6 resultados para prion

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Le polymorphisme au sein de quatre regions du gene codant pour la proteine prion bovine (PRNP) confere la susceptibilite a l'encephalopathie bovine spongiforme (BSE). Ceux-ci comprennent un polymorphisme d'insertion/deletion (indel) de 23 pb dans le promoteur, un indel de 12 pb dans l'intron 1, un octapeptide repete ou un indel de 24 pb au sein du cadre de lecture, et un polymorphisme mononucleotidique (SNP) dans la region codante. Dans ce travail, les auteurs ont examine la frequence des genotypes, des alleles et des haplotypes pour ces indel au sein de 349 bovins d'origine chinoise, de meme que la sequence nucleotidique de ce gene chez 50 de ces animaux. Leurs resultats montrent que l'allele ayant la deletion de 12 pb et l'haplotype combinant la deletion de 23 pb et la deletion de 12 pb, lesquels ont ete suggeres comme etant importants pour la susceptibilite a la BSE, sont rares au sein des bovins du sud de la Chine. Une difference significative a ete observee entre les bovins affectes par la BSE et les bovins chinois sains pour ce qui est de l'indel de 12 pb. Au total, 14 SNP ont ete observes dans la region codante du gene PRNP chez les bovins chinois. Trois de ces SNP etaient associes a des changements d'acides amines (K3T, P54S et S154N). La substitution E211K qui a ete rapportee recemment chez un cas atypique de la BSE chez un bovin americain n'a pas ete detectee dans ce travail.


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Features of homologous relationship of proteins can provide us a general picture of protein universe, assist protein design and analysis, and further our comprehension of the evolution of organisms. Here we carried Out a Study of the evolution Of protein molecules by investigating homologous relationships among residue segments. The motive was to identify detailed topological features of homologous relationships for short residue segments in the whole protein universe. Based on the data of a large number of non-redundant Proteins, the universe of non-membrane polypeptide was analyzed by considering both residue mutations and structural conservation. By connecting homologous segments with edges, we obtained a homologous relationship network of the whole universe of short residue segments, which we named the graph of polypeptide relationships (GPR). Since the network is extremely complicated for topological transitions, to obtain an in-depth understanding, only subgraphs composed of vital nodes of the GPR were analyzed. Such analysis of vital subgraphs of the GPR revealed a donut-shaped fingerprint. Utilization of this topological feature revealed the switch sites (where the beginning of exposure Of previously hidden "hot spots" of fibril-forming happens, in consequence a further opportunity for protein aggregation is Provided; 188-202) of the conformational conversion of the normal alpha-helix-rich prion protein PrPC to the beta-sheet-rich PrPSc that is thought to be responsible for a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Efforts in analyzing other proteins related to various conformational diseases are also introduced. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pathogenic conformational conversion is a general causation of many disease, such as transmissible spon- giform encephalopathy (TSE) caused by misfolding of prion, sickle cell anemia, and etc. In such structural changes, misfolding occurs in regions important for the stability of native structure firstly. This destabi- lizes the normal conformation and leads to subsequent errors in folding pathway. Sites involved in the first stage can be deemed switch regions of the protein, and are vital for conformational conversion. Namely it could be a switch of disease at residue level. Here we report an algorithm that can identify such sites computationally with an accuracy of 93%, by calculating the probability of the native structure of a short segment jumping to a mistake one. Knowledge of such switch sites could be used to target clinical therapy, study physiological and pathologic mechanism of protein, and etc.


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The major protein component of the amyloid deposition in Alzheimer's disease is a 39-43 residue peptide, amyloid beta (A beta). A beta is toxic to neurons, although the mechanism of neurodegeneration is uncertain. Evidence exists for non-B DNA conformation in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease brains, and A beta was reportedly able to transform DNA conformation in vitro. In this study, we found that DNA conformation was altered in the presence of A beta, and A beta induced DNA condensation in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, A beta sheets, serving as condensation nuclei, were crucial for DNA condensation, and Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions inhibited A beta sheet-induced DNA condensation. Our results suggest DNA condensation as a mechanism of A beta toxicity.