65 resultados para sward modifications

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C-6-carboxylated chitosan obtained by oxidation of chitosan was selectively modified in order to obtain derivatives similar to bacterial antigens. Selective O-acetylation of 6-carboxyl chitosan afforded a modified polysaccharide with the 2-amino group available for further modifications to create carbonyl groups. A deaminative degradation reaction allowed the formation of oligosaccharides with terminal aldehyde groups. Reductive alkylation with lactose introduced lactityl branches which were oxidized with galactose oxidase to give aldehyde groups in its -galactose residues.


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Poly (3-butylthiophene) (P3BT) is a much less studied conjugated polymer despite its high crystallizability and thus excellent electrical property. In this work, morphology of P3BT at different crystalline polymorphs and solvent/thermal induced phase transition between form I and U modifications have been intensively investigated by using optical microscopy, electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray diffraction. It is shown that a direct deposition from carbon disulfide (CS2) at fast evaporation results in P3BT crystals in form I modification, giving typical whiskerlike morphology. In contrast, low evaporation rate from CS, leads to formation of form II crystals with spherulitic morphology, which is so far scarcely observed in polythiophene.


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In the present study, one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with high resolution Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) have been applied as powerful approaches for the proteome analysis of surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-D, including identification of structurally modified and truncation forms, in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with cystic fibrosis, chronic bronchitis and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Highly sensitive micro preparation techniques were developed for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) FT-ICR MS analysis which provided the identification of surfactant proteins at very low levels. Owing to the high resolution, FT-ICR MS was found to provide substantial advantages for the structural identification of surfactant proteins from complex biological matrices with high mass determination accuracy. Several protein bands corresponding to SP-A and SP-D were identified by MALDI-FT-ICR MS after electrophoretic separation by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and provided the identification of structural modifications (hydroxy-proline) and degradation products.


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Finite element simulation of the Berkovich, Vickers, Knoop, and cone indenters was carried out for the indentation of elastic-plastic material. To fix the semiapex angle of the cone, several rules of equivalence were used and examined. Despite the asymmetry and differences in the stress and strain fields, it was established that for the Berkovich and Vickers indenters, the load-displacement relation can closely be simulated by a single cone indenter having a semiapex angle equal to 70.3degrees in accordance with the rule of the volume equivalence. On the other hand, none of the rules is applicable to the Knoop indenter owing to its great asymmetry. The finite element method developed here is also applicable to layered or gradient materials with slight modifications.


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Protein-Chip as micro-assays for the determination of protein interaction, the analysis, the identification and the purification of proteins has large potential applications. The Optical Protein-Chip is able to detect the multi-interaction of proteins and multi-bio-activities of molecules directly and simultaneously with no labeling. The chip is a small matrix on solid substrate containing multi-micro-area prepared by microfabrication with photolithography or soft lithography for surface patterning, and processed with surface modification which includes the physical, chemical, and bio-chemical modifications, etc. The ligand immobilization, such as protein immobilization, especially the oriented immobilization with low steric hindrance and high bio-specific binding activity between ligand and receptor is used to form a sensing surface. Each area of the pattern is corresponding to only one bioactivity. The interval between the areas is non-bioactive and optically extinctive. The affinity between proteins is used to realize non-labeling microassays for the determination of protein identification and protein interaction. The sampling of the chip is non-disturbing, performed with imaging ellipsometry and image processing on a database of proteins.


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1.水稻多卵卵器的起源:被子植物的卵器中通常只有一个卵细胞。我们在水稻多胚品系胚囊中观察到二卵卵器和三卵卵器,本研究对其大孢子发生和胚囊发育进行了细胞胚胎学观察,揭示了水稻多卵卵器的起源.观察结果表明,该品系能进行正常的大孢子发生。大孢子母细胞进行正常的减数分裂形成四个大孢子靠近合点端的大孢子发育,其它三个退化。功能大孢子第一次有丝分裂后两个子核被一中央大液泡分隔在胚囊珠孔端和合点端,与此同时胚囊出现不均衡生长,珠孔端迅速膨大,合点端几乎不增大,致使二核末期的胚囊呈倒梨形.紧接着发生第二次有丝分裂,合点端核分裂时纺锤丝与胚囊纵轴平行,而珠孔端核分裂时纺锤丝与胚囊纵轴成4 5度夹角.由此产生的四核胚囊中,合点端一核向胚囊中部或中上部(胚囊珠孔端)迁移,四核胚囊再经一次有丝分裂形成两种类型的核分布偏离蓼型的八核胚囊。一种类型是珠孔端四个核,中部与合点各二个核,在胚囊细胞化过程中,珠孔端四核 分化成四细胞卵器,其中卵细胞和助细胞各二个,中部的二核分化成二极核中央细胞,合点 端的二核形成反足细胞。另一种类型是珠孔端六个核,合点端二个核,在胚囊细胞化过程中, 两端各一核向中部迁移分化成二极核中央细胞,珠孔端剩余的五核分化成五细胞卵器,其 中卵细胞三个,助细胞二个,合点端的一核迅速分裂形成反足细胞. 2.水稻同源三倍体TAR的生殖特性:TAR的单穗结实率平均可达10%,核型分析表明此三倍体产生的后代个体仍为具有36条染色体的三倍体.细胞胚胎学初步观察显示TAR为一具兼性无融合生殖特性的水稻新种质,其胚珠几乎都能进行胚囊的分化,但其中仅有33%的胚囊有较正常的结构,9%的胚囊在散粉前进行胚胎发生,58%的胚囊发育显著异常,表现为极性紊乱、多极核或缺失雌性生殖单位等。 3.水稻亚种间杂种败育的细胞学基础:对普通栽培稻不同品种类型间杂种颖花败育的细胞学基础及雌性败育的过程进行的细胞学研究表明:1)引起杂种颖花败育的原因有胚囊败育,花粉败育、开花时花药不开裂和雌雄异熟.其中胚囊败育而丧失受精能力是引起低结实率的最重要的因素,开花时花药不开裂和雌雄异熟在一定程度上形成了雌雄性细胞时间和空间的隔离屏障。2)杂种植株的所有大孢子母细胞都能进行正常的减数分裂形成四个大孢子,败育主要发生在靠近合点端的功能大孢子分化形成胚囊的早期,有的胚囊母细胞在进行第一次有丝分裂前便萎缩解体,多数能完成一次或二次有丝分裂形成二核或四核败育胚囊.败育的共同特征是无液泡的分化,细胞质少或退化,在败育胚囊残迹部位,解体的珠心细胞和萎缩的胚囊残溃混杂垛叠.已受精的杂种子房没有观察到胚及胚乳发育的异常.籼粳杂种胚囊败育频率较高. 4.籼粳杂种生殖障碍的基因定位:应用具有1 37个标记位点的籼粳杂交窄叶青8号/京系17)F1花药培养获得的127个双单倍体OH)群体构建的R FLP图谱,对控制籼粳杂种颖花败育的基因座位进行了定位研究。结果在第1、3、4、5、6、7、8、1 2染色体上检测到1 0个基因座位,其中第3、12染色体上的2个不育基因位点str3和str12与同一杂交组合F2分离群体中发现的异常分离热点处于相同的染色体区段.stj-6的基因加性效应为负值,有增加籼粳亲和性的作用;其余的不育基因座位皆有增加籼梗杂种不育性的作用. 5.籼粳杂种胚囊败育的遗传分析和基因定位:利用DH系构建的分子图谱及DH系衍生的2个回交群体定位了引起籼梗杂种胚囊败育的2个互补的主效基因esa-l(E1或e1位点)和esa-2(E2或e2位点),它们分别位于第6和第1 2染色体.在不育基因位点,籼稻基因型为EIEle2e2,粳稻基因型为elelE 2E 2,杂交后代中基因型为EIE2,Ele2、elE 2的雌配子体正常发育,携带ele2基因型的雌配子体表现败育.胚囊育性受配子体基因型控制,孢予体遗传背景影响胚囊败育基因的表达.


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Stringency in the identification of conspecific call properties is essential among sympatric species to ensure conspecific mating, as the risk of improper recognition and heterospecific mating is high. In this study we investigated the basic signal structure required for intraspecies communication in the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), a species that has no relatives living in sympatry, by playback of signals modified in the temporal (truncating original bellows with first 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or last 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 portion) or frequency domain (with low- or high-pass filters at frequencies 100, 250, 500 and 1000 Hz), or by reversal of natural bellows. The playback experiments revealed that relatively large modifications in bellow temporal or frequency structure failed to impair Chinese alligators' bellowing behavior; even reversed bellows effectively evoked a positive response. In general, the first half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies below 500 Hz were critical for behavioral induction, while the last half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies above 500 Hz failed to produce a single positive response, implying a potential functional signal redundancy. The observed high tolerance to bellow variations in Chinese alligators may be an evolutionary adaptation to (1) the acoustic constraints of propagation imposed by dense vegetative habitats; or (2) a lack of selection pressure due to the low risk of incorrect conspecific recognition and heterospecific mating.


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Production of zebrafish by modifying endogenous growth hormone (GH) gene through homologous recombination is described here. We first constructed the targeting vectors pGHT1.7k and pGHT2.8k, which were used for the knockout/knockin of the endogenous GH gene of zebrafish, and injected these two vectors into the embryos of zebrafish. Overall, the rate of targeted integration with the characteristic of germ line transmission in zebrafish was 1.7x10(-6). In one experimental patch, the integrating efficiency of pGHT2.8k was higher than that of pGHT1.7k, but the lethal effect of pGHT2.8k was stronger than that of pGHT1.7k. The clones with the correct integration of target genes were identified by a simple screening procedure based on green fluorescent protein (GFP) and RFP dual selection, which corresponded to homologous recombination and random insertion, respectively. The potential homologous recombination zebrafish was further bred to produce a heterozygous F-1 generation, selected based on the presence of GFP. The potential targeted integration of exogenous GH genes into a zebrafish genome at the P-0 generation was further verified by polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis. Approximately 2.5% of potential founder knockout and knockin zebrafish had the characteristic of germ line transmission. In this study, we developed an efficient method for producing the targeted gene modification in zebrafish for future studies on genetic modifications and gene functions using this model organism.


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The effects ofdisk flexibility and multistage coupling on the dynamics of bladed disks with and without blade mistuning are investigated. Both free and forced responses are examined using finite element representations of example single and two-stage rotor models. The reported work demonstrates the importance of proper treatment of interstage (stage-to-stage) boundaries in order to yield adequate capture of disk-blade modal interaction in eigenfrequency veering regions. The modified disk-blade modal interactions resulting from interstage-coupling-induced changes in disk flexibility are found to have a significant impact on (a) tuned responses due to excitations passing through eigenfrequency veering regions, and (b) a design's sensitivity to blade mistuning. Hence, the findings in this paper suggest that multistage analyses may be required when excitations are expected to fall in or near eigenfrequency veering regions or when the sensitivity to blade mistuning is to be accounted for Conversely, the observed sensitivity to disk flexibility also indicates that the severity of unfavorable structural interblade coupling may be reduced significantly by redesigning the disk(s) and stage-to-stage connectivity. The relatively drastic effects of such modifications illustrated in this work indicate that the design modifications required to alleviate veering-related response problems may be less comprehensive than what might have been expected.


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Condensation of steam in a single microchannel, silicon test section was investigated visually at low flow rates. The microchannel was rectangular in cross-section with a depth of 30 pm, a width of 800 mu m and a length of 5.0 mm, covered with a Pyrex glass to allow for visualization of the bubble formation process. By varying the cooling rate during condensation of the saturated water vapor, it was possible to control the shape, size and frequency of the bubbles formed. At low cooling rates using only natural air convection from the ambient environment, the flow pattern in the microchannel consisted of a nearly stable elongated bubble attached upstream (near the inlet) that pinched off into a train of elliptical bubbles downstream of the elongated bubble. It was observed that these elliptical bubbles were emitted periodically from the tip of the elongated bubble at a high frequency, with smaller size than the channel width. The shape of the emitted bubbles underwent modifications shortly after their generation until finally becoming a stable vertical ellipse, maintaining its shape and size as it flowed downstream at a constant speed. These periodically emitted elliptical bubbles thus formed an ordered bubble sequence (train). At higher cooling rates using chilled water in a copper heat sink attached to the test section, the bubble formation frequency increased significantly while the bubble size decreased, all the while forming a perfect bubble train flowing downstream of the microchannel. The emitted bubbles in this case immediately formed into a circular shape without any further modification after their separation from the elongated bubble upstream. The present study suggests that a method for controlling the size and generation frequency of microbubbles could be so developed, which may be of interest for microfluidic applications. The breakup of the elongated bubble is caused by the large Weber number at the tip of the elongated bubble induced by the maximum vapor velocity at the centerline of the microchannel inside the elongated bubble and the smaller surface tension force of water at the tip of the elongated bubble.