15 resultados para polyphasic taxonomic analysis

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A Gram-negative, nonmotile, aerobic and oxidase- and catalase-positive bacterium,, designated D25(T), was isolated from the deep-sea sediments of the southern Okinawa Trough area. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain D25(T), fell within the genus Myroides, with 99.2%, 96.0% and 93.4% sequence similarities to the only three recognized species of Myroides. However, the DNA-DNA similarity Value between strain D25(T) and its nearest neighbour Myroides odoratimimus JCM 7460(T) was only 49.9% ( < 70%). Several phenotypic properties could be used to distinguish strain D25(T) from other Myroides species. The main cellular fatty acids of strain D25(T) were iso-C-15:0, iso-C-17:1 omega 9C, iso-C(17:0)3-OH and Summed Feature 3 (comprising C-16:1 omega 7c and/or iso-C(15:0)2-OH). The major respiratory quinone was MK-6. The DNA G+C content was 33.0 mol%. The results of the polyphasic taxonomy analysis suggested that strain D251(T) represents a novel species of the genus Myroides, for which the name Myroides profundi sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is D25(T) (=CCTCC M 208030(T) = DSM 19823(T)).


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A Gram-positive bacterium, designated strain CW 7(T), was isolated from forest soil in Anhui Province, south-east China. Cells were strictly aerobic, motile with peritrichous flagella and rod-shaped. The strain grew optimally at 30-37 degrees C and pH 7.0-8.0. The major fatty acids of strain CW 7(T) were anteiso-C-15:0, iso-C-15:0 and anteiso-C-17:0. The predominant menaquinone was MK-7. The cell-wall peptidoglycan contained meso-diaminopimelic acid. The G + C content of the genomic DNA was 42.3 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that strain CW 7(T) belonged to a monophyletic cluster within the genus Bacillus and showed 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of less than 96.5% to recognized species of the genus Bacillus. The results of the polyphasic taxonomic study, including phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic analyses, showed that strain CW 7(T) represents a novel species of the genus Bacillus, for which the name Bacillus pallidus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CW 7(T) (=KCTC 13200(T)=CCTCC AB 207188(T)=LMG 24451(T)).


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A novel Gram-positive, motile, rod-shaped bacterium isolated from a saline soil in China was characterized by a polyphasic taxonomic approach. The strain, designated YC1(T), was halotolerant [tolerating up to 15 % (w/v) NaCl] and alkaliphilic (growing at


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A polyphasic approach was used to clarify the taxonomy of the water-bloom-forming oscillatorioid cyanobacteria. Seventy-five strains of oscillatorioid cyanobacteria were characterized by 16S rDNA sequence analysis, DNA base composition, DNA-DNA hybridization, fatty acid composition, phycobilin pigment composition, complementary chromatic adaptation, morphological characters, growth temperature and salinity tolerance. Phylogenetic analysis based on 165 rDNA sequences divided the strains into six groups, all of which were clearly separated from the type species of the genus Oscillatoria, Oscillatoria princeps Gomont NIVA CYA 150. Therefore, these strains should be classified into genera other than Oscillatoria. Groups I-III were closely related to one another and groups IV-VI were distinct from one another and from groups I to III. Group I was further divided into two subgroups, group I-pc, which includes strains containing only phycocyanin (PC), and group I-pe, which includes strains containing large amounts of phycoerythrin (PE) in addition to PC. This phenotypic distinction was supported by DNA-DNA hybridization studies. Based on the properties examined herein and data from traditional, botanical taxonomic studies, the groups and subgroups were classified into single species and we propose either emended or new taxonomic descriptions for Planktothrix agardhii (type strain NIES 204(T)), Planktothrix rubescens (type strain CCAP 1459/22(T)) Planktothrix pseudagardhii sp. nov. (type strain T1-8-4(T)), Planktothrix mougeotii (type strain TR1-5(T)), Planktothricoides raciborskii gen. nov., comb. nov. (type strain NIES 207(T)), Tychonema bourrellyi (type strain CCAP 1459/11B(T)) and Limnothrix redekei (type strain NIVA CYA 277/1(T)).


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The taxonomic position of a novel Gram-negative strain, designated Sy1(T), isolated from a farm-soil sample obtained from Jiangsu Province, PR China, was characterized by using a polyphasic approach. The cells were non-motile, non-spore-forming rods. The organism grew optimally at 30-37 degrees C and at pH 6.0-8.0. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strain Sy1(T) is a member of the genus Sphingobacterium; Sphingobacterium multivorum JCM 21156(T) was the nearest relative (98.5% sequence similarity). The predominant fatty acids of strain Sy1T were isoC15:0 (32.90/o), C16:0 (10.9%) and summed feature 3 (iso-C-15:0 2-OH and/or C-16:1 omega 7c; 24.1%). The DNA G + C content was 38.5 mol%. The low level of DNA-DNA relatedness (2.2 %) to S. multivorum JCM 21156 T in combination with differential morphological and biochemical properties demonstrated that strain SY1(T) (=KCTC 22131(T)= CGMCC 1.6855(T)) should be classified as representing a novel species of the genus Sphingobacterium for which the name Sphingobacterium siyangense sp. nov. is proposed.


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Mitochondrial DNA, purified from 36 samples of 23 local populations which are widely distributed in Vietnam, Burma, and 10 provinces of China, has been analyzed to model the phylogeny of rhesus monkeys. The 20 local populations of China may represent nearly all major populations in China. Using 20 restriction endonucleases of 6-bp recognition, we observed a total of 50-61 sites in the various samples. By combining the cleavage patterns for each enzyme, the 36 samples were classified into 23 restriction types, each of which was found exclusively in the respective population from which samples were obtained By combining the earlier study of Indian rhesus monkeys, phylogenetic trees, which have been constructed on the basis of genetic distance, indicate that rhesus monkeys in China, Vietnam, India, and Burma can be divided into seven groups. Integrating morphological and geographical data, we suggest that rhesus monkeys in China, Vietnam, and Burma may be classified into six subspecies-M. m. mulatta, M. m. brevicaudus, M. m. lasiotis, M. m. littoralis, M. m. vestita, and M. m. tcheliensis-and rhesus monkeys in India may be another valid subspecies. M. m. tcheliensis is the most endangered subspecies in China. Divergence among subspecies may have begun 0.9-1.6 Ma. The radiation of rhesus monkeys in China may have spread from the southwest toward the east. The taxonomic status of the Hainan monkey and the Taiwan monkey require further investigation.


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Six sample specimens of Trachypithecus francoisi and 3 of T. leucocephalus were analyzed by use of allozyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) in order to clarify the challenged taxonomic status of the white-head langur. Among the 44 loci surveyed, only 1 locus (PGM-2) was found to be polymorphic. Nei's genetic distance was 0.0025. In total, thirty 10-mer arbitrary primers were used for RAPD analysis, of which 22 generated clear bands. Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on genetic distances using neighbor-joining and UPGMA methods. The results show that T. francoisi and T: leucocephalus are not monophyletic. T. francoisi from Guangxi, China and Vietnam could not be clearly distinguished, and they are not divided into 2 clusters. A t-test was performed to evaluate between genetic distances within and between T. leucocephalus and T. francoisi taxa groups. The statistical test shows that the taxa group within T: leucocephalus and T: francoisi does not significantly differ from that between T: leucocephalus and T: francoisi at the 5% level. Our results suggest that the level of genetic differentiation between T, leucocephalus and T. francoisi is relatively low. Recent gene flow might exist between T. francoisi and T. leucocephalus. Combining morphological features, geographical distribution, allozyme data, RAPD data, and mtDNA sequences, we suggest that the white-head langur might be a subspecies of T. francoisi.


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Genetic diversity of the plankton community in Lake Xiliang was depicted by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting. Seventy-seven bands (33 of 16S rDNA and 44 of 18S rDNA) were detected, sixty-two planktonic taxa were identified in six sample stations in November 2007. The most common taxa were Ceratium hirundinella, Bdelloidea, Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra trigla, and copepod nauplii. Based on environmental factors, taxonomic composition, and PCR-DGGE fingerprinting, unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages clustering and principal components analysis were used to analyze habitat similarities. There was distinct spatial heterogeneity in Lake Xiliang, and the genetic diversity of the plankton community was closely related to taxonomic composition and environmental factors.


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RAPD was used fur analysing three (sub-)species of mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis, E. japonicus, and E. japonicus hepuensis) and three populations of E. sinensis. The results show that their relationships on DNA level are similar to the classical taxonomic hypotheses (Dai, 1991). No diagnostic RAPD marker could be found, but there were statistically significant genetic differences among these taxa (P < 0.001) or populations (P < 0.001). That is, the intraspecific similarities were larger than the interspecific similarities; the intrasubspecific similarities were larger than the intraspecific similarities; and the intrapopulational similarities were larger than the interpopulational similarities. In AFLP analysis, no significant genetic difference has been found between E. sinensis and E. japonicus, but AFLP markers among four species of Macrobrachium (M. rosenbergii. M. nipponense, M. hainanense, and M. asperulum) were found. The DNA similarities among these four species of Macrobrachium are in accordance with morphological similarities.


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Phylogenetic relationships within Metapenaeopsis remain largely unknown. The modern revision of the genus suggests that the shape of the petasma, followed by the presence of a stidulating organ, are the most important distinguishing taxonomic features. In the present study, phylogenetic relationships were studied among seven Metapenaeopsis species from the Indo-West Pacific based on partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes. Mean sequence divergence was 6.4% for 16S and 15.8% for COI. A strikingly large nucleotide distance (10.0% for 16S and 16.9% for COI) was recorded between M. commensalis, the only Indo-West Pacific species with a one-valved petasma, and the other species with a two-valved petasma. Phylogenetic analyses using neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood generated mostly identical tree topologies in which M. commensalis is distantly related to the other species. Two clades were resolved for the remaining species, one with and the other without a stridulating organ, supporting the main groupings of the recent taxonomic revision. Results of the present study also indicate that the deep-water forms represent a relatively recent radiation in Metapenaeopsis.


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A Gram-positive, aerobic, non-motile, mesophilic strain, djl-6(T), able to degrade carbendazim, was isolated from a carbendazim-contaminated soil sample from Jiangsu province, China. The taxonomic position of this isolate was analysed by using a polyphasic approach. Chemotaxonomic analysis including peptidoglycan type, diagnostic sugar composition, fatty acid profile, menaquinones, polar lipids and mycolic acids showed that the characteristics of strain djl-6(T) were in good agreement with those of the genus Rhodococcus. DNA-DNA hybridization showed that it had low genomic relatedness with Rhodococcus baikonurensis DSM 44587(T) (31.8%), Rhodococcus erythropolis DSM 43066(T) (23.8%) and Rhodococcus globerulus DSM 43954(T) (117.7%), the three type strains to which strain djl-6(T) was most closely related based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis (99.78, 99.25 and 98.91% similarity, respectively). Based on the phenotypic properties and DNA-DNA hybridization data, strain djl-6(T) (=CGMCC 1.6580(T) =KCTC 19205(T)) is proposed as the type strain of a novel Rhodococcus species, Rhodococcus qingshengii sp. nov.


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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-fingerprinting method that is commonly used for comparative microbial community analysis. The method can be used to analyze communities of bacteria, archaea, fungi, other phylogenetic groups or subgroups, as well as functional genes. The method is rapid, highly reproducible, and often yields a higher number of operational taxonomic units than other, commonly used PCR-fingerprinting methods. Sizing of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) can now be done using capillary sequencing technology allowing samples contained in 96- or 384-well plates to be sized in an overnight run. Many multivariate statistical approaches have been used to interpret and compare T-RFLP fingerprints derived from different communities. Detrended correspondence analysis and the additive main effects with multiplicative interaction model are particularly useful for revealing trends in T-RFLP data. Due to biases inherent in the method, linking the size of T-RFs derived from complex communities to existing sequence databases to infer their taxonomic position is not very robust. This approach has been used successfully, however, to identify and follow the dynamics of members within very simple or model communities. The T-RFLP approach has been used successfully to analyze the composition of microbial communities in soil, water, marine, and lacustrine sediments, biofilms, feces, in and on plant tissues, and in the digestive tracts of insects and mammals. The T-RFLP method is a user-friendly molecular approach to microbial community analysis that is adding significant information to studies of microbial populations in many environments.


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Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to assess genetic diversity among 10 pairs of male and female Laminaria gametophytes. A total of 58 amplification loci was obtained from 10 selected ISSR primers, of which 34 revealed polymorphism among the gametophytes. Genetic distances were calculated with the Dice coefficient ranging from 0.006 to 0.223. A dendrogram based on the unweighted pair-group method arithmetic (UPGMA) average showed that most male and female gametophytes of the same species were clustered together and that 10 pairs of gametophytes were divided into four groups. This was generally consistent with the taxonomic categories. The main group consisted of six pairs of gametophytes, which were selected from Laminaria japonica Aresch. by intensive inbreeding through artificial hybridization. One specific marker was cloned, but was not converted successfully into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of applying ISSR markers to evaluate Laminaria germplasm diversities.


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Magnetotactic bacteria are a heterologous group of motile prokaryotes, ubiquitous in aquatic habitats and cosmopolitan in distribution. Here, we studied the diversity of magnetotactic bacteria in a seawater pond within an intertidal zone at Huiquan Bay in the China Sea. The pond is composed of a permanently submerged part and a low tide subregion. The magnetotactic bacteria collected from the permanently submerged part display diversity in morphology and taxonomy. In contrast, we found a virtually homogenous population of ovoid-coccoid magnetotactic bacteria in the low tide subregion of the pond. They were bilophotrichously flagellated and exhibited polar magnetotactic behaviour. Almost all cells contained two chains of magnetosomes composed of magnetite crystals. Intriguingly, the combination of restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) and sequencing of cloned 16S rDNA genes from the low tide subregion samples as well as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed the presence of a homogenous population. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Qingdao Huiquan low tide magnetotactic bacteria belong to a new genus affiliated with the alpha-subclass of Proteobacteria. This finding suggests the adaptation of the magnetotactic bacterial population to the marine tide.


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The jinjiang oyster Crassostrea rivularis [Gould, 1861. Descriptions of Shells collected in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 8 (April) 33-40] is one of the most important and best-known oysters in China. Based on the color of its flesh, two forms of C rivularis are recognized and referred to as the "white meat" and 11 red meat" oysters. The classification of white and red forms of this species has been a subject of confusion and debate in China. To clarify the taxonomic status of the two forms of C. rivularis, we collected and analyzed oysters from five locations along China's coast using both morphological characters and DNA sequences from mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase 1, and the nuclear 28S rRNA genes. Oysters were classified as white or red forms according to their morphological characteristics and then subjected to DNA sequencing. Both morphological and DNA sequence data suggest that the red and white oysters are two separate species. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences obtained in this study and existing sequences of reference species show that the red oyster is the same species as C. ariakensis Wakiya [1929. Japanese food oysters. Jpn. J. Zool. 2, 359-367.], albeit the red oysters from north and south China are genetically distinctive. The white oyster is the same species as a newly described species from Hong Kong, C. hongkongensis Lam and Morton [2003. Mitochondrial DNA and identification of a new species of Crassostrea (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured for centuries in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, China. Aqua. 228, 1-13]. Although the name C. rivularis has seniority over C. ariakensis and C. hongkongensis, the original description of Ostrea rivularis by Gould [1861] does not fit shell characteristics of either the red or the white oysters. We propose that the name of C. rivularis Gould [1861] should be suspended, the red oyster should take the name C. ariakensis, and the white oyster should take the name C. hongkongensis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.