14 resultados para redox state

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本文由两部分组成,一部分是关于一组新型除草剂(K-15,K-23)的抑制特性及作用位点的研究;另一部分是关于碳酸氢盐对细胞色素b-559高电势的保护作用的研究。 在第一部分,我们首先研究了抑制剂K-23对Psn放氧活性、DCIP光还原和可变荧光等光合特性的影响。研究发现,K-23在低浓度时刺激放氧活性,而在相对高浓度时抑制放氧活性。但是,K-23在低浓度时却有效地抑制了可变荧光。这些数据表明了新型抑制剂的抑制反应是基于氧化还原作用而不是猝灭作用。此外,通过采用胰蛋白酶消化类囊体膜的方式初步检测了新型抑制剂的作用部位,其结果表明:虽然新型抑制剂抑制受体侧电子传递,但它的抑制部位与DCMU不同。 其次,研究了新型抑制剂对光系统II色素蛋白复合体与多肽组分的影响及抑制剂的键合蛋白。应用SDS-PAGE技术,发现新型抑制剂主要作用于光系统II的反应中心蛋白。用温和的Deriphat-PAGE分析也证实了新型抑制剂作用于核心复合物,导致核心复合物二聚体消失。 进一步用SDS-PAGE分析新型抑制剂对Psn多肽组分的影响,发现新型抑制剂主要影响D.、D2、CP43和CP47。用荧光发射的方法确定了K-15键合在D2蛋白上。 最后,结合荧光动力学和HPLC方法,分别从定性和定量的角度,以核心复合物以及抑制剂存在下从BBY中分离的核心复合物为研究对象,详细研究了抑制剂对QA的取代作用。研究发现,在无去垢剂或低浓度去垢剂存在情况下,由于不能创造出适合于QA存在的疏水环境,我们没有得到QA被K-15取代的实验证据。而在抑制剂K-15存在下,用2.2% HTG从BBY分离的核心复合物的实验中,检测不到正的可变荧光Fv,而是得到了降低的FM,这个结果表明QA已被抑制剂在它的作用位点处所取代。 在第二部分,研究了pH5.0—7.0范围内碳酸氢盐对Cyt b-559氧化还原状态转变的影响。首先研究了pH5.0~7.0条件下碳酸氢盐对PSII Cyt b-559还原减氧化差异吸收光谱的影响,发现铁氰化钾还原的PSII Cyt b-559 HP的含量随介质pH值的降低而减少。然而,碳酸氢盐的加入阻止了由于介质pH降低而引起的Cyt b-559由高电势向低电势的转化。比如,当样品温育在pH5.0的介质中,铁氰化钾还原的Cyt b-559 HP含量占总量的25%-30%,当介质中加入2mmol/L碳酸氢盐后Cyt b-559 HP的含量上升,占总量的50%-56%。碳酸氢盐效应对氢醌还原的Cyt b-559HP含量的影响尤为显著。pH6.5时碳酸氢盐对Cyt b-559的还原氧化状态的影响不显著。其次,分别研究了PSII经Tris处理去除锰簇和三个外周蛋白及NH20H处理去除锰簇和17 kDa和23 kDa后,碳酸氢盐对Cytb一559 HP影响的pH依赖值,发现不论在pH5.0还是pH6.5的介质中碳酸氢盐效应都不存在。 综合以上实验结果,我们认为碳酸氢盐对酸化引起的Cyt b-559氧化还原状态的影响与它和锰的作用有关,但也不能排除钙离子与碳酸氢盐之间的协同作用。


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High resolution geochemical analysis of Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation deposits in eastern Gorges area, including carbon and sulfur isotope compositions, trace elements, rare earth elements, and so on, show a whole panorama of the oceanic environment in Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation. The deposits of Doushantuo II recorded consistent δ13Corg values and variable δ13Ccarb values, which suggets that it is strongly redox stratified in Doushantuo ocean, and there is a large DOC reservior in the deep ocean. The redox state of Doushantuo ocean in Yangtze area was not steady. The movement of chemocline was concerned with the transgression and/or regression. During the transgression, raising sea level and upwelling with anoxic deep water would cause the ocean anoxic; during the regression, declining sea level and weathered sulfate input would cause the suface ocean becoming oxic. The oxidations of this DOC reservior would caused negative δ13C excurions in Doushantuo Formation. Comparing with oceanic redox states and fossils productivity, we found that the stratum with high biologic productivity and diversity did not indicated oxic conditions. In the opposite, these stratum recorded anoxic conditions. We suggeste that it would be relatived to burial and preservation of fossils, because anoxic conditions are in favor of burial and preservation of fossils. It is proved that methane seep occurred at the base of Duoshantuo cap carbonate. However, comparing cap carbonate with seep carbonate, we found that oxidation of methan and the post-diagenesis could not derictely result in cap carbonate deoposition. Cap carbonate would be derived from the high level CO2 in atomosphere.


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A suit of cherts deposited in deep-ocean basin of South China during terminal Ediacaran and the beginning of Early Cambrian (about 550~540Ma). The origin of these cherts are controversial, and contrary standpoints exist for the redox state of the terminal Ediacaran deep-ocean because of poor study. In this paper, a detailed sedimentology, element and stable isotope geochemistry study were conducted for cherts of Liuchapo Formation in Anhua County, Hunan Province, Laobao Formation in Sanjiang County, Guangxi Province, and Piyuancun Formation in Xiuning County, Anhui Province. Some conclusions were drawn: (1) These cherts were mainly formed through chemical deposition of dissolved silica derived from chemical weathering in continent. Biological processes played a part in the cherts formation, however, the influence of hydrothermal fluids and detritus materials were trivial. (2) The terminal Ediacaran deep-ocean was anoxic and gradually oxidized. (3) Intense bacterial sulfate reduction decreased sulfate concentration in the ocean and the water column became euxinic during Ediacaran-Cambrian transition period. (4) Due to a high CO2 concentration in the terminal Ediacaran atmosphere, chemical weathering in continent dramatically increased and huge amounts of nutrimental material were transferred into ocean. The biota bloomed because of the nutrimental material. Degradation of huge amounts of organic matter maintained dissolved organic carbon reservoir in the ocean, and prolonged the deep-ocean anoxia.


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Goal, Scope and Background. In some cases, soil, water and food are heavily polluted by heavy metals in China. To use plants to remediate heavy metal pollution would be an effective technique in pollution control. The accumulation of heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in removing pollutants should be understood in order to implement phytoremediation, which makes use of plants to extract, transfer and stabilize heavy metals from soil and water. Methods. The information has been compiled from Chinese publications stemming mostly from the last decade, to show the research results on heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in controlling heavy metal pollution, and to provide a general outlook of phytoremediation in China. Related references from scientific journals and university journals are searched and summarized in sections concerning the accumulation of heavy metals in plants, plants for heavy metal purification and phytoremediation techniques. Results and Discussion. Plants can take up heavy metals by their roots, or even via their stems and leaves, and accumulate them in their organs. Plants take up elements selectively. Accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in the plant depends on the plant species, element species, chemical and bioavailiability, redox, pH, cation exchange capacity, dissolved oxygen, temperature and secretion of roots. Plants are employed in the decontamination of heavy metals from polluted water and have demonstrated high performances in treating mineral tailing water and industrial effluents. The purification capacity of heavy metals by plants are affected by several factors, such as the concentration of the heavy metals, species of elements, plant species, exposure duration, temperature and pH. Conclusions. Phytoremediation, which makes use of vegetation to remove, detoxify, or stabilize persistent pollutants, is a green and environmentally-friendly tool for cleaning polluted soil and water. The advantage of high biomass productive and easy disposal makes plants most useful to remediate heavy metals on site. Recommendations and Outlook. Based on knowledge of the heavy metal accumulation in plants, it is possible to select those species of crops and pasturage herbs, which accumulate fewer heavy metals, for food cultivation and fodder for animals; and to select those hyperaccumulation species for extracting heavy metals from soil and water. Studies on the mechanisms and application of hyperaccumulation are necessary in China for developing phytoremediation.


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The redox-induced conformational equilibrium of cytochrome c (cyt c) adsorbed on DNA-modified metal electrode and the interaction mechanism of DNA with cyt c have been studied by electrochemical, spectroscopic and spectroelectrochemical techniques. The results indicate that the external electric field induces potential-dependent coordination equilibrium of the adsorbed cyt c between its oxidized state (with native six-coordinate low-spin and non-native five-coordinate high-spin heme configuration) and its reduced state (with native six-coordinate low-spin heme configuration) on DNA-modified metal electrode. The strong interactions between DNA and cyt c induce the self-aggregation of cyt c adsorbed on DNA. The orientational distribution of cyt c adsorbed on DNA-modified metal electrode is potential-dependent, which results in the deviation from an ideal Nernstian behavior of the adsorbed cyt c at high electrode potentials. The electric-field-induced increase in the activation barrier of proton-transfer steps attributed to the rearrangement of the hydrogen bond network and the self-aggregation of cyt c upon adsorption on DNA-modified electrode strongly decrease the interfacial electron transfer rate.


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The interaction between polyaniline (PAn) and 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (DMcT) was investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry and UV-visible spectroscopy. The results show that the polymerization-depolymerization reaction of DMcT or its dilithium salt Li(2)DMcT is a kinetically quasi-reversible process. PAn exhibits very weak electrochemical activity in neutral propylene carbonate. After doping with protonic acid, such as hydrochloric acid or maleic acid etc., however, it shows an extensively enhanced electroactivity. For the complex system, PAn-DMcT or PAn-Li(2)DMcT, polyaniline has no catalytic activity for the electrochemical polymerization-depolymerization reaction of DMcT or DMcT(2-). Instead, the enhancement of the electrochemical redox activity of PAn-DMcT system compared with that of PAn, DMcT, Li(2)DMcT, and PAn-Li(2)DMcT comes from the protonic doping of PAn by DMcT.


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In this study, electrode responses to a large number of electroactive species with different standard potentials at the molybdenum oxide-modified carbon fibre microdisk array (CFMA) electrode were investigated. The results demonstrated that the electrochemical behavior for those redox species with formal potentials more positive than similar to 0.0 V at the molybdenum oxide-modified CFMA electrode were affected by the range and direction of the potential scan, which were different from that at a bare CFMA electrode. If the lower limit of the potential scan was more positive than the reduction potential of the molybdenum oxide film, neither the oxidation nor the reduction peaks of the redox species tested could be observed. This indicates that electron transfer between the molybdenum oxide film on the electrode and the electroactive species in solution is blocked due to the existence of a high resistance between the film and electrolyte in these potential ranges. If the lower limit of the potential scan was more negative than the reduction potential of the molybdenum oxide film (similar to - 0.6 V), the oxidation peaks of these species occurred at the potentials near their formal potentials. In addition, the electrochemical behavior of these redox species at the molybdenum oxide-modified CFMA electrode showed a diffusionless electron transfer process. On the other hand, the redox species with formal potentials more negative than similar to - 0.2 V showed similar reversible voltammetric behaviors at both the molybdenum oxide-modified CFMA electrode and the bare electrode. This can be explained by the structure changes of the film before and after reduction of the film. In addition we also observed that the peak currents of some redox species at the modified electrode were much larger than those at a bare electrode under the same conditions, which has been explained by the interaction between these redox species and the reduction state of the molybdenum oxide film. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Partially N-methylated polyaniline (NMPAn) is used instead of polyaniline (PAn) to make a composite with organodisulfides for cathodes of lithium secondary batteries. NMPAn displays a better electrocatalytic effect on the redox processes of organodisulfides than PAn. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we have investigated the reactivity of the molybdenum oxide film toward some standard redox systems (e.g., ferrocene (Fc) and its derivatives) and observed a few interesting phenomena. The results demonstrate that the electrochemical behaviour of Fc and its derivatives at the oxide-modified carbon fiber (CF) microelectrode differs from that at a bare CF microelectrode, The conductivity of the molybdenum oxide film is seriously affected by the range and the direction of the potential scan, which influences the electrochemical behaviour of these redox systems at the film electrode. If the cycling potential is more positive than the reduction potential of the molybdenum oxide film, the reduction and oxidation peak currents of Fc and its derivatives could not be observed. The result indicates that the molybdenum oxide film on a microelectrode surface cannot transfer electrons between the surface of the electrode and Fc or its derivatives due to the existence of a high resistance between the interface in these potential ranges. On the other hand, if the lower limit of the scan potential was extended to a potential more negative than the reduction peak potential of the film, the oxidation peak of Fc or its derivatives appeared at about the potential relative to E-0 of Fc or its derivatives on the bare electrode, and the peak current is proportional to the concentration of these couples in the electrolyte. To our surprise, the peak height on the modified electrode is much larger than that on the bare CF microelectrode under the same conditions in the range of low concentration of these couples, and the oxidation peak potential of these couples is more negative than that on the bare CF microelectrode. On the basis of the experimental observation, we propose that these redox couples may undergo an interaction with the reduction state of the molybdenum oxide film. The new phenomena that we observed have been explained by using this interaction. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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General equations of the electrocatalytic reaction at an ultramicroelectrode modified with redox species have been described according to the Andrieux Saveant model. The electrocatalytic kinetic process has been discussed for the whole set of cases, ie (R), (R + S), (SR) (SR + E), (E), (R + E), (ER), (S), (ER + S) and (S + E) limiting situations. The effect of gamma on the catalytic steady state current shows that the higher the value of gamma, the lower the catalytic current. The kinetic process shifts rapidly from R to E with increasing values of gamma. It is favorable for catalysis only when gamma is very low. Therefore, the redox species modified ultramicroelectrode with thin film is utilized for electrocatalysis, and the larger the radius of ultramicroelectrode, the higher the catalytic efficiency.


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The performance of an all-solid-state cell having a lithium negative electrode, a modified polyethylene oxide (PEO)-epoxy resin (ER) electrolyte, and a polyaniline (PAn) positive electrode has been studied using cyclic voltammetry, charge/discharge cycling, and polarization curves at various temperatures. The redox reaction of the PAn electrode at the PAn/modifed PEO-ER interface exhibits good reversibility. At 50-80-degrees-C, the Li/PEO-ER-LiClO4/PAn cell shows more than 40 charge/discharge cycles, 90% charge/discharge efficiency, and 54 W h kg-1 discharge energy density (on PAn weight basis) at 50-mu-A between 2 and 4 V. The polarization performance of the battery improves steadily with increase in temperature.


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The current equation of the electrocatalytic reaction at a microdisk electrode modified with redox species has been described and verified experimentally. There exists a linear relationship between plateau limiting current and the radius of the microdisk electrode for a catalytic process. The influence of the dimensions of the microdisk electrode on catalytic efficiency is discussed. The polyvinylferrocene (PVFc)-modified microdisk electrode prepared by the coating method was taken as a typical example, on which the electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid could be studied. The catalytic reaction rate constants were determined as an average value of 1.5 X 10(-7) cm3/mol s by this method, and are consistent with those obtained at a conventional electrode.


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Effect of redox cycling on a Ni-YSZ anode prepared from 50 wt.% NiO and 50 wt.% YSZ was investigated by using temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), XRD and SEM techniques. XRD results showed that NiO was formed during re-oxidation. Both the XRD and TPR results depicted that the conversion of nickel to NiO depended on the re-oxidation temperature. The oxidation of Ni to NiO occurred quickly in the initial several minutes and then reached a quasi equilibrium. The TPR profiles tracing the redox cycling showed that it brought continuous changes in the NiO micro-structure at 800 degrees C, whereas at 600 degrees C it had only little effects on the reduction of NiO. Re-oxidation resulted in the formation of spongy aggregates of NiO crystallites. Redox cycling at 800 degrees C led to a continuous decrease in the primary crystallite size of NiO and a high dispersion of the Ni particles. A continuous expansion of the slice sample was observed in both of the oxidized and reduced states during the redox cycling at 800 degrees C, whereas this process did not occur during the redox cycling at 600 degrees C. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.