50 resultados para ribosomal spacer DNA

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A number of methods are available for those researchers considering the addition of molecular analyses of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi to their research projects and weighing the various approaches they might take. Analyzing natural EcM fungal communities has traditionally been a highly skilled, time-consuming process relying heavily on exacting morphological characterization of EcM root tips. Increasingly powerful molecular methods for analyzing EcM communities make this area of research available to a much wider range of researchers. Ecologists can gain from the body of work characterizing EcM while avoiding the requirement for exceptional expertise by carefully combining elements of traditional methods with the more recent molecular approaches. A cursory morphological analysis can yield a traditional quantification of EcM fungi based on tip numbers, a unit with functional and historical significance. Ectomycorrhizal root DNA extracts may then be analyzed with molecular methods widely used for characterizing microbiota. These range from methods applicable only to the simple mixes resulting from careful morphotyping, to community-oriented methods that identify many types in mixed samples as well as provide an estimate of their relative abundances. Extramatrical hyphae in bulk soil can also be more effectively studied, extending characterization of EcM fungal communities beyond the rhizoplane. The trend toward techniques permitting larger sample sets without prohibitive labor and time requirements will also permit us to more frequently address the issues of spatial and temporal variability and better characterize the roles of EcM fungi at multiple scales.


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An improved method of PCR in which the small segment of conchocelis is amplified directly without DNA extraction was used to amplify a RUBISCO intergenic spacer DNA fragment from nine species of red algal genus Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), including Porphyra yezoensis (Jiangsu, China), P. haitanensis (Fujian, China), P. oligospermatangia (Qingdao, China), P. katadai (Qingdao, China), P. tenera (Qingdao, China), P. suborboculata (Fujian, China), P. pseudolinearis (Kogendo, Korea), P. linearis (Devon, England), and P. fallax (Seattle, USA). Standard PCR and the method developed here were both conducted using primers specific for the RUBISCO spacer region, after which the two PCR products were sequenced. The sequencing data of the amplicons obtained using both methods were identical, suggesting that the improved PCR method was functional. These findings indicate that the method developed here may be useful for the rapid identification of species of Porphyra in a germplasm bank. In addition, a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the RUBISCO spacer and partial rbcS sequence, and the results were in concordant with possible alternative phylogenies based on traditional morphological taxonomic characteristics, indicating that the RUBISCO spacer is a useful region for phylogenetic studies.


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杜鹃花属(Rhododendron L.)植物分布广泛,研究发现所有的杜鹃花科植物都能形成一种特殊的菌根——杜鹃花类菌根(Ericoid Mycorrhiza)。杜鹃花类菌根对杜鹃花科植物在营养胁迫的环境下生长起到重要的作用。近几年,对杜鹃花类菌根的生物学和生态功能的研究越来越重视。我国是杜鹃花属植物资源最为丰富的国家,因此研究杜鹃花属植物菌根真菌多样性,充分利用杜鹃花特有的菌根资源,促进杜鹃花迁地保护成功具有重大的意义。 本研究以分布较广并且是中国特有的杜鹃花属植物——大白花杜鹃(Rhododendron decorum Franch.)的野生植株为研究对象,应用直接扩增根中真菌ITS区的分子鉴定方法和T-RFLP(末端限制性片段长度多态性)的分析方法,来研究其菌根真菌的多样性;并结合生态化学计量学特征分析、宿主遗传相似性及其群落组成分析等内容,探讨大白花杜鹃的菌根真菌-宿主植物-根际土壤三者之间的关系。主要结果如下: (1)通过用直接扩增真菌ITS区序列,揭示了大白花杜鹃根部真菌的多样性,本研究发现,野生大白杜鹃根部的真菌种类比较丰富,至少有26个ITS-taxa,包括子囊菌和担子菌共5个真菌目:Helotiales、Lecanorales(≡Agyriales)、Onygenales、Sebacinales和Thelephorales,其中包括典型的ERM真菌——树粉孢属Oidiodendron sp.(Myxotrichaceae)真菌。另外还发现了黑色有隔内生菌(Dark septate endophyte,DSE)以及一些未命名的子囊菌。担子菌在本研究中占有较大比例,尤其是蜡壳耳菌目真菌;此外还有较典型的外生菌根真菌——革菌目真菌。 (2)大白花杜鹃野生植株与栽培植株在菌根真菌种类组成上,有一定的相似性;在忽略种源差异等条件下相较而言,前者的物种丰富度远高于后者。 (3)大白花杜鹃菌根真菌多样性和丰富度同它的根际土壤与叶片的C、N、P含量以及C/N、N/P、土壤pH值、宿主的海拔高度等都没有显著的相关关系。 (4)在大白花杜鹃的菌根真菌群落组成方面,整体上保持了相当程度的相似性,同时还保持了一定水平的差异;大白杜鹃菌根真菌的种类是丰富的,优势度指数表明其多样性水平很高。 (5)大白花杜鹃的遗传距离与其菌根真菌群落组成结构有极显著的相关关系,宿主的种内遗传差异可能对菌根真菌群落物种组成产生选择偏好。 (6)大白花杜鹃的群落组成与其菌根真菌群落组成有极为显著的关联性,伴生种的菌根类型可能会影响宿主植物菌根真菌的物种组成结构。


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A Gymnodinium-like species was studied with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Also, the internal transcribed spacers (containing 5.8S rDNA) and large ribosomal subunit DNA (D1-D2) sequences were obtained by PCR amplification, and then sequenced to explore the relationships within our isolate, Gymnodinium and other Gymnodinium-like species, including Karenia, Gyrodinium, Karlodinium and Symbiodinium. The LM observation showed that the species was characterized by moving in a levorotatory direction, visible hypocone, epicone and transverse groove, all of which are typical for Gymnodinium. In addition, two flagella could be found under SEM. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolate grouped with Symbiodium, rather than other relevant dinoflagellates. All results showed our isolate belongs to Symbiodium. The strain was isolated from a red tide water sample, denoting that Symbiodium may be causative species for algal bloom.


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核核糖体DNA(nrDNA)已被作为一个重要的标记,用于推断很多分类等级上的系统发育关系。相对于在被子植物中的快速致同进化,nrDNA在裸子植物中的致同进化速率低,且ITS和5S-NTS区有着较大的长度变异,这种现象在松科植物中尤为明显。在本研究中,我们克隆并测定了银杉属的5S rDNA以及冷杉属、银杉属、雪松属、油杉属、长苞铁杉属、金钱松属与铁杉属的ITS序列。基于获得的新数据,再结合前人报导的其它属的数据,我们探讨了如下四个问题: (1)松科 nrDNA ITS1 亚重复单位的组成、分布及进化;(2)ITS1区的长度变异与亚重复单位数目的关系以及它们的系统学意义;(3)松科ITS1的二级结构特征;(4)银杉5S rDNA编码区及非转录间隔区的结构特征。主要研究结果如下: 1. ITS区的序列分析ITS区的克隆及序列分析发现:(1) 松科ITS1的长度变异范围为 944-3271 bp, 这是目前已报导的真核生物中属间ITS变异最大的类群之一;(2) 所有松科植物的ITS区域都包含亚重复单位,亚重复单位的数目从2到9,并且这些亚重复单位可分为两种类型,即不含保守核心序列(5’-GGCCACCCTAGTC ) 的长亚重复单位(LSR)和含上述保守核心序列的短亚重复单位(SSR);(3) ITS1区的巨大长度变异主要归因于亚重复单位的数量变异; (4) ITS1区的GC含量与 它的序列长度和亚重复单位的数目有一定关系,并能够提供一些系统发育信息,特别是支持云杉属、松属和银杉属三者具有很近的亲缘关系。 2. ITS1亚重复单位的系统发育分析为了研究亚重复单位的进化关系,我们用最大似然法和最大简约法构建了松科ITS1亚重复单位的系统发育树。结果表明:(1)在ML和MP树中可发现有共同的五个分支; (2) 银杉比松科其它属拥有更多的SSR,且该属的所有9个SSR在系统树中构成一个单系支,表明它们是在银杉属内发生重复的;(3)一些SSR在属间和种间具有同源性,可为nrDNA ITS 的进化历史以及松科的系统发育 研究提供重要信息;(4)亚重复单位的多次重复以及伴随的重组可能是导致LSR 和SSR在松科不同属中分布式样不同的原因。 3. 松科ITS1的二级结构 用 Mfold 3.2 软件对松科所有11个属的ITS1区进行了二级结构预测,共获得了563个最低自由能折叠。结合以前关于松科二级结构的报导,我们分析的结果表明:(1) 松科ITS1的二级结构主要由几个延展的发夹结构组成;(2) 构象的复杂性与亚重复的数目呈正相关;(3)配对的亚重复单位通常在保守核心区(5’-GGCCACCCTAGTC ) 处有部分重叠,并且构成一个长茎,而其它的亚重复单位通常会自身折叠,且保守核心区的部分出现在发夹结构的环中。 4. 银杉5S rDNA 序列分析 我们对来自银杉不同群体的3个个体的5S rDNA进行了克隆,共获得 45 条序列,分析结果表明:(1) 绝大多数银杉5S rDNA编码区长度为120 bp, 以GGG 开头,以CTC结尾,编码区出现的碱基替代主要为转换;(2) 银杉与其它裸子植物相比,5S rDNA基因编码区具很高的相似性(90-99%); (3)间隔区含有一个poly-C和一个poly-T结构、两个TC丰富区以及五个GC丰富区。根据长度和序列特征,银杉的5S rDNA间隔区可分为三种类型:Type A 长751-764 bp,Type B 长770-807 bp (含一个32 bp的插入),Type C 长581-594 bp; (5)长间隔区(Type A,Type B )中含有两个148-175 bp的串联亚重复单位,该亚重复单位与短间隔区(Type C )中的一段143 bp的序列具有较高的相似性(56.0-66.8%)。 5. 银杉5S rRNA的二级结构 Mfold 3.2 预测结果表明:(1)银杉5S rRNA二级结构包括5个双螺旋区(干区)(Ⅰ-Ⅴ)、2个发夹结构环区(C和D)、3个中间环区(B1、B2 和 E)和1个铰链区(A), 铰链区为三个双螺旋的结合处;(2) 二级结构中的环区通常比双螺旋区更加保守;(3)在5个双螺旋中,I 和 IV 区有较高的碱基替代率。