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Nano-fibrillar arrays are fabricated using polystyrene materials. The average diameter of each fiber is about 300 nm. Experiments show that such a fibrillar surface possesses a relatively hydrophobic feature with a water contact angle of 142 degrees. Nanoscale friction properties are mainly focused on. It is found that the friction force of polystyrene nano-fibrillar surfaces is obviously enhanced in contrast to polystyrene smooth surfaces. The apparent coefficient of friction increases with the applied load, but is independent of the scanning speed. An interesting observation is that the friction force increases almost linearly with the real contact area, which abides by the fundamental Bowden-Tabor law of nano-scale friction.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and lateral force microscopy (LFM) were used simultaneously to analyze a model membrane bilayer structure consisting of a phospholipid outer monolayer deposited onto organosilane-derivatized mica surfaces, which were constructed by using painting and self-assembly methods. The phospholipid used as outer monolayer was dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC). The hydrocarbon-covered substrate that formed the inner half bilayer was composed of a self-assembly monolayer (SAM) of octadecyltrichloroorganosilane (OTS) on mica. SAMs of DMPC were formed by exposing hydrophobic mica to a solution of DMPC in decane/isobutanol and subsequently immersing into pure water. AFM images of samples immersed in solution for varying exposure times showed that before forming a complete monolayer the molecules aggregated into dense islands (2.2-2.6 nm high) on the surface. The islands had a compact and rounded morphology. LFM, coupled with topographic data obtained with the atomic force mode, had made possible the distinction between DMPC and OTS. The rate constant of DMPC growth was calculated. This is the first systematic study of the SAM formation of DMPC by AFM and LFM imaging. It reveals more direct information about the film morphology than previous studies with conventional surface analytical techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, X-ray, or fluorescence microscopy.
A kind of mimetic biomembrane-cast lipid film was made onto a glassy carbon electrode. Dopamine can be incorporated into the film. The oxidation of 2.0 x 10(-3) mol/L ascorbic acid with dopamine in the film was investigated. The oxidation overpotential of ascorbic acid was reduced by about 260 mV.
本文简要评述了生物膜领域的发展过程及研究现状,介绍了关于生物膜的一些基本性质和理论。采用电化学、光谱学以及扫描探针显微镜等方法对支撑双层磷脂膜、磷脂浇铸膜和泡囊等不同的模拟生物膜体系进行了研究。主要结果如下:1.将磷脂与芦丁的混合物滴于玻碳电极表面制备出了嵌有芦丁的磷脂浇铸膜,并以此膜为模拟生物膜的模型研究芦丁在磷脂膜内的电化学行为,以及芦丁对还原型辅酶烟酞胺腺漂吟二核昔酸(NADH)的催化氧化。芦丁与磷脂膜牢固地结合,在pH 7.4的磷酸缓冲溶液中,嵌在磷脂膜内的芦丁显示了准可逆电化学行为,也显示出很好催化氧化NADH的能力,使氧化电流明显增大。同时,与5*10~(-3)mol/L的NADH在裸玻碳电极上的电化学行为相比,其氧化过电位降低了约220 mV。2.在玻碳电极表面制备了嵌有芦丁的磷脂浇铸膜,嵌在磷脂膜内的芦丁显示了准可逆电化学行为。利用这种浇铸膜作为模拟生物膜的模型研究了芦丁对抗坏血酸的催化氧化,磷脂膜一方面与芦丁牢固结合,另一方面为芦丁催化抗坏血酸的氧化提供了理想的生物环境,在pH 7.4的磷酸缓冲溶液中,芦丁能有效地催化氧化抗坏血酸,使抗坏血酸的氧化过电位与裸玻碳电极上的电化学行为相比降低了约100 mV。该修饰磷脂膜和芦丁的玻碳电极对抗坏血酸的测定线性范围为2*10~(-4) mol/L-1.4*10~(-3) mol/L。3.将含有四硫富瓦烯(TTF)和黄嘿吟氧化酶的二甲基二(十二烷基)澳化钱(D DAB)泡囊滴于热解石墨电极表面,制备出一种基于磷脂浇铸膜的黄嘿吟生物传感器。TTF由于其可以有效地转移电子而被选作为电子媒介体,用安培检测的方法研究了工作电位、pH值对黄嘿吟传感器的影响。该传感器的响应时间小于10秒,其检测黄嘿吟线性范围从4*10~(-7)mol/L到2.4*l0~(-6)mol/L,最低检测限为3.2*10~(-7) mol/L。4;将辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)固定在修饰于玻碳电极表面的DDAB浇铸膜内,获得了IIR卫的直接电化学,并以此开发出一种不需媒介体的还02传感器,该传感器对H_2O_2的响应时间约5s,其检测姚。2线性范围从l*10~(-3) mol/L到4*10~(-3)mol/L,同时该传感器也显示出良好的重现性及稳定性。5,利用循环伏安的方法研究了HRP分子在双肉豆范磷脂酰胆碱(DMPC)磷脂膜内的电化学行为,并获得了一对氧化还原峰,说明了DMPC磷脂膜促进了HRP分子的电子传递,同时HRP分子仍保持对H_2O_2的催化生物活J险。UV一vis和CD的检测结果说明HRP分子在与磷脂膜相互作用后,其二级结构没有改变,而三级结构变得松散,这种三级结构的松散可能是使HRP分子的活性基团有所暴露,使得电子传递更容易。AFM实验同样也显示了HRP分子与DMPC磷脂膜间的强烈作用。
本文简要介绍了生物膜的组成、结构和一些基本性质,详细描述了各种生物膜模型(支撑磷脂双层膜、非支撑磷脂双层膜、泡囊等等)的制备方法。概要地总结了模拟生物膜的各个领域的研究情况,着重评述了模拟生物膜在电化学、生物传感器、膜片钳、图案化领域的研究进展。采用电化学、各种谱学以及扫描探针显微镜等方法对支撑双层磷脂膜、磷脂浇铸膜等不同的模拟生物膜体系进行了研究。主要结果如下:1.将一种支撑磷脂膜一杂化双层膜(Hbrid bilayerer membrane,HBM)首次用于钙离子与磷脂作用的研究,以Fe(CN)63-为探针,发现钙离子可诱导HBM产生离子通道,且通道的打开与关闭能反复运转,并用STM观察这一现象。2.Ru(bPy)32+的电化学发光法和电催化法被首先用于研究支持脂质双层膜(sBLM)的离子通道行为。高氯酸根可以诱导DODAB(dimethyldioctadecylammonium)产生离子通道行为。离子通道的产生存在着一个闺值,当高氯酸根阴离子的浓度超过0.1μM时离子通道打开,当浓度低于0.1μM时离子通道关闭。当高氯酸根离子浓度高于0.1μM时,被打开的离子通道的数量随着高氯酸根阴离子浓度的增加而增加,在1200μM时达到平衡。离子通道的打开和关闭行为是可逆的。在此基础上,研制了一种用于检测高氯酸根离子的传感器。3,用循环伏安法和交流阻抗法研究了稀土离子与支撑磷脂双层膜的相互作用.稀土离子可以影响支撑磷脂双层膜的结构,使之产生一些小孔,通过这些小孔Fe(CN)63/4可以到达电极表面,显示其电化学行为。Fe(CN)63/4-的氧化还原电流随着稀土离子的浓度的增加而变大,对于E矿+当浓度达到1.2卿时,电流不再增加。发现三种稀土离子与膜作用的能力如下:Eu3+>Th3+>La3+。4.铁氰酸根离子通常被用来作离子通道传感器的标记物。在本项工作中,我们首次发现铁氰酸根离子本身也可以作为一种刺激物来控制玻碳电极上DDAB(一种合成磷脂)制备出的支撑双层磷脂膜的通透性。我们利用循环伏安、交流阻抗的方法来研究这种现象。支撑双层磷脂膜与铁氰化物的反应与时间有关。进一步地,我们研制了一种铁氰酸根离子传感器。这种离子通道响应灵敏度较高,它可以检测的铁氰化物的最小浓度为5μM。5.稳定的磷脂浇铸膜是通过把含磷脂的氯仿溶液浇铸到玻碳电极上制备的。我们把一种新的媒介质一去甲肾上腺素嵌入到这种磷脂浇铸膜中。磷脂浇铸膜可以被视为一种生物膜模型。用这个体系对抗坏血酸进行电催化氧化,与在裸玻碳电极上相比,阳极过电位降低了约250 mV。浇铸膜内去甲肾上腺素的电化学行为是受扩散控制的,其扩散系数是1.87×10-5cm2/s。在浓度为0.5-10 mmol/L的范围内,催化电流随抗坏血酸的浓度增大而呈线性增加。在同时含有抗坏血酸和尿酸的溶液中,我们用循环伏安法可以同时侧得两个峰,这两个峰之间的峰位差大约为147mV。6.卵磷脂泡囊和血红蛋白在热解石墨电极上制备的薄膜内,血红蛋白可以实现其直接电化学。血红蛋白在薄膜内表现出薄层电化学行为。其式电位E0在pH 3.5-7.0内随pH值直线变化,斜率为-46.4 mV/pH。磷脂膜内的血红蛋白对H2O2显示了很好的催化还原行为。基于此,研制了无媒介体的H2O2传感器。7.我们合成了一种人工磷脂(二甲基二(十二烷基)澳化钱,DDAB)保护的金纳米粒子。在这些金纳米粒子的促进下,血红蛋白可以表现出直接电子转移(DET)反应,其式电位位于-169mVvs Ag/AgCl参比电极。光谱数据表明电极上的血红蛋白没有变性。这种磷脂保护的金纳米粒子很稳定(至少8个月),它们的平均直径是6.42nm。这是首次应用单层膜保护的纳米粒子去实现蛋白质的直接电化学反应。8.我们在一种新的基底一碳电极上构建了杂化双层膜(HBM)。这是对其它基底上构建的HBM的一种扩展。首先,通过电化学扫描将烷基胺修饰在碳电极表面,使之在电极上形成单层膜。由于烷基链部分向外,因此所构筑的界面是疏水的。然后在碳电极的疏水表面铺展一层磷脂单层膜。所生成的HBM通过电化学和ATR-FTIR技术来表征。根据ATR-FTIR的结果,脂质的有序常数(S)为0.73。这种杂化膜具有磷脂/烷基硫醇HBM的优点。这种HBM在生物传感面具有潜在的应用。
Lipids are the main component of all cell membranes and also important mimetic materials. Moreover, it was found recently that they can be used as sensitive membranes for olfactory and taste sensors. Hence the understanding of lipid resistance is important both in sensors and in life sciences. Thirteen lipids were examined by means of interdigital electrodes with narrow gaps of 20-50 mu m, made by IC technology. The membrane lateral resistance in air, resisting electrical voltage, the influence of impurities on resistance and the resistance change in acetic acid vapour are presented for the first time. It is shown that the electrical resistivity for self-assembling lipids depends on their duration of being in an electric field and the content of the conductive impurities. The interdigital electrode is a transducer as well as a powerful tool for researching biomaterials and mimicking materials. The conducting mechanism of lipids is discussed. This method is also suitable for some polymer membranes.
A peeling model is proposed to analyze the peeling properties of bio-mimetic nano-films using the finite element method (FEM) and theoretical approach. The influences of the nano-film's adhesion length, thickness, elastic modulus, roughness and peeling angle on the peeling force were considered as well as the effect of the viscoelastic behavior. It has been found that the effective adhesion length, at which the peeling force attained maximum, was much smaller than the real length of nano-films; and the shear force dominated in the case of smaller peeling angles, whereas, the normal force dominated at larger peeling angles. The total peeling force decreased with an increasing peeling angle. Two limiting values of the peeling-off force can be found in the viscoelastic model, which corresponds to the smaller and larger loading rate cases. The effects of nano-film thickness and Young's modulus on peeling behaviors were also discussed. The results obtained are helpful for understanding the micro-adhesion mechanisms of biological systems, such as geckos. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
本文简要介绍了生物膜的组成、结构和一些基本性质,详细描述了支撑类脂双层膜、非支撑类脂双层膜的成膜方法和各种制备方法的特点。概要总结了仿生膜的各个领域的研究情况,着重评述了仿生膜在电化学、生物传感器、膜片钳领域的发展过程及研究现状,展望仿生膜在电化学的发展前景。采用电化学方法对磷脂浇铸膜(Cast lipid film)、支撑双层磷脂膜(s-BLM)、杂化双磷脂膜(HBM)等不同的模拟生物膜体系进行了研究。主要结果如下:1、通过浇铸二茂铁和DMPC 氯仿溶液的办法,在玻碳(GC)电极表面制备了磷脂浇铸膜。固定在此仿生膜内的二茂铁有一对不可逆的循环伏安峰,阳极峰的电位是+340mV(Ag/AgCl)。在扫速150mV/以下,阳极峰电流与发速的平方根成线性关系,说明二茂铁在浇铸膜内的扩散进程是控制步骤。此电极对抗击环血酸具有很好的身体催化活性,我们研究了溶液pH值对催化效果的影响,发现在pH6.64时催化效果最好。与此同时我们也研究了浇铸膜 厚度和尿酸的干扰。在等摩尔尿酸存在的条件下,此电极仍然可以测定抗坏血酸。在1 * 10~(-4)至5 * 10~(-3)的范围内,抗坏血酸深度与催化电流成正比。2、我们在玻碳电极表面上浇铸(DPPC)磷脂多层膜,二茂铁稳定地固定资产在膜内并以多巴胺显示出良好的催化氧化能力,其阳极电流得到显著增加,并且使多巴胺氧化过电位降低了约80mV。二茂铁在膜内体现了受扩散控制的行为。我们发现溶液的pH值显著地影响催化效果,较高pH对催化有利。与此同明我们还研究磷脂极性基团所带电荷对催化的影响,发现带负电荷的磷脂有利于此电化学催化,而带正电的磷脂对多巴胺的催化不利。造反适当的条件可以分别测定多巴胺和抗坏血酸,在抗坏务酸存在的情况下,我们用此电极测定多巴胺,测定范围是1 * 10~(-4)至3 * 10~(-3) mol/L。3、在铂电极表面制备了卵磷脂和胆固醇支撑双层膜 ,采用循环伏安和交流阻抗方法,研究了支撑双层膜与杂多酸K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2之间的相互作用。发现该种杂多酸能够在双层膜 上产生一些“通道”,探针Ru(NH_3)_6~(3-)和Fe(CN)_6~(3-/4-)可经过这些通道达到电极表面,与此同时通道降低了膜 电阻,增加了膜电容。我们研究了杂多酸浓度和时间对孔洞形成的影响。我们推测K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2与卵磷脂的极度性关作用,减小卵磷脂之间、卵磷脂与胆固醇之间的作用使得双层膜 结构松散形成孔洞。4、利用涂抹-冷冻法制备了硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜,采用循环伏安和交流阻抗方法,研究了硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜 与杂多酸K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2作用前后通透性的变化。发现该种杂多酸能够诱导硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜产生一些孔洞,降低了膜电阻,增加了膜电容,也啬了探针Fe(CN)63-/4-与电极的电子传递。同时对产生该现象的机理进行了初步的探讨。
It was found that Fe3O4 nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) possess intrinsic enzyme mimetic activity similar to that found in natural peroxidase. Here, we applied Fe3O4 NPs to the construction of efficient electrochemical sensor to detect the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The sensor was fabricated with layer-by-layer assembly of Fe3O4 NPs and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) through the electrostatic interaction, and the multilayer film was characterized with UV-vis absorption spectra, atomic force microscopy, and cyclic voltammetry.
Artificial enzyme mimetics are a current research interest because natural enzymes bear some serious disadvantages, such as their catalytic activity can be easily inhibited and they can be digested by proteases. A very recently study reported by Yan et al. has proven that Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) exhibit an intrinsic enzyme mimetic activity similar to that found in natural peroxidases, though MNPs are usually thought to be biological and chemical inert (Gao, L. Z.; Zhuang, J.; Nie, L.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, Y.; Gu, N.; Wang, T. H.; Feng, J.; Yang, D. L.; Perrett, S.; Yan, X. Y. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2007, 2, 577-583).
Monolayers of biological compounds including redox proteins and enzymes, and phospholipids have been immobilized on a gold electrode surface through self-assembling. These proteins and enzymes, such as cytochrome c, cytochrome c oxidase and horseradish peroxidase (HRP), immobilized covalently to the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 3-mercaptopropionic acid on a gold electrode, communicate directly electrons with the electrode surface without mediators and keep their physiological activities. The electron transfer of HRP with the gold electrode can also be mediated by the alkanethiol SAMs with electroactive group viologens on the gold electrode surface. All these direct electrochemistries of proteins and enzymes might offer an opportunity to build a third generation of biosensors without mediators for analytes, such as H2O2, glucose and cholesterol. Monensin and valinomycin have been incorporated into the bilayers on the gold electrode consisting of the SAMs of alkanethiol and a lipid monolayer, which have high selectivity for monovalent ions, and the resulting Na+ or K+ sensor has a wide linear range and high stability. These self-assembly systems provide a good mimetic model for studying the physiological function of a membrane and its associated enzyme. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
The monolayer of cytochrome c oxidase maintaining physiological activity and attached covalently to the self-assembled monolayers of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) on a gold electrode was obtained. The results of cyclic voltammetry show that direct electron transfer between cytochrome c oxidase and the electrode surface is a fast and diffusionless process. MPA has a dual role as both electrode modifier and the bridging molecule which: keeps cytochrome c oxidase at an appropriate orientation without denaturation and enables direct electron transfer between the protein and the modified electrode. Immobilized cytochrome c oxidase exhibits biphasic phenomena between the concentration of the electrolyte and the normal potentials; meanwhile its electrochemical behavior is also influenced by the buffer components. The quasi-reversible electron transfer process of cytochrome c oxidase with formal potential 385 mV vs. SHE in 5mM phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.4) corresponds to the redox reaction of cyt a(3) in cytochrome c oxidase, and the heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant obtained is 1.56 s(-1). By cyclic voltammetry measurements, it was observed that oxidation and reduction of cytochrome c in solution were catalyzed by the immobilized cytochrome c oxidase. This cytochrome c oxidase/MPA/Au system provides a good mimetic model to study the physiological functions of membrane-associated enzymes and hopefully to build a third-generation biosensor without using a mediator.
Monensin was incorporated into phospholipid/alkanethiol bilayers on the gold electrode surface by a new, paint-freeze method to deposit a lipid monolayer on the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of alkanethiol. The advantages of this assembly system with a suitable function for investigating the ion selective transfer across the mimetic biomembrane are based on the characteristics of SAMs of alkanethiols and monensin. On the one hand, the SAMs of alkanethiols bring out their efficiency of packing and coverage of the metal substrate and relatively long-term stability; on the other hand, monensin improves the ion selectivity noticeably. The selectivity coefficients K-Na+,K-K+, K-Na+,K-Rb+ and K-Na+,K-Ag+ are 6 x 10(-2), 7.2 x 10(-3) and 30 respectively. However, the selectivity coefficient K-Na+,K-Li+ could not be obtained by a potentiometric method due to the specific interaction between Li+ and phospholipid and the lower degree of complexion between Li+ and monensin. The potential response of this bilayer system to monovalent ions is fairly good. For example, the slope of the response to Na+ is close to 60 mV per decade and its linearity range is from 10(-1) to 10(-5) M with a detection limit of 2 x 10(-6) M, The bilayer is stable for at least two months without changing its properties. This monensin incorporated lipid/alkanethiol bilayer is a good mimetic biomembrane system, which provides great promise for investigating the ion transfer mechanism across the biomembrane and developing a practical biosensor.
In Tarim Basin, extensive carbonates of Lower Paleozoic occur, in which thick Cambrian and Lower Ordovician dolostones are widespread and show a potential perspective in hydrocarbon exploration. So they are viewed as an important target for exploration. Tarim Basin is a poly phase composite basin, which underwent multiphase tectonic modification and volcanic activities; these exerted significant influences on the basin-fills and basin fluid evolution, thereby the diagenetic history, particularly on the deep-buried Lower Paleozoic dolostones. Referring to the classification of dolomite texture proposed by Gregg & Sibley (1984) and Sibley & Gregg (1987). In view of crystal size, crystal shape, crystal surface and contact relation, eight genetic textures of dolomite crystals are identified, based on careful petrographic examinatoins. These textures include: 1) micritic dolomite; 2) relict mimetic dolomite; 3)finely crystalline, planar-e(s), floating dolomite; 4)finely crystalline, planar-e(s) dolomite; 5) finely-coarse crystalline, nonplanar-a dolomite; 6)coarse crystalline, nonplanar saddle dolomite; 7) finely-medium crystalline, planar-e(s) dolomite cement; 8) coarse crystalline, nonplanar saddle dolomite cement, in which the former six textures occurs as in matrix, the latter two in the cements. Detailed geochemistry analysis is carried out on the basis of genetic textures of dolomite and related minerals such as quartz and calcite. The result showed that the calcite has the highest average content in Sr, which can be sorted into two groups; micritic dolomite has the highest average content in Sr among all kinds of dolomites; the REE patterns of all kinds of dolomites is similar to those of marine limestone samples. Saddle dolomite cement has δ13C values from -2.44‰ to 1.27‰ PDB, and δ18O values from -13.01‰ to -5.12‰ PDB, which partially overlap with those of matrix dolomite (δ13C values from -2.83‰ to 2.01‰ PDB, δ18O values from -10.63‰ to -0.85‰ PDB). Saddle dolomite cement has 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7086 to 0.7104, which totally overlap with those of matrix dolomite (0.7084 ~ 0.7116). Compared with saddle dolomite derived from other basins all over the world, the saddle dolomites of Tarim Basin have similar δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr ratios values with those of matrix dolomite. This scenario reflects the unusual geological setting and special dolomitizing liquid of Tarim Basin. The values of δ18O, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of calcite also can be sorted out two groups, which may been resulted from the one stage of extensive uplift of Tarim Basin from Mesozoic to Cenozoic. Fluid inclusion microthermometry data of the diagenetic mineral indicates that matrix dolomite has relatively low homogenization temperatures (Th) of 80~105oC and salinities of 12.3% (wt% NaCl equivalent); saddle dolomite has highest Th values, which concentrate in 120~160oC and salinities of 13.5~23.7% (wt% NaCl equivalent); quartz has relatively low Th of 135~155oC and salinities of 17.8~22.5% (wt% NaCl equivalent); calcite has relatively low Th of 121~159.5oC and salinities of 1.4~17.5% (wt% NaCl equivalent). These data suggest that the saddle dolomites could have formed in thermal brine fluids. Based on comprehensive petrographical study, detailed geochemistry and fluid inclusion microthermometry analysis on Lower Paleozoic dolomite of Tarim Basin, three types of dolomitisation mechanism are proposed: Penecontemporaneous dolomitisation (Sabkha dolomitisation & Reflux dolomitisation); Burial dolomitisation (shallow-intermediate burial dolomitisation & Deep burial dolomitisation ); Hydrothermal cannibalized dolomitisation. In view of host-specified occurrences of hydrothermal dolomite, the low abundance of saddle dolomite and high geochemical similarities between saddle dolomite and host dolomite, as well as highest Th and high salinities , the hydrothermal dolomite in Tarim Basin is thus unique, which could have been precipitated in modified fluid in the host dolomite through intraformational thermal fluid cannibalization of Mg ions from the host. This scenario is different from the cases that large scale dolomitizing fluid migration took place along the fluid pathways where abundant saddle dolomite precipitated. Detailed observations on 180 petrographic and 60 casting thin sections show original pores in Lower Paleozoic dolomite were almost died out by complicated diagenetic process after a long time geologic evolution. On the other hand, deep-buried dolomite reservoirs is formed by tectonic and hydrothermal reforming on initial dolomites. Therefore, the distribution of structure-controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs is predicted in Tabei and Tazhong Area of Tarim Basin based on the geophysical data.