear X wave at third harmonic. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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对BBO晶体三次谐波转换过程中相位失配情况进行了研究。当BBO 晶体按Ⅰ类相位匹配(oo→e)进行三次谐波转换时,如果保持基频光正入射,当倍频光从两个相互独立的平面方向(晶体主截面及主截面的垂面)偏离预期方向时,相位失配将出现变化,并且在两个面内的偏离量对转换效率的影响程度不同。我们分别数值模拟了两个方向上的相位失配情况,并给出了谐波转换效率同入射角度偏差的关系。数值模拟结果表明,在主截面内的相位匹配容限角为0.2°,在主截面垂面内的相位匹配容限角为4.5°。同时,开展了实验研究,实验结果与数值模拟结果高度吻合,表明在主截面内的角度偏差对转换效率的影响更大。


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基于棱镜的色散特性,提出一种楔形窗口与聚焦透镜组合的方式,解决了高功率激光装置三倍频谐波分离所存在的问题,即三倍频的高通量传输和靶面辐照。结合“神光Ⅱ”装置多功能高能激光系统有关参数进行系统设计,确定了楔形窗口参数,并对其所引起的B积分和间距误差进行了分析。通过实验测试,三倍频传输通量由0.7~1 J/cm2提高到2.8 J/cm2,同时靶面三倍频和二倍频分离间距达到2.85 mm,实现了高功率激光装置高通量传输的三倍频谐波分离。


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We experimentally investigate the evolution of an angularly resolved spectrum of third harmonic generated by infrared femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. We show that at low pump intensity, phase matching between the fundamental and third-harmonic waves dominates the nonlinear optical effect and induces a ring structure of the third-harmonic beam, whereas at high pump intensity, the dispersion properties of air begin to affect the angular spectrum, leading to the formation of a nonlinear X wave at third harmonic.


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We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to generate various types of entangled states of light fields by using beam splitters and single-photon detectors. Two beams of light fields are incident on two beam splitters respectively with each beam being asymmetrically split into two parts in which one part is supposed to be so weak that it contains at most one photon. We let the two weak output modes interfere at a third beam splitter. A conditional joint measurement on both weak output modes may result in an entanglement between the other two output modes. The conditions for the maximal entanglement are discussed based on the concurrence. Several specific examples are also examined.


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We demonstrate a harmonic mode-locked ytterbium-doped fibre ring laser, which consists of a polarization-sensitive isolator, two polarization controllers, two 976 nm laser diodes as the pump source and a two-segment ytterbium-doped fibre. Utilizing an additive pulse mode-locked technique based on nonlinear polarization evolution, the ytterbium-doped fibre laser can operate in mode-locked state by adjusting the position of polarization controllers. The cavity fundamental repetition rate is 23.78 MHz. We also observe the second- and third-harmonic mode locking in the normal dispersion region, and their repetition rates are 47.66 MHz and 71.56 MHz, respectively. Over-driving of the saturable absorber in the harmonic mode-locking pulse is analysed and discussed in detail.


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Harmonic millimeter wave (mm-wave) generation and frequency up-conversion are experimentally demonstrated using optical injection locking and Brillouin selective sideband amplification (BSSA) induced by stimulated Brillouin scattering in a 10-km single-mode fiber. By using this method, we successfully generate third-harmonic mm-wave at 27 GHz (f(LO) - 9 GHz) with single sideband (SSB) modulation and up-convert the 2GHz intermediate frequency signal into the mm-wave band with single mode modulation of the SSB modes. In addition, the mm-wave carrier obtains more than 23 dB power gain due to the BSSA. The transmission experiments show that the generated mm-wave and up-converted signals indicate strong immunity against the chromatic dispersion of the fibers.


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We experimentally observe the formation of X-waves at fundamental, third harmonic, and fifth harmonic wavelengths by infrared (central wavelength at similar to 1500 nm) femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. By fitting the angularly resolved spectra of the fundamental and harmonic waves using X-wave relations, we confirm that all the X-waves have nearly the same group velocity, indicating that they are locked in space and time during their propagation in filament.


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从耦合波方程出发,分别在小信号、高功率(1.5 GW/cm2)条件下研究KDP晶体串接三次谐波转换。当两块混频晶体的长度选择为8 mm和6 mm,晶体分别偏离原混频匹配角0.35 mrad和-0.25 mrad时可以有0.3 nm的谐波转换带宽,同时系统的三次谐波转换效率与两块混频晶体之间的距离有密切关系,当两块晶体之间的距离使从第一块混频晶体出射的光波之间的相位差改变π时,会使第一块混频晶体产生的三次谐波大部分回流到基频和倍频光,从而使转换效率大幅度下降,最合适的距离应当使光波之间的相位差改变为2π。


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采用电子束蒸发方式制备了两种不同材料组合的分光膜,分别对其在波长1064 nm激光辐照下的损伤阈值进行了测试,用Alpha-Step 500台阶仪对破斑进行了深度测量。实验结果表明,破斑呈现出表面层的剥落和深坑破坏两种形态。表面层的剥落深度在一定范围内不随能量密度的变化而变化;深坑破坏深浅不一,是膜内缺陷融化、汽化及喷发的综合作用的结果,是损伤阈值降低的主要原因。


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Narrowed spectra at 452 nm from a thin platelike crystal of distyrylbenzene derivative, 2,5-diphenyl-1,4-distyrylbenzene with two trans double bonds (trans-DPDSB) grown by vapor deposition, are observed. The trans-DPDSB crystal is irradiated by the third harmonic (355 nm) of a Nd:YAG laser. The FWHM of the narrowed spectra can reach 6 nm for the crystal when the pumping energy is 400 mu J/pulse. The threshold value for an optically pumped laser is approximately 350 mu J/pulse.


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The lasing properties of a soluble conjugated polymer, Poly[1,8-octanedioxy-2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-phenylene-1,2-ethenylene-1,2-phenylene-1,2-ethenylene-3,5-dimethoxy-1,4-phenylene] (CNMBC-Ph) in chloroform solution were investigated. The third harmonic radiation of a Nd:YAG laser was used as the pump light. The stimulated emission with a linewidth of 15 nm was observed in the blue wavelength region with the peak at 450 nm. The threshold pulse peak power was about 2.8 MW/cm(2). The energy conversion yield of the laser was estimated to be about 3.4%. The maximum peak power of the laser output pulse reached 40 kW. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.