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在裸子植物系统学研究中,雌球果的形态与结构是最重要的性状之一。山于不同学者对裸子植物雌性生殖构造的形态学本质有着不同的见解,从而导致对该类群植物系统发育研究结果的差异。柏科在裸子植物中是唯一一个广布于南北两半球的科,前人对该科雌球果发育的研究涉及很少,为了进一步了解柏科植物雌球果的形态学本质,并为裸子植物传粉生物学和系统学的研究提供重要资料,本文选取了分布于北半球柏科中的7个属14个种,应用扫描电镜、半薄切片、石蜡切片及整体透明等方法,对其雌球果各部分的形态发生与发育过程作了详尽的研究,同时对传粉前后雌球果中的维管系统作了深入的分析。主要结果归纳如下: 1)雌球花苞片的形态、结构和排列方式等与叶相似;但传粉后,随着苞片基部的居间生长,其形态结构变得多样化: 2)在柏科了个属中,均未观察到种鳞发育,成熟球果的苞鳞得到充分发育; 3)各苞片腋内的胚珠发育过程,几乎是同时发育或呈向顶发育过程; 4)在圆柏属和柏木属球果顶端的苞片腋内也有胚珠发育,其它各属雌球花顶端的1-2对苞片腋内均没有胚珠发育; 5)在柏木属中,每一苞片腋内形成的胚珠数目较多,一般排成2-3行,同~苞片腋内的胚珠呈向基发育,同一行胚珠为离心发育; 6)圆柏属的雌球果发育呈现多种式样,其中包括由数枚侧生胚珠过渡到一枚顶生胚珠等情况; 7)柏科植物雌球花的维管系统在传粉前较为简单,即在苞片内仅具单一的维管束延伸到顶端,与营养芽相似。传粉后随着苞片基部的居间生长,其维管系统也随之复杂化。主要是在苞鳞内有新的维管束形成,一般是在苞鳞中间维管束的两侧各发出一束维管束,这两束维管束由球果轴发出的位置略高于中间一束,并在苞鳞基部迅速分枝,形成不同的排列式样。 成熟球果维管系统的排列方式与球果和苞鳞的形态有关,通常可分为三类:(1)具球形球果的种类,包括圆柏属、扁柏属、柏木属和福建柏属,其苞鳞内辐射状分枝的维管束形成两组,即~个具有木质部倒转的近轴系列和一个维管束J下常排列的远轴系列;(2)在苞鳞中只形成一组倒转的维管束,如侧柏属和翠柏属:(3)崖柏属雌球果的苞鳞中没有倒转的维管束形成。 观察结果表明:柏科植物雌球果均为复轴性构造,其球果中胚珠着生在球果轴上是由于苞片腋内种鳞退化的结果,因而不支持柏科植物雌球果的种鳞与苞鳞完全合生的观点。 通过对柏科植物雌球果发育的研究结果,也为探讨松杉类植物雌球果的演化趋势提供了重要线索。长期以来,众多研究者均认为,松杉类植物雌球果的演化趋势是种鳞和苞鳞逐渐合并的过程,但从柏科植物雌球果苞鳞腋内种鳞退化现象的发现表明,松杉类植物雌球果的演化趋势可能是一种种鳞逐渐退化的过程。柏科的种鳞已完全退化,而苞鳞则相对发育。 依据雌球果发育中胚珠发育顺序及苞鳞数目等特征,认为福建柏属最原始,而圆柏属则较为进化,其它各属则介于上述两属之间。 江泽平和王豁然(1997)提出,柏木亚科和澳洲柏亚科的主要区别在于球果可育苞鳞的着生位置,如前者球果顶部苞鳞没有胚珠发育,而后者则是球果顶部苞鳞腋内有胚珠发育。这一观点显然与柏木属和圆柏属的多数雌球果顶部的苞鳞腋内有种子产生的情况不相符合。 依据本文的研究的结果及前人对柏科和相近类群的研究资料,赞同保留独立的柏科和杉科;另外,以往侧柏曾被置于崖柏属中,但依据其雌球果苞鳞中有倒转的维管束发育,崖柏属的崖柏和北美香柏雌球果的苞鳞中均无倒转的维管束发育,我们支持其独立为侧柏属。
This paper reports the mega-, micro-sporogenesis and female-, male-gametogenesis of Swertia cincta for the first time, with the aim of discussing the systematic position of section Platynema and section Ophelia of Swertia. Anthers are tetrasporangiate. The development of anther walls conforms to the dicotyledonous type. The tapetum cells have dual origin and are similar to the glandular type. There are two middle layers. The endothecium and epidermis persist. Cytokinesis in the microsporrocyte meiosis is simultaneous type and the microscpore teads are tetrahedral. Pollen grains are 3-celled. The ovary is bicarpellum and unilocular. The placentation is of suparietal placentation with 12 series of ovules. The ovules. The ovule is unitegmic, tenuinucellar and ana-campylotropous, The embryo sac orignates from the single-archesporial cell. The one chalazal megaspore in lienar tetrad become the functional megasore. The development of embryo sac is of the polygonum type. Before fertilization, two polar nuclei fuse into one secondary nucleus. Three antipodal cells persisted and divided into 5-8 cells. A comparison between two sections indicates that section Plathnema is better treated as distinct section and is more advanced than section Ophelia according to the evolutionary trends of embryological characters.
The embryological features of three species of Swertia (s.l.) - S. erythrosticta, S. franchetiana, and S. tetraptera were characterized, and the observations were used, together with previously gathered data on other species, to evaluate a recently proposed polyphyly, based on molecular data, of Swertia s.l. Comparisons of species within the genus showed that they have diversified embryologically, and there are significant between-species differences. Notable features that vary between species include the number of cell layers that form the anther locule wall, the construction of the wall of the mature anther, tapetum origin, the cell number in mature pollen grains, the structure of the fused margins of the two carpels, the ovule numbers in placental cross-sections, the shape of the mature embryo sac, the degree of ovule curvature, antipodal variation and the presence of a hypostase, and seed appendages. They share characters that are widely distributed in the tribe Gentianeae, such as a dicotyledonous type of anther wall formation, a glandular tapetum with uninucleate cells, simultaneous cytokinesis following the meiosis of the microsporocytes, tetrahedral microspore tetrads, superior, bicarpellary and unilocular ovaries, unitegmic and tenuinucellar ovules, Polygonum-type megagametophytes, progamous fertilization, nuclear endosperm, and Solanad-type embryogeny. The presence of variation in embryological characters amongst the species of Swertia s.l. strongly supports the view that Swertia s.l. is not a monophyletic group. Frasera is better separated from Swertia s.l. as an independent genus, and is only distantly related to Swertia s. s. judging from the numerous differences in embryology. Swertia tetraptera is very closely related to Halenia, as they show identical embryology. (C) 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 383-400.