344 resultados para nitrogen cycling

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The nitrogen isotopic composition of dissolved nitrate (delta N-15-NO3-) in surface water of the Yangtze River estuary was determined in four seasons of 2006. delta N-15-NO3- ranged from 0.4 parts per thousand to 6.5 parts per thousand and varied with seasons and geographic regions, reflecting the dynamics of nitrogen cycling in the estuarine ecosystem. delta N-15-NO3- was markedly lower in February than in other seasons and exhibited conservative mixing, which was probably attributed to the NO3- being sourced from the atmospheric deposition and agricultural fertilizer. In the upper estuary, the influence of riverine inputs was important during all surveys. in the turbidity maximum zone, nitrification was found with nitrate depleted in N-15 in May, whereas denitrification resulting in heavy delta N-15-NO3- played an important role in August. More enriched delta N-15-NO3- values coinciding with losses of nitrate concentrations based on the conservative mixing model were found in the adjacent marine area in May, and may reflect obvious phytoplankton assimilation of dissolved nitrate. In this manner, delta N-15-NO3- may be a sensitive indicator of nitrogen sources and biogeochemical processing existing in this estuary in conjunction with the variations of dissolved nitrate and other environmental factors. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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土壤是陆地生态系统最重要的碳库和氮库,在陆地生态系统碳氮循环过程中起着举足轻重的作用。植物光合作用产物向地下的分配(根系分泌、细胞凋亡和根系分解)和地上凋落物分解是土壤碳两个最主要的来源,关于这两种碳输入途径和量如何影响陆地生态系统土壤碳氮库和循环的有限理解,限制了我们预测陆地生态系统碳循环对于全球气候变化的响应和反馈。本实验以我国北方广泛分布的温带典型草原生态系统为研究对象,通过添加和去除地面凋落物以及割草改变植物对土壤的碳输入途径和量,观察温带草原土壤有机碳库和氮库各个组分(微生物生物量碳氮、活性碳、可溶性碳、轻重组碳、总有机碳、总有机氮)及碳氮循环(微生物呼吸、土壤呼吸、生态系统气体交换、净氮矿化)的变化,来区分和量化凋落物分解和根系分泌、分解这两种碳输入方式对草原土壤碳库和循环的相对贡献和影响,有助于揭示在全球变化背景下温带典型草原生态系统碳库和碳循环的响应机制,并为预测其未来变化动态以及对全球气候变化的反馈提供参数估计和模型校正和验证。 我们对各处理样方土壤温度、土壤水分以及土壤呼吸进行了一个生长季的测定,结果表明,添加和去除凋落物都使得土壤呼吸与对照相比都有所增加,但是都没有达到显著水平;而无论地上凋落物的量添加、去除还是不变,植物光合作用对土壤呼吸的影响则比较显著,去除植物显著地降低了土壤呼吸。这说明处理一年后,植物对土壤呼吸起主导作用,而凋落物处理对土壤呼吸的影响还需要更长时间的观察。此外,生物量的结果也表明了地上凋落物的改变会影响到植物生长,从而影响到植物对土壤的碳输入,但是都没有达到显著水平,仍然需要我们进行更长时间的处理和观察。 通过在生长季前期、中期、后期进行了三次氮矿化的测定,以及在生长季后期进行了一次微生物生物量测定,我们得出以下结论:添加凋落物加快了净氮矿化速率,但是没有达到显著影响水平;同样,去除凋落物降低了净氮矿化速率,也没有达到显著水平。此外,添加凋落物处理微生物生物量碳、氮都有所增加,与对照相比没有显著差异,但是显著高于另外几个处理。 通过本研究,我们对于根系分泌和地上凋落物分解这两种碳氮输入途径对我国温带草原碳氮循环的影响有了初步的了解。与森林生态系统相比,由于草原生态系统土壤碳氮含量低,土壤碳库和转化对碳输入途径和量的变化更为敏感,在处理第一年,土壤微生物量和土壤呼吸都发生了显著的变化。然而,由于改变土壤碳库是长时间日积月累的结果,草原生态系统某些指标对碳输入途径和量的变化的响应还需要较长时间才能显示出来,例如添加和去除凋落物虽然使得土壤呼吸值有所增加,但是还都没有达到显著的水平;另外碳输入途径和量的变化对草原生态系统氮矿化还没有产生显著的影响。这些都需要更长时间的处理和观测来验证。


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Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) have recently been found to be potentially important in nitrogen cycling in a variety of environments, such as terrestrial soils, wastewater treatment reactors, marine waters and sediments, and especially in estuaries, where high input of anthropogenic nitrogen is often experienced. The sedimentary AOA diversity, community structure and spatial distribution in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea were studied. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated that the archaeal amoA genotype communities could be clustered according to sampling transects, and the station located in an estuarine mixing zone harboured a distinct AOA community. The distribution of AOA communities correlated significantly with the gradients of surface-water salinity and sediment sorting coefficient. The spatial distribution of putative soil-related AOA in certain sampling stations indicated a strong impact of the Changjiang freshwater discharge on the marine benthic microbial ecosystem. Besides freshwater, nutrients, organic matter and suspended particles, the Changjiang Diluted Water might also contribute to the transport of terrestrial archaea into the seawater and sediments along its flow path.


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Soil net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) of four grasslands across the elevation and precipitation gradients was studied in situ in the upper 0-10 cm soil layer using the resin-core technique in Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia, China during the growing season of 2006. The primary objectives were to examine variations of NNM among grassland types and the main influencing factors. These grasslands included Stipa baicalensis (SB), Aneulolepidum Chinense (AC), Stipa grandis (SG), and Stipa krylovii (SK) grassland. The results showed that the seasonal variation patterns of NNM were similar among the four grasslands, the rates of NNM and nitrification were highest from June to August, and lowest in September and October during the growing season. The rates of NNM and nitrification were affected significantly by the incubation time, and they were positively correlated with soil organic carbon content, total soil nitrogen (TN) content, soil temperature, and soil water content, but the rates of NNM and nitrification were negatively correlated with available N, and weakly correlated with soil pH and C:N ratio. The sequences of the daily mean rates of NNM and nitrification in the four grasslands during the growing season were AC > SG > SB > SK, and TN content maybe the main affecting factors which can be attributed to the land use type.


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Roles and distributions of various forms of nitrogen in biogeochemical cycling in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments were investigated. The southern Yellow Sea could be divided into three regions (I, II and III) according to the proportion of fine-grained sediment in > 65%, 35-65% and < 35%, respectively. The ratios of different forms of nitrogen contents between each two of the three regions indicated that the nitrogen contents increased with the proportion of fine-grained sediment increasing. The quanta of exchangeable forms of nitrogen were similar in the three regions, while their releasing time increased from regions I to III, indicating that the cycle of nitrogen in fine-grained sediments was shorter than that in coarse-grained sediments. Nitrogen burial fluxes were also similar in these regions, while the burial efficiency increased from regions I to III. The highest burial efficiency was 30.21% in region III, indicating that more than 70% of nitrogen in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments could be released to take part in biogeochemical recycling. When all the four forms of exchangeable nitrogen (nitrogen in ion exchangeable form (IEF-N), nitrogen in weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), nitrogen in strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and nitrogen in strong oxidant extractable form (SOEF-N)) were released to take part in recycling, their potential contributions were 80% (SOEF-N), 11% (IEF-N), 6% (SAEF-N), 3% (WAEF-N) respectively, which showed that SOEF-N was the predominant one, and its contribution to biogeochemical cycling was the highest. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The area of the southwestern Nansha Trough is one of the most productive areas of the southern South China Sea. It is a typical semi-deep sea area of transition from shoal to abyssal zone. To understand distributions and roles of nitrogen forms involved in biogeochemical cycling in this area, contents of nitrogen in four extractable forms: nitrogen in ion exchangeable form (IEF-N), nitrogen in weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), nitrogen in strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and nitrogen in strong oxidation extractable form (SOEF-N), as well as in total nitrogen content (TN) in surface sediments were determined from samples collected from the cruise in April-May 1999. The study area was divided into three regions (A, B and C) in terms of clay sediment (< 4 mu m) content at < 40%, 40%-60% and > 60%, respectively. Generally, region C was the richest in the nitrogen of all forms and region A the poorest, indicating that the finer the grain size is, the richer the contents of various nitrogen are. The burial efficiency of total nitrogen in surface sediments was 28.79%, indicating that more than 70% of nitrogen had been released and participated in biogeochemical recycling through sediment-water interface.


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LiFePO4 attracts a lot of attention as cathode materials for the next generation of lithium ion batteries. However, LiFePO4 has a poor rate capability attributed to low electronic conductivity and low density. There is seldom data reported on lithium ion batteries with LiFePO4 as cathode and graphite as anode. According to our experimental results, the capacity fading on cycling is surprisingly negligible at 1664 cycles for the cell type 042040. It delivers a capacity of 1170 mAh for 18650 cell type at 4.5C discharge rate. It is confirmed that lithium ion batteries with LiFePO4 as cathode are suitable for electric vehicle application. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Density functional theory/molecular dynamics simulations were employed to give insights into the mechanism of voltage generation based on a water-filled single-walled boron-nitrogen nanotube (SWBNNT). Our calculations showed that (1) the transport properties of confined water in a SWBNNT are different from those of bulk water in view of configuration, the diffusion coefficient, the dipole orientation, and the density distribution, and (2) a voltage difference of several millivolts would generate between the two ends of a SWBNNT due to interactions between the water dipole chains and charge carriers in the tube. Therefore, this structure of a water-filled SWBNNT can be a promising candidate for a synthetic nanoscale power cell as well as a practical nanopower harvesting device.


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Density functional theory/molecular dynamics simulations were employed to give insights into the mechanism of voltage generation based on a water-filled single-walled boron-nitrogen nanotube (SWBNNT). Our calculations showed that (1) the transport properties of confined water in a SWBNNT are different from those of bulk water in view of configuration the diffusion coefficient the dipole orientation and the density distribution and (2) a voltage difference of several millivolts would generate between the two ends of a SWBNNT due to interactions between the water dipole chains and charge carriers in the tube. Therefore this structure of a water-filled SWBNNT can be a promising candidate for a synthetic nanoscale power cell as well as a practical nanopower harvesting device.