186 resultados para partial-melt

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As a complement to conventional MT, Long-period Magnetotellurics (LMT) has been developed at low frequency for soundings of deep electric structures. Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and surrounding area is a key place for the study of dynamics of the uplift of Tibetan plateau. Experiments in the pioneer studies for EHS3D project showed that the study area shares an unusual low resistive crust and upper mantle. Conventional MT could not provide sufficient information about the deep structures of the study area that requested long period MT measurement to be complemented. This thesis presents the LMT studies in eastern Tibet along the EHS3D-3 Profile from Xiachayu to Yushu including data acquisition, processing, inversion and interpretation. The effective period of the measured LMT signals extend from 10s up to 30000s for the duration more than one week measurement. The resulting model shows that the LMT sounding coincides with the MT data in overlapped periods. Especially the induction arrows and tippers derived from LMT data provide more information about the base of the conductors beneath the plateau with higher resolution. Anomalous induction coefficients and 2-D model suggest extensive conductive bodies beneath Lhasa block and Qiangtang terrain which would be a possible evidence for partial melt and fluids at depth.


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Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and its surroundings (eastern margin of Tibet) is one of the most complicated tectonic areas in the world. As the exhaust opening of the balanced materials of the Tibetan Plateau during the collision of Indan and Eurasian plates, the deep structure beneath EHS surrounding region is referred to as the key to the study of the dynamics of the plateau. EHS3D project, sponsored by NSFC, has been proposed to explore the deep electric features of the area. During the first stage of EHS3D(2006-2008), MT+LMT measurements have been conducted along two lines from Chayu to Qingshuihe (EHS3D-3) and Chayu to Ruoergai (EHS3D-2). This paper will discuss the MT models of EHS3D-3 line. By the data procrssing, including distortion analysis, Robust estimation and strike decomposition, rotated apparent resitivities and phases have been obtained for each station. Then conventional 2-D inversion algorithms (NLCG and RRI) were employed to produce 2-D models. The final preferred 2-D model suggests that the upper crust consists of resistive blocks while in mid-lower crust there are two extensive conductive bodies beneath Lhasa block and Qiangtang terrain respectively. Jinshajiang suture is a gradient belt and Bangong-Nujiang suture appear a conductive belt dipping to the north. . We concluded that the formation of the two conductive bodies attributed to the partial melt and fluids in the lower crust. The regional electric strike derived from decomposition analysis indicates that the crust and upper mantle move in different manners. The upper crust moves like slips of rigid blocks along major slip faults while the lower crust creeps as a flow in the conductive channels.


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The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) is one of the strongest deformation area along the Himalayan belt resulted from the collision between Indian plate and the Eurasian Plate since the 50~60Ma, and has sensitivity tracked and preserved the whole collisional processes. It should depend on the detail geological investigations to establish the deformational accommodate mode, and the uplift history, to elucidate the deep structure and the crust-mantle interaction of the Tibet Plateau of the EHS. The deep-seated (Main Mantle Thrusts) structures were exhumed in the EHS. The MMT juxtapose the Gangdese metamorphic basement and some relic of Gangdese mantle on the high Himalayan crystalline series. The Namjagbawa group which is 1200~1500Ma dated by U/Pb age of zircon and the Namla group which is 550Ma dated by U/Pb age of zircon is belong to High Himalayan crystalline series and Gangdese basement respectively. There is some ophiolitic relic along the MMT, such as metamorphic ocean mantle peridotite and metamorphic tholeiite of the upper part of ocean-crust. The metamorphic ocean mantle peridotites (spinel-orthopyroxene peridotite) show U type REE patterns. The ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios were, 0.709314~0.720788, and the ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios were 0.512073~0.512395, plotting in the forth quadrant on the ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr-~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd isotope diagram. Some metamorphic basalt (garnet amphibolite) enclosures have been found in the HP garnet-kynite granulite. The garnet amphibolites can be divided two groups, the first group is deplete of LREE, and the second group is flat or rich LREE, and their ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios were 0.70563~0.705381 and 0.512468~0.51263 respectively. Trace element and isotopic characteristics of the garnet amphibolites display that they formed in the E-MORB environment. Some phlogolite amphibole harzburgites, which exhibit extensive replacement by Phl, Amp, Tc and Dol etc, were exhumed along the MMT. The Phl-Amp harzburgites are rich in LREE and LILE, such as Rb, K etc, and depletes Eu (Eu~* = 0.36 ~ 0.68) and HFSE, such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P, Ti etc. The trace element indicate that the Phl-Amp harzburgites have island arc signature. Their ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr are varied from 0.708912 to 0.879839, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd from 0.511993 to 0.512164, ε Nd from- 9.2 to - 12.6. Rb/Sr isochrone age of the phlogolite amphibole harzburgite shows the metasomatism took place at 41Ma, and the Amp ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar cooling age indcate the Phl-Amp harzburgite raising at 16Ma. There is an intense crust shortening resulted from the thrust faults and folds in the Cayu block which is shortened more 120km than that of the Lasha block in 35~90Ma. With the NE corner of the India plate squash into the Gangdese arc, the sinistral Pai shear fault and the dextral Aniqiao shear fault on the both sides of the Great bent of Yalun Zangbu river come into active in 21~26Ma. On the other hand, the right-lateral Gongrigabu strike-slip faults come into activity at the same period, a lower age bound for the Gongrigabu strike-slip fault is estimated to be 23~24Ma from zircon of ion-probe U/Pb thermochronology. The Gongrigabu strike-slip faults connect with the Lhari strike-slip fault in the northwestern direction and with the Saganing strike-slip at the southeastern direction. Another important structure in the EHS is the Gangdese detachment fault system (GDS) which occurs between the sedimental cover and the metamorphic basement. The lower age of the GDS is to be 16Ma from the preliminary 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of white mica. The GDS is thought to be related to the reverse of the subducted Indian crust and the fast uplift of the EHS. Structural and thermochronology investigation of the EHS suggest that the eastern Tibet and the western Yunnan rotated clockwise around the EHS in the period of 35~60Ma. Later, the large-scale strike-slip faults (RRD, Gaoligong and Saganing fault) prolongate into the EHS, and connect with the Guyu fault and Gongrigabu fault, which suggest that the Indianchia block escape along these faults. Two kind of magmatic rocks in the EHS have been investigated, one is the mantle-derived amphibole gabbro, dioposide diorite and amphibole diorite, another is crust origin biotit-garnet adamellite, biotit-garnet granodiorite and garnet-amphibole-biotite granite. The amphibole gabbro dioposite diorite and amphibole diorite are rich in LREE, and LILE, such as Ba, Rb, Th, K, Sr etc, depleted in HFSE, such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti etc. The ratio of ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr are from 0.7044 to 0.7048, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd are from 0.5126 to 0.5127. The age of the mantle origin magamatic rocks, which result from the partial melt of the raising and decompression anthenosphere, is 8Ma by ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating of amphibole from the diorite. The later crust origin biotite-garnet adamellite, biotite-garnet granodiorite and garnet-amphibole-biotite granite are characterized by aboudance in LREE, and strong depletion of Eu. The ratios of ~(87)Sr-~(86)Sr are from 0.795035 to 0.812028, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd from 0.51187 to 0.511901. The ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau age of the amphibole from the garnet-amphibole-biotite granite is 17.5±0.3Ma, and the isochrone age is 16.8±0.6Ma. Their geochemical characteristics show that the crust-derived magmatic rocks formed from partial melting of the lower curst in the post-collisional environment. A group of high-pressure kaynite-garnet granulites and enclave of high-pressure garnet-clinopyroxene grnulites and calc-silicate grnulites are outcroped along the MMT. The peak metamorphic condition of the high-pressure granulites yields T=800~960 ℃, P=1.4~1.8Gpa, corresponding the condition of 60km depth. The retrograde assemblages of the high-pressure grnulites occur at the condition of T=772.3~803.3 ℃, P=0.63~0.64Gpa. The age of the peak metamorphic assemblages are 45 ~ 69Ma indicated by the zircon U/Pb ion-plobe thermochronology, and the retrograde assemblage ages are 13~26Ma by U/Pb, ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar thermochronology. The ITD paths of the high-pressure granulites show that they were generated during the tectonic thickening and more rapid tectonic exhumation caused by the subducting of the Indian plate and subsequent break-off of the subducted slab. A great deal of apatite, zircon and sphene fission-track ages, isotopic thermochronology of the rocks in the EHS show that its rapid raising processes of the EHS can be divided into three main periods. There are 35~60Ma, 13~25Ma, 0~3Ma. 3Ma is a turn in the course of raising in the EHS which is characterized by abruptly acceleration of uplifting. The uplift ratios are lower than 1mm .a~(-1) before 3Ma, and higher than 1mm .a~(-1) with a maximum ratio of 30mm .a~(-1) since 3Ma. The bottom (knick point) of the partial anneal belt is 3.8km above sea level in the EHS, and correspond to age of 3Ma determined by fission-track age of apatite. The average uplift ratio is about 1.4 mm .a~(-1) below the knick point. The EHS has raised 4.3km from the surface of 2.36km above sea level since 3Ma estimated by the fossil partial anneal belt of the EHS. We propose a two-stage subduction model (B+A model) basing on Structural, thermochronological, magmatical, metamorphic and geophysical investigations of the EHS. The first stage is the subduction of the Indian continental margin following after the subduction of the Tethys Ocean crust and subsequent collision with the Gangdese arc, and the second stage is the Indian crust injecting into the lower crust and upper mantle of the Tibet plateau. Slab break-off seems to be occurred between these two stages.


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Characterization of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) has been applied to earth, space and environmental sciences. However, all these applications are based on a basic prerequisite, i.e. their concentration or ratio in the research objects can be accurately and precisely determined. In fact, development in these related studies is a great challenge to the analytical chemistry of the PGE because their content in the geological sample (non-mineralized) is often extremely low, range from ppt (10~(-12)g/g) to ppt (10~(-9)g/g). Their distribution is highly heterogeneous, usually concentrating in single particle or phase. Therefore, the accurate determination of these elements remains a problem in analytical chemistry and it obstructs the research on geochemistry of PGE. A great effort has been made in scientific community to reliable determining of very low amounts of PGE, which has been focused on to reduce the level of background in used reagents and to solve probable heterogeneity of PGE in samples. Undoubtedly, the fire-assay method is one of the best ways for solving the heterogeneity, as a large amount of sample weight (10-50g) can be hold. This page is mainly aimed at development of the methodology on separation, concentration and determination of the ultra-trace PGE in the rock and peat samples, and then they are applied to study the trace of PGE in ophiolite suite, in Kudi, West Kunlun and Tunguska explosion in 1908. The achievements of the study are summarized as follows: 1. A PGE lab is established in the Laboratory of Lithosphere Tectonic Evolution, IGG, CAS. 2. A modified method of determination of PGE in geological samples using NiS Fire-Assay with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is set up. The technical improvements are made as following: (1) investigating the level of background in used reagents, and finding the contents of Au, Pt and Pd in carbonyl nickel powder are 30, 0.6 and 0.6ng/g, respectively and 0.35, 7.5 and 6.4ng, respectively in other flux, and the contents of Ru, Rh, Os in whole reagents used are very low (below or near the detection limits of ICP-MS); (2) measuring the recoveries of PGE using different collector (Ni+S) and finding 1.5g of carbonyl nickel is effective for recovering the PGE for 15g samples (recoveries are more than 90%), reducing the inherent blank value due to impurities reagents; (3) direct dissolving nickel button in Teflon bomb and using Te-precipitation, so reducing the loss of PGE during preconcentration process and improving the recoveries of PGE (above 60% for Os and 93.6-106.3% for other PGE, using 2g carbonyl nickel); (4) simplifying the procedure of analyzing Osmium; (5)method detection limits are 8.6, 4.8, 43, 2.4, 82pg/g for 15g sample size ofRu, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt, respectively. 3. An analytical method is set up to determine the content of ultra-trace PGE in peat samples. The method detection limits are 0.06, 0.1, 0.001, 0.001 and 0.002ng/mL for Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir and Pt, respectively. 4. Distinct anomaly of Pd and Os are firstly found in the peat sampling near the Tunguska explosion site, using the analytical method. 5. Applying the method to the study on the origin of Tunguska explosion and making the following conclusions: (1) these excess elements were likely resulted from the Tunguska Cosmic Body (TCB) explosion of 1908. (2) The Tunguska explosive body was composed of materials (solid components) similar to C1 chondrite, and, most probably, a cometary object, which weighed more than 10~7 tons and had a radius of more than 126 m. 6. The analysis method about ultra-trace PGE in rock samples is successfully used in the study on the characteristic of PGE in Kudi ophiolite suite and the following conclusions are made: (1) The difference of the mantle normalization of PGE patterns between dunite, harzburgite and lherzolite in Kudi indicates that they are residual of multi-stage partial melt of the mantle. Their depletion of Ir at a similar degree probably indicates the existence of an upper mantle depleted Ir. (2) With the evolution of the magma produced by the partial melt of the mantle, strong differentiation has been shown between IPGE and PPGE; and the differentiation from pyroxenite to basalt would have been more and more distinct. (3) The magma forming ophiolite in Kudi probably suffered S-saturation process.


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After isothermal crystallization of the amorphous poly(ether ether ketone), double endothermic behaviour can be found through differential scanning calorimetry experiments. During the heating scan of semicrystalline PEEK, a metastable melt, which comes from the melt of the thinner lamellar crystal populations, can be obtained between these two endotherms. The metastable melt can recrystallize immediately just above the lower melting temperature and form slightly thicker lamellae than the original ones. The thickness and the perfection depend upon the crystallization time and the crystallization temperature. By comparing the TEM morphological observations of the samples before and after partial melting, it can be shown that lamellar crystals, having different thermodynamic stability, form during isothermal crystallization. After partial melting, only the type of lamellar crystal exhibiting the higher thermodynamic stability remains. Wide angle X-ray diffraction measurements shows a slightly change in the crystallinity of the samples before and after the partial melting. Small angle X-ray scattering results exhibit a change in the long period of the lamellar crystals before and after the partial melting process. The crystallization kinetics of the metastable melt can be determined by means of differential scanning calorimetry. The kinetic analysis showed that the isothermal crystallization of the metastable PEEK melt proceeds with an Avrami exponent of n = 1.0 similar to 1.4, reflecting that probably one-dimensional or an irregular line growth of the crystal occurred between the existing main lamellae with heterogeneous nucleation. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The partial-dislocation-mediated processes have so far eluded high-resolution transmission electron microscopy studies in nanocrystalline nc Ni with nonequilibrium grain boundaries. It is revealed that the nc Ni deformed largely by twinning instead of extended partials. The underlying mechanisms including dissociated dislocations, high residual stresses, and stress concentrations near stacking faults are demonstrated and discussed.


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The surface tension of molten tin has been determined by the sessile drop method at The surface tension of molten tin has been determined by the sessile drop method at temperatures ranging from 523 to 1033 K and in the oxygen partial pressure (P-O2) range from 2.85 x 10(-19) to 8.56 x 10(-6) MPa, and its dependence on temperature and oxygen partial pressure has been analyzed. At P-O2 = 2.85 x 10(-19) and 1.06 x 10(-15) MPa, the surface tension decreases linearly with the increase of temperature and its temperature coefficients are -0.151 and -0.094 mNm(-1) K-1, respectively. However, at high P-O2 (3.17 x 10(-10), 8.56 x 10(-6) MPa), the surface tension increases with the temperature near the melting point (505 K) and decreases above 723 K. The surface tension decrease with increasing P-O2 is much larger near the melting point than at temperatures above 823 K. The contact angle between the molten tin and the alumina substrate is 158-173degrees, and the wettability is poor.


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Generalized planar fault energy (GPFE) curves have been used to predict partial-dislocation-mediated processes in nanocrystalline materials, but their validity has not been evaluated experimentally. We report experimental observations of a large quantity of both stacking faults and twins in nc Ni deformed at relatively low stresses in a tensile test. The experimental findings indicate that the GPFE curves can reasonably explain the formation of stacking faults, but they alone were not able to adequately predict the propensity of deformation twinning.


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Based on the scaling criteria of polymer flooding reservoir obtained in our previous work in which the gravity and capillary forces, compressibility, non-Newtonian behavior, absorption, dispersion, and diffusion are considered, eight partial similarity models are designed. A new numerical approach of sensitivity analysis is suggested to quantify the dominance degree of relaxed dimensionless parameters for partial similarity model. The sensitivity factor quantifying the dominance degree of relaxed dimensionless parameter is defined. By solving the dimensionless governing equations including all dimensionless parameters, the sensitivity factor of each relaxed dimensionless parameter is calculated for each partial similarity model; thus, the dominance degree of the relaxed one is quantitatively determined. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the effect coefficient of partial similarity model is defined as the summation of product of sensitivity factor of relaxed dimensionless parameter and its relative relaxation quantity. The effect coefficient is used as a criterion to evaluate each partial similarity model. Then the partial similarity model with the smallest effect coefficient can be singled out to approximate to the prototype. Results show that the precision of partial similarity model is not only determined by the number of satisfied dimensionless parameters but also the relative relaxation quantity of the relaxed ones.


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Previous experiments on nanocrystalline Ni were conducted under quasistatic strain rates (similar to 3x10(-3)/s), which are much lower than that used in typical molecular dynamics simulations (>3x10(7)/s), thus making direct comparison of modeling and experiments very difficult. In this study, the split Hopkinson bar tests revealed that nanocrystalline Ni prefers twinning to extended partials, especially under higher strain rates (10(3)/s). These observations contradict some reported molecular dynamics simulation results, where only extended partials, but no twins, were observed. The accuracy of the generalized planar fault energies is only partially responsible, but cannot fully account for such a difference. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper the proximate analysis and ultimate analysis of sulfur in different semi-cokes generated from Rizhao bituminous coal and Beijing anthracite under different temperatures is done. Also the tendency of the contents of volatile, ash, fixed carbon and sulfur in different semi-cokes along with the different preparation temperatures is studied. Then the combustion experiment of semi-cokes in the drop-tube furnace system was carried out, and the kinetic parameters of different semi-cokes ware calculated.


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A numerical optimisation approach to identify dominant dimensionless variables in porous media flows by sensitivity analysis is proposed. We have validated the approach at first by examining a simple oil reservoir theoretically and numerically as well. A more complex water-flooding reservoir is examined based on sensitivity analysis of oil recovery to the similarity parameters, thus demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed approach to identify dominant similarity parameters for water-oil two-phase flows.


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Most deformation twins in nanocrystalline face-centered cubic fcc metals have been observed to form from grain boundaries. The growth of such twins requires the emission of Shockley partials from the grain boundary on successive slip planes. However, it is statistically improbable for a partial to exist on every slip plane. Here we propose a dislocation reaction and cross-slip mechanism on the grain boundary that would supply a partial on every successive slip plane for twin growth.This mechanism can also produce a twin with macrostrain smaller than that caused by a conventional twin.


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Optical properties of a two-dimensional square-lattice photonic crystal are systematically investigated within the partial bandgap through anisotropic characteristics analysis and numerical simulation of field pattern. Using the plane-wave expansion method and Hellmann-Feynman theorem, the relationships between the incident and refracted angles for both phase and group velocities are calculated to analyze light propagation from air to photonic crystals. Three kinds of flat slab focusing are summarized and demonstrated by numerical simulations using the multiple scattering method. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America