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研究化石果实和种子的古果实学在欧洲和北美开展较早,近年来发展迅速,我国在这个领域的研究相对薄弱,迄今为止尚没有专项的研究工作。本论文首次对我国云南和山西晚第三纪的果实和种子进行专门研究,并根据它们对应的现存最近亲缘植物的分布及生态特征分析和重建了当时当地的吉植被、古环境和古气候。 1.云南省西部陇川盆地芒旦地区早一中中新世被子植物果实和种子植物群,包括果实和种子29种,详细研究了14种,隶属于ll科12属:壳斗科的石栎属、金缕梅科的蜡瓣花属、金丝桃科的金丝桃属、樟科的木姜子属、木兰科的木兰属和鹅掌楸属、桑科的榕属、杨梅科的杨梅属、蓝果树科的蓝果树属、芸香科的花椒属、清风藤科的清风藤属以及山矾科的山矾属。所有这些果实和种子的化石在中国均为首次报道,其中蜡瓣花属、鹅掌楸属、蓝果树属、清风藤属和山矾属还是该属在中国的首次大化石记录。在植物群组成中,石栎属占绝对优势,其他主要类群有蜡瓣花属、木姜子属、木兰属、花椒属和山矾属等。芒旦果实和种子植物群反映当时当地为亚热带常绿阔叶林的森林面貌和温暖湿润的亚热带气候条件。 2.山西省榆社盆地张村地区晚上新世( 2.3 Ma-3.5 Ma)水生植物川蔓藻属(Ruppia)果实和种子的大量发现及其与川蔓藻属2个化石种和5个现代种的比较表明,这些果实和种子属于一个新种—榆社川蔓藻Ruppia yushensis sp. nov。该新种的主要特征为内果皮卵形、表面光滑、侧面具两个显著的窄椭圆形凹陷、顶端具一个明显的小尖突,以及种子顶端具显著的球形膨大的种脐。榆社川蔓藻将川蔓藻属的第三纪地理分布范围从欧洲延伸到了东亚,并且填补了它在上新世地层的空缺。榆社川蔓藻作为榆社盆地晚新生代水生植物的发现,指示了当时当地的咸水环境。根据川蔓藻属植物的现代生态资料并结合其它矿物学和生物学指标,可以推测晚上新世张村地区为一个浅而平静的微咸水湖。榆社川蔓藻果实和种子的大量出现说明该植物可能在该水域形成了单一的优势类群,其光滑的内果皮表面指示当时当地为暖温带或温带气候。
本论文对草地群落地上/地下生物量构成、根冠比特征及其影响因子以及土壤呼吸测定方法比较等的国内外研究进展和主要成果进行了综述,在此基础之上对地处我国北方农牧交错带中段的内蒙古多伦县境内的18种草地群落(包括天然草地和人工草地群落)进行了相关内容的研究工作。 在2002年生长季期间,对这18个植物群落中选取的16个进行了群落学调查,测定了其地上、地下生物量,同时测定了土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤全氮含量和土壤有机质含量。分别分析了地上、地下生物量以及根冠比(root to shoot ratio)与这些立地因子间的相关关系。同期,从18个群落中选定10个代表性群落测定其土壤呼吸速率,测定方法选用了动态红外气体分析法 (Infra red gas analysis, abbreviated as IRGA)和碱液吸收法(Alkali absorption, abbreviated as AA)。对这两种方法的测定结果进行了比较分析,同时分析了不同群落间土壤呼吸变化与土壤水分和养分状况等的相关关系。主要结论如下: ①16种植物群落的地上和地下生物量差异明显,地上生物量变化范围在80~500 g•m-2之间;相比之下,地下生物量的变化范围要大得多,16个群落中地下生物量最小的为猪毛菜群落,最大的为拂子茅群落,分别为533 g•m-2和2590 g•m-2。群落的根冠比在1.5~11.21之间,平均根冠比为 5.69。 ②土壤含水量对地上和地下生物量有着重要的影响,土壤含水量高的样地(羊草样地)较含水量低(小米蒿样地)的样地地上生物量高,反之亦然。但含水量与地下生物量之间的这种关系却不明显,即土壤含水量高的样地其地下生物量并不一定比含水量低的样地地下生物量高;根冠比与土壤含水量之间基本上呈负相关。土壤全氮含量和有机质含量与地上、地下生物量也存在着一定的正相关关系,而土壤容重却与生物量存有负相关关系;根冠比与土壤全氮、有机质和容重的关系正好与此相反,即根冠比与全氮和有机质含量呈负相关,与容重为正相关。 ③10种植物群落土壤呼吸的昼夜变化比较明显,均为单峰型曲线,主要受土壤温度的驱动,但同时也受到当日降水情况和云量、风速等气象因子的较大影响。因此,影响到这些群落土壤呼吸日动态的一致性,使得规律性并不明显。 ④用碱液吸收法和动态密闭气室法测定的10个群落的土壤呼吸速率变化范围分别为394~894mg C•m-2•d-1和313~2043 mg C•m-2•d-1,其中碱液吸收法测定结果平均为动态气室法的67.5%,明显低于动态密闭气室法。 ⑤两种测定方法具有很好的相关性,R2为0.8739。本研究中发现,在土壤呼吸速率低的情况下,两种方法的测定结果十分接近,甚至碱液吸收法的测定结果稍大于动态密闭气室法;而在土壤呼吸速率较高的情况下,动态密闭气室法测定结果则显著高于碱液吸收法。上述结果与国内外同类研究的结果高度一致,从而为校正我们以往采用碱液吸收法在该区域的测定结果提供了可靠依据。 ⑥各个群落间的土壤呼吸变化与立地土壤水分和土壤养分之间存有一定的相关关系,但并不显著,可能与这些群落土壤呼吸测定不是在同一天进行有关。
Silver and bighead carp were stocked in a large pen to control the nuisance cyanobacterial blooms in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu. Plankton abundance and water quality were investigated about once a week from 9 May to 7 July in 2005. Biomass of both total crustacean zooplankton and cladocerans was significantly suppressed by the predation of pen-cultured fishes. There was a significant negative correlation between the N:P weight ratio and phytoplankton biomass. The size-selective predation by the two carps had no effect on the biomass of green alga Ulothrix sp. It may be attributed to the low fish stocking density (less than 40 g m(-3)) before June. When Microcystis dominated in the water of fish pen, the pen-cultured carps effectively suppressed the biomass of Microcystis, as indicated by the significant decline of chlorophyll a in the >38 mu m fractions of the fish pen. Based on the results of our experiment and previous other studies, we conclude that silver and bighead carp are two efficient biomanipulation tools to control cyanobacterial (Microcystis) blooms in the tropical/subtropical eutrophic waters. Moreover, we should maintain an enough stocking density for an effective control of phytoplankton biomass. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved
A full understanding of failure mechanism, critical hydrological condition, and process of mobilization and deposition of a landslide is essential for optimal design of stabilization measure and forecasting of landslide hazard. This requires a quantitative study of hydrological response of a slope to rainfall through field monitoring, laboratory test and numerical modelling. At 13:40 on September 18, 2002, a fill slope failed following a period of prolonged rain in Shenzhen, resulting in 5 fatalities and 31 injuries. The failed mass with a volume about 2.5×104m3 traveled about 140m on level ground. Field monitoring, laboratory test, theoretical analysis and numerical modelling were carried out to undestand the hydrological response and failure mechanism of this fill slope. This thesis mainly focuses on the following aspects: (1) The hydrological responses and failure processes of slopes under rainfall infiltration were reviewed. Firstly, the factors influencing on the hydrological responses of slopes were analysed. Secondly, the change of stress state of slope soil and modelling methods of slope failure under rainfall infiltration were reviewed. (2) The characteristics of the Yangbaodi landslide and associated rainfall triggering the failure were presented. The failure was characterized by shallow flowslide, due to an increase of ground water table caused by rainfall infiltration. (3) A fully automated instrumentation was carried out to monitor rainfall, and saturated – unsaturated hydrological response of the fill slope, using a raingauge, piezometers, tensiometers and moisture probes. A conceptual hydrogeological model was presented based on field monitoring and borehole data. Analysis of monitoring data showed that the high pore water pressure in fill slope was caused by upward flow of semiconfined groundwater in the moderately decomposed granite. (4) Laboratory and in-situ testing was performed to study the physical and mechanical properties of fills. Isotropically consolidated undrained compression tests and anisotropically consolidated constant shear stress tests were carried out to understand the failure mechanism of the fill slope. It is indicated that loosely compacted soil is of strain-softening behaviour under undrained conditions, accompanied with a rapid increase in excess pore water pressure. In anisotropically consolidated constant shear stress tests, a very small axial strain was required to induce the failure and the excess pore water pressure increased quickly at failure. This indicated that static liquefaction caused by rise in groundwater table due to rainfall infiltration occurred. (5) The hydraulic conductivity of the highly and moderately decomposed granite was estimated using monitering data of pore water pressure. A saturated – unsaturated flow was modeled to study the hydrological response of the fill slope using rainfall records. It was observed that the lagged failure was due to the geological conditions and the discrepancy of hydraulic conductivity of slope soils. The hydraulic conductivity of moderately decomposed granite is relatively higher than the other materials, resulting in a semiconfied groundwater flow in the moderately decomposed granite, and subsequent upward flow into the upper fill layer. When the ground water table in the fill layer was increased to the critical state, the fill slope failed. (6) Numerical exercises were conducted to replay the failure process of the fill slope, based on field monitoring, laboratory and in-situ testing. It was found that the fill slope was mobilized by a rapid transfer of the concentrated shear stress. The movement of failure mass was characterized by viscosity fluid with a gradual increase in velocity. The failure process, including mobilization and subsequent movement and deposition, was studied using numerical methods.
From November 2002 to 2006, five cruises were undertaken in the Yangtze River Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea to compare the nutrient concentrations, ratios and potential nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth before and after impoundment (June 2003) of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD). Concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total nitrogen (TN) exhibited an increasing trend from 2002 to 2006. In contrast, total phosphorus (TP) concentration exhibited a decreasing trend. The mean concentrations of DIN, SRP, and TN in the total study area increased from 21.4 mu M, 0.9 mu M, and 41.8 mu M in 2002 to 37.5 mu M, 1.3 mu M. and 82.2 mu M in 2006, respectively. while TP decreased from 2.1 mu M to 1.7 mu M. The concentration of dissolved reactive silica (DRSi) had no major fluctuations and the differences were not significant. The mean concentration of DRSi in the total study area ranged from 52.5 to 92.3 mu M. The Si:N ratio decreased significantly from 2.7 in 2002 to 1.3 in 2006, while TN: TP ratio increased from 22.1 to 80.3. The area of potential P limitation of phytoplankton growth expanded after 2003 and potential Si limitation appeared in 2005 and 2006. Potential P limitation mainly occurred in an area of salinity less than 30 after 2003, while potential Si limitation occurred where the salinity was greater than 30. By comparison with historical data, the concentrations of nitrate and SRP in this upper estuary during November 1980-2006 increased obviously after impoundment of TGD but DRSi decreased. Meanwhile, the ratios of N:P, Si:N and Si:P decreased obviously. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.