182 resultados para polyploid complex

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本文采用物种生物学的方法分析了绵枣[Scilla sinensis (Lour.) Merr.]多倍体复合体细胞地理、形态、生态适应和发育节律的变异。此外,还对AA细胞型居群进行了等位酶分析和杂交实验。结果如下: 1. 细胞学检查秀自中国境内45个居群,检出AA、AB、BB、AAA、BBB和AABB 6个细胞型。多数居群由1种细胞型组成。AA几乎占据着该复合体在中国的整个分布区。BB仅局限于华中和华东地区。AABB分布于华中和华东地区的北侧、东北地区的东南部及台湾岛。45个居的细胞型组成以细胞地理分布图表示。总结前人与我们的工作,该复合体中已发现12个整倍体细胞型(AA、AB、BB、AAA、ABB、BBB、AAAA、AABB、ABBB、BBBB、AABBB和AAABBB)和各种基于多倍体的非整倍体。其基本细胞型为AA、BB和AABB。AA分布于除日本和大陆上BB分布区中心外该复合体的整个分布区。BB分布中国华东和华中地区、朝鲜的济州岛和日本。AABB分布日本、朝鲜和中国东北地区的东南部及华中、华东地区的东侧。另外,BB居群染色体数量最多,AABB次之,而AA最低。 2. 野外调查和栽培实验表明AA细胞型在中国东部和西部地区间存在形态和生态分化,东部居群形态变异较小,其共同特征是纺锤形鳞茎,红褐色;根茎短柱状;叶多灰绿色,蜡质明显,斜升;花葶较强壮而直立;花紫红色;子房每室1胚珠。西部为AA细胞型的现代变异中心,居群间形态变异大,区别于东部居群的特点是鳞茎纺锤形或近球形,根茎短柱状或盘状,叶鲜绿色,蜡质不明显,平卧地面;花葶1-4枝,直立,多花葶时斜升;花白色或淡红色,子房每室胚珠1 ~ 2枚。AA和BB细胞型是向着适于不同地理区的环境发展,因而具有不同的形态和生物学特性的两个类型。BB鳞茎近球形,黄褐色,根茎不明显,为盘状;叶墨绿色,柔软而平卧地面,是适于阴湿的林下环境的结果。春季萌发较早,约在3月初,其夏季休眠特性刚好可渡过华中地区东部夏季的高温多雨,待秋季温度下降时开花结实。而AA划适应了光照较强而干旱的山坡草地灌丛的类型。其发育节律变异较大,但萌动较BB晚,无夏季休眠。AABB细胞型的形态介于两祖先二倍体之间,没有形成独特的生态适应和发育节律。 3. 对AA细胞型的等位酶分析表明,该种的居群表现出较高的遗传变异(A = 2.0, P = 58.6%, H_o = 0.172 和 H_e = 0.185)。居群间存在较明显的分化(F_(ST) = 0.314)。东西两地区间也存在遗传分化。 4. AA居群间多数组合的F_1都低于对照的花粉育性和结实率。尤其是东部和西部居群间组合的F_1花粉育性和结实率极低,几近不育。如果仅仅考虑该复合体的形态变异,它只能作为一个形态复杂多变的种,Scilla sinensis (Lour) Merr.。可是如此处理就掩盖了其细胞型间清晰的进化关系。为弥补这一缺陷,当研究细胞型间的进化关系时,可采用生物学和概念。AA细胞型为S. sinensis (Lour.) Merr., 可分两亚种:subsp. sinensis 和 subsp. alboviridis (Hand.-Mazz.) K. Y. Ding。BB细胞型为S. thunbergii Miyabe et Kudo。而ABB及含有A和B染色体组的多倍体作为杂交种S. x sino-japonica K.Y.Ding。两个二倍体种形态界限很清楚,但AABB的存在湮灭了两者的间断。


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Four types of the fundamental complex potential in antiplane elasticity are introduced: (a) a point dislocation, (b) a concentrated force, (c) a dislocation doublet and (d) a concentrated force doublet. It is proven that if the axis of the concentrated force doublet is perpendicular to the direction of the dislocation doublet, the relevant complex potentials are equivalent. Using the obtained complex potentials, a singular integral equation for the curve crack problem is introduced. Some particular features of the obtained singular integral equation are discussed, and numerical solutions and examples are given.


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In the current paper, we have primarily addressed one powerful simulation tool developed during the last decades-Large Eddy Simulation (LES), which is most suitable for unsteady three-dimensional complex turbulent flows in industry and natural environment. The main point in LES is that the large-scale motion is resolved while the small-scale motion is modeled or, in geophysical terminology, parameterized. With a view to devising a subgrid-scale(SGS) model of high quality, we have highlighted analyzing physical aspects in scale interaction and-energy transfer such as dissipation, backscatter, local and non-local interaction, anisotropy and resolution requirement. They are the factors responsible for where the advantages and disadvantages in existing SGS models come from. A case study on LES of turbulence in vegetative canopy is presented to illustrate that LES model is more based on physical arguments. Then, varieties of challenging complex turbulent flows in both industry and geophysical fields in the near future-are presented. In conclusion; we may say with confidence that new century shall see the flourish in the research of turbulence with the aid of LES combined with other approaches.


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Multiscale coupling attracts broad interests from mechanics, physics and chemistry to biology. The diversity and coupling of physics at different scales are two essential features of multiscale problems in far-from-equilibrium systems. The two features present fundamental difficulties and are great challenges to multiscale modeling and simulation. The theory of dynamical system and statistical mechanics provide fundamental tools for the multiscale coupling problems. The paper presents some closed multiscale formulations, e.g., the mapping closure approximation, multiscale large-eddy simulation and statistical mesoscopic damage mechanics, for two typical multiscale coupling problems in mechanics, that is, turbulence in fluids and failure in solids. It is pointed that developing a tractable, closed nonequilibrium statistical theory may be an effective approach to deal with the multiscale coupling problems. Some common characteristics of the statistical theory are discussed.


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In this paper we introduce a weighted complex networks model to investigate and recognize structures of patterns. The regular treating in pattern recognition models is to describe each pattern as a high-dimensional vector which however is insufficient to express the structural information. Thus, a number of methods are developed to extract the structural information, such as different feature extraction algorithms used in pre-processing steps, or the local receptive fields in convolutional networks. In our model, each pattern is attributed to a weighted complex network, whose topology represents the structure of that pattern. Based upon the training samples, we get several prototypal complex networks which could stand for the general structural characteristics of patterns in different categories. We use these prototypal networks to recognize the unknown patterns. It is an attempt to use complex networks in pattern recognition, and our result shows the potential for real-world pattern recognition. A spatial parameter is introduced to get the optimal recognition accuracy, and it remains constant insensitive to the amount of training samples. We have discussed the interesting properties of the prototypal networks. An approximate linear relation is found between the strength and color of vertexes, in which we could compare the structural difference between each category. We have visualized these prototypal networks to show that their topology indeed represents the common characteristics of patterns. We have also shown that the asymmetric strength distribution in these prototypal networks brings high robustness for recognition. Our study may cast a light on understanding the mechanism of the biologic neuronal systems in object recognition as well.


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A high order accurate finite difference method for direct numerical simulation of coherent structure in the mixing layers is presented. The reason for oscillation production in numerical solutions is analyzed, It is caused by a nonuniform group velocity of wavepackets. A method of group velocity control for the improvement of the shock resolution is presented. In numerical simulation the fifth-order accurate upwind compact difference relation is used to approximate the derivatives in the convection terms of the compressible N-S equations, a sixth-order accurate symmetric compact difference relation is used to approximate the viscous terms, and a three-stage R-K method is used to advance in time. In order to improve the shock resolution the scheme is reconstructed with the method of diffusion analogy which is used to control the group velocity of wavepackets. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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In this paper, the conformal mapping method is used to solve the plane problem of an infinite plate containing a central lip-shaped notch subjected to biaxial loading at a remote boundary or a surface uniform pressure on the notch. The stress intensity factors KI and KII are obtained by the derived complex stress functions. The simple analytical expressions can be applied to the situation of cracks originating from a circular or an elliptical notch. The plastic zone sizes for such notch cracks are subsequently evaluated in light of the Dugdale strip yield concept. The results are consistent with available numerical data.


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This is the first part of direct numerical simulation (DNS) of double-diffusive convection in a slim rectangular enclosure with horizontal temperature and concentration gradients. We consider the case with the thermal Rayleigh number of 10^5, the Pradtle number of 1, the Lewis number of 2, the buoyancy ratio of composition to temperature being in the range of [0,1], and height-to-width aspect ration of 4. A new 7th order upwind compact scheme was developed for approximation of convective terms, and a three-stage third-order Runge-Kutta method was employed for time advancement. Our DNS suggests that with the buoyancy ratio increasing form 0 to 1, the flow of transition is a complex series changing fromthe steady to periodic, chaotic, periodic, quasi-periodic, and finally back to periodic. There are two types of periodic flow, one is simple periodic flow with single fundamental frequency (FF), and another is complex periodic flow with multiple FFs. This process is illustrated by using time-velocity histories, Fourier frequency spectrum analysis and the phase-space rajectories.


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A direct twos-complement parallel array multiplication algorithm is introduced and modified for digital optical numerical computation. The modified version overcomes the problems encountered in the conventional optical twos-complement algorithm. In the array, all the summands are generated in parallel, and the relevant summands having the same weights are added simultaneously without carries, resulting in the product expressed in a mixed twos-complement system. In a two-stage array, complex multiplication is possible with using four real subarrays. Furthermore, with a three-stage array architecture, complex matrix operation is straightforwardly accomplished. In the experiment, parallel two-stage array complex multiplication with liquid-crystal panels is demonstrated.


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Complex pupil filters are introduced to improve the three-dimensional resolving power of an optical imaging system. Through the design of the essential parameters of such filters, the transmittance and radius of the first zone, three-dimensional superresolution is realized. The Strehl ratio and the transverse and axial gains of such filters are analyzed in detail. A series of simulation examples of such filters are also presented that prove that three-dimensional superresolution can be realized. The advantage of such filters is that it is easy to realize three-dimensional superresolution, and the disadvantage is that the sidelobes of the axial intensity distribution are too high. But this can be overcome by the application of a confocal system. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We propose a novel method of one-shot parallel complex Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography using a spatial carrier frequency for full range imaging. The spatial carrier frequency is introduced into the 2-D spectral interferogram in the lateral direction by using a tilted reference wavefront. This spatial-carrier- contained 2-D spectral interferogram is recorded with one shot of a 2-D CCD camera, and is Fourier-transformed in the lateral direction to obtain a 2-D complex spectral interferogram by a spatial-carrier technique. A full-range tomogram is reconstructed from the 2-D complex spectral interferogram. The principle of this method is confirmed by cross-sectional imaging of a glass slip object. (c) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Analytic propagation expressions of pulsed Gaussian beam are deduced by using complex amplitude envelope representation and complex analytic signal representation. Numerical calculations are given to illustrate the differences between them. The results show that the major difference between them is that there exists singularity in the beam obtained by using complex amplitude envelope representation. It is also found that singularity presents near propagation axis in the case of broadband and locates far from propagation axis in the case of narrowband. The critical condition to determine what representation should be adopted in studying pulsed Gaussian beam is also given. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.