128 resultados para sap flow
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本文研究了北京山区落叶阀叶林优势种一辽东栎、大叶白蜡、北京丁香、核桃楸、山杏和荆条等乔灌木的稳定碳同位素比率,长期水分利用效率、植物蒸腾特性和土壤植物体的水分运动特点,并从植物解剖学的角度研究了这些植物叶片特点和其水分生理生态特性的关系。 对北京山区落叶阔叶林生态系统这几种乔、灌木植物叶片中的碳稳定性同位素比率(δ¹³C值)测定结果显示,这些植物叶片的δ¹³C值受多种因子的影响,具有较大的种间差异及时空异质性。主要表现在不同植物种叶片δ¹³C值不同,其排列顺序为山杏(- 24.75±0.85%。>大叶白蜡(- 25,94±1.52%。)=荆条(- 26.01±1.63%。)=辽东栎(一26.07±1.17%。)=北京丁香(-26.46±0.80c70。)>核桃楸(-28.11±1.52%。);生长初期叶片δ¹³C值较生长末期高,尤以核桃楸和辽东栎表现明显其生长初期和末期的叶片δ¹³C值皆相差达3‰;生境条件,特别是土壤水分含量和土层厚度,对植物叶片的813C值的高低有较大的影响,生长在于旱生境中的植物具有较高的δ¹³C值。另外,即使是同一株植物,叶片δ¹³C值也因其在冠层中所处的位置不同而异,冠层项部叶片的δ¹³C值高于林冠内部的叶片。北京山区落叶阔叶林优势种的长期水分利用效率与种的特点有关,山杏最高(4.950±0.l71mmolC0_2•mol-1H_2O),核桃楸最低(3.760±0.203mmolC0_2•mol-1H_2O),大叶白蜡、荆条、辽东栎和北京丁香居中(4.346- 4.530 mmolCO_2•mol-1H_2O),大部分植物长期水分利用效率在春季(5月)较高,秋季较低,荆条由于物候期的特殊性在其生长季初期较低,而后逐渐增高。核桃楸在不存在水分亏缺情况下,树干液流速率受微气候因子的影响,液流速率的最大值达1600g•hour 左右。树干液流速率的日进程和大气相对湿度、温度的日进程具有相当好的生态学同步性。通过对核桃楸夜晚树干液流的分析可以得出其有根压存在的结论。 植物叶片和枝条中自由水和束缚水含量主要决定于植物种的特性,枝条的年龄、生境特点,特别是土壤水分特点。在落叶阔叶林I(样地2)中植物叶片自由水含量的排列顺序是:北京丁香>核桃楸>大叶白蜡>辽东栎;而杂灌丛(样地1)中植物叶片自由水含量的排列顺序是:核桃楸>大叶白蜡>山杏>荆条>北京丁香>辽东栎,可见群落类型对植物自由水含量影响是很大的,植物束缚水含量与其自由水含量的格局完全相反,荆条、山杏等植物含量高,核桃揪含量低。枝条水分含量有与叶片水分含量相类似的特点。 北京山区落叶阔叶林优势种的水分生理生态学特性和其叶片的特点有很大的关系,首先是植物叶片的特点总是和其种的特性相联系,主要表现在叶的类型、叶片上毛、气孔密度、着生方式等,如荆条叶片上下表面都密被披针形毛,气孔小,核桃楸气孔较大且凸出,大叶白蜡叶片上的气孔凹陷,辽东栎的气孔呈椭圆状,保卫细胞上有许多白色蜡质结晶。有一些种有环状的气孔外缘。生境的变化对叶片的形态特征有影响,在全光照条件下叶片小而犀,而在庇荫条件下叶片大而薄,在扫描电镜下可见全光照条件下北京丁香叶片基本无毛,庇荫条件下则有短微毛,全光条件下荆条叶片上毛有小乳头状凸起,庇荫条件下没有。本文所研究的植物种气孔都着生在叶片的下表面,气孔密度的大小排列顺序是:辽东栎>山杏>北京丁香>核桃楸>大叶白蜡。经方差分析显示种闷气孔密度存在极显著性差异。对所研究植物的气孔导度和环境因子、叶片解剖特点进行线性回归分析,得到了总体的和各个种的回归模型,结果表明光照强度、气孔密度等对气孔导度影响显著,但因种的不同相互之间存在差别。 植物的蒸腾速率受多因子的影响,主要有种的特点、微气候因子(光照强度、大气相对湿度、叶面温度、叶室温度等)和土壤水分特点。植物的蒸腾速率日进程和微气候因子日进程有相当好的生态学同步性。对辽东栎的蒸腾速率和光照强度的研究发现二者有很好的线性关系。这些植物蒸腾速率都表现出一定规律的日进程和季节进程,大多数植物蒸腾速率在一天中有数次波动,最高峰一般出现在中午12时之前;在整个生长季中,6月底至8月初的蒸腾速率高于其他月份。
本文应用Granier热扩散技术对内蒙古浑善达克沙地榆树疏林林分进行树干液流通量研究,分别选择胸径大小占林分80%以上林木的三种胸径级(15-25cm,25-35cm,35-45cm)榆树样树各三株,应用Granier探针进行每隔15min的树干液流测定,同步测定林分环境因子,包括空气温度、相对湿度、土壤温度、土壤湿度、光合有效辐射、风速等10余个环境因子,在生长季节进行了5个月的测定,详细研究和分析了榆树树杆液流特征,其中包括昼夜变化趋势和规律、不同天气状况下的液流密度变化特点以及在生长季不同时期的液流密度变化规律,阐述了不同胸径级榆树树干液流变化特征。同时利用连续获得的树干液流通量与环境因子数据,分析了树干液流通量与环境因子的关系,阐明不同时期影响树干液流通量变化的主导因素,以及树干液流密度对环境因子的响应规律。并通过钻取样地内的树木生长年轮芯测定了榆树不同径级的边材面积,建立边材和胸径的关系方程,估算了不同胸径林分的边材面积以及冠层蒸腾的季节动态。 在晴朗的白天,不同胸径级榆树的树干液流密度变化曲线均呈单峰曲线,只是峰值持续的时间不同。不同胸径级榆树树干液流密度变化具有明显的昼夜节律性。在生长季结束后液流并不是马上停止,而是有微弱的波动。阴雨天液流密度变化曲线均不规则且液流密度值较小,甚至出现多峰曲线,而且峰值明显;液流密度的变化出现较大的波动性,夜间却有液流发生,而且值较晴天的夜间液流密度稍大。 林分不同胸径级榆树树干大径级木、中径级木和小径级木液流通量特征表现为: 榆树大径级木液流密度的峰值大于中等木,中等木峰值大于小径级木,差异明显;大径级木由于年龄较大,液流密度曲线变化平缓,没有明显的峰值,呈弧形曲线; 而且不同年龄的树木反映差别比较大,但是总体趋势还是受胸径的影响。 随季节推移生长季各月份液流密度均值基本逐渐减小,进入生长季末期(10月)基本处于微弱波动状态。液流通量月平均值最大值一般都出现在6-8月,大径级木、中径级木和小径级木各月液流通量变化差异较大。日液流通量比较分析得出,大径级木日液流通量最大值分别为394.53,中径级木为66.04,小径级木为63.56 kg∙ d-1。综合分析对不同胸径树木影响较大的环境因子为VPD,PAR,Ta; 但是在不同生长季节,对不同类型树木起主要作用的环境因子也不尽相同,但是PAR与VPD是其中基本主要起作用的两个因子。 通过建立边材与胸径的关系方程,得出边材和胸径关系(R2=0.99)。通过经验公式计算得出,林分生长期的蒸腾耗水量相当于2.24mm/day, 低于当地同期降雨量2.78mm/day.
A new set of experimental pressure drop data, collected aboard the Russian IL-76MDK, is reported for bubbly airwater two-phase flow in a square channel with a cross-sectional area of 12x 12mm(2). The present data are compared to several frequently used empirical models, e.g. homogeneous model, Lockhart-Martinelli-Chisholm correlation and Friedel's model. It is shown that the predictions of the models mentioned above are generally not satisfied. A new homogeneous model is developed based on the analysis of the characteristics of bubbly two-phase flow at reduced gravity. It is tested with the present data and other data collected by other researchers in circular pipes. Some questions related to the present model are also discussed. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Analytical and numerical studies of secondary electro-osmotic flow EOF and its mixing in microchannels with heterogeneous zeta potentials are carried out in the present work. The secondary EOFs are analyzed by solving the Stokes equation with heterogeneous slip velocity boundary conditions. The analytical results obtained are compared with the direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. The secondary EOFs could transport scalar in larger areas and increase the scalar gradients, which significantly improve the mixing rate of scalars. It is shown that the heterogeneous zeta potentials could generate complex flow patterns and be used to enhance scalar mixing.
For metal-matrix composites (MMCs), interfacial debonding between the ductile matrix and the reinforcing hard inclusions is an important failure mode. A fundamental approach to improving the properties of MMCs is to optimize their microstructure to achieve maximum strength and toughness. Here, we investigate the flow stress of a MMC with a nanoscale microstructure similar to that of bone. Such a 'biomorphous' MMC would be made of staggered hard and slender nanoparticles embedded in a ductile matrix. We show that the large aspect ratio and the nanometer size of inclusions in the biomorphous MMC lead to significantly improved properties with increased tolerance of interfacial damage. In this case, the partially debonded inclusions continue to carry mechanical load transferred via longitudinal shearing of the matrix material between neighboring inclusions. The larger the inclusion aspect ratio, the larger is the flow stress and work hardening rate for the composite. Increasing the volume concentration of inclusion also makes the biomorphous MMC more tolerant of interfacial damage.
The fluid mechanics of water entry is studied through investigating the underwater acoustics and the supercavitation. Underwater acoustic signals in water entry are extensively measured at about 30 different positions by using a PVDF needle hydrophone. From the measurements we obtain (1) the primary shock wave caused by the impact of the blunt body on free surface; (2) the vapor pressure inside the cavity; (3) the secondary shock wave caused by pulling away of the cavity from free surface; and so on. The supercavitation induced by the blunt body is observed by using a digital high-speed video camera as well as the single shot photography. The periodic and 3 dimensional motion of the supercavitation is revealed. The experiment is carried out at room temperature.
The Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) technique possesses great potential in monitoring widely exiting industrial two/multi-phase flow. For vertical pipe flow and inclined pipe flow, some application studies with exciting results have been reported, but there is rarely a paper regarding the application of ERT to horizontal gas/liquid pipe flow. This paper addresses this issue and proposes a smart method, Liquid Level Detection method, to conventional ERT system. The enhanced ERT system using the new method can monitor horizontal pipe flow effectively and its application is no longer restricted by the flow conditions. Some experimental results from monitoring an air/water slug pipe flow are presented.
We present density measurements from the application of interferometry and Fourier transform fringe analysis to the problem of nonstationary shock wave reflection over a semicircular cylinder and compare our experimental measurements to theoretical results from a CFD simulation of the same problem. The experimental results demonstrate our ability to resolve detailed structure in this complex shock wave reflection problem, allowing visualization of multiple shocks in the vicinity of the triple point, plus visualization of the shear layer and an associated vortical structure. Comparison between CFD and experiment show significant discrepancies with experiment producing a double Mach Reflection when CFD predicts a transitional Mach reflection.