33 resultados para third central moment

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The Boltzmann equation of the sand particle velocity distribution function in wind-blown sand two-phase flow is established based on the motion equation of single particle in air. And then, the generalized balance law of particle property in single phase granular flow is extended to gas-particle two-phase flow. The velocity distribution function of particle phase is expanded into an infinite series by means of Grad's method and the Gauss distribution is used to replace Maxwell distribution. In the case of truncation at the third-order terms, a closed third-order moment dynamical equation system is constructed. The theory is further simplified according to the measurement results obtained by stroboscopic photography in wind tunnel tests.


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A novel and accurate finite volume method has been presented to solve the shallow water equations on unstructured grid in plane geometry. In addition to the volume integrated average (VIA moment) for each mesh cell, the point values (PV moment) defined on cell boundary are also treated as the model variables. The volume integrated average is updated via a finite volume formulation, and thus is numerically conserved, while the point value is computed by a point-wise Riemann solver. The cell-wise local interpolation reconstruction is built based on both the VIA and the PV moments, which results in a scheme of almost third order accuracy. Efforts have also been made to formulate the source term of the bottom topography in a way to balance the numerical flux function to satisfy the so-called C-property. The proposed numerical model is validated by numerical tests in comparison with other methods reported in the literature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel accurate numerical model for shallow water equations on sphere have been developed by implementing the high order multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method on the icosahedral geodesic grid. High order reconstructions are conducted cell-wisely by making use of the point values as the unknowns distributed within each triangular cell element. The time evolution equations to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constrained conditions for two types of moments, i.e. the point values on the cell boundary edges and the cell-integrated average. The numerical conservation is rigorously guaranteed. in the present model, all unknowns or computational variables are point values and no numerical quadrature is involved, which particularly benefits the computational accuracy and efficiency in handling the spherical geometry, such as coordinate transformation and curved surface. Numerical formulations of third and fourth order accuracy are presented in detail. The proposed numerical model has been validated by widely used benchmark tests and competitive results are obtained. The present numerical framework provides a promising and practical base for further development of atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Geographic and vertical variations of size-fractionated (0.2-1 mu m, 1-10 mu m, and >10 mu m) Chlorophyll a (Chl.a) concentration, cyanobacteria abundance and heterotrophic bacteria abundance were investigated at 13 stations from 4 degrees S, 160 degrees W to 30 degrees N, 140 degrees E in November 1993. The results indicated a geographic distribution pattern of these parameters with instances of high values occurring in the equatorial region and offshore areas, and with instance of low values occurring in the oligotrophic regions where nutrients were almost undetectable. Cyanobacteria showed the highest geographic variation (ranging from 27x10(3) to 16,582x10(3) cell l(-1)), followed by Chl.a (ranging from 0.048 to 0.178 mu g l(-1)), and heterotrophic bacteria (ranging from 2.84x10(3) to 6.50 x 10(5) cell l(-1)). Positive correlations were observed between nutrients and Chl.a abundance. Correspondences of cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria abundances to nutrients were less significant than that of Chl.a. The total Chl.a was accounted for 1.0-30.9%, 35.9-53.7%, and 28.1-57.3% by the >10 mu m, 1-10 mu m and 0.2-1 mu m fractions respectively. Correlation between size-fractionated Chl.a and nutrients suggest that the larger the cell size, the more nutrient-dependent growth and production of the organism. The ratio of pheophytin to chlorophyll implys that more than half of the > 10 mu m and about one third of the 1-10 mu m pigment-containing particles in the oligotrophic region were non-living fragments, while most of the 1-10 mu m fraction was living cells. In the depth profiles, cyanobacteria were distributed mainly in the surface layer, whereas heterotrophic bacteria were abundant from surface to below the euphotic zone. Chl.a peaked at the surface layer (0-20 m) in the equatorial area and at the nitracline (75-100 m) in the oligotrophic regions. Cyanobacteria were not the principle component of the picoplankton. The carbon biomass ratio of heterotroph to phytoplankton was greater than 1 in the eutrophic area and lower than 1 in oligotrophic waters.


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The main idea of the Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) is that when a system is stable, its response to loading corresponds to its response to unloading, whereas when the system is approaching an unstable state, the response to loading and unloading becomes quite different. High LURR values and observations of Accelerating Moment/Energy Release (AMR/AER) prior to large earthquakes have led different research groups to suggest intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible and imply that the LURR and AMR/AER observations may have a similar physical origin. To study this possibility, we conducted a retrospective examination of several Australian and Chinese earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 7.9, including Australia's deadly Newcastle earthquake and the devastating Tangshan earthquake. Both LURR values and best-fit power-law time-to-failure functions were computed using data within a range of distances from the epicenter. Like the best-fit power-law fits in AMR/AER, the LURR value was optimal using data within a certain epicentral distance implying a critical region for LURR. Furthermore, LURR critical region size scales with mainshock magnitude and is similar to the AMR/AER critical region size. These results suggest a common physical origin for both the AMR/AER and LURR observations. Further research may provide clues that yield an understanding of this mechanism and help lead to a solid foundation for intermediate-term earthquake prediction.


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To further investigate the mechanism of acoustic emission (AE) in the rock fracture experiment, moment tensor analysis was carried out. The AE sources characterized by crack sizes, orientations and fracture modes, are represented by a time-dependent momen


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Smoldering constitutes a significant fire risk both in normal gravity and in microgravity. This space experiment has been conducted aboard the China Recoverable Satellite SJ-8 to investigate smoldering characteristics of flexible polyurethane foam with central ignition in a forced flow of oxidizer. This configuration resulted in a combination of opposed and forward flow smolder. The microgravity experiment is rather unique in that it was performed at constant pressure, and with a relatively high ambient oxygen concentration (35% by volume). The smoldering characteristics are inferred from measurements of temperature histories at several locations along the foam sample. Particularly important is the discovery that there is a transition from smoldering to flaming near the sample end in the opposed smoldering. This transition seems to be caused by strong acceleration of the smoldering reaction. The observed transition serves to initiate a vigorous forward-propagating oxidation reaction in the char left behind by the smoldering reaction. The secondary char oxidation reaction propagates through the sample and consumes most of the remaining char. In forward flow smoldering, the oxidizer depletion by the upstream opposed smolder prevents an exothermic oxidation reaction from being established in the foam until this preceding reaction is completed. Once fresh oxidizer flows in the sample, the existing conditions are sufficient for a self-sustained forward smoldering reaction to take place.


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A global numerical model for shallow water flows on the cubed-sphere grid is proposed in this paper. The model is constructed by using the constrained interpolation profile/multi-moment finite volume method (CIP/MM FVM). Two kinds of moments, i.e. the point value (PV) and the volume-integrated average (VIA) are defined and independently updated in the present model by different numerical formulations. The Lax-Friedrichs upwind splitting is used to update the PV moment in terms of a derivative Riemann problem, and a finite volume formulation derived by integrating the governing equations over each mesh element is used to predict the VIA moment. The cubed-sphere grid is applied to get around the polar singularity and to obtain uniform grid spacing for a spherical geometry. Highly localized reconstruction in CIP/MM FVM is well suited for the cubed-sphere grid, especially in dealing with the discontinuity in the coordinates between different patches. The mass conservation is completely achieved over the whole globe. The numerical model has been verified by Williamson's standard test set for shallow water equation model on sphere. The results reveal that the present model is competitive to most existing ones. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel finite volume method has been presented to solve the shallow water equations. In addition to the volume-integrated average (VIA) for each mesh cell, the surface-integrated average (SIA) is also treated as the model variable and is independently predicted. The numerical reconstruction is conducted based on both the VIA and the SIA. Different approaches are used to update VIA and SIA separately. The SIA is updated by a semi-Lagrangian scheme in terms of the Riemann invariants of the shallow water equations, while the VIA is computed by a flux-based finite volume formulation and is thus exactly conserved. Numerical oscillation can be effectively avoided through the use of a non-oscillatory interpolation function. The numerical formulations for both SIA and VIA moments maintain exactly the balance between the fluxes and the source terms. 1D and 2D numerical formulations are validated with numerical experiments. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The Accelerating Moment Release (AMR) preceding earthquakes with magnitude above 5 in Australia that occurred during the last 20 years was analyzed to test the Critical Point Hypothesis. Twelve earthquakes in the catalog were chosen based on a criterion for the number of nearby events. Results show that seven sequences with numerous events recorded leading up to the main earthquake exhibited accelerating moment release. Two occurred near in time and space to other earthquakes preceded by AM R. The remaining three sequences had very few events in the catalog so the lack of AMR detected in the analysis may be related to catalog incompleteness. Spatio-temporal scanning of AMR parameters shows that 80% of the areas in which AMR occurred experienced large events. In areas of similar background seismicity with no large events, 10 out of 12 cases exhibit no AMR, and two others are false alarms where AMR was observed but no large event followed. The relationship between AMR and Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) was studied. Both methods predict similar critical region sizes, however, the critical point time using AMR is slightly earlier than the time of the critical point LURR anomaly.


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The research progress on high-enthalpy and hypersorlic flows having been achieved in the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is reported in this paper. The paper consists of three main parts: The first part is on the techniques to develop advanced hypersonic test facilities, in which the detonation-driven shock-reflected tunnel and the detonation-driven shock-expanded tube are introduced. The shock tunnel can be used for generating hypersonic flows of a Mach number ranging from 10 to 20, and the expansion tube is applicable to simulate the flows with a speed of 7 similar to 10km/s. The second part is dedicated to the shock tunnel nozzle flow diagnosis to examine properties of the hypersonic flows thus created. The third part is on experiments and numerical simulations. The experiments include measuring the aerodynamic pitching moment and heat transfer in hypersonic flows, and the numerical work reports nozzle flow simulations and flow non-equilibrium effects on the possible experiments that may be carried out on the above-mentioned hypersonic test facilities.


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A new high-order finite volume method based on local reconstruction is presented in this paper. The method, so-called the multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method, uses the point values defined within single cell at equally spaced points as the model variables (or unknowns). The time evolution equations used to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constraint conditions imposed on multi kinds of moments, i.e. the cell-averaged value and the point-wise value of the state variable and its derivatives. The finite volume constraint on the cell-average guarantees the numerical conservativeness of the method. Most constraint conditions are imposed on the cell boundaries, where the numerical flux and its derivatives are solved as general Riemann problems. A multi-moment constrained Lagrange interpolation reconstruction for the demanded order of accuracy is constructed over single cell and converts the evolution equations of the moments to those of the unknowns. The presented method provides a general framework to construct efficient schemes of high orders. The basic formulations for hyperbolic conservation laws in 1- and 2D structured grids are detailed with the numerical results of widely used benchmark tests. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We experimentally observe the formation of X-waves at fundamental, third harmonic, and fifth harmonic wavelengths by infrared (central wavelength at similar to 1500 nm) femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. By fitting the angularly resolved spectra of the fundamental and harmonic waves using X-wave relations, we confirm that all the X-waves have nearly the same group velocity, indicating that they are locked in space and time during their propagation in filament.


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We experimentally investigate the evolution of an angularly resolved spectrum of third harmonic generated by infrared femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. We show that at low pump intensity, phase matching between the fundamental and third-harmonic waves dominates the nonlinear optical effect and induces a ring structure of the third-harmonic beam, whereas at high pump intensity, the dispersion properties of air begin to affect the angular spectrum, leading to the formation of a nonlinear X wave at third harmonic.


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We investigate the emission spectra of the semiconductor quantum well for few-cycle and sub-cycle pulse exciting. We find that Fano interference may induce third harmonic enhancement. Third harmonic enhancement varies with the magnitude and duration of the incident pulse, and may be enhanced by approximately one order of magnitude for the low intensity region of the sub-cycle incident pulse exciting.