81 resultados para systematies Taxonomy. Distribution.

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本文首先对瓦韦属的分类简史进行了回顾。作者通过野外实地考察,研究标本,进行实验,对瓦韦属的外部形态和内部解剖性状进行了深入的研究。 对根状茎上的鳞片和覆盖在孢子囊群上的隔丝类型通过研究进行了划分。根据二者的形态结构和颜色,分别划分成8种类型和与5种类型。 通过徒手切片法系统全面研究了瓦韦属叶柄与根状茎的解剖结构。通过对叶柄的横切面观察,发现瓦韦属叶柄的维管束最少2条,最多7条,从叶柄基部、叶柄中部至叶片基部维管束逐渐合并,条数逐渐减小。维管束两个较粗,其余都较细,以半轮形、四角形、三角形、和一字型排列。通过对横状茎的横切面观察,发现夏绿种类厚壁组织较少,而常绿种类厚壁组织较多。根状茎的维管束条数最少为5条,多者达到16条,属于网状中柱,维管束排成不规则的轮状。每一条维管束由1-3层细胞组成的维管束鞘(具凯氏带)和木质部、韧皮部组成。 首次全面观察研究了瓦韦属植物叶表皮的有关构造,发现瓦韦属的气孔类型有极细胞型、共极细胞型和不规则细胞型三类,偶尔有环细胞型。叶表皮细胞有线状,微波,波状及不规则状。根据叶表皮的构造,瓦韦属可分两部分,网眼瓦韦群(section Hymenophyton ching)与非网眼瓦韦群。 此外,还对瓦韦属的叶脉类型进行了详细的观察,按脉序类型,瓦韦属可划分为二分,这和按表皮特征划分相吻合,同时参考了对本属孢子扫描电镜观察资料。 在上述互作的基础上,对瓦韦属进行了系统整理,同时将正式发表的85种,3个变种初步归并成36个种,1个变种,发现了一个新种及八个新记录,同时编制出了分种简索表,对每个种进行了简单的特征描述和列出了引证的标本。依据鳞片隔丝相近的种可划为一纽约标准将瓦韦属分成九个组(section)、 通过对瓦韦属组一级和种一级分布式样的分析初步认为喜马拉雅东部、云南、四川、南部不仅是该属的分布中心(多度中心与多样化中心),也可能是该属的起源中心,并对它的迁移路线进行了探讨。


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本文对杉科植物的分类系统作了回顾。以形态学为依据,参考其他学科的研究成果,用分支分析和表征分析两种方法探讨了杉科植物的系统演化关系.提出了新的分类系统。对杉科植物的系统分类作了修订.通过对各属现代分布和地史分布的研究,结合古地理和古气候资料,讨论了杉科植物的分布中心、起源时间、起源地、散布途径及现代分布格局的成因.主要结论如下: 1.属间关系:柳杉属是现存杉科植物中最原始的类群.水松属和落羽杉属关系密切,二者与柳杉属近缘.巨杉属和北美红杉属关系密切,是中级进化水平的类群.水杉属的系统位置比较孤立,与巨杉属和北美红杉属的关缘关系相对较近.杉木属、密叶杉属和台湾杉属关系密切,是杉科植物中的高级进化类群,其中台湾杉属最为进化. 2.系统排列:支持金松科的成立.将杉科分成5族,即柳杉族(仅含柳杉属)、落羽杉族(含水松属、落羽杉属)、北美红杉族(含巨杉属、北美红杉属)、水杉族(仅含水杉属)和杉木族(含杉木属、密叶杉属及台湾杉属). 3.分类:经修订,杉科植物共9属12种4变种.将德昌杉木、米德杉木和厚皮杉木归并,作为杉木的变种,支持柳杉作为日本柳杉的变种、台湾杉木作为杉木的变种、秃杉和台湾杉归并的观点。 4.地理分布:我国长江、秦岭以南至华南一带是杉科的现代分布中心,我国华北北部及东北、朝鲜、日本和前苏联西伯利亚东南部等地可能为起源中心和早期分化中心,起源时间可追溯至早侏罗纪或晚三叠纪.杉科的现存各属均为古老的孑遗类群.


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1. The stripe-backed weasel Mustela strigidorsa is one of the rarest and least-known mustelids in the world. Its phylogenetic relationships with other Mustela species remain controversial, though several unique morphological features distinguish it from congeners. 2. It probably lives mainly in evergreen forests in hills and mountains, but has also been recorded from plains forest, dense scrub, secondary forest, grassland and farmland. Known sites range in altitude from 90 m to 2500 m. Data are insufficient to distinguish between habitat and altitudes which support populations, and those where only dispersing animals may occur. 3. It has been confirmed from many localities in north-east India, north and central Myanmar, south China, north Thailand, north and central Laos, and north and central Vietnam. Given the limited survey effort, the number of recent records shows that the species is not as rare as hitherto believed. Neither specific nor urgent conservation needs are apparent.


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A search of the literature on rotifers recorded from China, includes today 477 valid species names and 42 subspecies or infrasubspecific variants in 84 genera and 28 families recorded since 1893. Chinese rotifera research is reviewed, and all recorded species are listed with current taxonomic status and their first localities in China. Most of the named taxa are widely distributed or cosmopolitan, with only a small number (about 3%) possibly restricted to China. This fauna exhibits 15 endemic taxa. The composition and distribution of Chinese Rotifera are briefly analyzed. It is likely that considerably more rotifers remain to be described from China as further study to be carried on and taxonomic resolution improves.


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To accomplish laser-induced thermal loading simulation tests for pistons,the Gaussian beam was modulated into multi-circular beam with specific intensity distribution.A reverse method was proposed to design the intensity distribution for the laser-induced thermal loading based on finite element(FE) analysis.Firstly,the FE model is improved by alternating parameters of boundary conditions and thermal-physical properties of piston material in a reasonable range,therefore it can simulate the experimental resul...


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A quasi-steady state growth and dissolution in a 2-D rectangular enclosure is numerically investigated. This paper is an extension to indicate the effects of the orientation of gravity on the concentration field in crystallization from solution under microgravity, especially on the lateral non-uniformity of concentration distribution at the growth surface. The thermal and solute convection are included in this model.


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The physical vapor transport (PVT) method is being widely used to grow large-size single SiC crystals. The growth process is associated with heat and mass transport in the growth chamber, chemical reactions among multiple species as well as phase change at the crystal/gas interface. The current paper aims at studying and verifying the transport mechanism and growth kinetics model by demonstrating the flow field and species concentration distribution in the growth system. We have developed a coupled model, which takes into account the mass transport and growth kinetics. Numerical simulation is carried out by employing an in-house developed software based on finite volume method. The results calculated are in good agreement with the experimental observation.


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The linear diffusion-reaction theory with finite interface kinetics is employed to describe the dissolution and the growth processes. The results show that it is imperative to consider the effect of the moving interfaces on the concentration distribution at the growth interface for some cases. For small aspect ratio and small gravity magnitude, the dissolution and the growth interfaces must be treated as the moving boundaries within an angle range of 0 degrees < gamma < 50 degrees in this work. For large aspect ratio or large gravity magnitude, the effect of the moving interfaces on the concentration distribution at the growth interface can be neglected except for gamma < - 50 degrees.


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The water content distribution in the surface layer of Maoping slope has been studied by testing the water content at 31 control sites. The water content profiles at these sites have also been determined. The water content distributions at different segments have been obtained by using the Kriging method of geostatistics. By comparing the water content distributions with the landform of the slope, it was shown that the water content is closely dependent on the landform of the slope. The water content distribution in the surface layer provided a fundamental basis for landslide predication and treatment.


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The thermodynamical model of intermittency in fully developed turbulence due to Castaing (B. Castaing, J. Phys. II France 6 (1996) 105) is investigated and compared with the log-Poisson model (Z-S, She, E. Leveque, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 (1994) 336). It is shown that the thermodynamical model obeys general scaling laws and corresponds to the degenerate class of scale-invariant statistics. We also find that its structure function shapes have physical behaviors similar to the log-Poisson's one. The only difference between them lies in the convergence of the log-Poisson's structure functions and divergence of the thermodynamical one. As far as the comparison with experiments on intermittency is concerned, they are indifferent.


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