81 resultados para simian-virus-40 (SV40) large tumour-antigen nuclear localization sequence

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A large number of polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites are needed to develop a genetic map for shrimp. However, developing an SSR map is very time-consuming, expensive, and most SSRs are not specifically linked to gene loci of immediate interest. We report here on our strategy to develop polymorphic markers using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) by designing primers flanking single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeats. A subtracted cDNA library was prepared using RNA from specific pathogen-free (SPF) Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles (similar to 1 g) collected before (0) and after (48 h) inoculation with the China isolate of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). A total of 224 clones were sequenced, 194 of which were useful for homology comparisons against annotated genes in NCBI nonredundant (nr) and protein databases, providing 179 sequences encoded by nuclear DNA, 4 mitochondrial DNA, and 11 were similar to portions of WSSV genome. The nuclear sequences clustered in 43 groups, 11 of which were homologous to various ESTs of unknown function, 4 had no homology to any sequence, and 28 showed similarities to known genes of invertebrates and vertebrates, representatives of cellular metabolic processes such as calcium ion balance, cytoskeleton mRNAs, and protein synthesis. A few sequences were homologous to immune system-related (allergens) genes and two were similar to motifs of the sex-lethal gene of Drosophila. A large number of EST sequences were similar to domains of the EF-hand superfamily (Ca2+ binding motif and FRQ protein domain of myosin light chains). Single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeats were found in approximately 61 % of the 179 nuclear sequences. Primer sets were designed from 28 sequences representing 19 known or putative genes and tested for polymorphism (EST-SSR marker) in a small test panel containing 16 individuals. Ten (53%) of the 19 putative or unknown function genes were polymorphic, 4 monomorphic, and 3 either failed to satisfactorily amplify genomic DNA or the allele amplification conditions need to be further optimized. Five polymorphic ESTs were genotyped with the entire reference mapping family, two of them (actin, accession #CX535973 and shrimp allergen arginine kinase, accession #CX535999) did not amplify with all offspring of the IRMF panel suggesting presence of null alleles, and three of them amplified in most of the IRM F offspring and were used for linkage analysis. EF-hand motif of myosin light chain (accession #CX535935) was placed in ShrimpMap's linkage group 7, whereas ribosomal protein S5 (accession #CX535957) and troponin I (accession #CX535976) remained unassigned. Results indicate that (a) a large number of ESTs isolated from this cDNA library are similar to cytoskeleton mRNAs and may reflect a normal pathway of the cellular response after im infection with WSSV, and (b) primers flanking single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeats from shrimp ESTs could be an efficient approach to develop polymorphic markers useful for linkage mapping. Work is underway to map additional SSR-containing ESTs from this and other cDNA libraries as a plausible strategy to increase marker density in ShrimpMap.


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Rabies virus was used as the antigen to immunize laying chickens. Anti-rabies virus immunoglobulin Y(IgY) was isolated from yolks of the eggs laid by these chickens using a two-step salt precipitation and one-step gel filtration protocol. The purified IgY was reduced with dithiothreitol, and heavy chains (HC) and light chains (LC) were obtained. In addition, the purified IgY was digested with pepsin and the fragment with specific antigen binding properties (Fab) was produced. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS), the average molecular weights of IgY, HC, LC, and Fab were determined as 167 250, 65 105, 18 660, and 45,359 Da, respectively. IgY has two structural differences compared with mammalian IgGs. First, the molecular weight of the heavy chain of IgY is larger than that of its mammalian counterpart, while the molecular weight of the light chain of IgY is smaller. Second, upon pepsin digestion, anti-rabies virus IgY is degraded into Feb, in contrast to mammalian IgG, which has been reported to be degraded into F(ab')(2) under the same conditions. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Interferon (IFN)-regulatory transcription factor-1 (IRF-1) has been studied in mammals and fish but little is known about the relationship between its gene structure and nuclear 'ion of IRF-1 protein. In this study, a cDNA encoding Carassius auratus IRF-1 (CaIRF-1) was isolated from an interferon-producing cell line, C. ouratus blastulae embryonic (CAB) cells, exposed to UV-inactivated grass carp hemorrhagic virus (GCHV). The CaIRF-1 genomic locus exhibits exon-intron arrangements similar to those of other vertebrate IRF-1 loci, with nine exons and eight introns, although together with pufferfish IRF-1, CaIRF-1 distinguishes itself from other vertebrate IRF-1 genes by a relatively compact genomic size. Similar to the known IRF-1 genes, CaIRF-1 is ubiquitously expressed, and is upregulated in vitro and in vivo in response to virus, Poty I:C, or CAB INF-containing supernatant (ICS). Subcellular localization analysis confirms the nuclear distribution of CaIRF-1 protein, and reveals two nuclear localization signals (NILS), any one of which is sufficient for nuclear translocation of CaIRF-1. One NLS Locates to amino acids 117-146, and appears to be the structural and functional equivalent of the NLS in mammalian IRF-1. The second NLS (amino acids 73-115) is found within the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of CaIRF-1, and contains two regions rich in basic amino acids (''(KDKSINK101)-K-95" and ''(75)KTWKANFR(82)"). In comparison with mammalian IRF-1, in which the corresponding amino acid stretch does not seem to drive nuclear translocation, five conserved basic amino acids (K-75, K-78, R-82, K-95, and K-101) and one non-conserved basic amino acid (K-97) are present in this NLS from CaIRF-1. This observation suggests that K97 Of CaIRF-1 might be essential for the function of its second NLS, wherein the six basic aminoacids might cooperate to drive CaIRF-1 to the nucleus. Therefore, the current study has revealed a new nuclear localization motif in the DBD of a vertebrate IRF-1. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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P>NF-kappa B is a B-cell specific transcription factor that plays crucial roles in inflammation, immunity, apoptosis, development and differentiation. In the present study, a novel NF-kappa B-like transcription factor Relish was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (designated as EsRelish) by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique based on expressed sequence tag (EST). The full-length cDNA of EsRelish was of 5034 bp, consisting of a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 57 bp, a 3' UTR of 1335 bp with two mRNA instability motifs (ATTTA), a polyadenylation signal sequence (AATAAA) and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 3645 bp encoding a polypeptide of 1214 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 134.8 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.26. There were a typical Rel homology domain (RHD), two nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences (KR), an inhibitor kappa B (I kappa B)-like domain with six ankyrin repeats, a PEST region and a death domain in the deduced amino acid sequence of EsRelish. Conserved domain, higher similarity with other Rel/NF-kappa Bs and phylogenetic analysis suggested that EsRelish was a member of the NF-kappa B family. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was employed to detect the mRNA transcripts of EsRelish in different tissues and its temporal expression in hemocytes of E. sinensis challenged with Pichia methanolica and Listonella anguillarum. The EsRelish mRNA was found to be constitutively expressed in a wide range of tissues. It could be mainly detected in the hemocytes, gonad and hepatopancreas, and less degree in the gill, muscle and heart. The expression level of EsRelish mRNA in hemocytes was up-regulated from at 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after P. methanolica challenge. In L. anguillarum challenge, it was up-regulated at 9, 12 and 24 h. The results collectively indicated that EsRelish was potentially involved in the immune response against fungus and bacteria.


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A large-DNA-fragment library is necessary for research into the Porphyra genome. In this study, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Porphyra yezoensis was constructed and characterized. The library contains 54,144 BAC clones with an average insert size of about 65 kb and fewer than 0.7% of clones without large inserts. Therefore, its capacity is more than 6.6 P. yezoensis genome equivalents, and the probability of recovering any nuclear DNA sequence from the library is higher than 99%. The library shows good fidelity and stability. A putative trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene was successfully screened out from the library. The above results show that the library is useful for gene cloning and genomic research in P. yezoensis.


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Estimation of the far-field centre is carried out in beam auto-alignment. In this paper, the features of the far-field of a square beam are presented. Based on these features, a phase-only matched filter is designed, and the algorithm of centre estimation is developed. Using the simulated images with different kinds of noise and the 40 test images that are taken in sequence, the accuracy of this algorithm is estimated. Results show that the error is no more than one pixel for simulated noise images with a 99% probability, and the stability is restricted within one pixel for test images. Using the improved algorithm, the consumed time is reduced to 0.049 s.


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The origin of new structures and functions is an important process in evolution. In the past decades, we have obtained some preliminary knowledge of the origin and evolution of new genes. However, as the basic unit of genes, the origin and evolution of exons remain unclear. Because young exons retain the footprints of origination, they can be good materials for studying origin and evolution of new exons. In this paper, we report two young exons in a zinc finger protein gene of rodents. Since they are unique sequences in mouse and rat genome and no homologous sequences were found in the orthologous genes of human and pig, the young exons might originate after the divergence of primates and rodents through exonization of intronic sequences. Strong positive selection was detected in the new exons between mouse and rat, suggesting that these exons have undergone significant functional divergence after the separation of the two species. On the other hand, population genetics data of mouse demonstrate that the new exons have been subject to functional constraint, indicating an important function of the new exons in mouse. Functional analyses suggest that these new exons encode a nuclear localization signal peptide, which may mediate new ways of nuclear protein transport. To our knowledge, this is the first example of the origin and evolution of young exons.


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We have cloned a mouse homologue (designated Myak) of the yeast protein kinase YAK1. The 1210 aa open reading frame contains a putative protein kinase domain, nuclear localization sequences and PEST sequences. Myak appears to be a member of a growing family of YAK1-related genes that include Drosophila and human Minibrain as well as a recently identified rat gene ANPK that encode a steroid hormone receptor interacting protein. RNA blot analysis revealed that Myak is expressed at low levels ubiquitously but at high levels in reproductive tissues, including testis, epididymis, ovary, uterus, and mammary gland, as well as in brain and kidney. In situ hybridization analysis on selected tissues revealed that Myak is particularly abundant in the hormonally modulated epithelia of the epididymis, mammary gland, and uterus, in round spermatids in the testis, and in the corpora lutea in the ovary, Myak is also highly expressed in the aqueduct of the adult brain and in the brain and spinal cord of day 12.5 embryos, Mol. Reprod. Dev. 55:372-378, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The androgen role in the maintenance of prostate epithelium is subject to conflicting opinions. While androgen ablation drives the regression of normal and cancerous prostate, testosterone may cause both proliferation and apoptosis. Several investigators note decreased proliferation and stronger response to chemotherapy of the prostate cancer cells stably expressing androgen receptor (AR), however no mechanistic explanation was offered. In this paper we demonstrate in vivo anti-tumor effect of the AR on prostate cancer growth and identify its molecular mediators. We analyzed the effect of AR on the tumorigenicity of prostate cancer cells. Unexpectedly, the AR-expressing cells formed tumors in male mice at a much lower rate than the AR-negative controls. Moreover, the AR-expressing tumors showed decreased vascularity and massive apoptosis. AR expression lowered the angiogenic potential of cancer cells, by increasing secretion of an anti-angiogenic protein, thrombospondin-1. AR activation caused a decrease in RelA, a subunit of the pro-survival transcription factor NF kappa B, reduced its nuclear localization and transcriptional activity. This, in turn, diminished the expression of its anti-apoptotic targets, Bcl-2 and IL-6. Increased apoptosis within AR-expressing tumors was likely due to the NF kappa B suppression, since it was restricted to the cells lacking nuclear (active) NF kappa B. Thus we for the first time identified combined decrease of NF kappa B and increased TSP1 as molecular events underlying the AR anti-tumor activity in vivo. Our data indicate that intermittent androgen ablation is preferable to continuous withdrawal, a standard treatment for early-stage prostate cancer. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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p21 is a protein with important roles in cell proliferation, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. Several studies have demonstrated that its intracellular localization plays an important role in the functional regulation and binding of calmodulin favors its nuclear translocation. However, the detail mechanism of the interaction with p21 and calmodulin is not well understood. In this report, peptides derived from the C-terminal of p21 that cover the binding domain of calmodulin were used to investigate the association of p21 with calmodulin.


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The lancelet (amphioxus) embryo develops from a miolecithal egg and starts gastrulation when it is approximately 400 cells in size, in a fashion similar to that of some non-chordate deuterostomes. Throughout this type of gastrulation, the embryo develops characteristics such as the notochord and hollow nerve cord that commonly appear in chordates. beta-Catenin is an important factor in initiating body patterning. The behavior and developmental pattern of this protein in early lancelet development was examined in this study. Cytoplasmic beta-catenin was localized to the animal pole after fertilization and then was incorporated asymmetrically into the blastomeres during the first cleavage. Asymmetric distribution was observed at least until the 32-cell stage. The first nuclear localization was at the 64-cell stage, and involved all of the cells. At the initial gastrula stage, however, concentrated beta-catenin was found on the dorsal side. LiCl treatment affected the asymmetric pattern of beta-catenin during the first cleavage. LiCl also changed distribution of nuclear beta-catenin at the initial gastrula stage: distribution extended to cells on the animal side. Apparently associated with this change, expression domains of goosecoid, lhx3 and otx also changed to a radially symmetric pattern centered at the animal pole. However, LiCl-treated embryos were able to establish embryonic polarity. The present study suggests that in the lancelet embryo, polarity determination is independent of dorsal morphogenesis.


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Hypoxia-inducible factor I is a transcription factor composed of HIF-1alpha and HIF-1beta. It plays an important role in the signal transduction of cell response to hypoxia. Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a high hypoxia-tolerant and cold adaptation species livin only at 3000-5000m above sea level on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this study, HIF-1alpha cDNA of plateau pika was cloned and its expression in various tissues was studied. The results indicated that plateau pika HIF-1alpha cDNA was highly identical to those of the human (82%), bovine (89%), mouse (82%), and Norway rat (77%). The deduced amino acid sequence (822 bp) showed 90%, 92%, 86%, and 86% identities with those of the human, bovine, house mouse, and Norway rat, respectively. Northern blot analyses detected two isoforms named pLHIF-1alpha and pSHIF-1alpha. The HIF-1alpha mRNA was highly expressed in the brain and kidney, and much less in the heart, lung, liver, muscle, and spleen, which was quite different from the expression pattern of mouse mRNA. Meanwhile, a new variant of plateau pika HIF-1alpha mRNA was identified by RT-PCR and characterized. The deduced protein, composed of 536 amino acids, lacks a part of the oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODD), both transactivation domains (TADs), and the nuclear localization signal motif (NLS). Our results suggest that HIF-1alpha may play an important role in the pika's adaptation to hypoxia, especially in brain and kidney, and pika HIF-1alpha function pattern may be different from that of mouse HIF-1alpha. Further-more, for the high ratio of HIF-1alpha homology among the animals, the HIF-1alpha gene may be a good phylogenetic performer in recovering the true phylogenetic relationships among taxa. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene was cloned from Fenneropenaeus chinensis (FcPCNA). The full-length cDNA sequence of FcPCNA encodes 260 amino acids showing high identity with PCNAs reported in other species. FcPCNA expressed especially high in proliferating tissues of shrimp such as haematopoietic tissue (HPT) and ovary. In order to understand the response of HPT to bacteria and virus challenge, mRNA level of FcPCNA in HPT was analyzed after shrimp were challenged by Vibrio anguillarum and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). FcPCNA expression in HPT of shrimp was responsive to WSSV and Vibrio challenge, but different expression profiles were obtained after challenge by these two pathogens. The data provide additional information to understand the defense mechanisms of shrimp against virus and bacteria. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Lymphocystis diseases in fish throughout the world have been extensively described. Here we report the complete genome sequence of lymphocystis disease virus isolated in China (LCDV-C), an LCDV isolated from cultured flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) with lymphocystis disease in China. The LCDV-C genome is 186,250 bp, with a base composition of 27.25% G+C. Computer-assisted analysis revealed 240 potential open reading frames (ORFs) and 176 nonoverlapping putative viral genes, which encode polypeptides ranging from 40 to 1,193 amino acids. The percent coding density is 67%, and the average length of each ORF is 702 bp. A search of the GenBank database using the 176 individual putative genes revealed 103 homologues to the corresponding ORFs of LCDV-1 and 73 potential genes that were not found in LCDV-1 and other iridoviruses. Among the 73 genes, there are 8 genes that contain conserved domains of cellular genes and 65 novel genes that do not show any significant homology with the sequences in public databases. Although a certain extent of similarity between putative gene products of LCDV-C and corresponding proteins of LCDV-1 was revealed, no colinearity was detected when their ORF arrangements and coding strategies were compared to each other, suggesting that a high degree of genetic rearrangements between them has occurred. And a large number of tandem and overlapping repeated sequences were observed in the LCDV-C genome. The deduced amino acid sequence of the major capsid protein (MCP) presents the highest identity to those of LCDV-1 and other iridoviruses among the LCDV-C gene products. Furthermore, a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the multiple alignments of nine MCP amino acid sequences. Interestingly, LCDV-C and LCDV-1 were clustered together, but their amino acid identity is much less than that in other clusters. The unexpected levels of divergence between their genomes in size, gene organization, and gene product identity suggest that LCDV-C and LCDV-1 shouldn't belong to a same species and that LCDV-C should be considered a species different from LCDV-1.