48 resultados para micro-structure

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The one-mode analysis method on the pull-in instability of micro-structure under electrostatic loading is presented. Taylor series are used to expand the electrostatic loading term in the one-mode analysis method, which makes analytical solution available. The one-mode analysis is the combination of Galerkin method and Cardan solution of cubic equation. The one-mode analysis offers a direct computation method on the pull-in voltage and displacement. In low axial loading range, it shows little difference with the established multi-mode analysis on predicting the pull-in voltages for three different structures (cantilever, clamped-clamped beams and the plate with four edges simply-supported) studied here. For numerical multi-mode analysis, we also show that using the structural symmetry to select the symmetric mode can greatly reduce both the computation effort and the numerical fluctuation.


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Because of the load transfer effect of interface layer, the stress distribution inside the composite structure of film/substrate can be very different from the Timoshenko's model. In this paper, we give the derivation and analysis of such load transfer effect of shear-lag (S-L) model. The micro-structure size (boundary conditions) effect together with interface load transfer effect becomes more and more important as the microstructure size including the three dimensions of thickness, width and length shrinks. The microstructure size is also responsible for the so-called edge-induced stress. The edge effect and difference of S-L model and Timoshenko model are also demonstrated.


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Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of the grain size distribution and the micro-structure of soils on the mechani- cal characteristics, some static triaxial compression tests were carried out, and then the relationship of stress-strain and the strength behavior of silty sand were compared among undisturbed samples with different grain size distribution, undis- turbed and remolded samples with the same grain size distribution, and reconstituted samples (or called mixed samples) with different grain size distribution. The effects of grain size distribution and structure on the mechanic behavior of silty sands were mainly analyzed. It is shown that the obvious differences of the mechanical characteristics between undis- turbed soils and remolded soils are caused by the differences of soil structures. Although the grain size distribution are different between two soil samples, their mechanical characteristics may be close to each other, or may have obvious differences because of the effects of micro-structure.


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We present a detail investigation on the development of a series of gradient index (GRIN) optical glass microlens and polymer microlens and microlens arrays in our laboratory in recent years. The special glass material GRIN lenses have been fabricated mainly by using ion-exchange technology, which are applied to construct micro-optic devices and other applications. On one hand, we demonstrated the light propagation and imaging properties of GRIN lenses and the results analyzed. On the other hand, we have explored a drop-on-demand ink-jet printing method to produce microlens array using nano-scale polymer droplets involved with a uniform ultraviolet light and heat solidifying process. The experimental setup for manufacturing polymer microlens array and the performance of refractive microlens elements are also given in this paper. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A Ni-B coating was prepared with EN using potassium borohydride reducing agent. The as-plated micro-structure of the coating was confirmed from XRD to be a mixture of amorphous and supersaturated solid solution. Three kinds of phase transformation were observed from the DSC curve. Different from the previous works, the formation of Ni4B3 and Ni2B was found during some transformation processes. The key factors which influence the variation of micro-hardness and micro-structure in deposits are the formation, the size and amount of Ni3B, Ni4B3 and Ni2B. Aging of the deposits treated under some heat treatment conditions occurred at room temperature. Changes of the micro-hardness indicated aging phenomena evidently. the natural aging phenomena are concerned with various kinds of decomposition of borides, especially with Ni4B3 phase. The extent of natural aging depends on the formation and the quantity of Ni(4)B3 and Ni2B.


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针对高体积份数、随机分布、等轴状颗粒增强复合材料 ,研究了材料的应变分布规律 ,给出了基体和增强体应变平均值与材料微观结构参数之间的定量关系。结果表明 ,除应变平均值外 ,应变涨落是影响刚度张量的另一个重要因素 ,研究了应变涨落与材料微观结构参数之间的关系 ,并推导出了复合材料的刚度张量。与实验结果和以往的理论比较 ,预测结果与实验结果吻合良好


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A modified split Hopkinson torsional bar (SHTB) is introduced to eliminate the effect of the loading reverberation of the standard SHTB on the study of evolution of shear localization. The effect, the cause and the method by which to eliminate loading wave reverberation are carefully analysed and discussed. By means of the modified apparatus, the post-mortem observation of tested specimens can provide data on actual evolution of micro-structure and micro-damage during shear localization. Some test results of shear banding conducted with this apparatus support the use of the modified design. Moreover, the modification makes possible the correlation of evolving micro-structures to the transient shear stress-strain recording.


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A new numerical procedure is proposed to investigate cracking behaviors induced by mismatch between the matrix phase and aggregates due to matrix shrinkage in cement-based composites. This kind of failure processes is simplified in this investigation as a purely spontaneous mechanical problem, therefore, one main difficulty during simulating the phenomenon lies that no explicit external load serves as the drive to propel development of this physical process. As a result, it is different from classical mechanical problems and seems hard to be solved by using directly the classical finite element method (FEM), a typical kind of "load -> medium -> response" procedures. As a solution, the actual mismatch deformation field is decomposed into two virtual fields, both of which can be obtained by the classical FEM. Then the actual response is obtained by adding together the two virtual displacement fields based on the principle of superposition. Then, critical elements are detected successively by the event-by-event technique. The micro-structure of composites is implemented by employing the generalized beam (GB) lattice model. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the method, and detailed discussions are conducted on influences of material properties.


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陆地样带是国际地圈——生物圈计划(IGBP)研究中最引入注目的创新之一。目前,国际上已经设立了15条陆地样带,研究内容涉及环境梯度分析、气候变化对植被初级生产力的影响及环境变化、土地利用等与植被变化的对应关系等。沿该陆地样带分布较广的关键种生理适应性等方面对影响其生理功能形态结构的研究较少,特别是茎、叶等组织功能研究较少。 中国东北样带(NECT)是全球陆地样带的重要组成部分,多年来已开展了大量深入系统的研究工作,已成为我国生态学、地学等学科的重要研究平台。本研究以中国东北样带中西段广泛分布的重要关键种——羊草(Leymus chinensis)为研究对象,分析了羊草茎、叶显微结构的生态可塑性及其与水分利用效率的关系,进而阐述了羊草适应不同生境条件,特别是适应水分变化的机制,为揭示羊草及其种群、群落乃至以羊草为优势种或建群种的草地生态系统在全球变化背景下的发展趋势提供理论依据。 基于2001年7~8月第3次中国东北样带考察资料,采用高精度Olympus显微镜及C同位素分析技术(δ13C判别值),结合在野外取样过程中测定的样地土壤含水量和海拔高度,以及近十年各样地年降水量和年均温度气象资料,分析了羊草茎、叶显微结构和水分利用变化与环境因子的关系,以及以羊草为建群种或共建种的无牧和放牧样地群落生物量、物种多样性和植物功能型组成变化与环境因子的关系。 结果表明:羊草叶片表面及内部主要显微结构特征参数各样地间有不同程度的差异,其中气孔密度与降水量呈线性正相关。代表气孔开张程度的气孔长度和宽度变化与土壤含水量呈线性相关。叶表面角质层厚度与海拔高度变化关系较大,并以上表面角质层厚度变化最为明显,主要受海拔高度升高引起的紫外线照射增强的影响。运动细胞带宽度占叶面积比虽然与各环境因子关系不很密切,但温度变化的影响较突出,这一显微结构调整与气孔变化构成干旱——高温调节机制。叶片表面毛茸的变化也是非常显著的,但与各环境因子关系密切程度均不大,可以肯定的是在土壤水分状况较好的生境下羊草叶片表面毛茸密度及长度明显增加,而一些干旱生境中常表现为毛茸较少、较短,个别样地基本没有发育较好的毛茸。总体上看,羊草叶片对干旱化的形态结构调整以气孔密度和开张程度的变化最大,是羊草叶片调节水分利用效率的重要适应性生态可塑性调整。 与叶片相比,羊草茎横切面结构特征的变化与各环境因子关系的显著性不是很强,但各样地间的差异是比较显著的,许多结构调整可能与土壤养分条件的变化有一定关系,如茎秆粗度变化、基本薄壁组织厚度和中央空腔(髓腔)直径的变化等,但本研究未能涉及这方面内容,有待于进一步研究。 羊草水分利用效率与降水量和土壤含水量呈显著的负相关关系,即随降水量和土壤含水量增大羊草水分利用效率明显降低,蒸腾耗水增大,这一生理变化与显微结构的调整关系密切,特别是气孔密度与气孔宽度在水分较差生境中明显减小,从而有利于适应干旱环境,减少耗水量。表现比较突出的是非地带性林西样地,其降水量处于10个样地的中等偏低水平,但其δ13C判别值较低,达-26.063‰,与降水量较大的长岭、双辽样地几乎相当,并比相邻的林东和克旗样地明显低,其气孔密度、开张程度及叶脉后生导管直径均较高(大),但其土壤水分状况是最好的样地之一,尽管取样时不幸遇到雨天,但从其群落类型——羊草杂类草草甸,并伴生许多中、湿生种类上看,其生境的湿润程度是毋庸置疑的。这一非地带性样地中羊草结构的变化从另一侧面反映了羊草显微结构调整对水分环境的适应。δ13C判别值是一个非常敏感的参数,在分析植物水分利用效率及其相关领域的研究中应深入利用。 群落植物功能群组成与环境因子及群落初级生产力关系研究结果表明,丛生禾草生长型功能群、旱生和中旱生植物水分生态类型功能群具有明显的地带性变化规律,并与群落生物量变化关系密切,变异性较低,占群落生物量比例较大,可考虑作为植物功能型组合对无牧样地植被变化进行评估和预测。在放牧影响下,C4植物光合类型功能群呈现明显的地带性变化,并在群落中所起的作用明显增强,亦可考虑作为评估和预测植被变化的植物功能型组合。无牧样地与放牧样地研究结果均表明,按Raunkiaer划分的地面芽、地下芽、地上芽和一年生植物生活型功能群,其地带性变化不明显,或变异率高,或占群落生物量比例小,不宜作植物功能群组合对植被变化进行评估和预测。


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In this paper, an investigation on the micro-structure of an Fe-base oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloy irradiated with high-energy Ne-20 ions to different doses at a temperature around 0.5T(m) (T-m is the melting point of the alloy) is presented. Investigation with the transmission electron microscopy found that the accelerated growth of voids at grain-boundaries, which is usually a concern in conventional Fe-base alloys under conditions of inert-gas implantation, was not observed in the ODS alloy irradiated even to the highest dose (12000 at.ppm Ne). The reason is ascribed to the enhanced recombination of point defects and strong trapping of Ne atoms at the interfaces of the nano-scale oxide particles in grains. The study showed that ODS alloys have good resistance to the high-temperature inter-granular embrittlement due to inert-gas accumulation, exhibiting prominence of application in harsh situations of considerable helium production at elevated temperatures like in a fusion reactor.


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Nano/microstructure of bis(propyl)triethoxysilane substituted perylenediimide (1) with nanoparticle and twisted microrod morphologies were obtained by reprecipitation method induced by water and petroleum ether, respectively. It is believed that the different nucleation and growth processes involved are responsible for the formation of the nano/micro-structure With different morphologies of 1. UV-vis absorption and photoluminescence measurements show that their UV-vis absorption and photoluminescence properties are different from each other as well as their monomer mid bulk materials due to the different effects on the change transfer (CT) transition energy levels caused by their different aggregation behaviors.