35 resultados para recorded improvisation

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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澳隐亭及多巴胺受体D2激动剂会影响除人以外其它灵长类动物的一系列行为,特别是与运动和 心理活动相关的行为,比如动物会表现出抑制性行为及幻觉样行为。除药物外,快速眼动睡眠(REM)机制的紊 乱也可导致幻觉。打乱清醒、REM及非快速眼动睡眠(NREM)的规律可引起一系列精神病症状。方法当动物 处于清醒,NREM和REM及药物导致的类精神病状态时,同时记录五个皮层脑区的听觉诱发电位,从而研究 对比不同状态下听觉诱发电位的变化。结果在幻觉状态及REM期,前额叶背外侧皮层记录到的潜伏期为250 ms的诱发电位成分出现波峰到基线的相位翻转(PBA250),说明幻觉状态及REM在前额叶背外侧皮层有类似的调 节机制。结论在前额叶背外侧皮层记录到的N250可以用来判断幻觉样行为是否出现,这表明前额叶背外侧皮 层可能同幻觉样行为最相关。


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About 50 species of Microcystis so far have been reported in the world, and 19 species were described in China. During our recent investigations for water-bloom forming blue-green algae in China, a diverse group of Microcystis species occurring in some waters can be easily observed. Among these species, some have never been described in China. The present paper reported three newly recorded species of Microcystis: M novacekii (Komdrek) Compere 1974, M smithii Komdrek & Anagnostidis 1995, and M botrys Teiling 1942.


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A re-examination under the phase contrast microscope of a collection made in a small lake in Xizang, China, which had been previously referred to Glenodinium gymnodinium Penard, has shown that the cell wall is composed of numerous usually hexagonal platelets, and thus the species should be a relatively common member of the genus Woloszynskia, namely W. tenuissima (Lauterborn) Thompson. Tetradinium intermedium Geitler is an immobile species collected from a small pond in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. It was attached on filaments of an Oedogonium species. Both genera are newly recorded in China.


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A search of the literature on rotifers recorded from China, includes today 477 valid species names and 42 subspecies or infrasubspecific variants in 84 genera and 28 families recorded since 1893. Chinese rotifera research is reviewed, and all recorded species are listed with current taxonomic status and their first localities in China. Most of the named taxa are widely distributed or cosmopolitan, with only a small number (about 3%) possibly restricted to China. This fauna exhibits 15 endemic taxa. The composition and distribution of Chinese Rotifera are briefly analyzed. It is likely that considerably more rotifers remain to be described from China as further study to be carried on and taxonomic resolution improves.