15 resultados para repairing dressing

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We study the four-wave mixing (FWM) in an opening five-level system with two dressing fields. There are three kinds of doubly dressing mechanisms (parallel cascade, sequential cascade, and nested cascade) in the system for doubly dressed four-wave mixing. These mechanisms reflect different correlations between two dressing fields and different effects of two dressing fields to the FWM. Investigation of these mechanisms is helpful to understand the generated high-order nonlinear optical signal dressed by multi-fields.


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硅微条探测器通过微电子工艺制作,易因沾污导致性能下降甚至失效;裸露的键合引线,也易因机械力形成隐性或显性失效。对上述现象的研究可用于修复、维护探测器并在设计和工艺流程中改进其性能。本文通过光学、电气手段分析其结构和制作工艺流程,根据沾污性质在不同条件下清洗探测器,中测后根据芯片图形、封装方式和电气要求修复探测器,最后采用同位素α能谱测试修复效果。对一块沾污后失效(无法加载偏压)的硅微条清洗后在大气环境,N面接地,P面加载负偏压条件下进行了测试,结果显示:170 V全耗尽,平均漏电流2.94μA,5.486 MeV的α峰能量分辨率约1.28%。失效键合所在条的另一面各条能谱观测到假峰,键合修复后消除。因沾污失效的硅微条探测器经过合适的清洗、修复,部分可以恢复性能,但清洗对表面和结构有损伤,须谨慎。另外,键合失效后,因信号不能引出导致的电荷积累会通过电容效应影响其它灵敏区。文章提示,探测器应存放于洁净,恒温,低湿度,避光,避强电磁干扰的环境,以提高能量和位置分辨率,并增加工作稳定性,延长使用寿命。


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We analyse the physical origin of population inversion via continuous wave two-colour coherent excitation in three-level systems by dressing the inverted transition. Two different mechanisms are identified as being responsible for the population inversion. For V-configured systems and cascade (E) configured systems with inversion on the lower transition, the responsible mechanism is the selective trapping of dressed states, and the population inversion approaches the ideal value of 1. For Lambda-configured systems and Xi-configured systems with inversion on the upper transition, population inversion is based on the selective excitation of dressed states, with the population inversion tending towards 0.5. As the essential difference between these two mechanisms, the selective trapping of dressed states occurs in systems with strong decay into dressed states while the selective excitation appears in systems with strong decay out of dressed states.


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Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is a chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon that was widely used for seed dressing in prevention of fungal growth on crops, and also as a component of fireworks, ammunition, and synthetic rubbers. Because of its resistance to degradation and mobility, HCB is widely distributed throughout the environment and is accumulated through food chains in different ecosystems. In this study, a preliminary investigation was carried out on the bioaccumulation and the toxic effects of HCB in the microbial (protozoan in particular) communities in the Fuhe River, Wuhan, a water body receiving industrial wastewaters containing HCB and other pollutants, using the standardized polyurethane foam units (PFU) method. Field samples were taken from eight stations established along the Fuhe River in January and August 2006. The concentration ratios of HCB in microbial communities and in water were 9.66-18.64, and the microbial communities accumulated 13.29-56.88 mu g/L of HCB in January and 0.82-10.25 mu g/L HCB in August. Correlation analysis showed a negative correlation between the HCB contents in the microbial assemblage, and the number of species and the diversity index of the protozoan communities. This study demonstrated the applicability of the PFU method in monitoring the effects of HCB on the level of microbial communities.


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植物生长和生产力受到自然界各种形式的生物和非生物胁迫因子的影响。这些胁迫包括低温、高温、盐碱、干旱、洪水、重金属、虫害、病害和紫外线辐射等等。而人类活动大大加剧了这些胁迫所带来的影响。由于人类污染而导致臭氧层衰减以及由此产生的地球表面紫外辐射增强已经成为全球气候变化的一个主要方面。UV-B胁迫,甚至当前的辐射水平,所带来的影响已经引起科学工作者的广泛关注。 为了生存和繁殖,植物不得不面临环境中各种潜在胁迫所带来的负面影响。然而,植物生活型的不可移动性决定了其逃避胁迫的局限性。因此,绝大多数植物都是通过对胁迫作出反应,通过修复或者更新组织来降低伤害。而植物应对环境变化的能力则是由其生长模式的种属特异性和本身的遗传组成所决定。在自然界,植物常常同时面临多种胁迫,这些胁迫所引发的植物反应可能具有叠加、协同或者拮抗作用。沙棘是一种具刺、具有固氮功能的多年生雌雄异株灌木,广泛分布于亚欧大陆的温带地区和亚洲亚热带的高海拔地区。在中国,沙棘常常被用作植被恢复中的先锋树种而大量栽培。本文采用沙棘作为模式植物,试图探索木本植物对低温,UV-B辐射增强以及其与干旱的复合胁迫的响应以及沙棘对这些胁迫响应是否具有种群差异性。 对来自南北两个种群的沙棘进行短日照和低温处理,检测了其在抗寒锻炼和抗寒性发育过程中存在的性别差异。结果表明,短日照和低温都分别能够诱导抗寒锻炼的发生,而两者同时存在对所有实验植株抗寒性的大小具有叠加效应。然而,短日照和低温所诱导的抗寒性在两个种群中都具有性别差异性,雄性植株比雌雄植株对短日照和低温更为敏感。同时,南北种群间也存在差异性,北方种群的植物比南方种群的植物对短日照和低温敏感,从而在短日照下抗寒锻炼的发生时间更早,低温诱导的抗寒性更大。短日照和低温诱导植物增加抗寒性的同时伴随着脱落酸的变化。脱落酸的变化因处理,种群和性别的不同而不同。这些生理反应表明不同的沙棘种群,不同的植株性别对同一环境胁迫可能存在不同的生存策略。 比较了来自高低两个海拔的沙棘种群对于干旱和UV-B辐射增强以及两者复合胁迫条件下的生理生态反应。干旱使两个种群中植株总的生物量,总叶面积,比叶面积,叶片含碳量,含磷量,木质素含量和碳氮比显著降低,使根冠比,粗根细根比和叶片脱落酸含量显著增加。干旱而非UV-B使得δ13C 值显著增加。但是,比较而言,来自高海拔的种群对干旱反应更为强烈,而来自低海拔的种群对UV-B更敏感。在UV-B辐射增强的处理下,干旱所诱导的脱落酸的积累被显著抑制。而且我们检测到在一些指标上存在显著的干旱×UV-B交互作用,如两个种群中在总生物量上,低海拔种群中在总叶面积,粗根细根比上,高海拔种群中在比叶面积,δ13C值,木质素含量上都存在明显的交互作用。这些结果表明这两个种群对胁迫具有不同的适应性反应,来自高海拔的种群比来自低海拔的种群更能够抵御干旱和UV-B胁迫。 室外实验表明,UV-B 去除/增补对沙棘高低两个海拔种群的影响都不大。对生物量的积累,植株高度以及一些常见的胁迫反应生理指标比如丙二醛、ABA 和游离脯氨酸都没有显著影响。UV-B 的效应比UV-A 大,植物反应在无UV 和仅有UV-A 的处理间没有什么区别。然而,UV-B 去除的两个处理和UV-B 存在的两个处理间存在显著区别。UV-B 使得两个种群都显著降低了比叶面积(SLA),但却使长期用水效率增加。但UV-B对光合色素和光合系统II 的影响不大。总体看来,来自低海拔的种群对UV-B 更为敏感。 Plant is adversely affected by various abiotic and biotic stress factors. These stressors includelow temperature, heat, salt, drought, flooding, heavy metal toxicity, wounding by herbivores,infecting by pathogenic microorganisms, ultraviolet (UV) radiation and so on. Variousanthropogenic activities have accentuated the existing stress factors. One of the mostimportant aspects of global change is that of stratospheric ozone depletion caused by seriousanthropogenic pollution and the resulting increase in UV radiation reaching the surface of theEarth. Scientists have become concerned about the effects that considerable UV-B stress, evenat current levels. In order to survive and reproduce, plants have to be able to cope with lots of potentiallyharmful stress factors that are almost constantly present in their environment. Most plants’responses under stress are to neutralize the stress, repairing the damage or regrowing newtissue rather than to avoid it due to their sessile life style. The plant defense capacity dependson plant-specific modular growth patterns and genetic make-up that allows for flexibleresponses to changing environments. Plants usually encounter several stresses simultaneouslyunder field conditions, and the stresses may cause a variety of plant responses, which can beadditive, synergistic or antagonistic. Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), a thorny nitrogen fixing deciduously perennialshrub, which is widely distributed throughout the temperate zones of Asia and Europe and thesubtropical zones of Asia at high altitudes. It has been widely used in forest restoration as thepioneer species in China. In this paper, we used sea buckthorn as a model, tried to get some understand of how plants fight low temperature, enhanced UV-B radiation level and thatcombination of drought. And also, want to know whether does there exist some populationspecific responses to such stressors. Sexual differences in cold acclimation and freezing tolerance development of two contrastingsea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) ecotypes from northern and southern regions inChina were recorded after exposure to short day photoperiod (SD) and low temperature (LT).The results demonstrated that cold acclimation could be triggered by exposing the plants toSD or LT alone, and that a combination of both treatments had an additive effect on freezingtolerance in all plants tested. However, development of freezing tolerance was dependent onthe sex of plants under SD and LT, the males were clearly more responsive to SD and LT thanthe females in both ecotypes studied. On the other hand, development of freezing tolerancewas also ecotype-dependent, the northern ecotype was more responsive to SD and LT than thesouthern ecotype, resulting in earlier cold acclimation under SD and higher freezing toleranceunder LT. Moreover, development of freezing tolerance induced by SD and LT wasaccompanied by changes in ABA levels. These alterations in ABA levels were different indifferent treatments, ecotypes and sexes. Therefore, the differences in SD and LT-inducedphysiological responses showed that the different ecotypes and the different sexes mightemploy different survival strategies under environmental stress. Two contrasting populations from the low and high altitudinal regions were employed toinvestigate the effects of drought, UV-B and their combination on sea buckthorn. Droughtsignificantly decreased total biomass, total leaf area, specific leaf area,leaf carbon (C),phophous (P), lignin content and the ratio of C: N in both populations, and increasedroot/shoot ratio, fine root/coarse root ratio and abscisic acid content (ABA), in bothpopulations. Drought but not UV-B resulted in significantly greater carbon isotopecomposition (δ13C) values in both populations. However, the high altitudinal population wasmore responsive to drought than the low altitudinal population. The drought-inducedenhancement of ABA in the high altitudinal population was significantly suppressed in thecombination of drought and elevated UV-B. Moreover, significant drought × UV-B interactionwas detected on total biomass in both populations, total leaf area and fine root/coarse root inthe low altitudinal population, specific leaf area, δ13C value and leaf lignin content in the high altitudinal population. These results demonstrated that there were different adaptive responsesbetween two contrasting populations, the high altitudinal population exhibited highertolerance to drought and UV-B than the low altitudinal population. A field experiment was conducted to investigate effects of UV-B exclusion/supplementationon two altitudinal populations of sea buckthorn. UV-B exclusion or supplementation had littleeffects on both populations investigated. For instance, the total biomass, plant height andsome physiological index such as Malondialdehyde (MDA), ABA and free proline were notchanged significantly. The UV-B effects are more significant than that of UV-A, nodifferences were found between treatments of excluded UV and excluded UV-B. However,compared with treatments of UV-B exclusion (including absent of UV-B and all UV band),the present of UV-B (including near ambient environment and enhanced UV-B) significantdecreased specific leaf area, and increased long time water use efficiency as evaluated by δ13Cvalue. UV-B had little effects on photosynthetic pigments and Photosystem II (PSII). The lowaltitude population is more sensitive to UV-B than that of the high altitude population.


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用ACHT处理黑麦萌动种子,对修复前后材料的观察和分析结果表明:1. ACHT操作引起染色体数目变化和染色体断裂损失。在一定 条件和范围内,不同处理引起的这种变化具有显著差异,条件越剧烈,染色体数目变化的范围和频率愈大,断片发生的数量和频率 也愈高,同时修复前后染色体数目的变化范围和频率与断片发生的数量和频率以及它们的修复频率均表现明显的相关性。2. ACHT 操作引起染色体畸变的多样性。经ACHT处理后,胚根细胞染色体有4种断裂方式,包括着丝粒断裂、次溢痕断裂、长臂断裂和短臂 断裂等,其中着丝断裂频率最高;产生6种断片类型,包括有着丝粒和端粒的、有着丝粒而无端粒的、有部分着丝粒和端粒的、有 部分着丝粒而无端粒的、只有端粒的、既无着丝粒也无端粒的断片等。3. ACHT操作引起遗传结构重建的多样性。经ACHT处理后, 对修复24-72小时材料进行核型比较(按Stebbins 和 Levan 标准)和随体分析,处理细胞在染色体数目、大小、形态、位置等方面 均发生显著变化,说明ACHT处理使这些细胞的染色体结构和染色体组型发生了深刻变化。进一步通过Giemsa C— 带分析,观察到 多种重建染色体类型,包括易位型染色体、附加型染色体、无着丝粒染色体、化染色体、增加的m染色体以及某些带型特异的染色 体等。4. RAPD 分析从分子水平上验证了ACHT能有效地引起遗传结构的改变。所用10种引物对处理和对照材料基因组DNA的扩增产 物在条带数目、条带位置及带型特征等方面均有明显差异,其中4种引物出现条带减少,6种引物出现条带增加,后者还包括一个带 位移动。这说明两种材料的基因组DNA具有明显的RAPD反应多态性差异。This paper descripes some results draw on the basis of the observation and analysis on the rye before and after repaired through treating its budding seeds by ACHT in contrast to without ACHT: 1. ACHT manipulation caused the number variation and breakage damage of rye chromosome. Within certain conditions and timits, this phenomenon caused by different treats had signifcant difference: the more the treatment condition is drastie, the more the chageable range and frequence of rye chromosomae number, and so is the produced fragments. Meanwhile, there existed striking relationship among the changeable range and frequence of rye chromosome, the produced number and frequence of fragments and repairing frequence. 2. ACHT manipulafion engendered the diversify of rye chromosomal aberration. Four breakage patterns and six sorts of fragment were observed by watching the chromosome of the rye radicle treated by ACHT, including centric breakage (occuring in the highest frequence), secondary constriction breakage, long arm breakage and short arm breakage to the former, Comprising that with both centromere and telomere, that with centromere and without telomere, that with partial centromere and with telomere, that with partfial ceetromere and without telomere, that only with telomere and that neither with centromere nor with telomere, etc. 3. ACHT manipulation engendered the diversify or rye genetic structs reconstruction. Karureotype analysis(according to Stebbins and Levan) and satellite anaeysis were carried out to rye radicle through 24-72-hour-long recoverage after ACHT manipulation, which showed remarkable change happened on the rye chromosomal number、shape、arm ration and pattern, etc. and also on the satellite number、size、shape and location etc. Those indicated that ACHT manipulation engendered violent changes to rye chromatin structure and chromosome type. Further Giemsa C-banding analysis showed many types of reconstructed chromosome, such as translocation、addition、without centromere、st and other chromosome. 4. RAPD analysis checked the validity of ACHT on changing genetic structure of rye on the level of molecular biology. The treated and recovered rye has different amplifying band pattern by using IO valid arbitary primers selected from 40 comparing with the control.


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Novel bioactive glass (13G) nanoparticles/poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) composites were prepared as promising bone-repairing materials. The BG nanoparticles (Si:P:Ca = 29:13:58 weight ratio) of about 40 run diameter were prepared via the sol-gel method. In order to improve the phase compatibility between the polymer and the inorganic phase, PLLA (M-n = 9700 Da) was linked to the surface of the BG particles by diisocyanate. The grafting ratio of PLLA was in the vicinity of 20 wt.%. The grafting modification could improve the tensile strength, tensile modulus and impact energy of the composites by increasing the phase compatibility.


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Nanocomposite of hydroxyapatite (HAP) surface-grafted with poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) (g-HAP) shows a wide application for bone fixation materials due to its improved interface compatibility, mechanical property and biocompatibility in our previous study. In this paper, a 3-D porous scaffold of g-HAP/poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) was fabricated using the solvent casting/particulate leaching method to investigate its applications in bone replacement and tissue engineering. The composite of un-grafted HAP/PLGA and neat PLGA were used as controls. Their in vivo mineralization and osteogenesis were investigated by intramuscular implantation and replacement for repairing radius defects of rabbits. After surface modification, more uniform distribution of g-HAP particles but a lower calcium exposure on the surface of g-HAP/PLGA was observed. Intramuscular implantation study showed that the scaffold of g-HAP/PLGA was more stable than that of PLGA, and exhibited similar mineralization and biodegradability to HAP/PLGA at the 12-20 weeks post-surgery.


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Study and Application of Damage Mechanism and Protection Method of reservoir in Nanpu Shallow Beach Sea Area is one of the key research projects of Jidong Oilfield Company of PetroChina Company Limited from 2007 to 2008. Located at Nanpu Sag in Huanghua Depression of Bohaiwan Basin, Nanpu Shallow Beach Sea Area with 1000km2 exploration area posseses three sets, shallow Minghuazhen Formation and Guantao Formation of Upper Tertiary, middle-deep Dongying Formation of Lower Tertiary, deep Ordovician, of oil bearing series, according to the achievement of the connecting 3D seismic structure interpretation and the structural geological comprehensive research. Its main reservoir types include Upper Tertiary structural reservoir, Lower Tertiary structural and lithological-structural reservoir, and Ordovician ancient buried hill reservoir. How to protect reservoir, complete well and lift high efficiently is the key to realize high and stable yield of the oil wells during drilling, completing well, testing and repairing well. It is important for reservoir protecting during drilling that directly relate to efficient exploration. Therefore, beginning with basic characteristics and sensitive analysis of reservoir, study of reservoir damage machinism and analysis of reservoir damage potential factor are emphasized when prediction analysis about three-pressure profiles is carried out. The study both of physical and chemical properties and of the strata of the technology of borehole stabilization and reservoir protecting are outstanding. As the conclusions follow: (1)Based on the laboratory experiment about basalt cores, prediction of three- pressure profiles about 30 wells on No.1 and No.2 structure is practiced. The laws of plane pressure distribution are analyzed. (2)According to the analyses about reservoir feature data and about sensitivity evaluation to damage factor in Nanpu oil field, the scheme of reservoir protecting to the sand reservoir of Guantao Formation and the first section of Dongying Formation is put forward. (3)On basis of the analyses on lithological characteristics, mineral compositions, clay minerals, electrical behavior features, physical and chemical properties of basalt of Guantao formation in No.1 and No.2 structure, instability mechanism of basalt sidewall and technical countermeasures are obtained. (4)Aiming at the characteristics of Ordovician dissolution-pore fracture type carbonate reservoir, the scheme of the reservoir protecting to Ordovician is put forward. Creative study of the film forming and sealing and low invasion reservoir protection drilling fluid are successful. In summary, through the study of reservoir heterogeneity and sensitivity, a set of technology and schemes of reservoir protecting is put forward, which is adaptive during drilling the target bed in the research area and establishes the base for efficient exploration. Significant effect has showed in its application in Nanpu oil field.