13 resultados para neutron detection wall

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With the construction of the new Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL II) which connects the CSRm and the CSRe, an experimental setup for physics research is highly required. A large area neutron detection wall is the main part of the setup. This paper introduced the detection principle of the neutron detection wall and the Monte-Carlo simulation of its design under the environment of the Geant4 toolkit. We presented the final design with the optimized parameters and the performance of the wall.


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With the construction of the neutron detection wall at the external target position on Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou-Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR), it will be possible to detect high energy neutron. A BUU model is applied to simulate the flow in both symmetric (Ni+Ni, Pb+Pb) and asymmetric(Pb+Ni) systems. It is shown that at above several hundreds MeV/u, the flow signals are very obvious and depend clearly on the centrality of the collisions. Based on the products in the forward angle less than 20 degrees, the simulation also reveals that the determination of the reaction plane and the selection of the impact parameter, both of which are essential in the flow measurement, are well implemented. The double event and its influence on the determination of the neutron flow are also simulated.


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随着国家大科学工程兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)建成,CSRm实验探测系统也正在建设当中。CSRm实验探测系统由外靶系统和内靶系统构成。外靶系统主要有γ探测器、多丝漂移室(MWDC)、ToF墙(ToF Wall)、中子墙(Neutron Wall)等探测器组成,主要用于核物理研究。其中,用于探测中子的中子墙探测器是外靶系统中的一个重要组成部分,它有252个探测单元,每一个探测器单元都要求既有很好的能量分辨,也要有很好的时间分辨,同时还要求数据获取率达到每秒几千个事件。对于这样先进的探测器和大型实验探测系统采用传统的电子学仪器和方法已经无法构成读出电子学系统,建造与之相配的读出电子学系统是极为重要的和亟待解决的工作。为此,我们设计研发适合于中子墙探测器这样的大型闪烁体探测器的前端电子学读出系统。包括三大部分:16道电荷幅度转换电路(QAC),16道时间幅度转换电路(TAC)和有效信号判断电路。本论文的主要内容如下:在第一章绪论中,介绍了论文课题的出发点以及课题的意义,并对课题的背景进行了介绍。第二章介绍我们所自行设计的中子墙探测器的特点、结构。分析了中子墙探测器的输出信号的特点以及对后续前端电子学读出系统的要求。第三章是本论文两大核心部分之一,是本论文的创新点所在。主要介绍了我们电荷幅度转换的新方法,结合通常的QAC电路方法和具体的实际情况,我们自行提出了一种新的QAC电路,包括以下几个部分:差分输入电路、电流分割、上下恒流源、门控电流积分器。我们的创新点在于,我们用上下恒流源分别代替了通常QAC中作为电流分配的电流镜像和作为电流基准的电阻,这样一来更容易得到比较稳定的偏置电流,从而能够得到更高的转换精度。第四章是本论文的另外一个核心部分,首先我们论述了核电子学时间测量的几种方法,在对它们进行对比后,结合中子墙的实际特点,我们确定了采用起停型的TAC方法。然后介绍了TAC的原理,以及具体的电路结构。第五章主要的内容是对我们整个电路的逻辑电路进行了详细的介绍,它包括16道QAC和16道TAC的积分控制信号和泄放控制信号的产生电路以及有效信号判断电路。详细论述了这些逻辑关系以及如何在CPLD实现,并且给出了仿真结果。第六章详细讨论了我们在设计PCB板时遇到的问题及其解决方法。第七章介绍了多路QAC和多路TAC主要指标及其测试方法、步骤、结果并给出了误差分析。在总结部分我们回顾了我们整个工作的过程,介绍了论文的主要成果和创新点以及对于整个CSR工程的意义。本论文的创新点: 1、提出了一种新型的QAC电路。 2、将16道QAC和16道TAC以及有效信号判断电路集成在一个插件中提高了电路的集成度,并为最终集成在一片ASIC芯片中打下坚实的基础。 3、用可编程逻辑器件代替ECL器件来构建逻辑电路,降低了功耗和成本并提高了系统的可靠性


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In this paper a two dimensional readout micromegas detector with a polyethylene foil as converter was simulated on GEANT4 toolkit and GARFIELD for fast neutron detection. A new track reconstruction method based on time coincidence technology was developed in the simulation to obtain the incident neutron position. The results showed that with this reconstruction method higher spatial resolution was achieved.


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Wavelet Variable Interval Time Average (WVITA) is introduced as a method incorporating burst event detection in wall turbulence. Wavelet transform is performed to unfold the longitudinal fluctuating velocity time series measured in the near wall region of a turbulent boundary layer using hot-film anemometer. This unfolding is both in time and in space simultaneously. The splitted kinetic of the longitudinal fluctuating velocity time series among different scales is obtained by integrating the square of wavelet coefficient modulus over temporal space. The time scale that related to burst events in wall turbulence passing through the fixed probe is ascertained by maximum criterion of the kinetic energy evolution across scales. Wavelet transformed localized variance of the fluctuating velocity time series at the maximum kinetic scale is put forward instead of localized short time average variance in Variable Interval Time Average (VITA) scheme. The burst event detection result shows that WVITA scheme can avoid erroneous judgement and solve the grouping problem more effectively which is caused by VITA scheme itself and can not be avoided by adjusting the threshold level or changing the short time average interval.


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To achieve a better time resolution of a scintillator-bar detector for a neutron wall at the external target facility of HIRFL-CSR,we have carried out a detailed study of the photomultiplier,the wrapping material and the coupling media. The timing properties of a scintillator-bar detector have been studied in detail with cosmic rays using a high and low level signal coincidence. A time resolution of 80 ps has been achieved in the center of the scintillator-bar detector.


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The light calibration system is one of the key components of Neutron Wall detector. It is used to calibrate the electronics and to monitor the long-term stability of the detector modules. With the detaile investigations, a calibration system with high-power LED (3W) driven by the fast pulses has been carried out. It is also tested together with the detector module of the Neutron Wall and the result of the preliminary calibration demonstrates that it fulfills the needs. It's a new design proposal to the light calibration system of the fast scintillator detector.


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In the construction of a large area neutron detector (neutron wall) that is used to detect neutrons at GeV energies, the performances of all the sampling paddle modules prepared for the neutron wall are investigated with a specially designed test bench. Tested by cosmic rays, an average intrinsic time resolution of 222.5 ps is achieved at the center of the modules. The light attenuation length and the effective speed of the light in the module are also investigated.


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A wall-jet cell incorporating a carbon fibre array ring/glassy-carbon disk electrode has been constructed, and characterized by the cyclic voltammetry and flow-injection techniques. The ring (composed of several microdisks) and glassy-carbon disk electrode, can be used separately for different purposes, e.g., detection in solution without a supporting electrolyte, collection/shielding detection with dual-electrode and voltammetric/amperometric detection with series dual-electrode. The electrode shows better collection and shielding effects than usual ring-disk electrode in quiescent solution and the series dual-electrode in a thin-layer flow-through cell. The detection limit at the ring electrode is comparable with that at a conventional-size electrode, and has been used in the mobile phase without a supporting electrolyte, proving to be a promising detector for normal-phase liquid chromatography.


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The first spectroscopic study for the beta decay of N-21 is carried out based on beta-n, beta-gamma, and beta-n-gamma coincidence measurements. The neutron-rich N-21 nuclei are produced by the fragmentation of the E/A=68.8 MeV Mg-26 primary beam on a thick Be-9 target and are implanted into a thin plastic scintillator that also plays the role of beta detector. The time of flight of the emitted neutrons following the beta decay are measured by the surrounding neutron sphere and neutron wall arrays. In addition, four clover germanium detectors are used to detect the beta-delayed gamma rays. Thirteen new beta-delayed neutron groups are observed with a total branching ratio of 90.5 +/- 4.2%. The half-life for the beta decay of N-21 is determined to be 82.9 +/- 7.5 ms. The level scheme of O-21 is deduced up to about 9 MeV excitation energy. The experimental results for the beta decay of N-21 are compared to the shell-model calculations.


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The research of the in-beam efficiency calibration of Neutron Detector Array of Peking University using N-17 and C-16 beams was introduced in this paper. The efficiency of neutron wall and ball are comparable to the foreign similar devices and neutrons can be detected from low to high energies in high efficiency.


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A new setup to couple capillary electrophoresis (CE) with electrochemiluminescence (ECL) detection is described in which the electrical connection of CE is achieved through a porous section at a distance of 7 mm from the CE capillary outlet. Because the porous capillary wall allowed the CE current to pass through and there was no electric field gradient beyond that section, the influence of CE high-voltage field on the ECL procedure was eliminated. The porous section formed by etching the capillary with hydrofluoric acid after only one side of the circumference of 2-3 mm of polyimide coating of the capillary was removed, while keeping the polyimide coating on the other part to protect the capillary from HF etching makes the capillary joint much more robust since only a part of the circumference of it is etched. A standard three-electrode configuration was used in experiments with Pt wire as a counter electrode, Ag/AgCl as a reference electrode, and a 300-mum diameter Pt disk as a working electrode. Compared with CE-ECL conventional decoupler designs, the present setup with a porous joint has no added dead volume created.


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A wall-jet cell/carbon fibre microelectrode detector was designed and used for the micellar liquid chromatographic assay of acetaminophen. The separations were carried out in an analytical column packed with C-18 stationary phase and the mobile phase was