197 resultados para ration level

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The effect of ration on growth and energy budget of Chinese longsnout catfish was investigated in a growth trial. Fish of initial body weight of 6.5 g were fed at six ration levels (RLs): starvation, 0.8%, 1.6%, 2.4%, 3.2% of body weight per day, and apparent satiation for 8 weeks. Fish were weighed biweekly to adjust feed amount. The results showed that specific growth rate in wet weight, protein and energy increased logarithmically with increased RLs. The relationship of specific growth rate in wet weight (SGRw, % day(-1)) and RL (%) was a decelerating curve: SGRw=-0.62+3.10 Ln(RL+1). The energy budget equation at satiation was: 100 IE=12.94 FE+5.50(ZE+UE)+40.07 HE+41.49 RE, where IE, FE, (ZE+UE), HE, RE are food energy, faecal energy, excretory energy, heat production and recovered energy respectively. Body composition was slightly but significantly affected by ration size except for protein content. The most efficient ration based on the relationship between RL and feed efficiency ratio in energy (FERe) was 1.8% of body weight per day.


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Nile tilapia weighing 8.29-11.02 g were fed a practical diet at seven ration levels (starvation, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4% body weight per day and satiation) twice a day at 30 degrees C. Feed consumption, apparent digestibility, nitrogenous excretion and growth were determined directly, and heat production was calculated by difference of energy budget. The relationship between specific growth rate in wet weight (SGR(w), percentage per day) and ration size (RL, percentage per day) was a decelerating curve described as SGR(w) = 2.98 (1 - e(-0.61(RL-0.43))). The apparent digestibility coefficients for dry matter and protein showed a decreasing pattern with increasing ration while the apparent digestibility coefficient of energy was not significantly affected by ration size. The proportion of gross energy intake lost in nitrogenous excretion tended to decrease with increasing ration. Feed efficiency was highest, and the proportion of gross energy intake channelled to heat production was lowest, at an intermediate ration level (2% per day). The energy budget at the satiation level was: 100IE = 16.9FE + 1.2(ZE + UE) + 62.3HE + 19.6RE, where IE, FE, (ZE + UE), HE and RE represent gross energy intake, faecal energy, excretory (non-faecal) energy loss, heat production and recovered energy (growth), respectively. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) is a natural gynogenetic fish which requires sperm of the same or related species to activate egg development. The eggs of one gibel carp were divided into two batches. One batch was 'fertilized' with sperm from gibel carp (strain DD), and the other 'fertilized' with sperm from red common carp (Cyprinus carpio red variety) (strain DR). The juveniles were transferred to the laboratory 36 days post-hatch. Triplicate groups of each strain were fed a formulated diet at either 3% or satiation ration for 8 weeks. At both the restricted and satiation rations, specific growth rate was significantly higher in strain DR than in strain DD. At the 3% ration, there was no significant difference in feeding rate or feed conversion efficiency between the two strains. At the satiation ration, strain DR had a significantly lower feeding rate but higher feed conversion efficiency than strain DD. At the satiation ration, strain DR had a significantly lower intake protein, but higher recovered protein than strain DD. There was no significant difference in faecal protein loss between the two strains. At the 3% ration, strain had no significant effects on intake protein, faecal protein or recovered protein. Neither faecal energy loss nor recovered energy was affected by strain or ration. At both the 3% and satiation ration, final body contents of dry matter and lipid were significantly lower in strain DR than strain DD, while there was no significant difference in protein and energy content between the two strains at either ration level. The results suggested that gibel carp 'fertilized' with sperm of common carp grew faster than those 'fertilized' with sperm of gibel carp through increased feed conversion efficiency and protein retention.


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Two growth trials using a range of ration sizes from starvation to maximum feeding suggested that linear relationships existed between specific growth rate and ration size for Nile tilapia and givel carp, Continuous measurement of activity showed that activity level, in terms of distance swum per day, was not affected significantly by ration size in both Nile tilapia and gibel carp. (C) 2001 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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用数值模拟方法来研究气-液两相流动与传热现象是当今多相流领域的一个热门课题.由于两相流固有的复杂性,气-液两相流界面迁移现象的数值模拟一直是两相流研究中的一大难点.本文介绍了捕捉气-液两相流相界面运动的水平集方法(Level Set)及其研究进展,介绍了求解Level Set输运方程的3种方法,即一般差分格式、Superbee-TVD格式和Runge-Kutta法-5阶WENO组合格式.结合主流场的求解,分别用这3种方法对4种典型相界面在5种流场中的迁移特性进行了模拟计算,并对计算结果进行了比较和分析.结果表明,Runge-Kutta法-5阶WENO组合格式求解Level Set输运方程的效果最好,在以后的计算中将主要采用这种组合格式来进行气-液相界面输运方程的求解.


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Mechano-chemical coupling is a common phenomenon that exists in various biological processes at different physiological levels. Bone tissue remodeling strongly depends on the local mechanical load. Leukocytes are sheared to form the transient aggregates with platelets or other leukocytes in the circulation. Flow pattern affects the signal transduction pathways in endothelial cells. Receptor/ligand interactions are important to cell adhesion since they supply the physical linkages...


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There is increased interest in measuring kinetic rates, lifetimes, and rupture forces of single receptor/ligand bonds. Valuable insights have been obtained from previous experiments attempting such measurements. However, it remains difficult to know with sufficient certainty that single bonds were indeed measured. Using exemplifying data, evidence supporting single-bond observation is examined and caveats in the experimental design and data interpretation are identified. Critical issues preventing definitive proof and disproof of single-bond observation include complex binding schemes, multimeric interactions, clustering, and heterogeneous surfaces. It is concluded that no single criterion is sufficient to ensure that single bonds are actually observed. However, a cumulative body of evidence may provide reasonable confidence. 0 2002 Biomedical Engineering Society.


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A test system was developed for measuring the pore pressure in porous media, and a new model was devised for the pore pressure testing in both saturated and unsaturated rock-soil. Laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the pore pressure during water level fluctuation. The variations of transient pore pressure vs. time at different locations of the simulated rock-soil system were acquired and processed, and meanwhile the deformation and failure of the model are observed. The experiment results show that whether the porous media are saturated or not, the transient pore pressure is mainly dependent on the water level fluctuation, and coupled with the variation of the stress field.


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The frequent drawdown of water level of Yangtze River will greatly influence the stability of the widely existing slopes in the Three Gorges reservoir zone, especially those layered ones. Apart from the fluctuating speed of water level, the different geological materials will also play important roles in the failure of slopes. Thus, it must be first to study the mechanism of such a landslide caused by drawdown of water level.A new experimental setup is designed to study the performance of a layered slope under the drawdown of water level. The pattern of landslide of a layered slope induced by drawdown of water level has been explored by means of simulating experiments. The influence of fluctuating speed of water level on the stability of the layered slope is probed,especially the whole process of deformation and development of landslide of the slope versus time. The experimental results show that the slope is stable during the water level rising, and the sliding body occurs in the upper layer of the slope under a certain drawdown speed of water level. In the process of slope failure, some new small sliding body will develop on the main sliding body, and the result is that they speed up the disassembly of the whole slope.Based on the simulating experiment on landslide of a layered slope induced by drawdown of water level, the stress and displacement field of the slope are calculated.The seepage velocity, the pore water pressure, and the gradient of pore water head are also calculated for the whole process of drawdown of water level. The computing results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Accordingly, the mechanism of deformation and landslide of the layered slope induced by drawdown of water level is analyzed. It may provide basis for treating this kind of layered slopes in practical engineering.


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The influence of low gravity level on crystal growth in the floating zone, which involves thermocapillary convection, phase change convection, thermal and solutal diffusion, is investigated numerically by a finite element method for the silicon crystal growth process. The velocity, temperature, concentration fields and phase change interfaces depending on heating temperature and growth rates are analyzed. The influence of low gravity level on the concentration is studied especially. The results show that the non-uniformities of concentration are about 10(-3) for growth rate nu(p) = 5.12 x 10(-8) m/s, 10(-2) for nu(p) = 5.12 x 10(-7) m/s and relatively larger for larger growth rate in the gravity level g = 0-9.8 m/s2. The thermocapillary effect is strong in comparison with the Bridgman system, and the level of low gravity is relatively insensitive for lower growth rates.


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Carbon nanotubes have unprecedented mechanical properties as defect-free nanoscale building blocks, but their potential has not been fully realized in composite materials due to weakness at the interfaces. Here we demonstrate that through load-transfer-favored three-dimensional architecture and molecular level couplings with polymer chains, true potential of CNTs can be realized in composites as Initially envisioned. Composite fibers with reticulate nanotube architectures show order of magnitude improvement in strength compared to randomly dispersed short CNT reinforced composites reported before. The molecular level couplings between nanotubes and polymer chains results in drastic differences in the properties of thermoset and thermoplastic composite fibers, which indicate that conventional macroscopic composite theory falls to explain the overall hybrid behavior at nanoscale.


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We analyse the physical origin of population inversion via continuous wave two-colour coherent excitation in three-level systems by dressing the inverted transition. Two different mechanisms are identified as being responsible for the population inversion. For V-configured systems and cascade (E) configured systems with inversion on the lower transition, the responsible mechanism is the selective trapping of dressed states, and the population inversion approaches the ideal value of 1. For Lambda-configured systems and Xi-configured systems with inversion on the upper transition, population inversion is based on the selective excitation of dressed states, with the population inversion tending towards 0.5. As the essential difference between these two mechanisms, the selective trapping of dressed states occurs in systems with strong decay into dressed states while the selective excitation appears in systems with strong decay out of dressed states.


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The propagation behaviors, which include the carrier-envelope phase, the area evolution and the solitary pulse number of few-cycle pulses in a dense two-level medium, are investigated based on full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations by taking Lorentz local field correction (LFC) into account. Several novel features are found: the difference of the carrier-envelope phase between the cases with and without LFC can go up to pi at some location; although the area of ultrashort solitary pulses is lager than 2 pi, the area of the effective Rabi frequency, which equals to that the Rabi frequency pluses the product of the strength of the near dipole-dipole (NDD) interaction and the polarization, is consistent with the standard area theorem and keeps 2 pi; the large area pulse penetrating into the medium produces several solitary pulses as usual, but the number of solitary pulses changes at certain condition. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The influence of atomic densities on the propagation property for ultrashort pulses in a two-level atom (TLA) medium is investigated. With higher atomic densities, the self-induced transparency (SIT) cannot be recovered even for 2π ultrashort pulses. New features such as pulse splitting, red-shift and blue-shift of the corresponding spectra arise, and the component of central frequency gradually disappears.


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We investigate the spectra of a femtosecond pulse train propagating in a resonant two-level atom (TLA) medium. it is found that higher spectral components can be produced even for a 2 pi femtosecond pulse train. Furthermore, the spectral effects depend crucially on both the relative shift phi and the delay time tau between the successive pulses of the femtosecond pulse train.