26 resultados para numerical models

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Recently a new method for simulating the thermal loading on pistons of diesel engines was reported. The spatially shaped high power laser is employed as the heat source, and some preliminary experimental and numerical work was carried out. In this paper, a further effort was made to extend this simulation method to some other important engine parts such as cylinder heads. The incident Gaussian beam was transformed into concentric multi-circular patterns of specific intensity distributions, with the aid of diffractive optical elements (DOEs). By incorporating the appropriate repetitive laser pulses, the designed transient temperature fields and thermal loadings in the engine parts could be simulated. Thermal-structural numerical models for pistons and cylinder heads were built to predict the transient temperature and thermal stress. The models were also employed to find the optimal intensity distributions of the transformed laser beam that could produce the target transient temperature fields. Comparison of experimental and numerical results demonstrated that this systematic approach is effective in simulating the thermal loading on the engine parts. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Finite-fringe interferograms produced for axisymmetric shock wave flows are analyzed by Fourier transform fringe analysis and an Abel inversion method to produce density field data for the validation of numerical models. For the Abel inversion process, we use basis functions to model phase data from axially-symmetric shock wave structure. Steady and unsteady flow problems are studied, and compared with numerical simulations. Good agreement between theoretical and experimental results is obtained when one set of basis functions is used during the inversion process, but the shock front is smeared when another is used. This is because each function in the second set of basis functions is infinitely differentiable, making them poorly-suited to the modelling of a step function as is required in the representation of a shock wave.


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Semi-implicit algorithms are popularly used to deal with the gravitational term in numerical models. In this paper, we adopt the method of characteristics to compute the solutions for gravity waves on a sphere directly using a semi-Lagrangian advection scheme instead of the semi-implicit method in a shallow water model, to avoid expensive matrix inversions. Adoption of the semi-Lagrangian scheme renders the numerical model always stable for any Courant number, and which saves CPU time. To illustrate the efficiency of the characteristic constrained interpolation profile (CIP) method, some numerical results are shown for idealized test cases on a sphere in the Yin-Yang grid system.


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This paper attempts to develop a reduction-based model updating technique for jacket offshore platform structure. A reduced model is used instead of the direct finite-element model of the real structure in order to circumvent such difficulties as huge degrees of freedom and incomplete experimental data that are usually civil engineers' trouble during the model updating. The whole process consists of three steps: reduction of FE model, the first model updating to minimize the reduction error, and the second model updating to minimize the modeling error of the reduced model and the real structure. According to the performance of jacket platforms, a local-rigidity assumption is employed to obtain the reduced model. The technique is applied in a downscale model of a four-legged offshore platform where its effectiveness is well proven. Furthermore, a comparison between the real structure and its numerical models in the following model validation shows that the updated models have good approximation to the real structure. Besides, some difficulties in the field of model updating are also discussed.


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This thesis bases on horizontal research project “The research about the fine structure and mechanical parameters of abutment jointed rock mass of high arch dam on Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station, Yalong River” and “The research about the fine structure and mechanical parameters of the columnar basalt rock mass on Baihetan Hydropower Station, Jinsha River”. A rounded system about the fine structure description and rock mass classification is established. This research mainly contains six aspects as follow: (1) Methods about fine structure description of the window rock mass; (2) The window rock mass classification about the fine structure; (3) Model test study of intermittent joints; (4) Window rock mass strength theory; (5) Numerical experimentations about window rock mass; (6) The multi-source fusion of mechanical parameters based on Bayes principle. Variation of intact rock strength and joint conditions with the weathering and relaxation degree is studied through the description of window rock mass. And four principal parameters: intact rock point load strength, integration degree of window rock mass, joint conditions, and groundwater condition is selected to assess the window rock mass. Window rock mass is classified into three types using the results of window rock mass fine structure description combined with joints develop model. Scores about intact rock strength, integrality condition, divisional plane condition and groundwater conditions are given based on window rock mass fine structure description. Then quality evaluation about two different types of rock mass: general joint structure and columnar jointing structure are carried out to use this window rock mass classification system. Application results show that the window rock mass classification system is effective and applicable. Aimed at structural features of window structure of “the rock mass damaged by recessive fracture”, model tests and numerical models are designed about intermittent joints. By conducting model tests we get shear strength under different normal stress in integrated samples, through samples and intermittent joints samples. Also, the changing trends of shear strength in various connectivity rates are analyzed. We numerically simulate the entire process of direct shear tests by using PFC2D. In order to tally the stress-strain curve of numerical simulation with experimental tests about both integrated samples and through samples, we adjust mechanical factors between particles. Through adopting the same particle geometric parameter, the numerical sample of intermittent joints in different connective condition is re-built. At the same time, we endow the rock bridges and joints in testing samples with the fixed particle contacting parameters, and conduct a series of direct shear tests. Then the destructive process and mechanical parameters in both micro-prospective and macro-prospective are obtained. By synthesizing the results of numerical and sample tests and analyzing the evolutionary changes of stress and strain on intermittent joints plane, we conclude that the centralization of compressive stress on rock bridges increase the shear strength of it. We discuss the destructive mechanics of intermittent joints rock under direct shear condition, meanwhile, divide the whole shear process into five phases, which are elasticity phase, fracture initiation phase, peak value phase, after-peak phase and residual phase. In development of strength theory, the shear strength mechanisms of joint and rock bridge are analyzed respectively. In order to apply the deducted formulation conveniently in the real projects, a relationship between these formulations and Mohr-Coulomb hypothesis is built up. Some sets of numerical simulation methods, i.e. the distinct element method (UDEC) based on in-situ geology mapping are developed and introduced. The working methods about determining mechanical parameters of intact rock and joints in numerical model are studied. The operation process and analysis results are demonstrated detailed from the research on parameters of rock mass based on numerical test in the Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station and Baihetan Hydropower Station. By comparison,the advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Results about numerical simulation study show that we can get the shear strength mechanical parameters by changing the load conditions. The multi-source rock mass mechanical parameters can be fused by the Bayes theory, which are test value, empirical value and theoretical value. Then the value range and its confidence probability of different rock mass grade are induced and these data supports the reliability design.


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The past three decades have seen numerous attempts to numerically model stress and strain patterns in the lithosphere of the Earth on both global and regional scales. This efforts have been indispensable in identifying the features we need to include in our endeavour to develop better models of our planet’s lithosphere and they have also raised our awareness for the many unresolved issue in the deep geodynamical issues that need to be addressed in the future. Nonetheless, in most models, the lithosphere is treated as a single layer with depth-averaged properties, and as the same distribution in the stress and strain fields, and as deforming under plane strain. All these above make a great hander for its reality and degree of recognition. As the beginning in this paper, some principal numerical models and results on the evolution of Tibetan plateau are reviewed and analyzed. Then, the geological and geophysical expedition on the Western Himalayan Syntaxis is briefly reviewed. Furthermore, we analysis the feature in deep geophysical field studies in this area and adjacent regions. Because, for most continents, stress models driven by plate boundary forces have successfully reproduced the main characteristics of the stress and strain field, we present a set of three-dimensional models of lithosphere system for a simplified geometry of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis area and its adjacent regions, where we try to match the first-order characteristics of the stress and strain fields of lithosphere since 10 Ma, and deformation and geodynamical evolution process in former 2Ma. Of course, the kinematic boundary conditions of the stress models driven by plate boundary forces were applied. The rheology plays a significant role in the lithospheric tectonics, which lead to different rheological parameters were used in different works although the have the same constitutive equations in models. So, in this paper we do not aim to produce all characteristics of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas’ stress and strain fields by the choices of various parameters, but rather the dynamic response between various rheological parameters and stress and strain fields. We have chosen to concentrate on the importance of rheology and lateral strength variations for lithospheric stress and strain patterns and use our findings to build a model of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas. In doing so, we want to go beyond purely elastic models or purely viscoelastic models. Compared the results of the crust viscosity in the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas, we believed that, when various viscoelastic models are adopted, the selection of the coefficient of viscosity in the Western Syntaxis area has important influence on the its uplifts and evolutions. A wider uplift ranges and gently elevation was observed at the same time when a lower viscosity was used in our models, and vice versa. Data of stress magnitudes are not available, but it is clear that the stress levels must be at or below the failure threshold of rock under compression. Under these criteria, the calculation results show that the viscosity in the Western Syntaxis area should be smaller than 1023Pa.s When elastic model is adopted in relatively rigid Tarim basin, obvious changes are induced to the stress and strain fields of the whole Western Syntaxis area. We found that rigid block of lithosphere reduced stress levels within its interior and that, at the edges of such regions, stress orientation can change. Furthermore there is no evidence that such rigid regions act as stress barriers in that they shield areas in opposite sides of the structure from the influence of one another. In our models, the upper crustal material of the Western Syntaxis area does not turns to move westward. Whereas, because of the stress and strain fields have been decoupling at the interior of the lithosphere, we can get the results that the deep material must not move westward.


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A series of novel numerical methods for the exponential models of growth are proposed. Based on these methods, hybrid predictor-corrector methods are constructed. The hybrid numerical methods can increase the accuracy and the computing speed obviously, as well as enlarge the stability domain greatly. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Mechanism of wave-seabed interaction has been extensively studied by coastal geotechnical engineers in recent years. Numerous poro-elastic models have been proposed to investigate the mechanism of wave propagation on a seabed in the past. The existing poro-elastic models include drained model, consolidation model, Coulomb-damping model, and full dynamic model. However, to date, the difference between the existing models is unclear. In this paper, the fully dynamic poro-elastic model for the wave-seabed interaction will be derived first. Then, the existing models will be reduced from the proposed fully dynamic model. Based on the numerical comparisons, the applicable range of each model is also clarified for the engineering practice.


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By introducing a water depth connecting formula, the hydraulic equations in the dividing channel system were coupled and the relation of discharge distribution between the branches of the dividing channels can be yielded. In this manner, a numerical model for the confluent channels was established to study the variation of backwater effects with the parameters in the channel junction. The meeting of flood peaks in the mainstream and tributary can be analyzed with this model. The flood peak meeting is found to be a major factor for the extremely high water level in the mainstream during the 1998 Yangtze River flood. Subsequently the variations of discharge distribution and water level with channel parameters between each branch in this system were studied as well. As a result, flood evolution caused by Jingjiang River shortcut and sediment deposition in the entrance of dividing channels of the Yangtze River may be qualitatively elucidated. It is suggested to be an effective measure for flood mitigation to enhance regulation capability of reservoirs available upstream of the tributaries and harness branch entrance channels.


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Based on the scaling criteria of polymer flooding reservoir obtained in our previous work in which the gravity and capillary forces, compressibility, non-Newtonian behavior, absorption, dispersion, and diffusion are considered, eight partial similarity models are designed. A new numerical approach of sensitivity analysis is suggested to quantify the dominance degree of relaxed dimensionless parameters for partial similarity model. The sensitivity factor quantifying the dominance degree of relaxed dimensionless parameter is defined. By solving the dimensionless governing equations including all dimensionless parameters, the sensitivity factor of each relaxed dimensionless parameter is calculated for each partial similarity model; thus, the dominance degree of the relaxed one is quantitatively determined. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the effect coefficient of partial similarity model is defined as the summation of product of sensitivity factor of relaxed dimensionless parameter and its relative relaxation quantity. The effect coefficient is used as a criterion to evaluate each partial similarity model. Then the partial similarity model with the smallest effect coefficient can be singled out to approximate to the prototype. Results show that the precision of partial similarity model is not only determined by the number of satisfied dimensionless parameters but also the relative relaxation quantity of the relaxed ones.


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 Instrumented indentation tests have been widely adopted for elastic modulus determination. Recently, a number of indentation-based methods for plastic properties characterization have been proposed, and rigorous verification is absolutely necessary for their wide application. In view of the advantages of spherical indentation compared with conical indentation in determining plastic proper-ties, this study mainly concerns verification of spherical indentation methods. Five convenient and simple models were selected for this purpose, and numerical experiments for a wide range of materials are carried out to identify their accuracy and sensitivity characteristics. The verification results show that four of these five methods can give relatively accurate and stable results within a certain material domain, which is defined as their validity range and has been summarized for each method.


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We introduce a conceptual model for the in-plane physics of an earthquake fault. The model employs cellular automaton techniques to simulate tectonic loading, earthquake rupture, and strain redistribution. The impact of a hypothetical crustal elastodynamic Green's function is approximated by a long-range strain redistribution law with a r(-p) dependance. We investigate the influence of the effective elastodynamic interaction range upon the dynamical behaviour of the model by conducting experiments with different values of the exponent (p). The results indicate that this model has two distinct, stable modes of behaviour. The first mode produces a characteristic earthquake distribution with moderate to large events preceeded by an interval of time in which the rate of energy release accelerates. A correlation function analysis reveals that accelerating sequences are associated with a systematic, global evolution of strain energy correlations within the system. The second stable mode produces Gutenberg-Richter statistics, with near-linear energy release and no significant global correlation evolution. A model with effectively short-range interactions preferentially displays Gutenberg-Richter behaviour. However, models with long-range interactions appear to switch between the characteristic and GR modes. As the range of elastodynamic interactions is increased, characteristic behaviour begins to dominate GR behaviour. These models demonstrate that evolution of strain energy correlations may occur within systems with a fixed elastodynamic interaction range. Supposing that similar mode-switching dynamical behaviour occurs within earthquake faults then intermediate-term forecasting of large earthquakes may be feasible for some earthquakes but not for others, in alignment with certain empirical seismological observations. Further numerical investigation of dynamical models of this type may lead to advances in earthquake forecasting research and theoretical seismology.


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In this paper, we study the issues of modeling, numerical methods, and simulation with comparison to experimental data for the particle-fluid two-phase flow problem involving a solid-liquid mixed medium. The physical situation being considered is a pulsed liquid fluidized bed. The mathematical model is based on the assumption of one-dimensional flows, incompressible in both particle and fluid phases, equal particle diameters, and the wall friction force on both phases being ignored. The model consists of a set of coupled differential equations describing the conservation of mass and momentum in both phases with coupling and interaction between the two phases. We demonstrate conditions under which the system is either mathematically well posed or ill posed. We consider the general model with additional physical viscosities and/or additional virtual mass forces, both of which stabilize the system. Two numerical methods, one of them is first-order accurate and the other fifth-order accurate, are used to solve the models. A change of variable technique effectively handles the changing domain and boundary conditions. The numerical methods are demonstrated to be stable and convergent through careful numerical experiments. Simulation results for realistic pulsed liquid fluidized bed are provided and compared with experimental data. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The initial-value problem of a forced Burgers equation is numerically solved by the Fourier expansion method. It is found that its solutions finally reach a steady state of 'laminar flow' which has no randomness and is stable to disturbances. Hence, strictly speaking, the so-called Burgers turbulence is not a turbulence. A new one-dimensional model is proposed to simulate the Navier-Stokes turbulence. A series of numerical experiments on this one-dimensional turbulence is made and is successful in obtaining Kolmogorov's (1941) k exp(-5/3) inertial-range spectrum. The (one-dimensional) Kolmogorov constant ranges from 0.5 to 0.65.


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The effects of the free-stream thermo-chemical state on the test model flow field in the high-enthalpy tunnel are studied numerically. The properties of the free-stream, which is in thermo-chemical non-equilibrium, are determined by calculating the nozzle flow field. A free-stream with total enthalpy equal to the real one in the tunnel while in thermo-chemical equilibrium is constructed artificially to simulate the natural atmosphere condition. The flow fields over the test models (blunt cone and Apollo command capsule model) under both the non-equilibrium and the virtual equilibrium free-stream conditions are calculated. By comparing the properties including pressure, temperature, species concentration and radiation distributions of these two types of flow fields, the effects of the non-equilibrium state of the free-stream in the high-enthalpy shock tunnel are analyzed.