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Aspects of the behaviour of three groups of Yunnan snub-nosed langurs, Rhinopithecus bieti, were observed over the course of three field seasons from 1986 to 1988. The major findings of the study were: (1) The habitats of R. bieti were mainly at heights of 3,600-4,150 m above sea level. (2) Groups were very large, with group sizes ranging from more than 100 to 269 individuals. (3) Spatial dispersion densities ranged from about 27 to 106 m2/individual during sleeping and resting, to feeding dispersions as large as 5,000-15,000 m2. (4) The locomotor repertoire of R. bieti consisted largely of walking, jumping and climbing. On very rare occasions, semibrachiation was observed, but true brachiation was never observed. The locomotor repertoires of juveniles were more diverse than those of subadults or adults. (5) Communication consisted mainly of eye-to-eye contact accompanied by murmurs; while loud calls were heard only rarely. (6) Groups moved between sleeping and feeding sites in single file. It is concluded that R. bieti is a mainly terrestrial species.


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Feeding and vocal behaviours of wild black gibbons (Hylobates concolor) were observed from 1987 to 1989 in south-western Yunnan, notably H. concolor jingdongensis at Mt. Wuliang (24-degrees 18-42'N, 100-degrees 30-50'E) in the early spring of 1989. 12 plant species were observed to have been eaten by the gibbons; these included tree species, lianas and epiphytes. Approximately 21 % of feeding time was devoted to eating fruits, 61 % to leaf buds and shoots, 7 % to flowers and 11 % to leaves. The gibbons preferred fruits to leaves even though they commonly ate leaves. In this study, the morning songs (duet and solo), reponsive (territorial) songs, alarm calls and communication calls were recorded. The gibbons sang their morning songs mainly in the early morning, with a single bout lasting more than 10 min on average. The singing of a group would trigger other groups, and all groups in an area tended to sing sequentially. The morning duet song bout was dominated by an adult male. The male emitted booms, aa notes, early multimodulated figures, intermediate multimodulated figures and codas, the latter occurring only in duets following the female's great call. The female uttered great calls and abortive great calls. The subadults or juveniles also took part in the morning songs. Lone males were heard to utter solos which lasted longer than the duets of the pairs.


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Data on intergroup-interactions (I-I) were collected in 5 seasonally provisioned groups (A, B, D, D-1, and E) of Tibetan macaques (Macaca Thibetana) at Mt. Emei in three 70-day periods between 1991 April-June (P1), September-November (P2), December-1992 February (P3). The I-I were categorized as forewarning made by high-ranking males (including Branch Shaking and/or Loud Calls), long-distance interactions in space (specified by changes in their foraging movements), and close encounters (with Affinitive Behavior, Male's Herding Female, Sexual Interaction, Severe Conflict, Adult Male-male Conflict, Opportunistic Advance and Retreat, etc. performed by different age-sex classes). From periods Fl to P3, the I-I rate decreased with reduction in population density as a positive correlate of food clumpedness or the number of potential feeders along a pedestrian trail. On the other hand, from the birth season (BS, represented by P1 and P3) to the mating season (MS, represented by P2) the dominance relation between groups, which produced a winner and a loser in the encounters, became obscure; the proportion of close encounters in the I-I increased; the asymmetry (local groups over intruders) of forewarning signals disappeared; the rate of branch shaking decreased; and sometimes intergroup cohesion appeared. Considering that sexual interactions also occurred between the encountering groups, above changes in intergroup behaviors may be explained with a model of the way in which the competition for food (exclusion) and the sexual attractiveness between opposite sexes were in a dynamic equilibrium among the groups, with the former outweighing the latter in the BS, and conversely in the MS. Females made 93% of severe conflicts, which occurred in 18% of close encounters. Groups fissioned in the recent past shared the same home range, and showed the highest hostility to each other by females. In conspicuous contrast with females' great interest in intergroup food/range competition, adult male-male conflicts that were normally without body contact occurred in 66% bf close encounters; high-ranking male herding of females, which is typical in baboons, appeared in 83% of close encounters, and showed no changes with season and sexual weight-dimorphism; peripheral juvenile and subadult males were the main performers of the affinitive behaviors, opportunistic advance and retreat, and guarding at the border. In brief, all males appeared to "sit on the fence" at the border, likely holding out hope of gaining the favor of females both within and outside the group. Thus, females and males attempted to maximize reproductive values in different ways, just as expected by Darwin-Trivers' theory of sexual selection. In addition, group fission was observed in the largest and highest-ranking group for two times (both in the MS) when its size increased to a certain level, and the mother group kept their dominant position in size and rank among the groups that might encounter, suggesting that fission takes a way of discarding the "superfluous part" in order to balance the cost of competition for food and mates within a group, and the benefit of cooperation to access the resources for animals in the mother group. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The cold-water subtidal brown alga Laminaria japonica has been commercially fanned in the Far East and has been on top of all marine-fanned species in terms of farming area and annual output worldwide. The successful trials of transplantation of young sporophytes from the north to the south in winter along the Chinese coast in the 1950s led to the spreading of cultivation activities down to a latitude of 25-26 degrees N. Up to today, nearly 50% of the annual output of this farmed alga, as a cold-water species, comes from the sub-tropical south in China. The demand to have high-temperature-tolerant strains/ecotypes in farming area calls for a practical method to judge and select the desired parental plants for breeding programs and for seedling production. In this paper, we report our results on using chlorophyll fluorescence measurement and short-term growth performance in tank culture to estimate the temperature tolerance of offspring from two populations, Fujian Farmed Population (FFP) sampled from Fujian province (latitude: 25-26 degrees N) in subtropical area and Qingdao Wild Population (QWP) sampled from Qingdao (latitude: 36 degrees N). Contrary to what has been usually thought, the results revealed that offspring from Qingdao wild population in the north showed better performance both in short-term growth and survival rates and in optimal quantum efficiency (F-v/F-m) when exposed to higher temperature (20-25 degrees C). This result was further confirmed by fluorescence quenching analysis. QWP distributed along the southern distribution limit at a latitude of 36 degrees N in the Pacific west coast is thus taken as a more ideal one than the fanned population in subtropical region as a source of parental plants for breeding high-temperature-tolerant varieties. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reformed basin is a basin that underwent multiple immense reformation after the sedimentary stage, the major geologic elements of the petroleum system in the prototyped basin are destroyed to a certain extent, and their petroleum system has been reconstructed. This type of basin is frequently found in the course of exploration both home and abroad. In China, especially in the western and southern part of China, the basins in which oil explorations have been conducted are mostly reformed basins. The reformed basins from Paleozoic, Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic are widely distributed in West and South China. They are, and moreover, will be a challenge for oil and gas exploration. The conventional investigation and exploration techniques used in the slightly reconstructed basin just don't work well when facing the reformed basin. Therefore, the study on the reformed basin, especially the study on the pool-forming mechanism and reservoir prediction becomes a focus and one of difficulties for the geologists overseas and domestic. Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin is a typical case of the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic reformed basins in China. It locates in West China and is a exploration frontier with difficulties and no break through is made for years. A comprehensive research on it will be of significance for oil and gas exploration in similar basins of China. The late research for reformed basin in China now is mainly concentrated on basin classification, formation mechanism, geologic features, and survey technique, distribution regularity of oil accumulation and its dominating factors, assessment of oil exploration prospect and target zones, etc. On the other hand, the study on the pool-forming mechanism and reservoir prediction seems insufficient in systematization, and the research is deficient in methodology and combination of qualitative and quantitative studies, as well as the application of the new theory and techniques. The current efforts are mainly directed to structures (faults), sedimentation, the relationship between reservoir evolution and oil accumulation, and some other relevant fields. However, the application of the new theory and techniques seems to be insufficient such as petroleum system, pool-forming dynamics, fluid pressure compartment, and basin simulation, etc. So is the dynamic and integrated research. As a result, incomplete knowledge and understandings derived from the research on pool-forming mechanism and reservoir prediction often do not accord with rea-lity of the basin. The study and exploration under the guidance of this knowledge will inevitably lead to errors and failure. This paper, based on the previous study of the other geologists on reformed basins, with emphasis on "wholeness or systematic, dynamic and integrated" research, presents a reverse thinking of beginning from conserved units in the basin and the combination of qualitative and quantitative study with new theory and technique by building a geological model. The paper also puts forward a new thought for studying the oil & gas accumulation and reservoir prediction , and establishes a new research system for reformed basin. It is verified by the known reservoir and oil accumulation area in the basin and has a practical value for use and reference. The new ideas and achievements in this research are as following: 1.This is the first time that the system for studying the reformed basin and its pool-forming mechanism and reservoir prediction is presented. A reverse thinking and combination of qualitative & quantitative are applied here with emphasis on "wholeness or systematic, dynamic and integrated" research, new theory, techniques & methods comprehensive use and geologic models building. 2. Identifying criterion and methods, classifying schemes, and denominating principles for the conserved units of reformed basins are presented in this paper. The geologic model of conserved units of Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin has been built. It is a practical method when combined with the traditional way for basin survey and the conserved units study. 3.The dynamic sources of basin deformation are believed to be stress, gravity and thermodynamics. The stress and gravity are key factors in basin deformation and pool forming, especially stress. Scientific proof is provided by classifying the functional type, style and range of the stress, gravity and thermodynamics. 4.The pool forming and reservoir distribution of Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin are controlled by multiple factors or geologic conditions or/and co-controlled by both of them. The qualitative and quantitative research on petroleum system and basin modeling will help us understand and determine the pool-forming period of the conserved unit (timing), the oil migrating direction (orientation), the oil accumulating region (location), the oil distributing border (bordering) and the size of oil accumulation (quantification). Thus the pool-forming and distribution zones can be predicted. 5.Three generating modes (reform-succession type, reform-destroyed type and reform-regenerating type or reform-newborn type) of pool forming for reformed basins are presented here, together with the inner relationships between basin deformation type, overlapping style and pool-forming modes. The pool-forming modes are determined by deformation type and overlapping style. Reservoir distribution will be predicted based on the modes and other concrete pool-forming conditions. 6.The evaluation methods of the conserved units and zones and the parameter selection are reliable in optimal selecting of target zones. The technical terms, new ideas and methods for the study of reformed basins, the pool-forming mechanism and reservoir prediction are presented in this paper. The concepts and terms, the identifying criterion, the denominating principles, the generating modes for pool forming, the methods of reservoir prediction, and the evaluation techniques for conserved units and zones can be used for reference in studies on the petroleum exploration of reformed basins in China and abroad. It serves as a typical example for further research of the reformed basins and the geologic regulations of oil accumulation. It has a practical value of use and reference. The future research in the field of pool-forming mechanism of the reformed basins may well be on the process simulation of pool-forming dynamics of the reformed basins. Experimental work has been conducted to simulate the processes by using quantitative and qualitative methods combined. The further study in this field calls for more efforts.


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These are two parts included in this report. In the first part, the zonation of the complexes in its series, lithofacies, the depth of magma source and chambers is discussed in detailed for the first time based on the new data of petrol-chemistry, isotopes, tectono-magma activity of Mesozoic volcano-plutonic complexes in the southern Great Hinggan Mts. Then, the genetic model of the zonality, double overlapped layer system, is proposed. The main conclusions are presented as follows: The Mesozoic volcanic-plutonic complexes in the southern Great Hinggan were formed by four stages of magma activity on the base of the subduction system formed in late Paleozoic. The Mesozoic magmatic activity began in Meso-Jurassic Epoch, flourished in late Jurassic Epoch, and declined in early Cretaceous Epoch. The complexes consist dominantly of acidic rocks with substantial intermediate rocks and a few mefic ones include the series of calc alkaline, high potassium calc alkaline, shoshonite, and a few alkaline. Most of those rocks are characterized by high potassium. The volcano-plutonic complexes is characterized by zonality, and can be divided mainly into there zones. The west zone, located in northwestern side of gneiss zone in Great Xinggan mountains, are dominated of high potassium basalts and basaltic andesite. The middle zone lies on the southeast side of the Proterozoic gneiss zone, and its southeast margin is along Huangganliang, Wushijiazi, and Baitazi. It composed of dominatly calc-alkaline, high potassium calc-alkaline rocks, deep granite and extrusive rhyolite. The east zone, occurring along Kesheketong Qi-Balinyou Qi-Balinzuo Qi, is dominated of shoshonite. In generally, southeastward from the Proterozoic gneiss zone, the Mesozoic plutons show the zones-mica granitites zone, hornblende-mica granitite zone, mica-hornblende granitite zone; the volcanic rocks also display the zones of calc alkaline-high potassium calc alkaline and shoshonites. In the same space, the late Paleozoic plutons also display the same zonality, which zones are combined of binary granite, granodiorite, quartz diorite and diorite southeast wards from the gneiss. Meso-Jurassic Epoch granite plutons almost distribute in the middle zone on the whole. Whereas late Jurassic Epoch volcanic rocks distribute in the west and east zone. This distribution of the volcano-plutonic complexes reveals that the middle zone was uplifted more intensively then the other zones in Meso-Jurassic and late Jurassic Epoches. Whole rock Rb-Sr isochron ages of the high potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the west zone, the calc-alkaline and high potassium calc-alkaline granite the middle zone, shoshonite in the east zone are 136Ma, 175Ma and 154Ma, respectively. The alkaline rocks close to the shoshonite zone is 143Ma and 126Ma. The isochron ages are comparable well with the K-Ar ages of the rocks obtained previously by other researchers. The compositions of Sr ans Nd isotopes suggest that the source of Mesozoic volcanic-plutonic complexes in Great Hinggan Mts. is mostly Paleo-Asia oceanic volcanic-sedimentary rocks, which probably was mixed by antiquated gneiss. The tectonic setting for Mesozoic magmatism was subductive continental margin. But this it was not directly formed by present west Pacific subduction. It actully was the re-working of the Paleozoic subduction system( which was formed during the Paleo-Asia ocean shortening) controlled by west Pacific subduction. For this reason, Although Great Hinggan Mts. is far away from west Pacific subduction zone, its volcanic arc still occurred echoing to the volcanic activities of east China, it, but the variation trend of potassium content in volcano-plutonic complexes of Great Hinggan is just reverse to ones of west Pacific. The primitive magmas occurred in the southern Great Hinggan Mts. Include high-potassium calc-alkaline basalt, high potassium calc-alkaline rhyolite, high potassium rhyolite, non-Eu negative anomaly trachy-rhyolite et al. Therefore, all of primitive magmas are either mafic or acid, and most of intermediate rocks occurring in the area are the products of Mesozoic acid magma contaminated by the Paleozoic volcanic- sedimentary rocks. The depth of those primitive magma sources and chambers gradually increase from northwest to southeast. This suggests that Paleozoic subduction still controlled the Mesozoic magmatism. In summary, the lithosphere tectonic system of the southern Great Hinggan Mts. controlling Mesozoic magmatism is a double overlapped layer system developing from Paleozoic subduction system. For this reason, the depth of crust of the southern Great Hinggan Mts. is thicker than that of its two sides, and consequently it causes regional negative gravity abnormity. The second part of this report shows the prolongation of the research work carried on in my doctor's period. Author presents new data about Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions and ages, geochamical features, genesis mineralogy and ore deposit geology of the volcanic rocks in Kunyang rift. On the base of the substantial work, author presents a prospect of copper bearing magnetite ore deposit. The most important conclusions are as follows: 1. It is proved that all of these carbonatites controlled by a ringing structure system in Wuding-Lufeng basin in the central Yunnan were formed in the Mesoproterozoic period. Two stages could be identified as follows: in the first stage, carbonatitic volcanic rocks, such as lavas(Sm-Nd, 1685Ma), basaltic porphyrite dykes(Sm-Nd, 1645Ma), pyroclastic rocks and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, formed in the outer ring; in the second stage, carbonatitic breccias and dykes(Rb-Sr, 1048 Ma) did in the middle ring. The metamorphic age of the carbonatitic lavas (Rb-Sr, 893 Ma) in the outer ring was determined. The magma of carbonatitic volcanic rocks derived mainly form enriched mantle whose basement is depleted mantle that had been metasomated by mantle fluid and contaminated by Archaean lower crust. Carbonatitic spheres were discovered in ore bearing layers in Lishi copper mining in Yimen recently, which formed in calcite carbonatitic magma extrusion. This discovery indicates that the formation of copper ore deposit genesis relates to carbonatitic volcanic activity. The iron and copper ore deposits occurring in carbonatitic volcanic- sedimentary rocks in Kunyang rift results from carbonatitic magmatism. Author calls this kind of ore deposits as subaqueous carbonatitic iron-copper deposit. The magnetic anomaly area in the north of Lishi copper mining in Yimen was a depression more lower than its circumference. Iron and copper ores occurrig on the margin of the magnetic anomaly are volcanic hydrothermal deposit. The magnetic body causing the magnetic anomaly must be magnetite ore. Because the anomaly area is wide, it can be sure that there is a large insidious ore deposit embedding there.