59 resultados para the RNA recognition motif

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Seven sets of protein target sites, which occur in several gene promoters, have been analyzed. The results suggest that there is a possible mode of specific recognition of double-helical nucleic acids by proteins, This recognition mode is related to a spe


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Argonaute 2 gene plays a pivotal role in RNAi in many species. Herein is the first report of the cloning and characterization of Argonaute 2 gene in fish. The full-length cDNA of Gobiocypris rarus Argonaute 2 (GrAgo2) consisted of 3073 nucleotides encoding 869 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 98.499 kDa and an estimated isoelectric point of 9.18. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence showed the presence of two signature domains, PAZ and Piwi. RT-PCR analysis indicated that GrAgo2 mRNA expression could be detected in widespread tissues. After infection with grass carp reovirus, GrAgo2 expression was up-regulated from 12 h post-injection (p < 0.05) and returned to control levels at 48 h post-injection (p > 0.05). These data imply that GrAgo2 is involved in antiviral defense in rare minnow. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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BRUNOL 蛋白又称CELF(CUG-BP and ETR3 like factor)是一种典型的RNA 结合蛋白,它的N 端含有两个连续的RNA 识别结构域(RNA recognition motif,RRM), C 端有一个RRM 结构域。主要参与对可变剪切、翻译、降解和编辑等基因表达转录后水平的调节。迄今在人类中已发现6 个Brunol 基因家族成员,即Brunol1-6;在非洲爪蟾中已发现了5 个:Brunol1-5。近期,我们克隆了爪蟾的Brunol1-5 并研究了它们在非洲爪蟾早期胚胎发育过程中的时空表达图式。结果显示,与以往研究结果一致, Brunol1 基因高量、特异地在神经管中表达,提示Brunol1 基因可能对于爪蟾的神经系统的发生和发育发挥着重要的作用。本实验利用Morpholino 和过表达等手段研究了爪蟾Brunol1 基因对于爪蟾早期胚胎发育的影响。结果显示,在下调和过表达Brunol 1 基因的情况下都会导致胚胎出现体轴弯曲,眼睛和头部发育不全等表型。而将 Brunol1 基因特异的Morpholino 与它的mRNA 共注射时可以明显挽救这一表型。我们通过原位杂交实验,检测了一些爪蟾神经系统的标记基因在Brunol1 过表达胚胎中的表达情况,结果发现过表达Brunol1 基因能显著地下调Krox-20, N-tubulin, Lhx2, Pax6 等的表达,而Sox2 和Otx2 的表达却未受影响。这说明Brunol1 的异常表达确实影响到了神经系统发育过程的信号调控网络,导致胚胎发育的畸形。该结果将有助于阐述Brunol1 基因对于脊椎动物神经系统发生的意义。肌动蛋白是一种分布广泛而且在进化上十分保守的蛋白,它是构成细胞骨架的关键组分。通常人们将肌动蛋白分成肌肉型和胞质型两种类型,它们各自行使着不同的功能。在此,我们通过对古老的脊索动物文昌鱼的肌动蛋白基因家族进行系统的分析发现,文昌鱼中该基因家族成员多达30 多个,而且它们中很多都有连锁现象;进化分析的结果显示,文昌鱼的肌动蛋白基因家族通过串联重复序列的复制发生扩增;从结构上看,它们的基因结构多样化, 包含2-7 个外显子;同时,我们还克隆了两个不同的文昌鱼肌肉型的肌动蛋白基因,并进一步比较了它们在文昌鱼早期胚胎中的表达图式。结果显示,这两个基因在表达上有着细微的差别,这提示文昌鱼肌动蛋白基因家族成员在功能上的分化。该结论将有助于阐述肌动蛋白基因家族的进化以及它们在脊索动物发育的中所扮演的功能。


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RNA interference (RNAi) is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism by which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) initiates post-transcriptional silencing of homologous genes. Here we report the amplification and characterisation of a full length cDNA from black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) that encodes the bidentate RNAase III Dicer, a key component of the RNAi pathway. The full length of the shrimp Dicer (Pm Dcr1) cDNA is 7629 bp in length, including a 51 untranslated region (UTR) of 130 bp, a 3' UTR of 77 bp, and an open reading frame of 7422 bp encoding a polypeptide of 2473 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 277.895 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 4.86. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence indicated that the mature peptide contains all the seven recognised functional domains and is most similar to the mosquito (Aedes aegypti) Dicer-1 sequence with a similarity of 34.6%. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that Pm Dcr1 mRNA is most highly expressed in haemolymph and lymphoid organ tissues (P 0.05). However, there was no correlation between Pm Dcr1 mRNA levels in lymphoid organ and the viral genetic loads in shrimp naturally infected with gill-associated virus (GAV) and Mourilyan virus (P > 0.05). Treatment with synthetic dsRNA corresponding to Pm Dcr1 sequence resulted in knock-down of Pm Dcr1 mRNA expression in both uninfected shrimp and shrimp infected experimentally with GAV. Knock-down of Pm Dcr1 expression resulted in more rapid mortalities and higher viral loads. These data demonstrated that Dicer is involved in antiviral defence in shrimp. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) non-structural protein 5B (NS5B) encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), a key enzyme which initiates RNA replication by a de novo mechanism without a primer and is a potential target for anti-virus therapy. We expressed the NS5B protein in Escherichia coli. The rGTP can stimulate de novo initiation of RNA synthesis and mutation of the GDD motif to Gly-Asp-Asp (GAA) abolishes the RNA synthesis. To better understand the mechanism of viral RNA synthesis in CSFV, a three-dimensional model was built by homology modeling based on the alignment with several virus RdRps. The model contains 605 residues folded in the characteristic fingers, palm and thumb domains. The fingers domain contains an N-terminal region that plays an important role in conformational change. We propose that the experimentally observed promotion of polymerase efficiency by rGTP is probably due to the conformational changes of the polymerase caused by binding the rGTP. Mutation of the GDD to GAA interferes with the interaction between the residues at the polymerase active site and metal ions, and thus renders the polymerase inactive. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bulges are common features of folded RNA structures. The RNA axial kinking caused by bulges has been confirmed by many experiments. Usually, a kinking angle zeta and a bending angle theta are used to describe the kinking and twisting of RNA molecules containing bulges. Here, we present two additional angles (twist angle zeta(1), twist angle zeta(2)) to describe the deformation of RNA helices induced by bulge loops because only two angles (a kinking angle zeta and a bending angle theta) are not enough to define the deformation of RNA induced by bulges. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ability to utilize the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery for silencing target-gene expression has created a lot of excitement in the research community. In the present study, we used a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter-driven DNA template approach to induce short hairpin RNA (shRNA) triggered RNAi to block exogenous Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) and endogenous No Tail (NTL) gene expressions. We constructed three plasmids, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shGFP-SV40, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shNTL-SV40, and pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shScrambled-SV40, each containing a CMV promoter driving an EGFP reporter cDNA and DNA coding for one shRNA under the control of another CMV promoter. The three shRNA-generating plasmids and pCMV-EGFP control plasmid were introduced into zebrafish embryos by microinjection. Samples were collected at 48 h after injection. Results were evaluated by phenotype observation and real-time fluorescent quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). The shGFP-generating plasmid significantly inhibited the EGFP expression viewed under fluorescent microscope and reduced by 70.05 +/- 1.26% of exogenous EGFP gene mRNA levels compared with controls by Q-PCR. The shRNA targeting endogenous NTL gene resulted in obvious NTL phenotype of 30 +/- 4% and decreased the level of their corresponding mRNAs up to 54.52 +/- 2.05% compared with nontargeting control shRNA. These data proved the feasibility of the CMV promoter-driven shRNA expression technique to be used to inhibit exogenous and endogenous gene expressions in zebrafish in vivo.


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The RNA helicase Vasa is a germ cell marker in animals, and its homolog in vertebrates to date has been limited to bisexual reproduction. We cloned and characterized CagVasa, a Vasa homolog from the gibel carp, a fish that reproduces bisexually or gynogenetically. CagVasa possesses 14 RGG repeats and eight conserved motifs of Vasa proteins. In bisexually reproducing gibel carp, vasa is maternally supplied and its zygotic expression is restricted to gonads. By in situ hybridization on testicular sections, vasa is low in spermatogonia, high in primary spermatocytes, reduced in secondary spermatocytes, but disappears in spermatids and sperm. In contrast, vasa persists throughout oogenesis, displaying low-high-low levels from oogonia over vitellogenic oocytes to maturing oocytes. A rabbit anti-Vasa antibody (alpha Vasa) was raised against the N-terminal CagVasa for fluorescent immunohistochemistry. On testicular sections, Vasa is the highest in spermatogonia, reduced in spermatocytes, low in spermatids, and absent in sperm. In the ovary, Vasa is the highest in oogonia but persists throughout oogenesis. Subcellular localization of vasa and its protein changes dynamically during oogenesis. The aVasa stains putative primordial germ cells in gibel carp fry. It detects gonadal germ cells also in several other teleosts. Therefore, Cagvasa encodes a Vasa ortholog that is differentially expressed in the testis and ovary. Interestingly, the alpha Vasa in combination with a nuclear dye can differentiate critical stages of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in fish. The cross-reactivity and the ability to stain stage-specific germ cells make this antibody a useful tool to identify fish germ cell development and differentiation. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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On the basis of DBF nets proposed by Wang Shoujue, the model and properties of DBF neural network were discussed in this paper. When applied in pattern recognition, the algorithm and implement on hardware were presented respectively. We did experiments on recognition of omnidirectionally oriented rigid objects on the same level, using direction basis function neural networks, which acts by the method of covering the high dimensional geometrical distribution of the sample set in the feature space. Many animal and vehicle models (even with rather similar shapes) were recognized omnidirectionally thousands of times. For total 8800 tests, the correct recognition rate is 98.75%, the error rate and the rejection rate are 0.5% and 1.25% respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We report a novel label-free method for the investigation of the adaptive recognition of small molecules by nucleic acid aptamers using capillary electrophoresis analysis. Cocaine and argininamide were chosen as model molecules, and the two corresponding DNA aptamers were used. These single-strand DNAs folded into their specific secondary structures, which were mainly responsible for the binding of the target molecules with high affinity and specificity. For molecular recognition, the nucleic acid structures then underwent additional conformational changes, while keeping the target molecules stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The intrinsic chemical and physical properties of the target molecules enabled them to act as indicators for adaptive binding. Thus any labeling or modification of the aptamers or target molecules were made obsolete. This label-free method for aptamer-based molecular recognition was also successfully applied to biological fluids and therefore indicates that this approach is a promising tool for bioanalysis.


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A pattern recognition protein (PRP), lipopolysaccharide and beta-1,3-glucan binding protein (LGBP) cDNA was cloned from the haemocyte of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by the techniques of homology cloning and RACE. Analysis of nucleotide sequence revealed that the full-length cDNA of 1,275 bp has an open reading frame of 1,098 bp encoding a protein of 366 amino acids including a 17 amino acid signal peptide. Sequence comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of F. chinensis LGBP showed a high identity of 94%, 90%, 87%, 72% and 63% with Penaeus monodon BGBP, Litopenaeus stylirostris LGBP, Marsupenaeu japonicus BGBP, Homarus gammarus BGBP and Pacifastacus leniusculus LGBP, respectively. The calculated molecular mass of the mature protein is 39,857 Da with a deduced pI of 4.39. Two putative integrin binding motifs, RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) and a potential recognition motif for beta-1,3-linkage of polysaccharides were observed in LGBP sequence. RT-PCR analysis showed that LGBP gene expresses in haemocyte and hepatopancreas only, but not in other tissues. Capillary electrophoresis RT-PCR method was used to quantify the variation of mRNA transcription level during artificial infection with heat-killed Vibrio anguillarum and Staphylococcus aureusin. A significant enhancement of LGBP transcription was appeared at 6 h post-injection in response to bacterial infection. These results have provided useful information to understand the function of LGBP in shrimp.


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In this paper we introduce a weighted complex networks model to investigate and recognize structures of patterns. The regular treating in pattern recognition models is to describe each pattern as a high-dimensional vector which however is insufficient to express the structural information. Thus, a number of methods are developed to extract the structural information, such as different feature extraction algorithms used in pre-processing steps, or the local receptive fields in convolutional networks. In our model, each pattern is attributed to a weighted complex network, whose topology represents the structure of that pattern. Based upon the training samples, we get several prototypal complex networks which could stand for the general structural characteristics of patterns in different categories. We use these prototypal networks to recognize the unknown patterns. It is an attempt to use complex networks in pattern recognition, and our result shows the potential for real-world pattern recognition. A spatial parameter is introduced to get the optimal recognition accuracy, and it remains constant insensitive to the amount of training samples. We have discussed the interesting properties of the prototypal networks. An approximate linear relation is found between the strength and color of vertexes, in which we could compare the structural difference between each category. We have visualized these prototypal networks to show that their topology indeed represents the common characteristics of patterns. We have also shown that the asymmetric strength distribution in these prototypal networks brings high robustness for recognition. Our study may cast a light on understanding the mechanism of the biologic neuronal systems in object recognition as well.


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In total, 1218 Chinese from twelve ethnic groups and nine Han geographic groups were screened for the mtDNA 9-bp deletion motif. The frequency of the 9-bp deletion in all samples was 14.7% but ranged from 0% to 32% in the various ethnic groups. Three individuals had a triplication of the 9-bp segment. Phylogenetic and demographic analyses of the mtDNA hypervariable segment 1 (HVS1) sequences suggest that the 9-bp deletion occurred more than once in China. The majority of the Chinese deletion:haplotypes (about 90%) have a common origin as a mutational event following an initial expansion of modem humans in eastern Asia. Other deletion haplotypes and the three haplotypes with a 9-bp triplication may have arisen independently in the Chinese, presumably by replication error. HVS1 haplotype analysis suggests two possible migration routes of the 9-bp deletion in east and southeast Asia. Both migrations originated in China with one route leading to the Pacific Islands via Taiwan, the other to southeast Asia and possibly the Nicobar Islands. Along both routes of peopling, a decrease in HVS1 diversity of the mtDNA haplotypes is observed. The "Polynesian motif (16217T/C, 16247A/G, and 16261C/T)" and the 16140T/C, 16266C/A, or C/G polymorphisms appear specific to each migration route.


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The anuran tribe Paini, family Dicroglossidae, is known in this group only from Asia. The phylogenetic relationships and often the taxonomic recognition of species are controversial. In order to stabilize the classification, we used approximately 2100bp o